Workout check-in - April-tle bit more awesome



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Reporting in late, mostly because I have been running around trying to get things done all day and now, at 10 to 9PM, I'm finally able to sit down and decompress a little. Bit of a nervous breakdown type of a day. Sometimes things just pile up and I don't handle stress well. It bled into my workout this morning and I wasn't quite focused and, well... you'll see when we get there.

    Power Snatch
    3x EMOTM # 75lbs x2 reps5x EMOTM # 82.5lbs x1 rep
    Okay I am about to murder the MFP board for erasing my weights after the at sign like 2 dozen times as I was trying to type this. I will be using # from now on. >_< Oh FFS it did it again... grr

    Back squat 135x5, 157.5x2x3, 175x2x2
    Assisted dips + more assistance (60 & 75lbs or so) 8/5, 5/6, 5/7, 6/4, 7/6 (from memory here)
    The squats were not super. Both sets at 175 were grinders through and through, and I basically did a good morning on the very last rep. I don't know what it is with me and squats, but I just cannot seem to progress anymore at them. urgh.

    Metcon - 20,15,10 for time
    - CTB Pulls-ups (red and black bands, so ~85lbs assist)
    - Pike presses
    - Box jumps # 20'

    The 4th box jump I actually just was so out of it just wanting to get the workout done because there was so much waiting for me I jumped on the edge of the damn thing and busted my shin up. I was at 6 mins. I froze my timer for a bit and hobbled around trying not to cry, I made it to the punching bag and gave it a good whack in frustration, sat myself down and took deep breathes then furrowed my eyebrows manga-style and went after the rest of the stupid wod. Total time: 17 minutes. 1:10 longer than my previous time at it with the same parameters (except I didn't bang my shin up the last time). At least I got back at it and hopefully this doesn't prevent me from getting my running in and whatnot. It's a lil painful when I walk at the moment and I need gauze on top because it's still oozing blood (hey, I'm sparing you the picture, be glad).

    But damn, today's just been a grinder, both mentally and physically. Even tho it turns out my grandparents didn't need me after all (I got there as fast as I could, and they were already done with everything by the time I made it...) so I ended up shoveling some snow to help it melt to not feel completely useless.

    Can't wait to just hit the hay now :|
    Back Squat 135x5, 157.5x2x3, 175x2x2
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Krok - sorry about the shin!! That made me go 'ooooooo' out loud. Shin injuries hurt!!

    ran 5km last night

    Lifted tonight

    Squat 5x5 @ 145lbs.
    Bench 5x5 @ 80lbs.
    Row 5x5 @ 90lbs.

    Squats were UGLY!! Gosh they were not good. Gonna stick here and maybe even deload a little soon. Dunno why they're sucking so much at the mo!

    Time for casein and bed xx
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    edited April 2015
    Ohp day 1
    55 lbs x 5 60 lbs x 3, 65 lbs x 4
    I just deloaded these this cycle so this was pretty easy
    45 lbs 3x8 emotm
    Amrap 4 minutes x 3
    Clean 65lbs
    Db rows 20 lbs
    Assisted pullups
    Did 2,2,2

    My upper back is feeling it something fierce and I'm starting to make some progress on my unassisted pullup. I can actually start lifting myself a wee bit without assistance and negative pullups are much more controlled.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited April 2015
    Wee, Construct W4D2. Only 2 more left then I get to deload (after hitting the 2 remaining xfit open workouts I didn't previously do. Because I don't like leaving things unfinished)

    Power Clean Pulls 125x5, 135x5, 145x3, 150x3
    Those went okay, aside from the last reps on the last 2 sets which lacked power and for which I compensated with a bend in the elbows. Glad I was able to pull these through even with the shin. I was worried I would scrape it but I managed to stay away from it without comprimising form too much. (the swelling is down a good bit, so I'm hoping a run tomorrow at lunch is a possibility)

    OHP 75x5, 82.5x3x3
    Superset with submax assisted pull-ups: mixed grips, ~80lbs assist throughout

    It was my first time hitting 75 for 5, I believe. Reps were grindy on the sets of 3 but I never doubted I would make them all so I think there's progress there. Can't wait to test my 1RM on these again. Maybe that 100lbs is within reach now! As for the pull-ups, I exhausted myself on these yesterday so they, erm, sucked. Bad. Mixed grips and whatnot. My lats are gonna be sore.

    Interval finisher: 60/20 seconds work/rest intervals
    - Recline Rows: 18/14/14/13
    - KB 1-arm snatch #25lbs: 15L/16R/12L/13R (+2L)
    - Front rack walking lunges #55lbs: 14/14/14/14 (total reps, so 7 per side per round)

    NMW sets for push-ups/recline rows ended at 20/22 and 13/17. If I fail one more time on either I'm gonna use the 10% deload rule here.

    My pecs are sore as hell from yesterday's dips, and I have a feeling my lats will be tomorrow xD Here's to finishing the first phase strong, right?
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    My weekend workouts are:
    Saturday - outside run! Yay! I haven't run outside in SO long and I was pleasantly surprised. I went just over 3 miles and it took me 31.46 minutes. I was shocked. My PR for 5k is 28.56 (I think)...that's really pretty close for not having run 3 miles in over a year (outside).
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x125
    Bench: 5x5x85 (I think I'm ready to move up to 90 on Thursday)
    Row: 5x5x80

    Today - it's a cardio day but I just couldn't get out of bed. It's ok, though, I am going to walk a couple miles this afternoon so that'll do.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    edited April 2015
    I ran two miles of a 10 mile relay race on Friday. I was one of the middle legs so I didn't really have anyone around me. I ended up starting too fast, slowing down, then pushing myself to finish. I'm happy with my time but I felt roughed up the rest of the day. A man with a limp passed me, too, so there's that...

    I helped a friend move on Saturday and I did a lot of the heavy lifting because I lift and I'm strong :blush: It was gorgeous out so I went to the driving range after and hit some balls. I then realized I'm in dire need of a golf lesson. Had two beers after then fell asleep on my couch at 8pm (holy oldster). I woke up at midnight completely disoriented. Didn't think I'd be able to sleep but not to worry, I woke up at 10 am the next day. WTF happened to me?

    Sunday was gardening day. I helped put down 10 bags of mulch and I uprooted a tree. Just call me Paula Bunyan. I'm quite sore today so might need to take it easy lifting.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Yesterday I was supposed to rest an extra day. I've been doing SL every other day for awhile, so I thought an extra rest day might help. But then I was hella bored and realized since today is my anniversary, I'll be too pooped to lift, so I did some accessory work

    Front Squats 65lbs - 65lbs seems my block
    Pull up negatives - my triceps and grip are angry. Crap, I forgot to use my lifting straps!
    Barbell Hip Thrust 45lbs - First time trying this. My butt got huge with pump after these!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    giusa wrote: »
    How did Wed' s lift go?

    It's only Monday. lol Since I skipped the gym today, the next time I'll bench is on Friday. I have a funky feeling that my arm pain might have had a little to do with my OHP 2 days prior. We'll see. Thanks for asking!

  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Last Night's Workout
    10 min warm up before on the treadmill - mix of walking 4.0mph and running 5.5mph

    Workout: All 5x5
    Squat 60# - feel a lot more comfortable in form other than feeling a bit weak due to lack of food.
    Bench 60# - felt pretty strong!
    Rows 60#

    Didn't eat enough yesterday so my lifts felt a bit weak, need to make sure I get closer to my 1575 calorie goal! I may look to increase this as I start lifting heavier too.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Cardio Day - Couch to 5k Week 5 day 1 attempt 2

    Not bad. Tad chilly outside still so wearing sweatshirt when I go. Legs are tired during the 5 minute jogs but overall, pretty good. The 8 minute seems doable so just not sure on friday's 20 minute. Will find out when I try then and at least I have a beer waiting for me as I don't work that day either. hehe
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Got some cardio in - I walked to my Team Captain meeting for my company's 'Active for Life' campaign - it's across our campus and I took a long way back. So about 2.75 miles round trip.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Yesterday, Ice Cream Fitness A

    I had a lot of energy for this session because I ate 1500-2000 cals over maintenance the day before :lol:

    Squats - warmups 45, 65, 85 then 5x5@100. Form a bit better than the first time at this weight but still needs a lot of improvement.
    Bench - tried 1x5@65 and it was really too heavy. Went to 60 and finished my sets. Also did 5x12 leg lowers while holding up the bar, and 5x15 hip thrusts.
    Rows - 5x5@75, new weight. Form was not great, but not awful.
    Shrugs - 3x10@75, I added two extra reps per set. Was challenging to my grip.
    Tricep Extensions - 2x10@50, 1x8@60. Added two extra reps to 50 and it was ok so I did a set at 60, so hard!
    Barbell Curls - 3x8@30. Still hard!
    Hyperextensions - 2x10@25 Still tough
    Planks 2x60 sec
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Squat 110 5x5 will repeat next time to get form better.

    Row 80 5x5 may repeat next time as well.

    Bench 85 4,5,5,4,3 yeesh.

    Not bad considering how sore and tired I was from the weekend's activities.

    Also did:
    Side bends 35 3x15 each
    Skull crushers 40 3x8
    Assisted dips -64 1x5, -58 1x5, -52 2x5, -46 1x5
    Shrugs 40 3x8
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    So effing tired!!!

    Hoping for some glute DOMS tomorrow!

    Finally failed on my third set of hip thrusts at 90 lbs. Couldn't get beyond 8th rep. Did a couple sets of walking lunges with 20 lb dumbbells. Have been stuck at awhile at 80 lbs with the one legged pendulum machine---thinking about deloading next time. Finally touched a treadmill...and realized why I may never want to run another marathon, much less another mile.

    Mixed bag...from January 31 to today, I've lost less than 1 lb and 5.5 inches total. I guess I've been accidentally recomping? I know I shouldn't care so much about what the scale says. Thinking about cutting my calories down to 1600 from 1700. Ugh, sorry for the rambling.

    @RenJenn congrats on 100 lbs!!! :)
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    Oops, meant @threnjen !

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    A man with a limp passed me, too, so there's that...

    :D can i just mention though that you make me very happy sometimes? there are times and locations in my bike ride where joggers can overtake me, so you're not alone. today wasn't one of the days for it though. two days of not lifting definitely made my legs more willing to flirt with the concept of sprints. i keep telling myself that i 'ought' to do them because there's no question they give me a dramatic boost when i do do them for a couple of weeks in a row. but i keep just not having whatever it takes when it's time to do them.

    i'll lift tomorrow. i'm telling myself, but i guess unless i get it in at the crack of dawn i might well be lying. there's some kind of something the project manager is leaning on me to provide, which i haven't had time yet to give any thought to. gah, these people. 5 months down, 7 to go.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    So, I've been MIA. I took almost 2 weeks off from lifting because of endurance events. I had a 13.5 hour event followed by a 6 hour event Easter weekend. I spent the week after attempting to recover from said events. Then this past weekend I had a 24 hour endurance event. It wiped me out, but I decided almost 2 weeks off lifting was more than enough, so I hit the weights yesterday.

    Workout A
    Squats 5x5 at 145#. Felt good and strong with these. I'll probably hang out here until next week just to make sure form is good.
    Bench 5x5 at 100#. I deloaded on this lift (from 110#). I'm glad I did. My upper body lifts suffer the most when I'm tired. I was able to do this lift with zero issues, but if I hadn't deloaded I would have struggled.
    Row 5x5 at 80#. This is getting hard. I'll probably hang out here for a little bit.

    Cable rows 3x10 at 90# supersetted with hip thrusts 3x10 at 35#.
    Narrow grip lat pull downs 3x10 at 90# supersetted with body weight lunges.
    Decline bench 3x10 at 75#.

    Also walked a mile afterwards.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    A man with a limp passed me, too, so there's that...

    :D can i just mention though that you make me very happy sometimes? there are times and locations in my bike ride where joggers can overtake me, so you're not alone.

    So good to know we're not alone! And thanks. You're always making me laugh :smiley:
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    edited April 2015
    A man with a limp passed me, too, so there's that...

    :D can i just mention though that you make me very happy sometimes? there are times and locations in my bike ride where joggers can overtake me, so you're not alone.

    So good to know we're not alone! And thanks. You're always making me laugh :smiley:

    I actually LOL'd about the man with the limp - mostly because I can relate haha. Thank god on my jog Saturday I actually passed a guy pushing his motorcycle. How sad would it have been for him to pass me while pushing his ride! Phew!

  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Lift day!
    5 min cardio warmup (sounds so pathetic, but by the end I'm sweating already!)

    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x125
    OHP: 5x5x80
    Dead: 1x5x160

    Great work, ladies :)