The Five-Letter Game
Naive impetuous fairies tickle you.
T I C K L0 -
Terrible icicles can kill lions.
L I O N S0 -
Lots inactivity omits nude silhouettes.
O M I T S0 -
Ollie's mom is terribly sweet.
S W E E T0 -
Sparkly wedding elegant earrings tempt.
T E M P T0 -
Terrible Ed made Pete terrified.
P E T E S0 -
Pretty expensive taste everyone savours.
T A S T E0 -
Try a savory tarty everyone.
T A R T S0 -
Tinkerbell always redresses Tarzan Sundays.
T I N K E0 -
Tiny insects need kicking everyone,
K I C K S0 -
Kissing irritable children kept spreading.
C H I L D0 -
Children have impeccably loving dedication.
L O V E S0 -
Lasting odours very enticing somehow.
D O U R S0 -
Driving often usually really stinks.
S T I N K0 -
Skinny tall Italian nurses kiss.
N U R S E0 -
Naomi usually reads Saturday evening.0
What's next?0
Let's go with...
N A O M I0 -
Necessary and open markets inspiring.
O P E N S0 -
Often people eat not sensibly.
O F T E N0 -
Oily fish tastes excellently nummy.
T A S T E0 -
Tomatoes are satisfyling tasty everywhere.
T A S T Y0 -
Tempting addictive sweets taste yummy.
T E M P T0 -
Terrific eggs make perfect temptations.
M A K E S0 -
Marketable alluring kitchens easily sells.
S E L L S0 -
Silly eels like little snails.0
-I just took 'snail' from yours:)
Small noisy animals in Louisiana.
S M A L L0 -
Oops, sorry. Yet another senior moment!
So many apes like leafs.
L E A F S0 -
Lately, everyone annoys fairies Saturdays.
A N N O Y0 -
A new nanny often yells.
Y E L L S0