Workout check-in - April-tle bit more awesome



  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Last Night's Workout
    5 min warm up before on the treadmill - walking 4.0mph

    Workout: All 5x5
    Squat 60# - I stayed at 60# as my knee was bothering me a bit from ball practice the night before
    OHP 40# - tried to move up to 50# but I tried a few and I knew I'd have a tough time getting through a 5x5. Can't wait to move to the full gym on Sunday so I can move up to 45#
    DL 70# - definitely need to move up once I get to the full gym on Sunday

    n/a - headache was starting to get stronger so I called it a night and left.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio day - Couch to 5k Week 5 Day 1

    Not bad but day 1 is the easy one. Just three 5 minute jogs with 3 minute walks in between. Though there was some jog even thing at the park cause there were people in blue shirts cheering and water stations. Was weird getting cheered while jogging by as I wasn't part of their event, just doing my cardio. Not sure what it was for though, something related to a blue ribbon. I should have asked but was busy jogging whenever passed a station.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »

    Not bad but day 1 is the easy one. Just three 5 minute jogs with 3 minute walks in between. Though there was some jog even thing at the park cause there were people in blue shirts cheering and water stations. Was weird getting cheered while jogging by as I wasn't part of their event, just doing my cardio. Not sure what it was for though, something related to a blue ribbon. I should have asked but was busy jogging whenever passed a station.

    I don't know why but this sounded awesome. Having a bunch of people cheering me on while I'm jogging, for no reason lol

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    hehehe... It was weird but I should get used to noise and people. My first 5k in June is at 9pm in Portland and part of Pride. So, loud and people are the most plausible outcome. Much different than my training of music in one ear and just some people around out walking their dogs.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Lifted this morning, felt good though I didn't eat enough yesterday and could tell

    Squat 5x5 @ 145lbs.
    OHP 5x5 @ 60lbs.
    Deadlifts 1x5 @ 190lbs. Then 1x3 and 1x2 @210lbs.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    I don't know why but this sounded awesome. Having a bunch of people cheering me on while I'm jogging, for no reason lol

    this happened to me once on a bike commute. when i started commuting for realz, i was working in one of htose awful industrial/suburban wastelands that have nothing for you unless you're interested in buying floor tiles or car-pimpery. kind of place normal people only go to on the weekends, to buy stuff like that. but one evening i was slogging my way homewards on the heavy-truck road, and i passed this little party of indian people who must have been out for dinner or some kind of occasion. i mean, they were Dressed. Up. there was this exquisite woman in the middle of them, you know the type who knows all about the hair and the nails and the jewels . . . full elegance.

    so i'm chugging my way past them, and she's standing in the middle of this gaggle of men and she sees me and she's whooping and cheering and clapping and waving a fist in the air, and then cheering some more. it was great.

  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member

    Squats 5x5 190lbs - PR! Woohooo
    OHP 5/4/5/5/5 72.5lbs - YOU DIE OHP! ARRRGGGGGGHHH I'm sure I'd get it if my squats weren't work weight.
    Deadlift 1x5 180lbs - PR! owwie callouses.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    so i'm chugging my way past them, and she's standing in the middle of this gaggle of men and she sees me and she's whooping and cheering and clapping and waving a fist in the air, and then cheering some more. it was great.

    LOL! That is so random!!

    OK tonight was AWESOME! I FINALLY hit the squat goal that I have had for oh... 3 months now.

    Ice Cream Fitness AKA Stronglifts+ Workout B

    Squats Warmups@45,65,85 then 5x5@100. WOOHOO! Triple digits! OMG they were terrible. So messy. Form was total *kitten*. But I DID it. Form will improve next time (at the same weight of course). Hopefully the psychological component will be easier too since I have finally done it.

    OHP and Good Mornings 5x5@50. Yeah! Another success! I did 50 on the OHP and completed all my reps! /booty dance

    Deadlift 1x6@145. I have done 145 but it was AGES ago that I last deadlifted, before a deload from time off. So it was pretty challenging. I was having some form problems. I will deadlift this weight again. (as a note this is now 1.25x my BW)

    Deloaded -10% Rows 5x5@60. I was absolutely WIPED after giving my all to the Big Three. Even though these are a 10% reduction from my working weight on Workout A days, it was hard, although I kept good form.

    Barbell Curls 3x8@30 lbs. Again I was just so wiped from my big lifts that these were a challenge.

    Narrow-grip Bench 3x8@45 with 2x20 hip thrusts. I forgot to look at the narrow bench video for form and I am not sure I am doing it correctly. The last set... I was just out of gas. I finished it but I was flailing all over the place, and it's not that it was heavy. I was just out. of. gas.

    Also if you made it all the way to the end - At the very end of my workout, on the last set of bench, I realized that I had my pants on backwards.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited April 2015
    Bench: 5/5/5/5/4 @ 85 pounds. Scary moment - I knew I wasn't going to get that 5th rep up on the last set so I went to set the bar back and missed the top peg on the right side. Luckily, the bottom peg caught the bar or that would have been my face! I will ask for a spot on Wednesday when I do this workout again. Something was definitely off about my right arm today. Felt like it was in my rotator cuff and that scared me. I'm hoping that rest will fix whatever is going on.

    How did Wed' s lift go?

    Squats 5x5 190lbs - PR! Woohooo
    OHP 5/4/5/5/5 72.5lbs - YOU DIE OHP! ARRRGGGGGGHHH I'm sure I'd get it if my squats weren't work weight.
    Deadlift 1x5 180lbs - PR! owwie callouses.

    All these milestones, congrats! OHP are a four letter to me!!!
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    I'll post yesterday's work out!

    I just finished week three of SL! My mental math with the plates hasn't been on par for a couple of my workouts, so my squat and DL weights are a little more than what they should be. I did workout A at my school's gym (squat, bench, BR). My boyfriend and I are also in a running club for my church, so we did one of our weekly runs. It's my 2nd time (and his first time) doing a 5k training. 45 minutes lifting and 30 minutes outside!

    As of 4/10/15...

    Squat: 110 lbs (started at 55 lbs)
    Bench Press: 65 (started with 45 lb bar)
    Barbell Row: 85 (started with 65 lbs)
    Overhead Press: 55 (started with 45 lb bar)
    Deadlift: 135 lbs (started with 95 lbs)
    In three weeks:

    My squat has gone up 55 lbs.
    My bench has gone up 15 lbs.
    My barbell row has gone up 20 pounds.
    My overhead press has gone up 10 pounds.
    My deadlift has gone up 40 pounds.

    Obviously, my lower body is MUCH stronger than my upper body.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    As of 4/10/15...

    uh . . . your bench went up 20 ;-)

  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    Dang it! Yes!!! 20 pounds!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    I forgot to log my workout yesterday, but it was workout A day. It went well, except that I was still sore from the no-no I won't be sore and won't deload incident of Wednesday. Still working to go where I was before the, b injuries.

    Warm up: 15 minutes on the ATM + various body weight squats and some body weight good mornings.

    Squat: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 1x5 @ 85, 5x5 @ 90. I was in my least favorite cage and a guy told me to step back because I was almost hitting the bar hook everytime I went up. Meh. Stupid cage with weird guards.

    Rows: 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 55. Should have done 60, but I was tired because of some lack of sleep, so I stayed at 55.

    Bench: 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 55. Same as rows. ;)

    Then I took time to stretch and everything, but there was nos BOSU available for my usual planking. It was an ok workout.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    threnjen wrote: »

    OK tonight was AWESOME! I FINALLY hit the squat goal that I have had for oh... 3 months now.

    Ice Cream Fitness AKA Stronglifts+ Workout B

    Squats Warmups@45,65,85 then 5x5@100. WOOHOO! Triple digits! OMG they were terrible. So messy. Form was total *kitten*. But I DID it. Form will improve next time (at the same weight of course). Hopefully the psychological component will be easier too since I have finally done it.

    I know I posted late on your feed update but I'll say it here too. Yay! Congrats on making it to 100 on squats. We knew you could do it. :smiley:
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    edited April 2015
    @threnjen [/quote]
    At the very end of my workout, on the last set of bench, I realized that I had my pants on backwards.[/quote]

    This is so something I would do. But good going on squatting 100! That's my goal, too. Or rather, I got up to 115 and then realized that I was just shy of breaking parallel, so I dropped down to the highest weight I can do and not have that hitch in my form as I get low, which turned out to be 95. I think my form was deteriorating so gradually as I increased weight that I didn't notice, so I'm working my way back up again.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    At the very end of my workout, on the last set of bench, I realized that I had my pants on backwards.

    :D:D you're in good company. my son played a ballgame once with his pants on backwards. i didn't even notice until he hit a double and i had ten minutes or so of him standing around on second where i could get a good look at him.

    some noisy little aggravator in the bleachers noticed it too and just couldn't wait to meet him at the dugout entrance to tell him all about it. my son's response: ". . . so?" i've done the same thing. there was one day in my tech-support-person life where i only realised my overalls were on backwards when i finally got a chance to go to the washroom at about 2pm. what a nightmare. i'd already held off until i had only nine nanoseconds before disaster . . . and then my brain couldn't work out why the pants wouldn't come off.

    some russians i worked with at once place - just fyi - got extremely agitated when i made the same mistake with my undies one day. one of them looked like she was going to hold me down and forcibly put them back on the right way. according to her [but she's from mongolia or somewhere] it's extremely bad luck to wear your gonch back to front. looks like it worked out for you though. way to go on the squats.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited April 2015
    Didn't want to interfere with my M/W/F schedule, so did a 'Warm-up Weights' workout instead, worked on my form and it helped losing me up. Did all 5 exercises (plus sumo squats) using my warm up weights.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    physio appointment this morning and typically frustrating/baffling, the way physio is. it finally transpired with about 10 minutes to go that he feels i need to do better at engaging and ultimately strengthening my traps so as to help with shoulderblade stability. on that note, i paid a silly amount of money for a little rubber tube to do my practicing with and went off to try out this idea in the gym. blew off the bench pressing and i can tell that parts of my left shoulder are really not getting along with the bench, but i filled in with a few other things.

    planks: 2x60sec as warmup. no problems there, though for all i know i'm now doing them wrong. they were so comfortable i can't help wondering.

    squats: 2x5@45, 2x5@65, 5x5@75. i had meant to keep it at 65 what with the five days off and the physio stuff, but it didn't feel necessary so i didn't do it. squats felt good.

    pulldowns: sets of 10 as accessories, at 40 and then 45 pounds. not hard but i wasn't much interested in escalating.

    bench: 1 set of 5 at 45, just to show that i could. left rear something or other really not playing nice on descent. i'm just not ready for bench and maybe won't be for a while.

    rows: 2x5@50, 5x5@60, anal-retentive interest throughout the whole thing in playing the traps game while i was setting them up.

    overhead press: i did a set of 5 at 45 when i first got myself into the rack, but when it was time to actually do the lift, the rack was taken. so i did 3x10 with the 30-pound bar instead, rack-free.

    then i went to the grocery store and spent 50 bucks, basically on candy and red meat. gonna stir-fry my face off in an hour or so but right now i want sleeeeeeeeep.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Tonight did workout B and it didn't take quite as long as last time I went to the gym, though that was good cause I didn't get started till after 10:30 pm. All week I have short shifts but still work until close.

    Stage 2 - B2

    wide grip deadlift from box 2x10 @ 100 - slight increase

    bulgarian split squat 2x10 @ 20 db - used short step
    underhand lat pull down 2x10 @ 70 - tough as increased but made it through

    reverse lunge forward reach 2x10 @ 15 - these are fine
    db prone cuban snatch 2x10 @ 5 - decreased weight, not a fan of these

    sb crunch 2x10 @ 10 - used 10 plate again but bigger ball this time
    reverse crunch 2x10 - feel them but still they are awkward
    glute bridge 2x10 @ 10 - used plate again and did these instead of the lateral flexion

    prone cobra 2x 60 seconds

    shrug 3x10 @ 25 db - not bad but might try with a bar instead one day
    assisted chin up, neg, hang - did sort of chin-ups @ 13 but held at the top and slowly lowered while using the assistance just for 2 sets of 4 reps. Did one in between where I just hung from the handles.

    That is all for today. Sunday is rest day.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Busy, exhausting weekend.

    Saturday I went to the gym in the morning. Everything felt extremely hard. Maybe because I started my TOM. I remember that I felt really weak at the start of last cycle too.

    Squat 5x5 at 135. I have been at this weight for a while now, and it still feels really hard. I can't decide whether to stay here longer, or just try 140.

    OHP 5x5 at 52.5. This was harder than it should have been. I will repeat once more before attempting 55 again.

    DL 1x3 at 170. New high :). I probably could have done at least 4, but I was feeling weak and didn't want to push it since I had a game that night.

    I had my first not of the season last night, and my first game with our B team. It was very tough, but fun. I was so sore and exhausted by the end, but happy.

    Then today I had a 3 hour practice. My reaction time was so slow and I was very mopey, bit so we're a lot of other people. Luckily, we took the opportunity to work on scenarios and strategy.

    Now I just want to go to bed and not get up for 12 hours, but I start nights tonight. So I will be having a 1 hour nap then work an 8 hour shift instead. I am sure I will sleep well when I get home!