The Five-Letter Game
Oh My, indeed! But, how nice !!!!!!
Liver, onions, veggies, edible remedies.
L I V E R0 -
Did you go lay one on Dan?
Look over Vicki's enlightened resume.
V I C K I0 -
After several days, we'll just skip over my last word and go on to Debora's latest
Virtual internet clicking kinetically inputs.
I N P U T0 -
I need pretty unbrellas today.
T O D A Y0 -
Yes, I did Debora!
Trust opens doors all year.
Turn right under Sally's torch.
T O R C H0 -
Twisting over reverses Charlie horses.
T W I S T0 -
Tricia's waist is simply tiny.
W A I S T0 -
Watermelon always is so tasty.
T A S T Y0 -
Tasty apples satisfy tart yearnings.
A purple people eater loves everyone.
E A T E R0 -
Everyone ate taters, even Ralph.
R A L P H0 -
Real Alpacas leap pretty high!
Knowing Norma, I'm finally efficient.
(Trying to keep up with big sister, she's a teacher)
F I N A L0 -
Fall is nearly always lovely.
F A L L S0 -
Finally a lovely llama sits.
L L A M A0 -
Lady llamas adore manly alpacas.
A D O R E0 -
Arnold doesn't order refried eggplant.
O R D E R0 -
Only Rudolph didn't eat reindeer.
D O L P H0 -
Doughnuts often leave people happy.
D O N U T0 -
Delicious onions nestle under tenderloins.
O N I O N0 -
Only Norma issues ornamental napkins.
(I use paper towels, how rustic)
N A P P Y0 -
Newly appointed presidents prefer Yanks!
You always need kinky socks.
K I N K Y0 -
Kindness is never kept yours. (I know, a little weird, but this was a tough one!)
Naomi's east view exquisitely reigns.
(Why would I want to make it easy).
R E I G N0 -
Regal eloquence instills giant nobility.
(Wow, I sound very kingly this morning)
G I A N T0 -
Gigantic iguanas are not tame.
T A M E S0 -
Turtles always make everyone smile.
S L O W S0 -
Sedating lions only works sometimes.
L I O N S0