The Five-Letter Game
White hares eat rare elephants.
W H I T E0 -
Wimpy hauntings interrupt telepathic eagles.
H A U N T0 -
Having an unusual night tonight.
H A V E S0 -
Healthy and vegan enchiladas satisfy.
V E G A N0 -
Vegans eat grains and nuts.
G R A I N0 -
Ghostly reported accounts in Nepal.
N E P A L0 -
Never eat peanuts at lightnight,
N E V E R0 -
New England's various entrepreneurs recruit.
C R U I T0 -
Creative rats usually ignite trouble.
I G N I T0 -
Illuminating giggly nymphs instigate trouble.
N Y M P H0 -
Neon yellow makes people happy.
H A P P Y0 -
Hot air popped popcorn - yummy!
Y U M M Y0 -
You usually make me yell.
M A K E S0 -
Memories and keepsakes everyone scrapbooks.
B O O K S0 -
Beautiful owls often kick squirrels.
O F T E N0 -
Older friends tell excuses nightly.
N I G H T0 -
Never instigate gorilla hate trends.
T R E N D0 -
Talkative reindeer educates northern districts.
C A T E S0 -
Cake always tastes especially sumptuous.
T A S T E0 -
Telling a story to editor.
S T O R Y0 -
Sorry the owl really yelled.
Y E L L S0 -
Yellow eyeshadow looks like sunshine.
S H I N E0 -
Some hyenas instigate nefarious emotions.
H Y E N A0 -
Heart-stopping yummy enchiladas need Asiago!
H E A R T0 -
He eats a rare tiger.
T I G E R0 -
Tangerine interior garages everyone reorganizes.
G A R A G0 -
Give a rat a giffafe.
G I V E S0 -
Giant insect video empty stadiums.
G I A N T0 -
Giant insects are not terrific.
G I A N T0 -
Gleaming idyllic apple nutrition triumphs.
A P P L E0