The Five-Letter Game
Yellow effervescent lemonade labeled 'safe'.
S C E N T0 -
Sad cats eat nutty treats.
N U T T Y0 -
Neurotic uptight tigers twitter you.
T W I T T0 -
The white iguana tried typing.
W H I T E0 -
Wise healthy insects teach English.
T E A C H0 -
Teaching English always creates honoraries.
S M A R T0 -
Sophisticated masked actresses really tranquil.
M A S K K0 -
Many anteaters start kicking kangaroos.
K I C K S0 -
Kissing iguanas cause kidney stones.
S T O N E0 -
Sadly the only nut evaporated.
N U T T Y0 -
Yolando eats little lentils sometimes.
T I M E S0 -
Tarzan is marrying Eeyore Saturday.
M A R R Y0 -
I get a twofer, Debora didn't turn the page, ha ha ha
Normally, usually, thunder trails yonder.
Many are resourceful rare yeasts.
Y E A S T0 -
Yellow eyed aliens sail today.
T O D A Y0 -
Tried on dressy apparel yesterday.
Dad really eats super soundly.
S U P E R0 -
Saturdays usually peaceful - easily restful.
P E A C E0 -
Please everyone always celebrate everyday.
E V E R Y0 -
Elf's violet eyes rarely yucky.
V I O L E0 -
Very insulated owls like eggs.
I N S U L0 -
Interesting new smoothies usually liked.
L I K E D0 -
Little imps kicked Ed's dog.
K I C K S0 -
Kosher indulgent cakes keep squirting.
S Q U I R0 -
She quietly used Isabella's room.
R O O M S0 -
Rapunzel only ordained minister somehow.
R A P U N0 -
Rarely are people usually needy.
N E E D Y0 -
Natural earthy engineers danced yesterday.
E A R T H0 -
Eating apples really transmits health.
A P P L E0 -
Adorable pink pigs love everyone.
A D O R A0 -
A dog often regurgitates apples.
A P P L E0