Another low carb thread assault ....smh...



  • ShawnaDrew
    ShawnaDrew Posts: 59 Member
    @iamundrcnstruction That was me at the beginning, until I found the group. I was going to post about how excited I was when I started low carb, but then started reading some other low carb threads and never posted. I replied to that crazy thread about joining this group, but that's it. I wont post on the regular boards. There are far too many bullies on there who know everything about everything.

  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    ShawnaDrew wrote: »
    @iamundrcnstruction That was me at the beginning, until I found the group. I was going to post about how excited I was when I started low carb, but then started reading some other low carb threads and never posted. I replied to that crazy thread about joining this group, but that's it. I wont post on the regular boards. There are far too many bullies on there who know everything about everything.

    I am very glad you found your way here then!
  • LunaKate
    LunaKate Posts: 64 Member
    The second I posted on my activity feed I was trying a keto diet people were negative. Im so glad I found my way here. Someone pointed me here from the main forums and then I found great info like Dr. Peter Attia to research. Everyone here has always been so nice too!
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    LunaKate wrote: »
    The second I posted on my activity feed I was trying a keto diet people were negative. Im so glad I found my way here. Someone pointed me here from the main forums and then I found great info like Dr. Peter Attia to research. Everyone here has always been so nice too!

    I pretty much only friend people who eat low carb. I have IRL friends that I am not friends on MFP with for that reason. Helps keep me on track.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I think 99% of my friends are from low carb or keto groups.
  • parkdad73
    parkdad73 Posts: 88 Member
    fishgutzy wrote: »
    Gary Taubes does a pretty good job explaining the science in more layman's terms with a boat load off foot notes and references to back it up.
    Not all calorie sources are processed the same way. Fructose and Glucose are both sugars. But fructose causes fat build up in the liver and can lead to fatty liver disease. Glucose does not. High Fructose Corn Syrup is even worse.
    Carbs tell your body to create/store fat. Protein tells your body to burn fat.

    Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It is a great read. And it is not a diet book. He avoids that because there are plenty of LCHF food plan guides out there. He sticks to the science and even goes into how and why that counter productive food pyramid was produced. It had nothing to do with science. Just money and politics.We all have different metabolisms. And while a simple deficit may work for some, there is not a one size fits all answer. But the government demands such and so the establishment bends to government will and money. And the government only funds "research" that gets the outcomes they need to support the actions they want to take. (Same thing in 'climate research.')

    This book is what lead me to lose 100 pounds! Everything in it made so much sense. There was also a documentary that pulls from this book heavily. It is called "Fathead" and a good watch. I think you can see the whole thing on YouTube. It is kind of the anti-Supersize Me.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Of course she was looking for a fight; of course there are posters who need to be known and need to be right. Her wording, and poor choice of describing what she has done lead to the discussion going where it went. She lost 2-3 pounds not logging and going on and off diets for a few years, dropped 20 doing some form of LC, and has 27 pounds remaining. Nothing wrong with LC diets, at the end of the day folks will find it is one tool in the bag of tools to assist them to their goals. . . .or not. Be well folks.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Of course she was looking for a fight;

    Really ? Her initial post was
    The best way ive found to drop lbs without pills or starving! Anyone else use this method? Interested in ideas, recipes, and success stories!

    which within 30 minutes got non-helpful replies from


    and one supportive answer. Not something MFP can be proud of.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Of course she was looking for a fight;

    Really ? Her initial post was
    The best way ive found to drop lbs without pills or starving! Anyone else use this method? Interested in ideas, recipes, and success stories!

    which within 30 minutes got non-helpful replies from


    and one supportive answer. Not something MFP can be proud of.

    The usual suspects, as it were.
    I can predict with great accuracy threads in which they will make an appearance.

    It's true that if you don't engage their chicanery then it isn't much of a big deal. I personally keep my 39.5ft-pole away from Captain Thread-Crap and the Nipple Brigade. No scratching in the Litterbox for me. Lessons learned. Knowing what I know now, I go find a group to ask. Not everyone has the "in the trenches" knowledge however, or the excessive cynicism I've earned. If the OP is scrappy, and enjoys to fight, then she'll stay there and duke it out. If she has sense, she'll come here and leave the drama to the Big Forum.

    There isn't a thing to be done about it except what we are doing here. Which is providing a safe harbor for information and support, and name-dropping the group when possible in threads like that.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Of course she was looking for a fight;

    Really ? Her initial post was
    The best way ive found to drop lbs without pills or starving! Anyone else use this method? Interested in ideas, recipes, and success stories!

    which within 30 minutes got non-helpful replies from


    and one supportive answer. Not something MFP can be proud of.

    It's like the LC version of bingo
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    edited March 2015
    yarwell wrote: »
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    Of course she was looking for a fight;

    Really ? Her initial post was
    The best way ive found to drop lbs without pills or starving! Anyone else use this method? Interested in ideas, recipes, and success stories!

    which within 30 minutes got non-helpful replies from


    and one supportive answer. Not something MFP can be proud of.

    Well setup stakes and start burning folks; I seem to recall in this group(low carbers), not too long ago, someone specifically stated to go in and attack a group for XXX so you can argue with them. Not much to be proud of there either.

    At the end of the day, you know who is going to argue to 'be right'. Is it so important to continue dialogue with one or two individuals to add fuel to their needs? I have been on this site for 3 years and it is fairly obvious who has been here longer and feels the need to be MFP evangelical. I choose to lurk more then comment since at the end day some people use a different set of tools to reach a goal and some people use another set. The analogy I gave someone in the thread through a PM was "You can use a hammer to open a door or just to turn the knob" In the past I have directed folks to this group for low carb ideas. It still seems to be the best strategy since low carb is similar to sugar threads in that it evokes the same cast of people and their evangelizing. . .BTW one or two folks listed are friends of mine on here. . .they probably have similar life experiences as some of you. . . .then again. . . .be well folks, continue toward your goals.
    PS--the nipple brigade. . . .baconslave you crack me up.....
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I made the mistake of venturing into that thread earlier. Egads. When I first did LC a decade ago those sorts of responses were to be expected, but it's 2015, FFS. On the bright side, I had forgotten about this group, so it's nice to be reading here, again.

    On a sort of personal side note, a month or so ago I had hit a stall and was frustrated. Someone who I had considered a dear friend chose to argue with me about LC, told me it was unsafe and that she could not support me in this WOE...while giving me a link from some blogger who was bullet-pointing disordered eating (mostly suggesting that eliminating a food group is dangerous -- meanwhile a fellow friend who is vegan was vehemently agreeing with her. Hypocrisy, much?). One of the writer's bullet-points was that criticizing and failing to support a friend's weight loss efforts is its own form of an eating disorder. Guess that was lost on her.
  • Jakiepaper
    Jakiepaper Posts: 57 Member
    I literally can't even go on the main boards because it stress's me out. Also, kind of messes with my head in the way of CICO, they make it sound fine to eat cheetos and Diet Mt for breakfast as long as it's with in your calories. I personally am trying to get the carb/sugar monkey off of my back and I can't have people telling me it's ok to have cookies and candy. The cookies and Candy got me into this is very addicting for me personally. Another problem that I have with the main board is that it's either their way or the highway there is no tolerance for any other type of view. Someone posted the other day about limiting calories and as a side note she mentioned limiting carbs and the torches came out saying carbs aren't bad. Well, for some people they are and each person has to figure it out themselves and they are steering a lot of people in the wrong direction.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I am well aware of why I don't comment in the forums. I've had a 180 degree turn on my approach to dieting and losing weight. I started out as a pure CICO bigot. I was that guy folks.** The reason most of my weight logs are done on "The Hacker's Diet" website is because it was his book that I took as Truth! when I started my journey to lose weight. If you go read it, it's 100% CICO theology. Somewhere, unless it's been lost to time, I even have an email John Walker (the author) wrote to me in response to some questions I had.

    I know how I reacted to competing ideas back then. I openly scoffed at Atkins. I lambasted any "fad" diet. Losing weight was simple! Just eat less and [possibly] move more. Now, I think eating less (than you desire) has nothing to do with it. And exercise is a "eh, if I feel like it" proposition. I know exactly how my current dogma will be reacted to out there. So, I don't really talk about it. I just bug ya'll in here with my insanity. ;)

    ** Yes, I realize that I am now on another extreme, moderation has never been my style.
  • LunaKate
    LunaKate Posts: 64 Member
    After watching the science behind LCHF in videos like "Why We Get Fat" and "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" I feel like I should be telling everyone! This is a big deal! My father is around 400lbs and has been obese for as long as Ive been born. His doctor wanted him to have bariatric surgery but he wouldnt do it. He has high blood pressure and is on diuretics because he retains so much water. I want to tell him to watch these videos, just lower your carbs, you dont have to go Keto, just dont eat sugar, eat only a little whole grain breads, fill up on fat and eat your protein, Youll feel better and lose weight! Sure it might be hard at first, but you will be okay!

    But Im afraid of the judgement. All the articles on how 'bad' it is, that say your cholesterol will go up. Its just a fad. Its CICO. Im hoping maybe when he sees me again in a few months and sees how much weight I'll have hopefully lost, he'll ask me how I did it and let me show him those videos and maybe he will give it a chance.
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    edited March 2015
    LunaKate, I think you have it exactly right. Maybe your dad will see your progress and ask you how you have done it. That opens the door for you to tell him. But it is up to him to step through. If he asks, show him the videos, because then it is someone else explaining why this is a great WOE. And if anyone gives you flak, just smile and thank them for being concerned, then do what you know is right.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    profile of ndj1979 shows this buff dude has POSTED 16,000++ times here…think muscle brain has a job? he specifically argues and sneers at everyone forcing the CICO no matter what the poor poster tried to say…this guy actually told a woman with severe other medical issues that "rules of CICO are not suspend because you have X disease" ..HUH??..actually that is EXACTLY what it means, hahahah!!! I saw the COOLEST flow chart on NOT engaging in any of these cat fights..this will calm you right down. try it
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member

    Very good.
    profile of ndj1979 I saw the COOLEST flow chart on NOT engaging in any of these cat fights..this will calm you right down. try it

    LOVE it ketogenicgurl.