Like Minded Lushes-April 2015



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Woo....7 months is a bit. But a nice long time to save some cash! And great your house sold so quickly! Homes are selling fast here in KY too.

    They live in Honolulu. Looks like near Ala Moana Beach Park if that means anything to you. She works at a country club and he's an engineer somewhere. They like to drink. :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    WOW they are really close to Waikiki! Good for them. Did they move one of them got a job offer?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yes, he got the job and actually moved out there several months before her so she could tie up loose ends, but most importantly deal with their dog moving there so they wouldn't have to quarantine her once she arrived. Then the dog got to fly on the planes as a "therapy dog" instead of riding in cargo in a cage. They love their dog. Then Kelly hung out and got acquainted with the city for a few months and then found the job tending bar (I think that's what she's doing). It was sort of unplanned. He quit his job (he used to work with my husband) and then on a whim they went to Hawaii with some friends and several months later when looking for a job, he was like, "you want to move to Hawaii?" Several months later he was out there. Pretty exciting stuff. But she's 30 (he's 42 I think), they have no kids, and said, why the hell not.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I had way too much wine yesterday.
    0 tonight because I'm doing a 5 mile run tomorrow but I plan to follow that up with drinks :drinker:
    TGIF lushes
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Good for them Ashley!!! We are saying the same exact thing, if we don't do it now we never will!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Have fun SoCal! Running and drinking are two of my favorite things. We used to do a series of races in Louisville every spring (5k, 10k, 10 miler) and would always have mimosas after races.

    Amen Kate. If we didn't have kids, I'd like to think we'd do something spontaneous and cool like that.

    I'm about outta here....
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    IT's Friday. Lush ON!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ashley, I really like the "Baptism after party" haha
    I had a marg at happy hour and then a couple of beers, came home and had a little bit of wine to go with my chocolate.
    Will probably do wine tonight as well...
    Have a great weekend all!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Was really lushy Friday night. Day drank a little Saturday but managed to behave and ended up with just a slight buzz by end of night. Same thing happened yesterday. The vino verde at the party was so good. I will be making it again, maybe with more liquor and I think a cheaper champagne could be substituted. I used Proseco. I feel good today, just a little tired from staying up too late with my Mom and sister. But now it's time to get back on track and dry out for a little bit.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    0 Friday...ended up drinking wine with sushi after the run on Saturday. Not too much tho. Yesterday was margaritas and I had too many. Headed to petco park for the padres game tonight. I'm sure there will be lots of food and beer. I should spend the rest of the week drying out...we'll see if that happens. :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Super lushy weekend. It was really quite awesome! Visited cousins and their new baby Saturday. Yesterday we cleaned out 9 bag of clothes to donate to goodwill....I can't even believe it! It is very exciting and freeing and a lighter feeling to get rid of things. Can't wait until we can start putting things in boxes and selling furniture!!!
    House and Termite Inspection are scheduled for Wednesday!!!!!!!!!
    Going to dry out for a few days!!!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Spring has finally found us and it was gorgeous today. This is going to make getting 0's tough because who doesn't like sitting on the couch sipping wine with all the windows open while the fresh Spring air comes in??

    I should probably dry out after last week and this weekend but I have about 1500 calories left for the day so we'll see.

    Thank you all again for the support <3 it is very much appreciated. I can feel myself slowly but surely healing and I think the weather finally being nice will also help. It's hard to be upbeat when you've been stuck in a closed up house all winter while it's just miserable outside but now being able to have the windows open listening to the birds and finally seeing the sun I've got renewed hope =}
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Glad you're feeling better Kat. I agree, nice weather and sunshine always help me feel better.

    So much for a 0 last night. We had plans to go for a walk, then our neighbor came down to get his mail and stayed for an hour, in which time it started raining (and never stopped) and I managed to drink a Stella Cidre and 2 mango vodkas with raspberry seltzer over the rest of the night. Tonight I will have a 0! Even though I will have to write the federal government a check. :#
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Kat, so happy you are feeling better and, as Ashley said, the nicer weather definitely helps!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello dear lushes

    the weekend was pretty lushy. Vodka was the choice with pom or with sour apple. the weather here has turned very dark and rainy but I can't complain because it has been really nice which isn't normal.

    glad you are feeling better Kat. :flowerforyou:

    good job on the zeros Kate. :drinker:

    Ashley I hate writing those damn checks :grumble:

    Syd, Margaritas are sneaky little devils. :devil:
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I went to the Home Opener that was a lot of beer!
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I had 4 beers last night, and they were delicious.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Baseball game last night so I had a beer and 2 glasses of wine and ate a ton.
    I am getting some work done on my kitchen starting tomorrow. I'm hoping it goes smoothly and isn't a total mess. I expect it might drive me to the wine bottle...we shall see. :drinker:
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Heya lushes! Had a zero last night. Then a "procedure" done in the AM. Without going into detail, it's something you need to do once you hit 50. Anyway, I survived and would love to have a few tonight but may try to do another zero.

    See ya all tomorrow!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Syd, good luck with the kitchen work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gary, good luck with the results. Lenny had one a few years ago and LOVED the meds :wink:

    Wednesday-I am going to try for a zero. We have home and termite inspection today and the real estate agent might drop by later and usually that involves a drink or two. We shall see. Len and I need to get a workout in tonight...via walk or yoga or strength, not sure how the evening will play out!!!
    Have a great day everyone!!!