Today's WOD



  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hang Squat Clean
    15 Minutes to work to a heavy, pretty double.
    2 reps in a row without dropping. Receive in a full depth, *kitten*-to-grass front squat. Get UNDER quick!!

    “Top Shelf”
    AMRAP 6
    2 Power Cleans
    3 Front Squats
    4 Burpees

    Rest 3 Minutes

    AMRAP 3
    2 Power Cleans
    3 Front Squats
    4 Burpees

    Rx – 155/100
    L3 – 135/95
    L2- 115/75
    L1 – 95/65 or less

    Then I am hosting a Yoke party as we try to get some extra work in for competition training. I might be the only one there, but whatever.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    yesterday's t-giving chipper

    10 HSPU
    20 Pistols
    30 Burpees
    40 Ball Slams 20/14
    50 Pullups
    60 Box Jumps 24/20
    70 Pushups
    80 Situps
    90 Double Unders
    100 Air Squats

    I RXed everything except used a smallish band for the pullups...I've got some pullups, but not that many! Also Did the HSPU and Pistols unbroken! Happy about that, that's a nice accomplishment for me.

    Pushups were by far the hardest part.

    edited to add my time! 31:30
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    100 Pull Ups
    100 Push Ups
    100 Sit Ups
    100 Squats

    Beginner mods for this included ring rows, knee pushups, and breaking up the reps...which I did. Took me 19:20 to complete it.

    Overhead Squat 95lbs/65lbs (x lbs)
    Knees to chest w/ feet in rings

    I went light with this (35 lbs) after our strength today (a 15 minute EMOM of 3 clean and jerks), modded out the push up in the K2C(FIR) because I am just not strong enough to do them at this point, and finished in 3:50. Probably should have gone a bit heavier...

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    500m row
    Bergener Warmup
    Alt tabata: squat cleans and jerks w/PVC & Spidermans
    30 sec handstand hold
    10 Kip swings

    20 mins to build to a heavy squat clean for the day (hit my PR of 235# again)
    And over the 20 minutes get in 3 sets of ME Handstand push ups (7, 6, 6 )

    15 min AMRAP:
    1 Squat Clean 155#
    3 Front Squats 155#
    5 Jerks 155#
    3 MUs (scaled to 9 pullups & 9 dips)
    1 Rope Climb

    -Completed 3 total rounds-
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Back Squat
    5 x 3, Across

    Try to pick one working weight (or small range) for today’s sets of 3. (i.e. 200-200-200-200-200 is Great, 200-205-205-210-210 is OK, but something like 165-185-205-225-235F is No Bueno. For today’s purposes.)

    “Wrecking Ball”

    For time:

    Pull Ups
    Wall Balls (20/14)

    L2 – Banded, 14/10
    L1 – Ring Rows, 10/6

    Might add in some bench press afterwards as supplemental work.
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    Strength-Back Squat:

    1 x 20 reps (ie. find your 20 rep max)

    We are starting a new 12 week strength cycle so back to higher rep schemes for our strength portions. I used 143# which was 10# more than last time we did this in September.

    21-15-9 Reps for time:

    Thruster (95/65)

    I finished in 5:49RX. I was able to do the thrusters in sets of 21-0,9-6,9-0, but I had to break up the pullups way too much, sets of 3-7. Still this was a 57 sec PR so I'll take it.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Back Squat
    5 x 3, Across

    Try to pick one working weight (or small range) for today’s sets of 3. (i.e. 200-200-200-200-200 is Great, 200-205-205-210-210 is OK, but something like 165-185-205-225-235F is No Bueno. For today’s purposes.)

    “Wrecking Ball”

    For time:

    Pull Ups
    Wall Balls (20/14)

    L2 – Banded, 14/10
    L1 – Ring Rows, 10/6

    Might add in some bench press afterwards as supplemental work.

    275 on the 5x3. WOD took me 10:30. Met-con was fine, my arms/shoulders just gave out on me after the first 30 ring rows. I finished it though (and RX on the wall ball)
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Strength-Back Squat:

    1 x 20 reps (ie. find your 20 rep max)

    We are starting a new 12 week strength cycle so back to higher rep schemes for our strength portions. I used 143# which was 10# more than last time we did this in September.

    21-15-9 Reps for time:

    Thruster (95/65)

    I finished in 5:49RX. I was able to do the thrusters in sets of 21-0,9-6,9-0, but I had to break up the pullups way too much, sets of 3-7. Still this was a 57 sec PR so I'll take it.

    outstanding job all around! You crushed it!
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    500m row
    Hamstring mobility
    Alt tabata: HRPUs and inch worms
    2 rounds: 1 stone Ground to Shoulder @150# & 1 db farmers carry down and back of gym @70#

    Deadlift (Base off 5RM)
    1x5 @70% (220#)
    1x5 @75% (235#)
    1x5 @80% (250#)
    1x5 @85% (265#)
    Then for fun afterward wanted to try and set a new PR which I successfully did @400#!

    2 rounds:
    2 min of G2S Stone AHAP
    :1 min rest:
    2 min of Deadlifts 315#
    :1 min rest:
    2 min of Farmers Carry 70#
    :1 min rest:

    Score is total DL reps and weight of stone used --DL: 21 reps, Stone: 225# (ended up doing 8 reps with the stone)
  • CrossFitSandra
    Skill: Deadlift 5x3, add 10# from last time


    8min AMRAP
    OH squat 80/55

    Round 1 is 1 rep of each, round 2 is 2 reps each, etc...

    135 on my deadlift (last time was 95 but that was a month ago, so I started at 105, and kept going until I got to 135. Probably could've gone a bit heavier.)

    Finished 8 rounds + 1OHS Rx

    I hate OHS, but I've been working on them on my own time, so they're getting less awful. I need to work on consistently getting to the bottom of the squat, though.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Side work today. Doing bench press working up to a 1 RM. Then rest 5-10 minutes and do two sets at 65% max AMRAP. Rest two minutes, repeat. Score is total reps for the two sets.

    Then will likely go for a run or join some folks for some interval work.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    400m run x 10, with a 2 minute rest in between

    For some reason, I love these WODs! Most others hate 'em...
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Odd: 15 Burpees
    Even: 15 Cals on rower

    10x10 slow OHS, 45/35 - work positioning and technique.

    I managed to maintain only 8 reps for all sets of burpees and 6-8 cals for the rower (had to share the rower, so transition time slowed me down a lot). Did a variety of squat therapy for the skill work.

    Total burpess = 120 :sick:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Side work today. Doing bench press working up to a 1 RM. Then rest 5-10 minutes and do two sets at 65% max AMRAP. Rest two minutes, repeat. Score is total reps for the two sets.

    Then will likely go for a run or join some folks for some interval work.

    No run, just the bench press and we worked to a 3RM. Got to 215. Could do 1 at 225 but failed on #2.

    Did the two sets at 135 (65% was 139) and did 24 reps and then 19.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member

    12min EMOM
    3 Deadlift @ 65%

    My 1RM is 225# so I was pulling 165# for this and it got heavy REAL quick!! lol! Definitely worked up a good sweat!

    100 Knees to Chest w/ Feet in rings (150 if no pushup)
    100 Floor to Overhead 45lb/25lb (x lbs for beginner)
    100 Overhead Walking lunges 45lb/25lb (x lbs for beginner)
    *complete in any order

    I'm still too weak to do the pushup in the K2Cw/FIR so it was 150 reps for me and 10lbs for the other exercises (started at 25# but quickly needed to scale down). Broke them up into sets of 25 for the most part and finished in 17:29.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Wod- "uneven"

    For time

    15 uneven overhead squats 130/80, must have at least a 5 lb difference on each side
    15 one legged box jumps 20/16
    200m uneven farmer carry (53/35 men, 35/25 women)
    12 uneven oh squats
    12 one legged box jumps
    100m uneven farmers carry
    9 uneven oh squats
    9 one legged box jumps
    50m uneven farmers carry


    Then tonight I had an impulse to do 100 kb swings for time (53/35).
    2:59. Only put it down once after the 80th rep for about 10 seconds
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Simple WOD :
    10 Min AMRAP

    10 single Arm snatches (switch arms after each couplet) (16kg)
    20 DUs

    5 rounds completed, only because i suck at DU's I should have really done a buyout and done singles.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Simple WOD :
    10 Min AMRAP

    10 single Arm snatches (switch arms after each couplet) (16kg)
    20 DUs

    5 rounds completed, only because i suck at DU's I should have really done a buyout and done singles.

    Mo, don't ever let singles be a substitution for doubles...I dont care if you do 5 singles per 1's not going to help you or mimic the work being done. Instead, do barbell hop overs. 1 for 1. As fast as you can.

    Also, practice your tuck jumps. I know some people who got really good at doing a bunch of tuck jumps and it helped their double unders
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Yesterday morning's WOD went a little something like this:

    35 wall balls
    800m run
    35 burpees
    500m row
    35 pull ups
    800m run
    35 KB swings

    For time. I got 24 mins - not great. I hate and suck at running, and burpees kill me every time. This was done after 3 x 5RM dead lifts.
    It was one of those WODs that I saw on the board and had the immediate thought of walking straight back out the door, but I did it and as always felt so good afterwards.
    Then yesterday afternoon I did 3 x 5RM squats and 5 x max pushups.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Ok I won't, I can do a rhythm of double and two singles but that is pretty taxing during a WOD.
    My issue is more the whipping rather than my jumping, i just can't seem to turn the rope over continuously for double unders, its difficult for me to get the coordination. I panic with my jumps, its not comfortable yet :(