The Five-Letter Game
Adventuresome educated pigs like engineers.
C A T E D0 -
Creative apes try eating dandelions.
D A N D E0 -
Daring aggressive nymphs desire explosives.
N Y M P H0 -
New York Minutes Perpertuate Habitually.
Y O R K S0 -
Young owls really kiss Santa.
S A N T A0 -
Someone always needs two apples.
A P P L E0 -
Avid pandas park legally everywhere.
P A N D A0 -
Pandas are needlessly dangerous always.
N E E D S0 -
Negative egotistical elephants demand sangria.
P H A N T0 -
All people positively love eating!
Energetic ants travel every night.
N I G H T0 -
Nice images generate happy thoughts.
Intelligent meticulous apes get educated.
A P E S S0 -
A perfectly executed sauce suceeds.
S A U C E0 -
Seductive ants usually call everyone.
E V E R Y0 -
Even very elderly raccoons yawn.
Y A W N S0 -
Yellow appetizing watermelon needs salt.
W A T E R0 -
Why aren't teens ever ready?
A R E N T0 -
Another relationship ended non-harmoniously today.
E N D E D0 -
Even Nancy doesn't eat dirt.
N A N C Y0 -
Negative abusive neighbors chastise you.
0 -
New elastic is good harness.
V A L U E0 -
Velvet and lace usually expensive.
U A L L Y0 -
Usually a little lizard yelps.
Y E L P S0 -
Yogi's excite little puppies Saturdays.
Y O G I S0 -
You often get in situations.
O F T E N0 -
On Fridays...the evening nourishes.
I S H E S0 -
I seldom have extra sugar.
S U G A R0 -
Soapy uncorrectable goats always right.
G O A T S0 -
Grits, oats and teff satisfy.
G R I T S0