Today's WOD



  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    Today totally killed me! Some squat work before and then:

    Bar over burpees

    First time doing that one, and it was tough!
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    This morning:

    Deadlift 3x5

    WOD - 5 rounds
    400m run
    35 double unders

    100m DB walking lunges

    Cannot express how much I hate running, but I think I'm getting s slightly better rhythm...
    Here's hoping tonight's session is more lifting and less cardio!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Yesterday was a 5k row (23:09) and then my first attempt at Yoga. Lot of fun but that headstand with your knees on your elbows....not yet.
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    Row 500m
    Bergener warmup
    Alt tabata: Spread eagle stretch and pvc passthroughs
    5 power cleans w/45#bar
    5 push jerks 45# bar

    Power Clean and Push Jerk - 20 mins to build up to a heavy clean and jerk
    --Set new power clean PR @220#!--

    EMOTM for 14 mins:
    Odd: 3 Power cleans @70% of todays max (155#)
    Even: 3 Push Jerks @70% of todays max (155#)
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Last night's WOD was one of those "oh this won't be too bad" ones that is, in actuality, very bad indeed.

    4 rounds for time.

    15 push presses (going light to keep it unbroken the whole time, which I managed at 70lbs)
    20 bar jump overs
    4 shuttle sprints 20 feet down and back (so up and down is 1, up and down is 2)

    1 minute rest.

    After the second round you are just gasping for air the whole time. The final two sprinting sessions just suck. You can't catch your breath but it doesn't bet much worse either so you just suck it up and go.

    Great, great met-con workout. Took me a couple of minutes just lying there to recover.
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691

    50,40,30,20,10 reps for time of

    Box Jumps
    Kettlebell Swings

    Fair to say my legs are pretty gassed
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Last night's WOD was one of those "oh this won't be too bad" ones that is, in actuality, very bad indeed.

    4 rounds for time.

    15 push presses (going light to keep it unbroken the whole time, which I managed at 70lbs)
    20 bar jump overs
    4 shuttle sprints 20 feet down and back (so up and down is 1, up and down is 2)

    1 minute rest.

    After the second round you are just gasping for air the whole time. The final two sprinting sessions just suck. You can't catch your breath but it doesn't bet much worse either so you just suck it up and go.

    Great, great met-con workout. Took me a couple of minutes just lying there to recover.

    Sounds wicked, Love shuttle runs!
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    this one sucked *kitten*

    for time


    Taters (35/53)
    Double Unders
    SDHP (35/53)
    Double Unders
    KB Swings (35/53)
    Double Unders
    Lunges holding KB (35/53)
    Double Unders

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Tonight was


    Power Cleans

    175 power clean (PR)
    155 jerk (I need better shoes than my NB Minimus, the split kills my arches)

    Cash out: 500m row for time. 1:35
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    This morning was:

    150 wall balls for time - this SUCKED and I struggled more than I thought I would. 12.34 mins

    Then WOD
    12 strict chin ups
    400m run
    15 toes to bar
    4 rounds

    Needless to say my hands are significantly shredded.

    Then tonight was

    Front squat to 1RM @ 57.5kg
    Strict shoulder press 4 x 5-6 @ 27.5kg

    Then WOD
    5 power squat cleans @ 35kg (unbroken for 5 rounds, so could have gone heavier)
    10 tricep dips
    30 double unders
    5 rounds - 15.25 mins

    Then 5 mins of 30:30 intervals on rower.
    Today was a big day.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Karen is a wod in itself, I'm surprised they programed another wod after that.

    Do you normally do a wod in the morning and one at night?
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Last nights WOD:

    250m row
    25 pushups

    20 min AMRAP

    I completed 6/7 in 20:39
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Karen is a wod in itself, I'm surprised they programed another wod after that.

    Do you normally do a wod in the morning and one at night?

    If I'm reading that right it is two WODs in the morning and two at night.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Karen is a wod in itself, I'm surprised they programed another wod after that.

    Do you normally do a wod in the morning and one at night?

    If I'm reading that right it is two WODs in the morning and two at night.

    Yes, I read it that way too. I was more asking if she typically crossfits both in the morning and evening like she did today
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Karen is a wod in itself, I'm surprised they programed another wod after that.

    Do you normally do a wod in the morning and one at night?

    If I'm reading that right it is two WODs in the morning and two at night.

    Yes, I read it that way too. I was more asking if she typically crossfits both in the morning and evening like she did today


    Just reading that workout made me sore. I'm no nearly in the shape I'd need to be do that, and at age 43 might never be.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Yesterday's WOD - still feeling it today and my profile pic is from yesterday's WOD:

    Sumo Deadlift Variation, 1RM (205lbs is what I did with chains
    Good Mornings 4×5
    Cleans (High-Hang), 4×6

    3 Rounds 20 Wall Ball 20 Kettlebell Swings
    Accessory: Hamstring and/or core Choice
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    AMRAP 15
    ladder style:
    Power Clean @ 95/135
    Muscle up (subbed 1 pullups and 1 ring dip per)
    Every 3 min stop and do 50 double unders

    So 1 clean, 1 muscle up,
    2 cleans, 2 muscle ups
    3 cleans, 3 muscle ups, etc

    Got thru 7 full rounds


    Belching toad - 5:56!
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Karen is a wod in itself, I'm surprised they programed another wod after that.

    Do you normally do a wod in the morning and one at night?

    Short answer: I often do, yes.

    I train 9-10 times a week, so do 3-4 days each week of morning and evening sessions. Crossfit is usually the thing I most look forward to in my day, so I love training more than once a day.

    And Karen was in place of any specific strength work that day...


    Just reading that workout made me sore. I'm no nearly in the shape I'd need to be do that, and at age 43 might never be

    I've been training for over 2 years, 4 times a week, and only just started upping it to this level a couple of months ago, so it has taken me a while to get to this point.
    That said, I don't often get sore from my training. That's a good and bad thing - I wish I got more sore than I do! I'm usually exhausted right after, but an hour or two later feel great and could go again :)
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member

    Short answer: I often do, yes.

    I train 9-10 times a week, so do 3-4 days each week of morning and evening sessions. Crossfit is usually the thing I most look forward to in my day, so I love training more than once a day.

    And Karen was in place of any specific strength work that day...

    Good for you! And that makes sense about Karen now.

    I train that often as well, I wasn't suggesting it was bad for you, just uncommon to find someone else who does that too :)
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    Idk how my reply ended up in a quote lol