Today's WOD



  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Also, practice your tuck jumps. I know some people who got really good at doing a bunch of tuck jumps and it helped their double unders

    Do you have a program as such for tuck jumps & hop overs?
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Ok I won't, I can do a rhythm of double and two singles but that is pretty taxing during a WOD.
    My issue is more the whipping rather than my jumping, i just can't seem to turn the rope over continuously for double unders, its difficult for me to get the coordination. I panic with my jumps, its not comfortable yet :(

    When I was learning to do DUs I found it really helpful to practice the jumping part without the rope. So I'd do 2-3 small (single) jumps and then one higher one for a double under. Repeat that a bunch of times to get into a good rhythm of 2 single jumps and 1 double repeatedly, then try adding in the rope. Make sure it's a speed rope!!
    I had trouble doing the higher jump and faster rope spin at the same time - it was like I could do one or the other, but not both. After practicing just the jumping, it was easier to add in the rope. Then I spent time practicing the same rhythm (2 single, 1 double) with the rope, and then went to 1 single, 1 double, and then eventually just doubles. Once I started practicing just the jumping part and then working up, it was literally only a couple of days before I was doing doubles. But I'm stubborn like that and won't give up til I get it right.
    Also, make sure you don't kick your feet back for the double jump. Keep your legs straight, just jump higher. Hope that helps!!
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    ^^^ thankyou very much, i guess i got to relax a bit, i can skip for ages, but i'll stick with the two single and one double. With me when i do doubles, my body goes into a bit of a 'K' shape, i'll try just jumping and keeping the jump bit straight,
    Thankyou very much, if i can nail the bad boys i'll thank you and mua :)
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    ^^^ thankyou very much, i guess i got to relax a bit, i can skip for ages, but i'll stick with the two single and one double. With me when i do doubles, my body goes into a bit of a 'K' shape, i'll try just jumping and keeping the jump bit straight,
    Thankyou very much, if i can nail the bad boys i'll thank you and mua :)

    I dont have a program for it, but the fact that you *can* get double unders, just not fast, means that you need to do them during your wods instead of scaling. It's the only way to get better, and if it slows your time down, oh well, it's motivation to get better at the DU and speed your time up the next time you try the same wod. that's the point of crossfit...everything is measurable, meaning we track our progress. dont scale just for the sake of having a faster time
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    PRed Jerk by 20#,


    wod last night:

    50 slam balls (14/20 for all the ball work)
    40 wall balls
    30 overhead lunges
    20 wall ball sittups
    10 med ball cleans
    5 deadlifts (95/135 for all the weight work (did 87))
    4 hang power cleans
    3 hang squat cleans
    2 full squat cleans
    1 thruster


    then did 50 burpees for time...was a little buzzed at that point just goofing off with my friend, but I came in right around the 4 minute mark. quads on fire today
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    My forearms are still toast from Tuesday's ring row/wall ball 30-20-10 fest.

    I literally can't straighten my arms. I hate when that happens :)
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    ^^^ thankyou very much, i guess i got to relax a bit, i can skip for ages, but i'll stick with the two single and one double. With me when i do doubles, my body goes into a bit of a 'K' shape, i'll try just jumping and keeping the jump bit straight,
    Thankyou very much, if i can nail the bad boys i'll thank you and mua :)

    I dont have a program for it, but the fact that you *can* get double unders, just not fast, means that you need to do them during your wods instead of scaling. It's the only way to get better, and if it slows your time down, oh well, it's motivation to get better at the DU and speed your time up the next time you try the same wod. that's the point of crossfit...everything is measurable, meaning we track our progress. dont scale just for the sake of having a faster time

    Thats great advice, in struggles we find heart to come back stronger. @ mua also another great workout, you sure do put the work in!
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691

    5 L&R TRX Arm Extensions
    10 Aikido Rolls
    10 Sots PRess
    5 rounds completed in 11:31

    Followed by Deadlifts

    7x7, did 5 sets @ 75kg, & 2 sets@ 80kg. Little that i realised that the bear wasn't a standard 20kg bar! (I used an already loaded bar! DOH!
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691

    50-40-30-20-10 reps of
    Wall Balls (4kg)
    Box Jumps
    Kettlebell Swings (12kg)

    Completed in a time of 22:23
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm Up:
    Row 500m
    Alt tabata: spread eagle mobility and hip crossover stretch
    20 air squats
    15 HRPUs
    8 Broad Jumps

    Front Squat 4x5 @90% of 5RM (@225#)

    3 rounds: 3 min on, 1 min off:
    3 Burpees
    6 Thrusters @95#
    9 Sit Ups

    -- Score is total rounds and reps completed -- Finished 6 rounds, 15 reps
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    fun partner wod today ...did it with my mom! she's a beast (competed at the games twice now!)

    1. deadlift 175 hold while the other person rows 1000m. Switch who's doing what until the 1000m is rowed. (the deadlift hold was HARD!)
    2. handstand walk 20m while the other person assists to keep your legs up.
    3. one person planks while the other person carrys 75# plates 100m. switch who's doing what as often as needed.
    4. add your body weight between the two of you (240 for us), times that number by ten (2400) and squat that...partition as needed. We ended up just squatting 100# 24x because it was the easiest math wise. one person squats at a time. 2400# is the total, not per person (hope that makes sense)
    5. 50 strict pullups, one person does it at a time.

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^That sounds like a fun workout. Looks like good athletic genes run in the family! :)

    We have a partner WOD tonight as well. Will probably have to scale the clean and above shoulder amount but the DLs will be RX.

    Our "extra" work is a 2000m row this week. I might bang that out after I recover from the WOD.

    Strength work

    3 Position Clean

    High Hang (pockets) –> Hang (above knee) –> Floor
    15 Minutes to work to a heavy set for the complex.
    Should be catching in a squat.

    Partner WOD
    “Trade ‘Ya”

    AMRAP 4

    1 Squat Clean (165/105)

    –Rest 2 Minutes –

    AMRAP 4

    3 Shoulder 2 Overhead (165/105)

    –Rest 2 Minutes –

    AMRAP 4

    7 Deadlifts (165/105)

    Partner preferably of similar capacity using one barbell, but adjust as needed.

    Each AMRAP is one person working at a time, alternating back and forth. First you trade off with 1 squat clean, then 3 overheads, then 7 deadlifts. You do 1/3/7, then your partner does 1/3/7, respectively. Score each segment
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Today was a good one.

    Strength WOD:
    On every odd minute - 3 power snatches
    On every even minute - 10 strict knee raises
    10 rounds (20 mins total)

    400m run
    15 front squat
    15 box jumps
    - 20 min AMRAP

    Loved the first WOD. The running not so much. I really don't understand how people enjoy running!! Any tips on building a better relationship with my cardio nemesis? haha
  • kevie1021
    kevie1021 Posts: 543 Member
    Warm up:
    3 min of DU practice (actually had a good rhythm going on them today!)
    Bergener warm up
    Alt tabata: hang cleans and pvc passthroughs
    30 sec handstand hold
    10 kip swings
    10 push press w/45# bar

    Push Press 5x4 @70% of 1RM
    -- I wasnt sure what exactly my 1 RM for push press was so I just build up to a heavy weight: 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#, 185#;

    12 min ladder:
    2 Pull Ups
    2 Hang Cleans @115# RX
    4 Pull Ups
    4 Hang Cleans
    6 Pull Ups
    6 Hang Cleans
    --Score is total reps--
    79 reps completed
  • MoJokes
    MoJokes Posts: 691
    Todays WOD:

    10 minute AMRAP

    10 Burpees & 25 Double Unders

    I managed 4 rounds, with some good rhythm on Double Unders. I used a different grip and position.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    5k row tonight. Should be painul
  • jordymils
    jordymils Posts: 230 Member
    Complete 1 WOD every 10 minutes:

    WOD 1, 7 min AMRAP:
    120m sled @ 30kg
    10 tricep dips

    WOD 2: 2km row

    WOD 3, 7 min AMRAP:
    7 burpees
    7 power cleans @ 30kg

    WOD 4, 7 min AMRAP:
    5 calories on airdyne bike
    5 bar muscle ups or 10 chin ups

    Needless to say I'm glad today is a single session day for me!!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Mad Skilz Day today for us. We have the following tasks.

    Rope Climbs
    Max Climbs/Ascents in 2 minutes
    (scaled – Pull Ups, bands, jumping, ring rows or otherwise)

    Handstand Walking

    Max Distance Walk in 2 minutes
    (scaled – Max Handstand Hold, or Plank Hold)

    Double Unders
    Max Reps in 2 minutes
    (Alternate – Max Box Jumps in 2 minutes)

    Max Unbroken KB Swings
    (2/1.5 Rx, scale as needed, should be shooting for over 20 or 30 reps in your set, minimum)

    I will also be doing a 5k row to cap things off. Should be fun :)
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Last night:

    For time -
    200 walking lunges with plate held at chest (45lbs/25lbs)
    EMOM 5 burpees to plate
    *start with burpees
    *20 min cap

    I scaled the weight to 15lbs and then eventually to 10lbs and we were permitted to scale the burpee to E2MOM so I did that, as well. I completed 175 lunges before getting capped. I'm guessing it is from all of the time I spent in the boot, but my right hip flexor was not happy with me after about 75 or so lunges and I really had to power through the fatigue. This one brought me to tears.
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    AMRAP 12

    5 STO (75% of 1rm press, i used 60lbs for the wod)
    10 situps
    15 wall balls (14/20)

    7 full rounds