The Five-Letter Game
Every little voice educates society.
V O I C E0 -
Vacuuming often increases cardiovascular energy.
O F T E N0 -
Old fragile tap-dancers exhausted nightly.
D A N C E0 -
Don't always need candy everyone.
C A N D Y0 -
Cherries and nuts deliciously yummy!
C H E R R0 -
Chairs hit everybody's right rib.
C H A I R0 -
Chatty happy actors impact reviews.
A C T O R0 -
A creative tot often romps.
R O M P S0 -
Ratty old mementos pleases somebody.
R A T T Y0 -
Rest assured, the tiger yells.
T I G E R0 -
Talented imaginative girls everyone recognizes.
G I R L S0 -
Girls initally really like skates.
S K A T E0 -
Sparkly killer activewear tightens elbows.
E L B O W0 -
Elephants like beautiful old women.
Yes...another one that makes no sense!
W O M E N0 -
did you read the one I did before yours? lol!
Wobbly old men embrace Neuropathology.
B R A C E0 -
Beautiful red apples create energy.
A P P L E0 -
Another palatial palace looks expensive.
L O O K S0 -
good one!
Let's only ogle kangaroos surreptitiously.
I always go to kangaroos with the K letters!0 -
I'm like that too with some letters...sometimes no other words come to you lol
Organic gardens landscaped every season.
O R G A N0 -
Only red gowns are necessary.
Glitter on aprons never stylish.
A P R O N0 -
Angry people rarely observe negativity.
Awake nocturnal gerbils rarely young.
A W A K E0 -
A walking alert kangaroo eats.
Yep, another kangaroo! That's what you get for giving me another "k"! Ha!
A L E R T0 -
^Whatever works...the animal ones are the funniest anyways lol!
Alluring lavish emeralds really tasteful.
T A S T E0 -
A tasteful emerald! I bet that's a costly dish!
The artistic student tutors everyone.
T U T O R0 -
Tenacious unafraid tigers embrace rollercoasters.
T I G E R0 -
Tigers in Georgia eat rodents.
M O U S E0 -
Many old unicorns sleep easily.
S L E E P0 -
Sleep leaves everyone especially pooped.
P O O P S0