Workout check-in - April-tle bit more awesome



  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Checking in for the weekend.

    Friday: wasn't feeling it, but I wasn't going to bail on lifting. I did workout A.
    Squats 5x5 at 145. These felt good and solid. Moving up this coming week.
    Bench 5x5 at 105. Again felt really good.
    Rows 5x5 at 80. These felt heavy, but ok. I didn't bump up to 85 like I was supposed to because I feel like my form is just barely good at 80. I get my reps out with good form, but I couldn't go heavier and maintain proper form. I'm going to stick here for a bit before jumping up again.

    Yesterday: notta.

    Today: 3 mile ruck with the husband. I wasn't feeling it, so we cut it short. We were aiming for 5-7 miles originally. I'm planning on doing some body weight stuff (push-ups, burpees, pull-ups) and foam rolling later to make up for the shortened workout this morning.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Busy weekend! But a better lifting session this time.

    Assisted pull ups 3x4 at 25 lbs - these were really hard yesterday for some reason. I wonder if maybe the 5 lb plate was down the last couple times and I didn't notice, so I was really doing 30 lbs assist instead of 25. I will have to pay more attention.

    Squat - 5x5 at 140 lbs. Did them, but form was meh.

    Bench - 5x5 at 75 lbs. Ok, but still hard. I am staying here for a bit. I need to work on keeping my shoulder blades pulled together and keeping my feet planted.

    Row - 4,5,5,5,5 at 90 lbs. Not bad. I was letting my back come up too much on the last two sets though. Need to work on that.

    It was my husband's birthday party last night, so it was a really late night with junk food and alcohol, so I just quick added 2500 calories for the night. I actually didn't eat too much junk, so that is likely a high estimate.

    And then today...6 hour derby bootcamp! I am ready to collapse.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Yesterday was my long run (9k). I managed to find that zone where I am more meditating than running so it went by really quick.
    Today was the start of deload week. Which my mind definitely needs, and my body could probably use as well
    Bar 5/5/8
    And 3x8 just the bar EMOTM
    Circuit of Clean (empty bar), DB rows (15 lbs), assisted pull ups, plank, 12/9/6/3 with no time limit and a lot of rest.

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    today's workout:

    Squat: 5x5 @ 150.
    OHP: 5/4/5/4/3 @ 65 - THIRD fail at 65. Back down to 55 on Friday.
    DL: 5x5 @ 175. This was tough today as my grip was truly failing me.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Last Night's Workout

    Squat 70# 5x5 - I definitely feel my glutes this morning....
    OHP 40# 5x5 - had a few shaky reps but overall felt great
    DL 70# 1x5 - felt like my form was better last night
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Friday night OHP, definitely can go die in a fire. did my warm ups and got to my working weight of 64 lbs. I could only get 2 up. Then I cried like a little baby. Went and put a note on my sheet. Came back and got 3 more up though I was trying for 5. Waited a bit and then tried again and couldn't get one up.

    Then I did concentration curls in an upside down pyramid scheme for reps. Did 8s and then 10s. 10-8-5-3
    Hammer curls at 8's same format.

    Then did hip lifts. No weight x20
    5 x 20
    10 x 20
    20 x 20

    Then went skating for about 15 minutes with my dog. First time, didn't let her pull. Found out I need to build my ankle strength a lot more and get a back brake so I feel more confident. It was also my first time on skates in years.

    Sunday was spent building a fence and sorting through reclaimed wood pulling nails. Did you know that using post hole diggers works your delts? :p Soo sore. Not sure if I'm going to try pulling any weight tonight. Didn't sleep well either from being so sore last night.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    As usual, I don't check in on weekends, so here's the quick and dirty :)
    Friday remained a day of rest.
    Saturday: I didn't hammer out any specific cardio, but I was walking a lot that day, went to the driving range for a little while and vacuumed 3 cars (which sounds silly but was killer! I was dirty and sweaty by the end of that).
    Sunday: Lift day!
    Warm up - walked 3.5 miles (breakfasted in the middle of the walk)
    Squats: 2x5x45, 1x3x75, 5x5x125
    OHP: 5x5x80 (I really have to push this up with a lot of might, I wonder - is it ok to slightly bend my knees and then push up?)
    Dead: 1x5x160 (my grip is getting better with this, but DAMN am I sore!)
    Today: 32 minutes on the treadmill, incline walking
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Squat repeat 115 5x5. I'm going to stay 3x at each weight now for squats so one more time at 115.

    OHP 60 5,5,5,5,3 Doh! Couldn't get the last two reps up. Mehdi is telling me to de-load to 50 but I might de-load to 55 or not. We'll see how I feel on Friday.

    Deadlift 145 1x5 + sumo stance 1x5 + 1 rep double overhand. I'm going up by 5 now so 150 next time.


    Single leg stiff leg deadlift (1LSLDL) 45 3x8 each side. Not wobbling as much as before.

    Assisted pull up -46 3x5. Almost barfed after this :dizzy:
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hit hot yoga this morning, then went to the gym for workout B.

    Squats 5x5 at 150. These felt kind of heavy, but I'm chalking it up to lifting post-yoga. I plan on sticking here this week regardless.
    OHP 5x6 at 75. I added an extra rep to all the sets to help me strength wise. I think it'll help me get to the next weight without failing (hopefully). I plan on doing 7x5, 8x5, 9x5, 10x5, then back to 5x5 at the next higher weight.
    Deads 1x5 at 195. These felt heavy but I was able to get them.

    Accessories: narrow squats 3x10 at 95# and body weight lunges 3x20.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    OHP: 5x5x80 (I really have to push this up with a lot of might, I wonder - is it ok to slightly bend my knees and then push up?)

    That would make it a push press, which is a different lift. It won't hurt you or anything, and you will be able to lift more than doing a strict OHP, but it isn't quite the same.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    xcalygrl wrote: »
    Hit hot yoga this morning, then went to the gym for workout B.

    Squats 5x5 at 150. These felt kind of heavy, but I'm chalking it up to lifting post-yoga. I plan on sticking here this week regardless.
    OHP 5x6 at 75. I added an extra rep to all the sets to help me strength wise. I think it'll help me get to the next weight without failing (hopefully). I plan on doing 7x5, 8x5, 9x5, 10x5, then back to 5x5 at the next higher weight.
    Deads 1x5 at 195. These felt heavy but I was able to get them.

    Accessories: narrow squats 3x10 at 95# and body weight lunges 3x20.

    I've done hot yoga after lifting and it felt great. I think I would have trouble lifting if I did it before though. Is it possible to switch the order of your workouts if you regularly do both?
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    OHP: 5x5x80 (I really have to push this up with a lot of might, I wonder - is it ok to slightly bend my knees and then push up?)

    That would make it a push press, which is a different lift. It won't hurt you or anything, and you will be able to lift more than doing a strict OHP, but it isn't quite the same.

    Ah, I see, maybe I should go back 5 lbs...or stick with this weight until I can get it up there without bending my knees. I can do the first 3 or 4 of the 5 without bending my knees, but the last 1 or 2 need the umph.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Squats: 5x5x110 - stayed at this weight from last time. It's hard.
    OP: 5x5x45 - form was really good. May try going up to 50 on Friday.
    DeadLift: 5x5x145 - stayed at this weight from last time. This is very hard too.

    Also, did some spinning for 20 minutes. I was pretty proud of myself.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Lifted last night

    Squat 5x5x140lbs
    OHP 5x5x66lbs
    Deadlift 1x5x190lbs 1x4x210lbs

    accessories circuit superset 3x5
    Bulgarian split squat 10kgs
    front squat 30kgs
    Romanian DL 45kgs
    Bench step ups - body weight only

    legs so sore today!!
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    edited April 2015

    I was actually still nervous the whole drive over there -- it's been SEVEN weeks!!! -- but by the time I got about 25 feet into the weight room, all that anxiousness rolled off and I was home. It was effing fantastic.

    Squats: 2x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 60, 1x5 @ 70, 5x5 @ 95 lbs.
    - Deload from 140 lbs.
    - Working sets weren't super heavy but they weren't light either. I'll stay here for the rest of the week.
    - I have definitely lost some of the mobility in my shoulders / arms, so I wasn't completely comfortable under the bar. As many of you know, this is an old and ongoing problem. I'm just going to have to keep working at opening up until it's not a struggle any more.

    Bench: 1x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 55, 5x5 @ 60 lbs.
    - Deload from 85 lbs. (I'd failed 85 three times, so was due for a deload anyway)
    - These weren't hard at all. I'll see about going up to 65 lbs. next time, rather than my usual 2.5 lbs. increases.
    - I need to re-read SS about grip. I didn't have issues, but it's like I'd forgotten what felt natural.

    Rows: 5x5 @ 65 lbs.
    - Deload from 75 lbs.
    - These were way heavier than I expected, but form was still good, so I powered through. :tongue: Also weird because of the height. Usually I stack plates, but I tried something different with the moveable J-hooks and it just wasn't as good. I'll stay at 65 lbs. again next time.

    - Supersets -- Seated Dips: 3x10 @ 45 lbs. (Deload from 55) / Dumbbell bicep curls: 3x12 @ 10 lbs. (Deload from 15)
    - Skullcrushers: 2x12 @ 20 lbs. / 1x12 @ 17.5 lbs. (Deload from 22.5)


    Am planning on getting into a better cardio routine as well. I think leisurely AM walks on the trail with Huck on lifting days (usually ~ 3-4 miles; and I lift in the afternoons), and then the more strenuous uphill hike on rest days. Thoughts?
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    Squat: (5x5) 130 lbs
    Bench: (5x5) 75 lbs
    Barbell Row: (5x5) 95 lbs
    Deadlift: (1x5): 155 lbs

    Reverse Crunches: (1x10) Body weight

    Getting close to DL'ing my own body weight and am PUMPED. My last DL on Thursday was terrible so I decided to do the same weight today and it was MUCH better :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    crabada wrote: »

    {smug}called it {smug}. i'm so glad it felt so good to you. you deserve it.

    i seem to be on a really good streak. started my day with a ludicrously fast time getting to work, and i felt like i'm really starting to feel last week's intermittent micro-sprinting begin to pay off. just that feeling of having a turbo-drive tank you can switch over to any time that you want, if anyone else has played around with sprints and got a sense of the things that they do. i was so looking forward to this workout all day, i almost outed myself at work by saying 'it's deadlift day!'. but i didn't. i went to the gym at the end of the day; just got home.

    workout b.

    squats: seems like i'm putting all of my stuff into squats atm, and i'm just fine about that. 2x5@45, 2x5@65, 1x2%85 to see how that felt, 5x5@90. i'm actually pretty sure it was 6x5 since i used the collars to hold the weights on instead of moving them from peg to peg to keep track of my sets. so i did an extra one for insurance after i was already pretty sure that i'd done my five sets. but the last one was greed/overconscientiousness, so i'll just say 5. these were pretty good and felt strong, but i'm sort of playing around with the legs part of my form now that the upper-body part seems to be doing so well. i'm moving my focus to the stick-bum-out-backwards part now, and a couple of reps were kind of tipping into the good-morning turf on me. not seriously in any way, but not the the kind of form that i want. also noted that after the third or fourth set i started to focus on speed, and those reps were actually way easier in spite of all the sets before them.

    AND. sorry for the long squat dissertation in here, but oh well . . . i had to do the warmup sets with my hands almost out to the posts, but by the last couple of sets i had tightened that up by an unbelievable amount without any discomfort, and it was great. i'm making a really really big deal out of setting my shoulders against the bar in a way that is truly comfortable, before i even breathe in and stand up to get the bar off the pegs. if my shoulders don't feel right when both my wrists are perfectly straight, i don't allow myself to stand up. with me, it all seems to be about having a lazy left trap/serratus/rhomboid that were letting my shoulderblade drop forward and down on that side . . . which put the little muscles like infraspinatus and teres and triceps into impingement against the humerus when i'd try making my elbow go back. plus something to do with my left lat doing its best to help out and getting all in a knot.

    solution turns out to be to LIFT that shoulderblade on that side, which somehow, i swear it, would never ever have seemed like an answer to me. but as soon as i do my humerus has all the room that it needs to go back and up, and you could set your spirit level by me. so yay squats. yet another progression. talk about 'stronger than you think you are' atm in my world.

    ohp: um well. a whole buttload of volume, at least. not the greatest, although idk though . . . hard to tell. i didn't warm up for this one since i didn't want to lose the rack, and i was probably overconfident. need to go re-read rippetoe on setting the grip before i do my next workout b. what i did was 3x7@45, 1x4@45, and then i left the rack and went and did 2x12 with the 30 lb bar, then 1x10@35. i really liked using the lighter bar, actually. it let me get to work on the hip-pop factor, and personally i thought that my form was just great. then a couple of times during my deadlift phase i'd sneak back into the rack and do another set of 3-5 with 45lbs. kind of inconclusive/self-indulgent ohp work today.

    deadlift: also not super-spectacular. i know i did one or two reps at 130, but most of the time i was hanging out at 120 instead. i kept doing 110 or 120, trying 130 again, not liking my form, going down . . . in the end i told myself to quit jacking around and go home, so i did.

    two days' rest now if i go by the book. i'm feeling greedy and ambitious, so right now i'm thinking i'll take them both. feel like i did a lot today and i want to give it all time to sink in. monster stir-fry for dinner. YUM.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    edited April 2015

    Squats 5x5 200lbs - Finally, the form looked and felt good. It went really well and not death horrible until the last two reps on the final set. Hurray!

    OHP 5/4/4/4/0 75lbs - First time at 75lbs! After each set it felt like my arms were just not holding the bar right. By the last one I was too gassed to get it up.

    Deadlift 1x5 190lbs - PR! Alright but my grip is shot. I am doing switch and I think I'm at my maximum grippage here without straps. It was scary to hold the bar at the top and my hands felt numb for a few moments after I was done my session.

    To finish my session I went to make my usual casein/whey/frozen fruit/soy milk smoothie and it broke the flipping blender, I'm talking the blades just smashed into bits. It was a nice kitchenaid blender too. Sigh, casein on its own without fruity chunks is horrible!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Wow, everyone is getting in some awesome workouts.

    I did couch to 5k this morning. On week 6 so today was day 1. Then I had to rush and get ready for work as I got asked to come in early. Original schedule was a 6 hour shift and I worked 10 hours instead. So tired. But I did get over 20,000 steps today and that's with cashiering for around 6 of the hours.

    Tomorrow is gym time.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member

    this made me laugh because i understand it so well.

    and now, off to bed - but congrats.