The Five-Letter Game
Nest in God's heavenly tower.
Together others win energy relief.
O T H E R0 -
Only the healthy eat rutabaga.
R O O T S0 -
Only the hippo eats radishes.
H I P P O0 -
Red onions occupy this space.
Hugh ingests purple potatoes only.
Marcie and Sheryl both did my word so I did both of theirs. New word is:
S P A C E0 -
Smart Patty always counts enthusiastically.
P A T T Y0 -
People always talk to you.
T A L K S0 -
Teachers always like kids silence.
T E A C H0 -
Tell Evelyn about Chuck's headache.
C H U C K0 -
Certain hens unearth corn kernels.
E A R T H0 -
Eating a red tire hurts.
H U R T S0 -
Harry un-earthed rotten tomatoes Saturday.
H A R R Y0 -
Halloween always rewards rich youngsters.
Y O U N G0 -
Yearlings often urge new growth.
U R G E S0 -
Uptown restaurants give extra service.
Each xebec tries running anxiously.
T R I E S0 -
Debora, Just curious - I looked up xebec and it says that it is a 3 masted vessel. Do you have a different meaning?
Top rated investments earn successfully.
Run around the entire dike.
I though xebec was an animal so I didn't look it up. I was wrong.0 -
No worries!
Does Isabella know every song?
Many onions uplift nice tenderloin.
(I thought xebec was an animal too, now I'm going crazy how to spell that animal's name)0 -
I found it...ibex, a mountain goat.0
Ahhh, thanks Sheryl. the name didn't start with an x.
One night I only nodded.
N I G H T0 -
Nina ignited gasoline haphazardly tonight.
B L A S T0 -
Blow loudly after sinus trouble.
B L O W S0 -
Beautiful little owls will sing.
S I N G S0 -
Snoring interrupts Naomi's good sleep.
S L E E P0 -
So, let's eat every pea!!!
C U K E S0 -
Cucumbers usually keep everyone satiated.
K E E P S0 -
Koalas eat eucalyptus palatable steadily.
K O A L A0 -
Kiss one amazing lover ardently! (oh my!)