Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    On my walk today at 5:20, I stopped by the Post Office to mail off payments for two bills and I found a whopping 8 Cents:)

    Weather was around 52 Degrees, Made me glad I took along a pair of Brown Jersey gloves. 9 Degree drop in temperature from Yesterday Morning according to the Local News12 Channel. I suspect it is almost time to turn the heat back on too.

    Have Great Wednesday
    Good Morning its Tuesday, and really dark outside...I think I'm gonna get my 20% rain, soonly!!!
    It was hard getting out of bed this morning! Because it was so dark my eyes called my brain 'liar' and other assorted names!!

    Olivia has gymnastics tonite, and I am planning to go. I have 'things' to deliver to them as well. One of the things I picked up at the variety store (Richards) yesterday was a couple back scratchers. For no known reason we were talking about them last time I was out baby sitting, and Jenn showed me theirs...the Golden Retriever had gotten it, and it now only has ONE 'finger'! Funniest looking thing, so I got another for me, and a new one for them..(big spender here, they were $1.50!, and Ted sent 2 little collectable Mind Craft (one or two words?) toys, and I found an unused insulin needle behind a desk when I was 'tidying', I need for Jenn to dispose of it in Olivia's 'needle container'. Etc!!! I should do another round or two of 'tidying', books are next and I just know I can find a few they need!!! LOL!!

    Roger hope you're having or have had a good walk. (and made a profit at it too) :) I think you were the one that said you probably only had one more lawn mowing this year...kinda made me jealous. Me and that mower will be cutting grass or mulching leaves for MONTHS to come. Usually until about early Dec. before mine is done, only to be pulled out again in Feb. to cut down the old leaves of the 'monkey grass'...so short 'rest' for mowers in GA.

    I am hungry, all this food talk, so I'll check in later if I don't get trapped under a pile of rebellious books!

    Hi Valerie
    I think I would hate that long a mowing season :)

    I have back scratchers all over the house, For Some Reason one of my Aunts kept sending them.

    We are lucky with leaves, Most of them fall in the neighbors yards due to where the trees are.

    If I'd have thought to put some beans on to soak this morning, I could have put them on overnight cook mode, but since I didn't, I'm soaking them overnight and will cook them while I'm at work tomorrow and dinner will be pretty much ready when I get home! I put a nice batch of great northern beans in to soak and they will be delicious tomorrow night after crock potting all day.

    Beans are a diabetic's best friend.

    Tonight we finished off the last of the atomic baked beans. So good! And yes, I'm doing a lot of beans lately. They're inexpensive, and nutritious and I'll do them until J starts complaining. LOL!

    Dishes are in the dishwasher and it's running. D has a friend over for the night (on his way to DC and just stopping here for the night) and they've gone out to dinner. J is in the other room and I think I'll join him shortly. In a while, the sugar gliders need food and then shortly after that it's bedtime.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Nothing wrong with being frugal as long as You like the beans, why not and they lend themselves to so many different tastes too.

    Have a Good Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited September 2015
    Tonight's great northern beans are all finished off now. I only made enough for about three servings. I hade one, J had two. And to go with them, just a small portion of potatoes O'Brien. J had a larger portion. It was enough and made a satisfactory dinner.

    Tomorrow I may get a couple of pots of chili going, or perhaps spaghetti sauce. I need to look in the cupboard and see what more beans I have that could go nicely in chili...and then soak them tonight if that's what I want to do!

    Actually, though, spaghetti sauce sounds like it might be better this time...I'll ponder that.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Finally made it here. Slept a little later than I intended this morning, but, made my run to Walmart..snagged 4 of my Sobe's and got some sweet potatoes, and a baking potato, which I stuffed tonite with broccoli, and put my 'nearly cheese' sauce on it. The sauce is good by itself, but I added a touch of dijon mustard and a few drops of Worcester sauce and it was great!
    Got my mamogram for the year, and a trip to Publix...where I checked out KNOWING I was forgetting something, and after I'd paid for my few things, I remembered...I wanted a can of beets. Oh, well...next time.
    Talked to DS1 on his hour and a half commute, and did a couple turns around the cul de sac to bump my step count up while we talked. :)

    For now, I'm ready for sleep! Rain later tomorrow, so first thing tomorrow is grass cutting! I don't mind cutting the grass for that long, but I really hate leaves on the ground. I am the one with the 2 big trees, my neighbor gets the leaves in his yard because the wind blows them there if I haven't gotten them up, and I really don't like that to happen.

    On Wednesdays seniors get a 5% discount on groceries. Mine today was just under $1.50. The guy ringing up, said well, thats a little bit anyhow. I laughed said multiply that by 52, and then multiply that by 12 years! Its a bit more than you think!!! :)

    Ok, gone for the day...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Pondering done. I settled on hearty hamburger stew! I've actually got it going in the crockpot now. Browned ground beef, loads of mixed up vegetables, some very small dice dehydrated potatoes, onions, garlic, and a nice brown gravy with herbs and seasoning.

    Guess what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow? :)

    Val, are you using vegan Worcestershire sauce or just ignoring that teeny bit of anchovy that's usually in regular Worcestershire sauce? I buy a vegan version at the Farmers Market.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Isn't it funny how you can go in the kitchen with one thing in mind and then when you look at what you have available suddenly something completely different pops into your head and you make that instead of what you had sort of planned to make?

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Working a long close tonight. Might try to get a nap in during this interval. I've had a nice bowl of my hamburger stew, along with a couple of slices of 35 calorie whole wheat high fiber low carb bread to make a nice breakfast. The smell of the stew got into my dreams and woke me early, which was fine, as the stew was nicely done and quite tasty. I have it on warm still, but will put the leftover stew away in a bit. I have told D that he can have some if he wants.

    Lilo is currently being a lap warmer so no nap for me right this second. I have to consume my two cups of tea first anyway, and I'm only on the first.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 46 degrees in a nearby town when I left for my mornings walk. Then as the topper today should 80 or higher, what a swing in temperatures. This sort of morning makes me happy that the new 7 pocket hiker pants from Cabelas were delivered.

    Have a Great Thursday
    Hi Guys!
    Finally made it here. Slept a little later than I intended this morning, but, made my run to Walmart..snagged 4 of my Sobe's and got some sweet potatoes, and a baking potato, which I stuffed tonite with broccoli, and put my 'nearly cheese' sauce on it. The sauce is good by itself, but I added a touch of dijon mustard and a few drops of Worcester sauce and it was great!
    Got my mamogram for the year, and a trip to Publix...where I checked out KNOWING I was forgetting something, and after I'd paid for my few things, I remembered...I wanted a can of beets. Oh, well...next time.
    Talked to DS1 on his hour and a half commute, and did a couple turns around the cul de sac to bump my step count up while we talked. :)

    For now, I'm ready for sleep! Rain later tomorrow, so first thing tomorrow is grass cutting! I don't mind cutting the grass for that long, but I really hate leaves on the ground. I am the one with the 2 big trees, my neighbor gets the leaves in his yard because the wind blows them there if I haven't gotten them up, and I really don't like that to happen.

    On Wednesdays seniors get a 5% discount on groceries. Mine today was just under $1.50. The guy ringing up, said well, thats a little bit anyhow. I laughed said multiply that by 52, and then multiply that by 12 years! Its a bit more than you think!!! :)

    Ok, gone for the day...

    Hi Valerie
    I have learned over the years to make a list. The trick then is to not forget the list :)

    I do not think any of our grocery stores here do a senior discount. That may not be a huge amount at any time but it do add up.

    I think the leaves we get blow in from next doors and across the street. The Street has trees at the curb that alternate which side of the street they are on. Out house is the lucky one with no tree at the curb.

    Have a Really Good Day
    Pondering done. I settled on hearty hamburger stew! I've actually got it going in the crockpot now. Browned ground beef, loads of mixed up vegetables, some very small dice dehydrated potatoes, onions, garlic, and a nice brown gravy with herbs and seasoning.

    Guess what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow? :)

    Val, are you using vegan Worcestershire sauce or just ignoring that teeny bit of anchovy that's usually in regular Worcestershire sauce? I buy a vegan version at the Farmers Market.————————————————————————————————————————————————-

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I would have never thought that Worcestershire sauce any anchovies in it. Now if it was called Fish Sauce that would be a different matter.

    Live & Learn
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning,
    Still trying to come alive this morning! Coolish weather makes me want to have that next cup of coffee, etc.
    Lawnmower, be forewarned! I shall be there very shortly. Rain starting this after, or early evening, and I want that chore OVER with! :)
    Trying to figure out what I ate last night that 'wound me up' and kept me awake til after midnight...and no it wasn't coffee...only one cup with breakfast! Slept quite late this morning as a result.

    Ed, sometimes I just sorta look away and don't see little things like a speck of anchovy. I can be a real stickler on some things, but... like I will use wheat free soy sauce, etc. My tiny bottle of Worcestershire probably only had half an anchovy waved briefly over it anyway! :) (yep, I'm a 'bad' vegan.) Maybe I should rename myself a vegetarian who also doesn't eat dairy or eggs.? Leaves a little 'fudge' space.
    Anyhow, what I'm doing has so far accomplished what I intended...getting chol. under control and no meds.
    I didn't mean this to sound defensive, and yet rereading it sounds that way... just read it and laugh saying 'the old broad has some common sense after all' !! :open_mouth:

    Roger, COLD at your house! Brrrr. Great those pants have many pockets! I am impressed with your determination, and how slowly (correctly) you've increased your distance! I'd say you're 'rocking' this diet & exercise thing!!! :)

    Umm. Ed, today I ordered some pre-emergent for my yard. What grass I have left. Anyhow, it will prevent chickweed and other spring nasty weeds. Just sayin'.
    Roger if you're interested in weed prevention you'll have to look up when to apply for your area. Your state should have an "Extension Service" and they no doubt have a web site. Or you can call, and some little Master Gardener will be more than happy to help you. (phone duty is part of the 'pay back' for the course work, and books, and outside lecturers, etc.)

    Lawnmower, here I come!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    I wish J would ignore small things like specks of anchovy and maybe even fish sauce in a stir fry dish, but he's a stickler on those items, and even on gelatin. I know why I was up past midnight last night. Because I closed and didn't get out of the store until after 11:30! Came home and had a midnight/bedtime snack before bed and I think I got to bed about 12:30 this morning. Was awakened by a friendly cricket outside at about 7:00. I will try to get in another brief nap before going in at 3:30 this afternoon for another 8 hour close.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be the last pool party of the summer, and I'm planning a Mexican style tomatoey rice, cheese, and chili bean casserole. Considering the weather forecast I think I should make it extra spicy to keep people warm! We're going, whatever the weather, unless the hosts cancel. If they cancel I might just make that casserole anyway and J and I won't have to cook the rest of the weekend and on into next week a bit. LOL!

    Monday is my birthday (39 again) and Tuesday is J's birthday, and I requested both days off. Not sure what I'll DO on those days off. Probably laundry.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Friday Morning!, and good grief, its 9:40 already! I've got to either get up earlier, or quite coming online until chores are done! (neither sounds very appealing!)

    Ed, Monday and Tuesday birthdays for you and J!! how neat! Not sure laundry is appropriate for birthday activities, thinking more along the lines of naps, massages, and assorted fav. hobbies...thinking reading, etc. :)

    Its not exactly raining here, but strongly misting! Really goofy. I'm sure my moss loves it. The weed preventer arrives tomorrow, and the rain should be over on Saturday...so Sunday will be an excellent time to apply it. Planing to leave one small area untouched to yield an nice supply of henbit, chickweed, etc for salads. Yeah, I eat weeds.:)

    OK, laundry is a go at my house, (not my birthday), and I need to run the dishwasher, and put the Dyson back together. (took out the brushes, filter, etc for a good scrub)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    I was out walking today, Once Again :) Call it 2.88 miles and 2 Cents.
    It was warmer than Yesterday morning, so pretty much comfortable.

    Have a Great Friday
    Good morning,
    Still trying to come alive this morning! Coolish weather makes me want to have that next cup of coffee, etc.
    Lawnmower, be forewarned! I shall be there very shortly. Rain starting this after, or early evening, and I want that chore OVER with! :)
    Trying to figure out what I ate last night that 'wound me up' and kept me awake til after midnight...and no it wasn't coffee...only one cup with breakfast! Slept quite late this morning as a result.

    Ed, sometimes I just sorta look away and don't see little things like a speck of anchovy. I can be a real stickler on some things, but... like I will use wheat free soy sauce, etc. My tiny bottle of Worcestershire probably only had half an anchovy waved briefly over it anyway! :) (yep, I'm a 'bad' vegan.) Maybe I should rename myself a vegetarian who also doesn't eat dairy or eggs.? Leaves a little 'fudge' space.
    Anyhow, what I'm doing has so far accomplished what I intended...getting chol. under control and no meds.
    I didn't mean this to sound defensive, and yet rereading it sounds that way... just read it and laugh saying 'the old broad has some common sense after all' !! :open_mouth:

    Roger, COLD at your house! Brrrr. Great those pants have many pockets! I am impressed with your determination, and how slowly (correctly) you've increased your distance! I'd say you're 'rocking' this diet & exercise thing!!! :)

    Umm. Ed, today I ordered some pre-emergent for my yard. What grass I have left. Anyhow, it will prevent chickweed and other spring nasty weeds. Just sayin'.
    Roger if you're interested in weed prevention you'll have to look up when to apply for your area. Your state should have an "Extension Service" and they no doubt have a web site. Or you can call, and some little Master Gardener will be more than happy to help you. (phone duty is part of the 'pay back' for the course work, and books, and outside lecturers, etc.)

    Lawnmower, here I come!!


    Hi Valerie
    Maybe something with a dose of sugar kept You up?

    You would be amazed at the junk that will fit into those pockets and often is too :)

    Congratulations on getting the cholesterol under control naturally with no medications!

    I know what You mean about the Sauce, I am not a fish eater but every now and then I will eat Thai Food which has fish sauce in it.

    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday!

    I wish J would ignore small things like specks of anchovy and maybe even fish sauce in a stir fry dish, but he's a stickler on those items, and even on gelatin. I know why I was up past midnight last night. Because I closed and didn't get out of the store until after 11:30! Came home and had a midnight/bedtime snack before bed and I think I got to bed about 12:30 this morning. Was awakened by a friendly cricket outside at about 7:00. I will try to get in another brief nap before going in at 3:30 this afternoon for another 8 hour close.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be the last pool party of the summer, and I'm planning a Mexican style tomatoey rice, cheese, and chili bean casserole. Considering the weather forecast I think I should make it extra spicy to keep people warm! We're going, whatever the weather, unless the hosts cancel. If they cancel I might just make that casserole anyway and J and I won't have to cook the rest of the weekend and on into next week a bit. LOL!

    Monday is my birthday (39 again) and Tuesday is J's birthday, and I requested both days off. Not sure what I'll DO on those days off. Probably laundry.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Happy Upcoming Birthday, mentioned now in case I forget to later on.

    Short Story, Mom would only use the expensive Premium Peanut Butter so Dad would refill the jar with the cheap Generic PB and until She caught him doing it one day, she never noticed the difference. in taste.

    Enjoy the Pool Party.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking this morning, Out the door at 5:17 and 8058 steps so far. Next on the short to do list is go to Home Depot and then across the mall to Costco for Frozen vegetables, Yogurt, Fruit, and maybe Lettuce or water.

    Then McDonalds on the way home for a Large Decaf to go with this mornings Coffee while walking :)

    Have a Great Weekend
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Hockey Saturday. :)
    All ready to go, just eating my breakfast. Wet outside. Need to look at the rain gauge. Friday morning I thought we hadn't had any rain...until I looked...1 ½ inches!!! OOPS!!
    It stayed wet chilly all day yesterday. And today doesn't look any more promising.

    Roger, looks like you've got your day, and route tor chores all lined up. Mine looks like, drive 45 minutes to Cumming GA to watch Nate at hockey, stop at Whole Foods on the way back..(Saturday..must remember to take 'patience') Home, store the bounty, fold last load of clothes...and then either gym or back to Tidying. Didn't do well on either front this week. Will have to do better!

    Ed, I stopped in my tracks after reading your post wishing J could get past a speck of this and that...and started laughing. Remember I'm the nut that chooses to use honey, cuz nobody has yet to convince me that bees (insects) are 'animals'....
    Ted uses that item as a means of teasing me about not being Vegan... or if not that we tie into it about the salt on the table at R Thomas. The label says Vital, and Organic. Salt is not, cannot be 'organic'...and off we go!!! LOL!!

    Ok, gotta run.

    Ok, spent half hour trying to get this to post...gotta love copy/paste. I think.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Had to log out, and back in. Pain in the butt!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited September 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! Rice and stuff is cooking on the stove now, and when it's about done it will be layered in a casserole with cheese (ending up with cheese on top, of course) and if it doesn't all fit in one casserole, then the rest will just go into another!

    I might mention that I'm glad J doesn't get to inquisitive at restaurants about the curry paste used, even though he does know that many (most?) of them do contain small amounts of shrimp paste. We have found one brand that doesn't usually contain any and we just assume that the restaurant uses that brand unless told otherwise and we DON'T ASK. It's the only brand we buy for home use.

    I suspect that he likes the convenience (and taste) of getting some of his favorite curry dishes at a restaurant a lot more than the trouble it takes to make some of them at home, so doesn't really want to know. I CAN make most of our favorites at home, but it's very nice to let someone else do the cooking.

    If he finds out that a restaurant used beef tallow (or natural beef flavoring) in the fries then he won't eat them, or if they cook fries in the same fryer as the chicken. I've no doubt that some of the desserts available in restaurants have gelatin, though by nature they may not require it. Since he rarely orders dessert, he doesn't ask on those either unless it's obvious, and then he won't order it.

    I really hadn't originally planned on this particular casserole, and was going to do either baked beans (not quite atomic) or some kind of more ordinary beans and rice but as I was going down the bean aisle my over active cooking brain popped up with cheesy Mexican style rice WITH CHILI BEANS though I've never actually DONE that before so I said, what the heck and went with it. I tasted a bite before putting it in the oven and it tastes pretty good to me. When I was younger I used to make cheesy Mexican style rice with shredded chicken as a casserole to bring to parties and it was always a big hit. I just suddenly thought of the chili beans to add more protein without the meat, so that J would be able to eat it. I don't always know where these ideas come from but I'm glad they come. :)

    Oh, and I made a TRIPLE batch so I can take a large casserole to the party and still leave the smaller one at home for us to eat, whether the party eats it all or not. We got tomorrow's food covered either way!

    If there is a low turnout for the pool party, and it's too cool and/or rainy, those that attend will likely all just hang around the basement and deck and pig out anyway. LOL!

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Today is weird out! Quite overcast, mist, then rain, but I made it in and out of both the hockey rink, and Whole Foods with out getting wet. Kids lost (1-6) so not so good a game. Our little team, over half had had hockey Practice before the game. You could tell they were tired.
    Nate got a penalty for clipping...after the game I teased him just for a minute, and then told him 'good job' just like your Daddy, only Daddy's sneaky and doesn't get caught! Made him laugh....
    Whole Foods had green garbanzo bean hummus! I brought some home, its pretty tasty.
    I kinda have a clue what's in most of the Indian foods I order, and sometimes I will ask if they can make my sauce dairy free...other days I just eat and enjoy. For me its not only for the shabby treatment of the animals, the fact its flesh, but a big part is about my personal health! So, I don't order meat, dairy, egg or fish stuff, but I don't get overly picky about a sauce somebody waved a fish over, or dropped a smidge of ghee into...

    Bought one each of two different apples, a naval orange from South Africa, a pomegranate, grapes, avocado, and nearly no veggies. But, have two days worth of soup I made yesterday left, and peppers, and cauliflower, etc. AND at least 3 days of stir fried veggies with seitan..so I'm good til about Wednesday on cooking!! :)

    Roger did all his shopping yesterday, right? so I'd say the three of us are sitting pretty with our meal prep!!!

    Will look for you guys in the morning...if the weather doesn't improve dont look for the toooo early! This is good sleepin' weather!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited September 2015
    The pool party ended up being more of a hot tub party, though a few of us, me included, did get in the pool for a minute, just to make it officially a POOL party. Initially there were supposed to be about 50 people there but with the weather so icky only about 20 showed up.

    The 20 who showed up had a good time and plenty to eat. The hosts were happy to keep what leftover casserole there was, as they were busy with the cooking of burgers and dogs and all, and making sure of enough ice, etc, that, while they DID eat, they didn't get a chance to try it and it looked, and sounded, good to them.

    It turned out a little spicier hot than I really intended but it went over well, and the hosts said they like it that way so they plan to have some for a late dinner. J and I have the whole casserole still at home, so we can do the same.

    I don't want a whole lot of dinner so really just a small serving will do me just fine. Just enough to go with my evening meal metformin.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi All
    I walked once again, 2.86 miles and 13 cents. On the outbound leg 5 blocks into the walk (.36 Miles) two Deer AKA Walking Appetites came out of a yard on my left walked across the road in front of me and walked down the side road headed towards the Brook. Then around the 8/10ths of a mile point in my walk a third one did likewise headed for the same brook which was running parallel to my path. They seem to live in the woods along the brooks in this town.

    Cooler this morning than yesterday at 54 degrees. We probably will miss seeing the total eclipse of the moon as it supposed to be mostly cloudy tonight when it happens :(

    Have a Great Day

    P.S. On the inbound leg of my walk I gleaned 7 decent looking drops (Apples) from along the road.

    Good Morning! Hockey Saturday. :)
    All ready to go, just eating my breakfast. Wet outside. Need to look at the rain gauge. Friday morning I thought we hadn't had any rain...until I looked...1 ½ inches!!! OOPS!!
    It stayed wet chilly all day yesterday. And today doesn't look any more promising.

    Roger, looks like you've got your day, and route tor chores all lined up. Mine looks like, drive 45 minutes to Cumming GA to watch Nate at hockey, stop at Whole Foods on the way back..(Saturday..must remember to take 'patience') Home, store the bounty, fold last load of clothes...and then either gym or back to Tidying. Didn't do well on either front this week. Will have to do better!

    Ed, I stopped in my tracks after reading your post wishing J could get past a speck of this and that...and started laughing. Remember I'm the nut that chooses to use honey, cuz nobody has yet to convince me that bees (insects) are 'animals'....
    Ted uses that item as a means of teasing me about not being Vegan... or if not that we tie into it about the salt on the table at R Thomas. The label says Vital, and Organic. Salt is not, cannot be 'organic'...and off we go!!! LOL!!

    Ok, gotta run.

    Ok, spent half hour trying to get this to post...gotta love copy/paste. I think.

    Hi Valerie
    The Local ShopRite had a no fat Club soda sign on the club soda. What? Since when did Club Soda or Seltzer ever have fat in it?

    Vital Salt? Organic? Maybe Sea Salt?
    Today is weird out! Quite overcast, mist, then rain, but I made it in and out of both the hockey rink, and Whole Foods with out getting wet. Kids lost (1-6) so not so good a game. Our little team, over half had had hockey Practice before the game. You could tell they were tired.
    Nate got a penalty for clipping...after the game I teased him just for a minute, and then told him 'good job' just like your Daddy, only Daddy's sneaky and doesn't get caught! Made him laugh....
    Whole Foods had green garbanzo bean hummus! I brought some home, its pretty tasty.
    I kinda have a clue what's in most of the Indian foods I order, and sometimes I will ask if they can make my sauce dairy free...other days I just eat and enjoy. For me its not only for the shabby treatment of the animals, the fact its flesh, but a big part is about my personal health! So, I don't order meat, dairy, egg or fish stuff, but I don't get overly picky about a sauce somebody waved a fish over, or dropped a smidge of ghee into...

    Bought one each of two different apples, a naval orange from South Africa, a pomegranate, grapes, avocado, and nearly no veggies. But, have two days worth of soup I made yesterday left, and peppers, and cauliflower, etc. AND at least 3 days of stir fried veggies with seitan..so I'm good til about Wednesday on cooking!! :)

    Roger did all his shopping yesterday, right? so I'd say the three of us are sitting pretty with our meal prep!!!

    Will look for you guys in the morning...if the weather doesn't improve don't look for the toooo early! This is good sleepin' weather!

    HI Again
    I never worried about a Curry as I do not really care for Indian food or a lot of so called Mexican food sold around here, Most of it is chain food locations.

    I sure did get my shopping done for the next three weeks most likely excluding Bananas. I now have a 13 day supply of Yogurt, a 5 pound bag of Clementines, a Bunch of Organic Gala Apples and White Nectarines (Tasty too) :) I have to keep getting Fresh Bananas as they do not last well on the counter nor do I like the taste when they are refrigerated.

    And for the Bananas now that the heat of day is abated I can walk to the Produce store or I can walk past the Pathmark Grocery Store and stuff them into my $10 Backpack. The Produce store only has bananas :) The Pathmark and the Acme both have Bananas and Organic Bananas as well as other fruits, Higher priced however :(

    I hope the weather improves for You, OTOH the Rain seems to be stalled south of us and You may be getting some of that.

    The pool party ended up being more of a hot tub party, though a few of us, me included, did get in the pool for a minute, just to make it officially a POOL party. Initially there were supposed to be about 50 people there but with the weather so icky only about 20 showed up.

    The 20 who showed up had a good time and plenty to eat. The hosts were happy to keep what leftover casserole there was, as they were busy with the cooking of burgers and dogs and all, and making sure of enough ice, etc, that, while they DID eat, they didn't get a chance to try it and it looked, and sounded, good to them.

    It turned out a little spicier hot than I really intended but it went over well, and the hosts said they like it that way so they plan to have some for a late dinner. J and I have the whole casserole still at home, so we can do the same.

    I don't want a whole lot of dinner so really just a small serving will do me just fine. Just enough to go with my evening meal metformin.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    It sounds as if Your food went over good and that You had a good time.
    IMO a Hot Tub is just a really small heated pool :)

    Enjoy the days off
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    edited September 2015
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Working a short close today and then supposed to be off for two days! Dishes are going now, and Lilo is in my lap but my first cup of tea is almost gone so she may have to vacate shortly.

    Roger, I sort of agree with the hot tub being just a small, heated pool. Of course all 20 of us couldn't get in there at the same time but it never really seemed to have much of a "waiting" line as the upper deck, lower deck, and basement rec room all were covered spaces where folks could sit around, chat, and eat. I will admit I spent more time in the hot tub than I did in the cold pool, but that's not saying much!

    I hope that fat free club soda was also boneless and gluten free...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning!
    Sunday, up late, oatmeal with blueberries and ground flax seed breakfast....watched North Point, aka church. Now ready to get some 'stuff' going! I ignored the tidying all week last week, as well as several days of meeting my steps goal.. Sooooo. Also today is supposed to be cloudy, but not raining. So, I will reread the package instructions, but I think this is the ideal day to apply. In the past I've had a good bit of henbit, but not so much past 2 or 3 years....however, the chickweed runs rampant! Its edible, (salad green) so I"ll leave a little patch by the door. Henbit is part of the mint family I think, and I'd check on this before I try it, but I think it too is edible. Alas one cannot live by weeds alone! :smiley:

    It really is a pretty morning here, overcast, but still, comfortable temps and humidity...my Encore Azalea's are in full bloom outside the back door, and out my kitchen window, so even though the backyard is abundantly weedy, its pretty none the less!

    Ed, sounds like the pool party was a fun afternoon. I've never been a real big fan of hot tubs, but I think yesterday would have a day I'd have enjoyed one!

    Roger, I don't think we'll be able to see the eclipse either. Looks like we're gonna be socked in til Easter!! jk.
    Would have been nice to see, and I do believe if you google it, there are web sites that you can watch it in real time from your computer. May be the only way for all of us.

    Sodium is a mineral, Chloride is a mineral..they're both on the Periodic Table...nothing organic about them...kinda like the 'non fat' club soda, Salt, is vital. (we just eat too much of it). There are numerous foods for sale that will say 'fat free'...and never have had fat in them to begin with. Leftover advertising from the days when 'Fat Free' was the buzz words of mfg everywhere here in USA. I'm so glad we've gotten past that! (FF usually meant high(er) sugar which was even worse!!)

    Did I read your post correctly, bananas are the only fruit sold at the Produce store???? Please tell me not.

    Time to set my tidying app, and get to it. Hope everyone has a great day!
