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Daily Check-In



  • djasper73
    djasper73 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all...I might have posted on here once or twice before, but make a point of reading this everyday. Figured it was time to stop skulking about in the shadows :)
    I've been pretty slack with my eating for the last month or two and it's started catching up on me, so am just trying to make better decisions when it comes to what I eat (even though I'm not logging things right now) and get a little more active. Went for a run yesterday morning before work and it felt great, so was looking forward to doing that again this morning, but when my alarm went off, I checked the weather and decided I was staying in bed--it was already 24C with 84% humidity, plus we have a LOT of smoke in the air from forest fires. I'm going diving for the weekend, so that will help burn off a few calories, and am going to do my best to get out and run next week in the mornings.
    Anyway...there's my rambling for the morning, hope you all have a great day and make it yours!
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks so much @hgtedo really appreciate the encouragement!

    I just wanted to share an awesome with all ya'll. So, with my scale aversion, sometimes it is difficult for me to see the differences. I've been taking pictures in the same bra and underwear (except once on the underwear cuz I couldn't find the right ones) in front, back, left and right so that I could SEE the difference.... OMG most girls have "muffin top" I, on the other hand, had straight up "banana bread" which was coming damn close to a "sourdough spinach dip roll" no lie... well, I just added last month's picture (front and back) with the others in the group and OMG I'm down to a "muffin top"... maybe even a "heart healthy muffin top, made with whole grains and healthy fibers... with fruit rather than butter!"

    I'm so proud and stoked and excited for the next pictures in 3 weeks! *doin the happy dance* go me, go me!!!

    *ahem* ok... brag over, thanks for listening *blush*
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone! Today I did quite well again. I am learning how to budget my desires with the calorie limit I set for myself. A balance of give and take so I feel satisfied but am still making my goals. For example, I wanted salmon ravioli with dinner so I budgeted out how I would do it. With the right planning, and my cooking skills, dinner came out to only 440 calories. The ravioli was the bulk of it and I dressed it up with veggies and fruit (I am on a grilled watermelon kick right now).

    I drank more than enough water today--which makes things easier. I also like planning my meals and day ahead. Budgeting in what I am going to eat for the day in the early morning. I get up before my husband so I usually go into MFP then and figure out my whole day. I am leaving myself a lot of room to work with and I feel up for anything. I am also working on my estimation skills. That way I can eyeball calories if i need to. Working on mistakes and trying to let myself make mistakes if I need to. On this journey I know there will be times I will stumble. I just need to stand up, dust myself off, and keep going. What does Jillian Michael's say on her podcast "If you get a flat tire, don't get out and slash the other three good ones.

    I sometimes come down too hard on myself. Thinking that my aspirations just might always be that--aspirations and nothing more. I keep telling myself that I am capable of anything--sometimes I believe it and sometimes I do not. Fake it until I make it is what I will need to do at times.

    I am young, beautiful, smart, and powerful. I can inspire myself and others.

    Day by day, keep on being fabulous and keep on keeping on.

    I did a ton of studying today but still want to get some exercise in. I think I will do yogatoday before going to bed.

    @wikkidwanda - You made me laugh quite a bit with all your comparisons! Congrats on seeing your image change before your eyes! Keep on bragging! You are doing fabulous! Celebrate the victories as you keep on your path! I am so happy for you!

    @djasper73 - Welcome out of the shadows! The light feels wonderful (just wear sunblock)! I enjoy running as well but I am out of practice. What do you have planned for running? Do you run for a certain block of time or two a specific place? The better decisions sound awesome! More healthier choices will lead to great success!

    @jharden12 - I have been thinking about you and trying to send positive vibes to wherever you may be. How are you feeling today, any better? I hear you on not wanting to deprive yourself--as I said above--give and take. I love tea (and coffee) too! I take both without any milk or sugar but I gotta watch my caffeine intake (we all have our vices). Keep fighting and staying on the path to victory!
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    Good morning everyone! I Hope everyone had a great fourth of July. I stayed under my calorie goal but within healthy limits. I grilled some hamburgers for my husband and myself. Planning at the start of my day or while I am shopping has been a great help.

    I got a little bit overwhelmed yesterday. I have some really high aspirations that take time and I am worried about not living up to the expectations I set for myself. I usually find ways to mask those feelings, even now I feel like I want to quit writing this. I sat with those feelings yesterday, and still sit with them today a bit, and I feel things getting a little bit more manageable. I just need to keep on the path I am on and try my very best--cause that's all I can do. Anyone else feel overwhelmed? How do you deal with it?

    I have been weighing myself daily and recording it on MFP. I am not really expecting to see daily changes. I am really just trying to remove the intimidating nature of getting on the scale and looking at my weight as just pure data. In my mind, the scale becomes intimidating when I loose sight of what my actual weight is and imagine a number and surprise myself when my results are different. Luckily, since MFP graphs weight progress, I should eventually see a downward trend that eventually levels off at my goal weight (do not have an idea of when that will be).

    I have MFP syncing with the iPhone health app. I started using an app called pillow in order to track my sleep as well. I do not think I sleep enough and want to get a better handle on how much sleep I get. Over three days of recording, I sleep an average of six hours. I could probably use 30-40 minutes more of sleep in there but we will see how things average our with more data points.

    I hope everyone else had a fabulous fourth of July!
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! Sunday night means the start to a brand new week tomorrow. I am kinda looking forward to it. Today my stomach was feeling a little wonky. I made healthy choices with my eating today, I think my body is just adjusting to my new rhythm. I heard that a real "detox" is just eating good food and making healthy choices. I guess my body is just "detoxing" a bit. I did not feel the anxiety I did yesterday--everything in stride.

    I spoke with my husband today about the healthy choices I have been making and my plan of action. He is in support of what I want to do and even found ways he can help me. My husband is a tiny thing and needs to be eating more calories--at the very least be reaching maintenance mode. It is nice that we know where each other is and I am glad we can adjust what we are eating based on our own needs. Having support is nice.

    What do you all do for exercise? That is my next goal--to find and rhythm and a schedule that works for me with exercise. My current practices seems sporadic and a mix of different things. Basically I need to find time and method. Find out how I am gonna switch it up. Planning worked for my meals. Maybe I can plan my exercise practice every Monday. I will leave that for tomorrow.

    I hope you all are well. Thanks for reading and know I am proud of you for any strides you are making--even just signing on MFP!
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Hey everyone! So the June challenge to exercise every day paid off and I did so, but then the new month was looming and I didn't know what to do! So I perused all sorts of challenges, and found a couple that seemed DO-able. I started the 30 day ab challenge and it turns out I cannot do an actual sit up!( so I changed it to a crunch one rather than a sit up one, that helps and makes it really doable) and then I thought, well, that's not really enough exercise, so I decided to keep going with the June challenge of cardio every day. I just finished 40 min kick boxing workout... and am sitting here all sweaty (at work) so I'm feeling pretty good about that.

    So I decided, I needed just one more thing to make me feel like i'm really getting enough "bang for my buck" as it were, and so I decided to add the 28 day squat challenge that was in an article this morning (is about doing DIFFERENT kinds of squats from one week to the next) and I am liking that too. It's much more doable and I am working on some muscles that REALLY needed work (i have osteoarthritus in my knees, and for 8 years I have been of a mind that if it hurts AT ALL, it's BAD....) so, one day at a time!

    @hgtedo thanks, I was serious, I've often wanted a simple "muffin top" when what I carry around isn't even one spare tire, but like a tractor tire... I'm all about laughing while I do this... or I'll cry....

    Good luck this coming week everyone!
  • kraigiark
    kraigiark Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all,

    Trying to keep my calories low this week in preparation for Munich pride. (I wanna look good, but it'll also be a cheat weekend!) Wish me luck!
  • rebolaugh
    rebolaugh Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks so much @hgtedo really appreciate the encouragement!

    I just wanted to share an awesome with all ya'll. So, with my scale aversion, sometimes it is difficult for me to see the differences. I've been taking pictures in the same bra and underwear (except once on the underwear cuz I couldn't find the right ones) in front, back, left and right so that I could SEE the difference.... OMG most girls have "muffin top" I, on the other hand, had straight up "banana bread" which was coming damn close to a "sourdough spinach dip roll" no lie... well, I just added last month's picture (front and back) with the others in the group and OMG I'm down to a "muffin top"... maybe even a "heart healthy muffin top, made with whole grains and healthy fibers... with fruit rather than butter!"

    I'm so proud and stoked and excited for the next pictures in 3 weeks! *doin the happy dance* go me, go me!!!

    *ahem* ok... brag over, thanks for listening *blush*

    Ha ha ha! You're really funny! The next photo will be an organic gluten-free light toast! :)

    Keep it up!
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks so much @hgtedo really appreciate the encouragement!

    I just wanted to share an awesome with all ya'll. So, with my scale aversion, sometimes it is difficult for me to see the differences. I've been taking pictures in the same bra and underwear (except once on the underwear cuz I couldn't find the right ones) in front, back, left and right so that I could SEE the difference.... OMG most girls have "muffin top" I, on the other hand, had straight up "banana bread" which was coming damn close to a "sourdough spinach dip roll" no lie... well, I just added last month's picture (front and back) with the others in the group and OMG I'm down to a "muffin top"... maybe even a "heart healthy muffin top, made with whole grains and healthy fibers... with fruit rather than butter!"

    I'm so proud and stoked and excited for the next pictures in 3 weeks! *doin the happy dance* go me, go me!!!

    *ahem* ok... brag over, thanks for listening *blush*

    Great work... I take photos too even though they make me cringe, it is good way to track your progress.

  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    I'm excited, my job had an employee offer to get a wearable for 50% list price. They were not brands I was familiar with but I did some homework and chose a Mio Fuse for $75! It retails for twice that, and--while it doesn't do EVERYTHING (doesn't track sleep or climbing) it has a GPS and heart rate monitor and should be sufficient for tracking my running, bike riding and paddleboarding (it is waterproof too).

    Excited about that because I feel as if the estimated heart rate and calorie burn in MFP is too arbitrary... I'm pretty sure my weight training burns more calories than gardening!
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    kraigiark wrote: »
    Hey all,

    Trying to keep my calories low this week in preparation for Munich pride. (I wanna look good, but it'll also be a cheat weekend!) Wish me luck!

    Oooh pressure's on! You go, @kraigiark !
  • shiftynj
    shiftynj Posts: 103 Member
    Ugh, my boyfriend's grandmother made us dinner on Sunday (hot dogs, three different mayonnaise salads, and baked beans). She knows what's up with me and is very understanding when I can't eat certain things, and so I brought a veggie tray and ate pretty much all of it before we sat down to dinner. I ate a little of everything with the "a little won't kill me once in a while" mentality.

    Yesterday he went to see her... and came home with all the leftovers! :s
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Today is a new day... I am meeting a friend to go to the gym tonight and may watch a movie at home. Yesterday after eating WAY too much cheese, I felt yucky, so I went for an hour long walk (after I had already done 40 min cardio earlier) so I feel I'm doing pretty well this week so far. I think I'm weighing myself tonight... we shall see.
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    Today is a new day... I am meeting a friend to go to the gym tonight and may watch a movie at home. Yesterday after eating WAY too much cheese, I felt yucky, so I went for an hour long walk (after I had already done 40 min cardio earlier) so I feel I'm doing pretty well this week so far. I think I'm weighing myself tonight... we shall see.

    Rock on! Glad to hear your week is going better and like that you are helping evaluate when things don't seem right. I love cheese too! Good luck on the weigh-in
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    Did really well today in terms of being significantly under my calorie goal but not feeling like I was off with measuring my calories or like I was holding myself back in anyway. I still need to find a way to work exercise into my morning. I wanted crab for dinner so I worked that in!

    I have been studying for a test I have coming up this Saturday--it's for an addition to my teaching license. Trying to keep balance amid the stress. The only thing I have to watch on is my water--I tend to drink less when I am not paying attention. Gonna try to get my eight cups in before bed--but I think I might just get to five or six. Tomorrow I will knock it out of the park either way.

    Thinking I might need to jumpstart the morning in some way. Begin the day same way every day. In order to lead into exercise. I am thinking of creating my own flow for yoga. I will see how that works out.
  • Mgtei
    Mgtei Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to MFP and new to the group!

    I'm running late so will keep it short, but I'm proud of handling my eating-when-anxious times better and am also about to start a lifting routine with a personal trainer, both of which are firsts for me.

    Hope everyone else is having a great day! Good luck with all your healthy habits.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    Well, I didn't weigh myself... but, it turns out that I need to wait till next week anyway (i won't weigh myself more than once a month, or I'll obsess over it). That said, I was pretty healthy yesterday, was under my calories, but WAY over my sugar... I gotta work on that, it's summer, there are TONNES of fruits in season,, that's my killer right now...

    Just finished 25 min aerobics at work and going to eat egg and avocado salad for lunch :) Looks like today will be good. Friend has cancelled for the gym, but I'll still get some more exercises in. Day 9 of the ab challenge and day OFF from the squat challenge. Happy Tuesday!
  • elenaa55
    elenaa55 Posts: 5 Member
    Hy everyone! This is not a post on these theme, but I REALLY need help. Recently I started taking protein powder regularly, after every workout (my league haven`t started jet and we are having a break from trainings but I am practising on my own) but my health started suffering. It seems that my kidneys couldn`t handle so much stress and I overdosed with proteins. Now my blod results are awful, liver and kidney results are preety bad and except for that, my lymph nodes are swolen and I have aphthas on my tonsils so I can barely swallow, and for now I have to eat only soft food or procesed to liquid state. My question is, because I have to change my food regime in general, do you have any suggestion which food should I mix? My meals mostly consists of fruit (it depends whis I have in fridge), oatmeal, yogurt, but even after that meal I am still verry hungry. The thing is, I have to drasticly reduce protein intake untill blood results won`t be ok, but I still want to eat clean and healthy. I`ve done a lot this summer and don`t want to throw all that work and dedication in the wind.

    Than you in advance! :)
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    elenaa55 wrote: »
    My question is, because I have to change my food regime in general, do you have any suggestion which food should I mix? My meals mostly consists of fruit (it depends whis I have in fridge), oatmeal, yogurt, but even after that meal I am still verry hungry. The thing is, I have to drasticly reduce protein intake untill blood results won`t be ok, but I still want to eat clean and healthy. I`ve done a lot this summer and don`t want to throw all that work and dedication in the wind.

    Than you in advance! :)

    Hi Elena! Great to hear from you. Are you saying you can't eat a lot of protein and that you need to reduce your consumption of protein? The conundrum being that you are still hungry after you have had your meals because of your new diet.

    First off, let me say I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist so if you diet is medically rigid you might want to approve anything I say with a doctor first (or do your own research as well). With that being said if you add fiber or roughage to your diet that should help you with feeling full. I have read adding psyllium husks to a drink will really help with feeling satiated (I have never tried it but I hear Jillian Michaels talk about it on her podcast).

    In terms of roughage, if you are blending are there greens you can work in? maybe some sort of kale? There is a mix of greens at my supermarket called "super greens" that I have been using.

    Do any of these suggestions help? If not, let me know and we can brainstorm some more!
  • hgtedo
    hgtedo Posts: 18 Member
    @wikkidwanda - Great to hear you are doing well. I have been weighing myself everyday and I stress about it less. It is just something I do now when I get up. Interesting how different things work for different people. There are so many beautiful fruits in season! Great to take advantage of all the fresh options. If you were under your calorie goal, I think you should be fine though--if it is a daily thing that might be something to look at though. Egg and avocado salad sounds amazing! Enjoy! Where can I find information on the squat and ab challenges you do?

    @Mgtei - Welcome to the group! We are glad to have you. I too have been working on keeping on track when I feel anxious. I have been noticing that I turn to food when I want to quiet my mind. Sometimes learning to sit with my mind and the current feelings I have, helps me emotionally and physically! Way to go with the weight training! do you have a favorite exercise?