The Five-Letter Game
Try eating a crunchy halibut.
C R U N C0 -
Casual relationships usually never complete.
N E V E R0 -
Not every vacuum ever reacts.
R E A C T0 -
Romantic evening and celebrating tonight.
N I G H T0 -
Never ignite gorillas hineys, thanks.
H I N E Y0 -
Hilarious improv nightclub everyone Youtubes.
N I G H T0 -
Okay...gonna go with same theme!
Never ignite giant hyenas tonight,
^just a thought...igniting any type of animal is most likely not a good idea anytime of day...js
Having your ears naturally adjusted.
N A T U R0 -
Naturally, amateurs tour unusual races.
T O U R S0 -
Thin obsession usually reinforces seclusion.
T H I N O0 -
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I won't be ignited any animals!
The hippo is notoriously obese.
O B E S E0 -
The animals will be relieved
Optimistic blissful elephants shop economically.
P H A N T0 -
Plant has a nice tomato.
P L A N T0 -
Popular Latin appetizers necessary tonight.
L A T I N0 -
Little Ashian tots inspire niceness.
A S H I A0 -
Abusive scandalous horses instigate adultery.
0 -
Honey on rye sweetens eatables.
H O N E Y0 -
^mmm....honey on rye sounds very edible!
Heavy otters never eat yogurt.
O T T E R0 -
Only thin teachers eat roasts.
Raspberry orchards always sweet Thursdays.
S W E E T0 -
Sheryl wishes every evil threat.
I'm still dealing with this tricky rat, he got the bait out of traps without getting caught again
E V I L S0 -
^that is one smart rat
Episodic villainous incident loathed Sundays.
L O A T H0 -
Well my goodness Sheryl! I hope you catch the little bugger soon!
Lou often ate the hash.
O F T E N0 -
Odorless fish that England needs.
G L A N D0 -
Giant lizards are not docile.
G I A N T0 -
Glitter illustrious amethysts nominated today.
T O D A Y0 -
Terrible old day almost yielded! bed time now!
Night all!0 -
nighty-night...I should be doing the same...
Yellow inherited eggs leak Dextrin.
X T R I N0 -
yet I'm still awake!
X-rays truly require internal nourishment
Yeah, another one that makes no sense...but I'm tired. Now off for another attempt at sleep!0 -
and how did the second attempt go?
X-tra rainy afternoons you savor.
S A V O R0