A Come to Jesus Meeting



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    Very well said ladies. The important part is what you choose to do about your painful situation and how you move on. I love you ladies, for your strength, and for your warmth. You are truly inspirational ! :)
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I also found that I just stopped buying into the drama. I just don't respond, saying nothing. The discussion will very quickly move onto another topic with the potential drama left blowing in the breeze.

    I only tell my Mum what I'm comfortable with the entire extended family knowing. She has no boundaries and does not respect anyone elses so I just don't tell her things.

    I don't like to gossip. Often it's just nasty heresay and if I don't know if it's true or not I respond with something along the lines of: I don't know the details of that situation or whether it's true or not so I'm not in a position to offer an opinion.

    People don't like it but that's ok with me. I'm happier not buying into or causing unneeded drama. Life is easier when it's calmer. It doesn't make me a whole bunch of friends but I'd rather have close friends that I trust. People who talk with you about others will talk with others about you.

    What I have found with taking better care of my body is that I am stronger in defending myself and standing up for myself. I have greater respect for myself and I will fight to keep that.
  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    You are all so awesome! I believe this is a significant problem that many people don't recognize or know how to deal with in their relationships. Your posts are wonderful examples of coping with this dysfunction and protecting oneself effectively. <3
  • Jolene5329
    Jolene5329 Posts: 14 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Sometimes we all need a come to Jesus meeting. I remember mine. It was artificial sweeteners. They told me exactly what I didn't want to hear (cut them out). I felt attacked and like they didn't understand. Artificial sweeteners weren't a problem for me! Sure, I drank 2+ liters of diet cola a day, but it had no calories! It wasn't bad. I did end up listening. I said, I would give it 30 days. By the end of 30 days, I realized just how much of a problem the artificial sweeteners had been for me. Suddenly, I could see all the times when I struggled most, ate the most, felt the hungriest, and so on were strongly linked to the amount of sweet foods I ate (artificially sweet or not). I didn't like being told I couldn't do what I wanted. But, I was wrong.

    When I told the weight loss doctor I'm seeing I kicked diet drinks she said, "Your liver will thank you." I'm a diabetic and I discovered the fake sugar was making me crave the real and processed junk. Good for you stopping it!