The Five-Letter Game
Treating individuals meanly equals sin.
M E A N S0 -
Magical exotic alligators need sparkles.
M A G I C0 -
Many apes get irritated constantly.
0 -
Maple appetizers need yellow sugar.
S U G A R0 -
Sugar usually generates a reaction.
G E N E R0 -
Groovy entertaining neighborhoods embrace records.
C O R D S0 -
Can owls really deliver shrimp?
S H R I M0 -
Sad hairy rabbits irritate many.
H A I R Y0 -
Hairy apes in Ruanda yell.
Y E L L S0 -
Yoga educates lazy lawyers sometimes.
T I M E S0 -
The iguana mainly eats snakes.
Just like Ks a and Kangaroos, I alwasy seem to go to Iguanas with the Is. Ha!0 -
Small nauseated ants keep eating.
S M A L L0 -
Some mammals ate light lentils.
night all...bed time
L E N T I0 -
London eliminates nightmarish terrible irritance.
N I G H T0 -
Nigel is going home tonight.
N I G E L0 -
Naughty intimate gowns everyone likes.
L I K E S0 -
Little imps kick (no kangaroo this time ) everyone's shins.
S H I N S0 -
Oh yes...I did you give you another 'k' didn't I...not on purpose lol!
Shy happy iguanas need socialization.
I G U A N1 -
Ingrid generally uses a napkin,
W I P E S0 -
Wealthy investors privately earn salaries.
W E A L T0 -
Wishing eels are less tenacious.
W I S H S0 -
Wishing is secrets held special.
H O L D S0 -
Happy old leopards dress smartly.
S M A R T0 -
Smart men are really terrific.
T E R R I0 -
Twitter everyone really rates indiscreetly.
C R E E T0 -
Can't really eat everything today.
T O D A Y0 -
Taking out dreadlocks advised yearly.
D R E A D0 -
Doesn't really everyone appreciate doughnuts?
E V E R Y0 -
Easy vegetarian eats relax yogis.
R E L A X0 -
Eesh..always have troubles with Xs. Will give it a try..
Really examined leopords are x-rayed.
X R A Y S0