21 Day Fix Results



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Anyone who had results so far... have you had results following the program that has the Flat Abs workout? I just realized I don't have it :(
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dixiewhiskey I don't have the Flat Abs workout, just the 10 Minutes Abs Fix one. And I haven't really used that one as often as I could, mostly because I added PiYo this during Round 2 and it just seems like I'm doing enough already, you know? So with that said, am I seeing a difference in my abs? Bear in mind, I am a grandmother and I gave birth (years and years ago) to fraternal twin boys who were born past their due date and weighed 7lbs 11ozs and 7lbs 3ozs. But here is a pic that may offer a little encouragement:
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    @SatiaRenee i just followed you :)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    That's a huge help.. thanks for posting that. I have two kids and my stomach area is just saggy. I wasn't sure of who had results with or without the extra DVD. :)
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dixiewhiskey Ironically, the less I weigh, the worse my abdomen will look. I don't have stretchmarks--I have stretch wrinkles. It's pretty bad. But I don't really care. I mean, it'd be nice if I could afford to have plastic surgery to make the excess flesh go away but I'm not sure I would be willing to go under the knife just so I might show a little mid-riff. And not wanting to show my stomach in public is a small price to pay for giving birth to two very healthy boys who are now two remarkably wonderful men.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Results are in! -4.4 lbs and -8 inches! Insanity begins tomorrow, doing it every other day wgykqjdy8zk4.jpg
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    great results @michellemybelll!!! I'm done tonight too but I'm going to measure in the morning. Did you do the 3 day quick fix this weekend? I did and I'll see if it was worth it tomorrow I guess!
  • doodlebug32
    doodlebug32 Posts: 66 Member
    Fantastic results @michellemybelll! Wow!

    Insanity is kicking my butt, but it's an awesome workout! Can't wait to hear about your experience!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @michellemybelll I am so glad you shared your results! I was losing focus yesterday and overslept today. But you know what? I am about to feed the dogs and take them outside and then I'll push play. I've got this, even if I've gotten a slow start.
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    Ok! Here are my losses!
    Weight - 8.6 lbs
    Waist - 1.75 inches
    Hips - 3 inches
    Chest (under tatas) - 1 inch
    Thighs - 1 inch
    Calf - .75 inch
    Bicep (unflexed) - .75 inch

    No alcohol, no cheats but had one slim piece of husbands bday cake on 4/22. Doubled up on workouts last week and did 3 day quick fix this weekend.

    Thank you all for your motivating stories!

  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @nables73 So how much did you lose on the 3DQF or is your daughter still keeping it a secret? LOL!

    You look amazing. I mean, wow! Great progress. Are you going to start another round right away or giving another program a try?
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    Round 1 done! Lost 6 pounds!! I am so motivated by reading everyone's updates - you all are awesome!! I'm starting round 2 today!!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    amazing! great work! thanks for sharing.
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    @SatiaRenee My daughter said I was 139.6 on Friday. I was 137.2 this AM. During the 3DQF I lost .25 of my waist, 1 inch off my hips, .25 off each thigh, and .25 off each calf.

    I miss my weight lifting, so I'm going to start that up to try to get more muscle definition. I like to run, so I'll be outside when it's nice. I will continue the 21DF dvd's since that is how I will get any ab work done, I hardley ever did ab work before this! I still have the free trial of beachbody on demand, so this week I'm going to try some different programs. PiYo looks appealing to me!

    Thank you so much for your compliment, I showed a fellow co-worker my pic this am "pooch out your belly did ya?". No I didn't but thanks, thanks alot :neutral:
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    thanks so much guys! the start of insanity has been post-poned until wednesday however. :frowning:
    I ran a quick 5.3 miles this morning, and me and the BF were planning on doing the fit test after, but my belly has been really sour and twisty. i was going to try to power through anyway, but i ended up having to bail. I told my BF he could go ahead and do it this morning anyway, and i would make it up during the day or just later when i feel better, but he said nah and we'll just start it together on Wednesday. We're doing it every other day primarily to allow for his muscles to have ample rest time - he's a heavy weight lifter too and is smart about it. I'm ok with doing it every other day as this will extend it, and i'll just supplement with hot yoga on off days.

    oh, and @nables73 , i did not do the 3 day quick refresh thing this past weekend. just stuck with what i've been doing the entire 21 days. I actually plan to keep up with the nutrition part, i really like the food.

    but anyway, will be spending much of today working from bed - i'm lucky, i know, that i work from home and am able to take it easy today with my upset belly.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    p.s. @nables73 your results are awesome! check out those abs!! :smile:
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I loved insanity! I am going to do a hybrid of insanity and 21DF when I reach goal
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @nables73 I want your abs! You look amazing!!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Wow! Great results ladies!!! I'm on day 17 so close! I didn't really take before pics tho :(
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Sweet results!!