Fat Bombs for Keto & Calorie Restriction - Cross Posted

ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
I've seen the lists y'all have been compiling for fat bombs, and most of those I've read contained ingredients I don't use on my plan, including nuts because I'm currently wearing braces. Because of my PCOS and insulin resistance, I am aiming for 1500 calories a day, and I try to make sure those are all whole foods, except the rare protein powder in a shake when I am short on calories.

I read my MFP reports, and I've been under goal on fats since my stall started three weeks ago, and I really need to up the fat level by 30+ gm a day, but I still need to stay at about 1500 calories. It's really easy for me to load up on proteins after eating low carb for almost 15 years, and I've been working hard to stay under that macro, so I'm needing some truly fatty bombs. :)

I know I've seen some out there that have cocoa, coconut oil, stevia and coconut. Does anyone have more to share that don't include nuts or cheese? I really need to avoid adding those proteins, as I'm getting plenty the great majority of the time.

I also count all carbs, and need to stay at 20, so I'm concerned at the number of recipes I've seen that have 2+ carbs. They sound good, but two of those and I've used up a fifth of my carbs for the day. Since I try to save my carbs for veggies, heavy cream, eggs and cheese, I'm not willing to give them up readily for a mouthful of fat bomb no matter how good it tastes.

Thanks in advance! I obviously am going to need help to keep me sliding down the scale, as these constant stalls are starting to wear on my patience.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Easiest things to comply with this aren't palatable, and you will have to compromise somewhere, because isn't 30 grams of fats over 100 calories? Straight fats would be something like butter or coconut oil off a spoon. Butter mixed with PB2 (freeze dried peanut butter powder that wouldn't get in braces" or something. Butter and coconut oil don't have carbs. Pretty much most other fats do have some level. So it's about compromise. My favorite bombs have butter, cream cheese, and coconut oil. The cocoa powder, cinnamon, and sweetener all have a little, but they sill come out lower in carbs than say cream cheese based ones.... There is a lemon one that is less than a carb per bomb. It's all about what tastes you are looking for. There are some with avocado and bacon or egg and bacon. You could do a fat bomb breakfast bomb. And as long as you are eating fatty proteins, being a little higher on protein is okay, in my opinion. Carbs are a limit, protein is a range, and fats to satiety. I'd rather be OVER on protein than under.... Sometimes I need extra fats to feel full and good, sometimes I don't. But I don't know that I have ever popped a fat bomb to "meet my macro." Your body will find a way to self-regulate the protein/fat stuff, at least mine has...
  • mongoosealamode
    mongoosealamode Posts: 112 Member
    I know that it isn't what you were asking for exactly but a lot of the time I have a fat bomb dessert. I mix 1 tbs full fat organic cream cheese, 1 tbs coconut oil, 1/4 tsp(or 2 drops liquid) sweetener, and 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon. Mix well in a small bowl and savor with a small spoon or fork. Mmm

    232 cal
    24g fat
    2g protien
    2.7g carbs
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    The cream cheese frosting I make ends up being 1g per serving:
    calories 292
    Total Fat 33 g
    Total Carbohydrate 1 g
    Dietary Fiber 0 g
    Sugars 0 g
    Protein 2 g

    2 oz Cream Cheese
    56 g Butter, Unsalted
    1/4 tsp (5ml), Premium Quality Pure Vanilla Extract No Added Sugar (Alcohol 35%)
    8.00 drops, Organic Liquid Stevia

    I would honestly try adding extra fat to your meals. I usually add butter, bacon grease...stuff like that.

  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    I'm still in long term LC mode, and my habit is to reach for meat or cheese. I can't stand the mouth feel of straight fat, so I have to sneak in more fat instead of literally 'chewing the fat'. I know for sure, the days I am near or meet my fat macro, I have a downward slide on the scale, whereas when I am equal with the protein, it doesn't budge.

    Since I've only been tracking for macros, this is a 36 day report/result, but out of those weeks, three of them were at the same general weight. The only thing different is when I was injesting more fat, I had more loss. This result has nothing to do with low carbing in general, as I've been under <25 carbs for well over 6 months.

    Its enough proof for me to give upping the fat for a few weeks consistently and see the results. Except for downing a spoonful of coconut oil plain, or eating butter, fat bombs seem the solution, as I'm already adding fats to everything. Bacon grease on eggs is great, but not by the spoonful. yuck.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Making an alfredo sauce to dump on anything and everything adds butter and heavy cream, so lots of good fats there...and plus it is generally saltier from the parmesan.... I like finding a good fatty sauce I can add to lots of things.
  • hineybuns
    hineybuns Posts: 5 Member
    I can taste all artificial sweeteners, dry or liquid, and they taste like I'm licking a battery and they increase my hunger so I too have been looking for savory fat bombs.

    My favorite so far is the smoked salmon fat bomb, it's essentially a pack of the lox style smoked salmon, dill (fresh or dried) and cream cheese and butter I added a couple drops of lemon juice cuz I think it makes the flavors pop. I dip a celery stick in and fill up the crevice. I omitted the butter and served it as a party dip and no one new it was keto! Well, they got chips and things so it was just keto for me. It does have a little protein and a couple carbs so I'm not sure if you can work it into your diet or not.

    Another one I've read but not had a chance to try yet is a bacon and eggs fat bomb. it has a little cheddar mixed with scrambled eggs, you add in the bacon fat from cooking the bacon mix and let chill so the fat is more solid. After it's cooled a bit you form it into a ball and roll it in crumbled bacon to coat.

    I also have coffee with a heavy glug of heavy whipping cream (I can easily tolerate caffeine late at night but YMMV).

    If I can find the sites for the recipes when I get home, I'll post them.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    edited April 2015
    Avocado Bacon Fat Bombs
    1 Avocado
    1.5 oz Cream Cheese
    3 Pieces (crumbled) Bacon
    Season to taste (you can do none, add some ranch seasonings, jalapenos, however you want to flavor them)

    I cannot eat the "original" fat bombs, they make me sick and just do not taste good to me.
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    Hmm...let's see. I haven't tried this, but I bet you could do something special with:
    coconut (might not work with braces)
    macadamia nut oil
    cacao butter
    coconut oil
    liquid stevia drops
    vanilla extract
    Seasonings like: cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon, cocoa, mint (maybe not all together at once!)

    Google suggested this recipe:

    Might be a place to start.

    A savory sweet fat bomb I saw involved maple flavourings + bacon grease. O_o Not sure how I felt about that one.
    A drinkable fat bomb would involve adding macadamia nut or flax oil to a beverage like tea or almond coconut milk.
    I've done a savory version with chicken broth warmed up + olive oil.

    Sugar free gelatin is also really nice as a binding agent...I like making gelatin with tea and then adding cream to it. ^_^

  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    I love the idea of adding oils to a drink. I already do coconut oil in coffee once a day, but to change it up, macadamia oil sounds tasty.

    What do you use for flavorings for your gelatin? I'm considering powdering my dehydrated blueberries to make flavor for jello.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Putting butter in broth is yummy too.
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    My coffee this morning was 220 calories, 26g fat, 0g protein, 0g carbs. mmm, fatty coffee.
    It was delicious and chocolaty, too.

    For gelatin, I have used the following:
    1) frozen raspberries pureed and strained + "Raspberry Zinger" tea
    2) coffee + a light dusting of cocoa powder (I would leave that out for sure next time)
    3) strong chai + almond coconut milk
    4) lemon juice + Kevita Mojita drink
    5) Passion tea + dried hibiscus flowers, strained

    So far, my favourites have been the Kevita one and the raspberry one. Chai was pretty good, too.
    I usually make the teas with a cup of very hot water, and then add another 1/2 cup of cold water with the gelatin bloomed in it. A packet of unflavoured Knox gelatine will reportedly gel up to 2 cups of liquid. A packet is roughly equivalent to 1 tablespoon of gelatin.
    I love adding heavy cream to the diced up serving of gelatin. It would be awesome with any of the fruity teas out there. Just remember to brew it extra strong. I don't add cream to the Kevita one, though, and just use that as my "probiotic delicious jello treat".
    I also add about 12-16 drops of liquid stevia when I make the jello.
    Serves 4.

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member

    Putting Chocolate Back Together Recipe
    Almond Joy Wanna Be's (fat bomb recipe)
    Raspberry Fat Bombs
    Chocolate Covered Strawberry Fat Bombs
    Cocoa Butter @ www.bulkapothecary.com

    All of these are very good tasting and you can leave the nuts and/or berries out. The cocoa butter is WORTH the effort to get it. I included a link to purchase it. Read the first blog and go from there.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    edited April 2015
    I bought my Knox. Now to figure out what kind I want to try first. :)

    Your fat bombs look great Dan, but they are higher in carbs than I was looking for. I do have cocoa butter here at all times though. I make my own skin products, and I love it mixed in.