The Five-Letter Game
A cranky tiger often roars.
T I G E R0 -
Tainted industries gets everyone raging.
A G I N G0 -
A gorgeous imp never grumps.
N E V E R0 -
Natural energizing vitamins enhances roosters.
R O O S T0 -
Really old owls stand tall.
S T A N D0 -
Scary troublesome alien noises develop.
A L I E N0 -
A little insect enters nicely.
E N T E R0 -
Envious neighbors take everyone's rakes.
R A K E S0 -
Rarely a kangaroo eats soup.
R A R E L0 -
Really anticipating raucous, entertaining lyrics.
L Y R I C0 -
Leftovers you really ignore completely.
O V E R S0 -
Only violins evenly reverberate sound.
P I A N O0 -
Please investigate and notify Oprah.
O P R A H0 -
Opinion pleasing reviews are high.
V I E W S0 -
Violins interest each wonderful spouse.
V I A L S0 -
Vanilla Italian alcohol liked sometimes.
L I K E D0 -
Little imps kicked Ed's dog.
K I C K S0 -
Kindness in Canada keeps smiles.
S M I L E0 -
Sad mice illicit little emotion.
M I C E S0 -
Magnificent illustrious casinos everyone seeks.
S E E K S0 -
sadly everyone eats kangaroo steaks.
S T E A K0 -
^good one
Stylish travel essential accessories kits.
0 -
Keep it totally simple stupid. (sorry, I couldn't resist!)
Too often the addiction leaves.
L E A V E0 -
Little elves always value everyone.
V A L U E0 -
Vigilant attention lapses very easily.
L A P S E0 -
Laughed about putting sand everywhere.
Lazy afternoons usually go happily.
H A P P Y0 -
Horses always prance prettily yonder.
Hilarious opinions really seem everywhere.
W H E R E0