The Five-Letter Game
Let everyone make onions neet.
O N I O N0 -
Original new Iphones online nightly.
0 -
Never ignite great hyenas tonight.
N E V E R0 -
Naive elves vocalize emotions randomly.
E L V E S0 -
Even little vampires eat sometime.
E V E N S0 -
Expensive valuable emeralds need sales.
S A L E S0 -
Some apes like eggs sauteed.
S A U T E0 -
Sauteed artichokes usually taste enjoyable.
T A S T E0 -
The Asian salad tasted extraordinary.
A S I A N0 -
Adopted sad iguanas always nap.
A L W A Y0 -
A lazy walrus always yawns.
Y A W N S0 -
Youthful appearance wanes near sixty!
S I X T Y0 -
Weary apes need exrta sanatation.
E X T R A0 -
Earthy xylitol tastes really amazing.
E A R T H0 -
Every ape really thrives heartily.
E V E R Y0 -
Educated vocal earthworms recite yearbooks.
B O O K S0 -
Bratty Olivia often kicks Sam.
K I C K S0 -
Kooky identical children keep shouting.
S H O U T0 -
Should he only underwrite text?
T E X T S0 -
Therapeutic exercises xeroxed test strength.
C I S E S0 -
Cisco is secretly envying Simon.
(It may also be the other way around, they both get pampered)
C I S C O0 -
Certain iced sugar cookies oversized.
S U G A R0 -
Yeah I I think it's probably the other way around with those two.
Sugar usually gives a rash.
G I V E S0 -
Grains invite vermin, even snakes.
G R O A T0 -
Giving really old actors treadmills.
A C T O R0 -
And crowing took over rooster.
R O O S T0 -
Really old oatmeal sickens teens.
T E E N S0 -
Teens eat everything not sweet.
S W E E T0 -
Super woman eats eels Thursdays.
W O M A N0 -
White onions make amaranth nifty.