The Five-Letter Game
The hobbit really eats everything.
T H I N G0 -
The horse is never groomed.
G R O O M0 -
Go read one orange magazine.
R A N G E0 -
Reading antelopes need glasses everyday.
G L A S S0 -
Girly lasses are sure sweet.0
I'll pick your last word 'sweet'...
Santa's workshop elves escaped today.
T O D A Y0 -
True hustlers reap elusive earnings.
Energetic animals really need sleep.
S L E E P0 -
Salivating lions eat extra portions.
L I O N S0 -
Lavish impressive operas need sopranos.
O P E R A0 -
Only people extraordinarily really achieve.
E X T R A0 -
Eclectic x-ray tattoos really addictive.
R E A L L0 -
Red elephants actually like lemons.
Lovable extroverts marry often neighbors.
V E R T S0 -
Venison eating rabbits taste scrumptious.
T A S T E0 -
Talkative annoying salespeople torment everyone.
S A L E S0 -
Should all leprechauns eat soup?
Santa's hat and wig laundered.
S A N T A0 -
Santa always needs to arrive.
N E E D S0 -
Naive elderly elves disbelieve Santa.
E L V E S0 -
Elvis lived very extraordinarily shortly.
E L V I S0 -
Easter lily vines inspire squirrels.
E A S T E0 -
Each aardvark stays together everyday.
S T A Y S0 -
So tired and yawning shamefully.
T I R E D0 -
Tiredness is rarely ever deadly.
R A R E S0 -
Reducing anxiety really evokes sleep.
S L E E P0 -
Sleeping leopards eventually eace peace.
P E A C E0 -
Practically everyone always cries expressively.
C R I E S0 -
Crying really irritates eyes sadly.
S A D L Y0 -
Star actors demand lavish yachts.
A C T O R0