The Five-Letter Game
More for me then
Such unusual sounds heard inside.
S O U N D0 -
Yep, you can have all the sushis! Ha!
Senior owls usually needent dance. Is "needent even a word? Oh well, going with it!
D A N C E0 -
^why not lol!
Daring and nervy cats embezzle.
N E R V Y0 -
Ebezzling it!!
Not everyone really vaccums yearly.
Y E A R S0 -
I think my cat is involved...
Yummy easy appetizers really satisfy.
S A T I S0 -
My cat's to lazy to emezzle anything!
Some ants attempt initiating situations.
A T T E M0 -
^could be she/he wants you to think so...
Amusing things that everyone makes.
M A K E S0 -
Giving you another kangaroo...ha!
Make all kangaroos eat sugar.
S U G A R0 -
You guys are too much, really enjoying this
embezzling cats...most of the ones I know are capable of that, and vacuuming yearly...I only vacuum when company is coming and that's once in a blue moon these days. Also, I now love the word needent, works for me.
Sheryl usually gets a reward.
W A R D S0 -
Yeah, I don't vacuum as much as I should! Just lost my motivation for that! Should though...stinking cat hair everywhere!
Why are rats darn smart?
S M A R T0 -
Smiles make antelopes really tranquil.
S M I L E0 -
Some monkeys initiate limited exertion.
L I M I T0 -
Definitely!!!! Those darn rats ARE smart!!!!
(Vegmebuff, Marcie already knows that I'm fighting rats in the barn, getting into bags of cracked corn)I'm Sheryl, BTW
Lonely is my incompatible technology.
L O N E R0 -
Don't think I've shared yet Sheryl, but yesterday here at work we were all looking around for a mouse in the office. Someone saw one scurring around. Ick! And you know, if there's one, there's got to be more around. Again, ick!
Let's only negotiate energy rarely.
R A R E S0 -
Hi ladies...thank god there are no rats where I live...but my fellow teacher's classroom across from mine has mice (she has a rabbit in the room and the mice are attracted to the food she leaves for her bunny....ahhh!)
Rats and rabbits eat seeds.
S E E D S0 -
Good one vegmebuff!
Smart educated elephants don't smell.
S M E L L0 -
^my attempt to an à propos comment regarding those 'cute' little rats and mice...and those smart educated elephants have it going on
Sparkly makeup everyone labels lewd.
L A B E L0 -
Yeah we just got an email at work about more mouse sitings! Ugh!
Let's all be especially lovely.
L O V E S0 -
Loopy odd veterinarians elephants seduce.
L O O P Y0 -
Loopy old owls pooped yesterday!
P O O P S0 -
Petrified owls only poop secretly.
S E C R E0 -
Okay...gonna move on from the owl thing...ha!
Some educated children really excel.
E X C E L0 -
Earthy xenologist call extraterrestrials lovingly.
E A R T H0 -
Every artistic revue tests history.
R E V U E0 -
Really exotic views usually expensive.
V I E W S0 -
Varied imports elevate wealth status.
S T A T S0 -
Small tomatoes are tartly satisfying.
S M A L L0 -
Skinny, malnourished and looking little.
L I T T L0 -
Little insects tend to lurk.
L U R K S0 -
Leftover useful rice keeps sticking.
K E E P S0