The Five-Letter Game
Xerox raises awareness you see.
R A I S E0 -
Rats and icky spiders exhaust.
H A U S T0 -
Harry eats unusual stuffed tomatoes.
H A R R Y0 -
Hairy apes run radically yesterday.
R A D I C0 -
Read about daring ink contests.
D A R I N0 -
Darling aarvarks are rare in Nigeria
A A R D V0 -
Absurd actual results damages verdict.
D A M A G0 -
Dogs are mainly always gregarious.
M A I N L0 -
Meager amounts in nacho layout.
N A C H O0 -
Never aquire cash home owners. I know...once again makes no sense!
A Q U I R E yep, cheating again and giving you another six letter word!0 -
Appointed queen usually insures real estate.
I don't mind 6 letters...maybe we should start another one for 6 lol!
Q U E E N0 -
Queens usually eat edamame noontime.
E D A M E0 -
Eerie dark art museum entertains.
E E R I E0 -
Every elephant really is elegant.
E V E R Y0 -
Entire villages everyone really Youtubes.
T U B E S0 -
Wow, 83 posts since I was last here!! (yep, I read them all!) You guys are really on a roll!
Teachers usually bring everyone something.
Good old owls don't sulk.
S U L K S0 -
Sweet unicorns like kissing seahorses.
S W E E T0 -
Sweet weird elephants eat tomatoes.
S W E E T0 -
Small weddings everyone enjoys today.
E N J O Y0 -
Ahhh, two sweets yesterday
Even Norma jaunts over yonder.
N O R M A0 -
true...Sundays are pretty sweet I must say!
Nothing on resume means anything.
T H I N G0 - the Norma reference!
The hunted iguana nearly goes. yeah, I know...makes no sense, but I'm going with it!
H U N T S0 -
Hairy unusual nuns tolerate Sundays.
H A I R Y0 -
Hairy apes in Ruanda yell..
R U A N D0 -
Reindeer usually accomplish necessary degrees.
(you might have 'your' kangaroos...I think I can claim reindeer! lol)
0 -
Yep...I'll give you the reindeers!!
The halk is not kind.
H A L K S0 -
Happy anniversaries lack kissing sometimes.
T I M E S0 -
The important men eat sushi. Yeah, once again...makes no sense!
And by the'll never catch me eating that stuff! Ick!