Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked again today, I dropped the long sleeve shirt since it was in the 60s today, a 12 degree increase in temperature from Yesterdays 50s.

    Have a Great Week
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday! Working a short close today and then supposed to be off for two days! Dishes are going now, and Lilo is in my lap but my first cup of tea is almost gone so she may have to vacate shortly.

    Roger, I sort of agree with the hot tub being just a small, heated pool. Of course all 20 of us couldn't get in there at the same time but it never really seemed to have much of a "waiting" line as the upper deck, lower deck, and basement rec room all were covered spaces where folks could sit around, chat, and eat. I will admit I spent more time in the hot tub than I did in the cold pool, but that's not saying much!

    I hope that fat free club soda was also boneless and gluten free...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    I have seen marked Gluten Free that never had Gluten in them to start with :)

    It sounds as if You had a great time too.

    Enjoy the time off from work
    Good Morning!
    Sunday, up late, oatmeal with blueberries and ground flax seed breakfast....watched North Point, aka church. Now ready to get some 'stuff' going! I ignored the tidying all week last week, as well as several days of meeting my steps goal.. Sooooo. Also today is supposed to be cloudy, but not raining. So, I will reread the package instructions, but I think this is the ideal day to apply. In the past I've had a good bit of henbit, but not so much past 2 or 3 years....however, the chickweed runs rampant! Its edible, (salad green) so I"ll leave a little patch by the door. Henbit is part of the mint family I think, and I'd check on this before I try it, but I think it too is edible. Alas one cannot live by weeds alone! :smiley:

    It really is a pretty morning here, overcast, but still, comfortable temps and humidity...my Encore Azalea's are in full bloom outside the back door, and out my kitchen window, so even though the backyard is abundantly weedy, its pretty none the less!

    Ed, sounds like the pool party was a fun afternoon. I've never been a real big fan of hot tubs, but I think yesterday would have a day I'd have enjoyed one!

    Roger, I don't think we'll be able to see the eclipse either. Looks like we're gonna be socked in til Easter!! jk.
    Would have been nice to see, and I do believe if you google it, there are web sites that you can watch it in real time from your computer. May be the only way for all of us.

    Sodium is a mineral, Chloride is a mineral..they're both on the Periodic Table...nothing organic about them...kinda like the 'non fat' club soda, Salt, is vital. (we just eat too much of it). There are numerous foods for sale that will say 'fat free'...and never have had fat in them to begin with. Leftover advertising from the days when 'Fat Free' was the buzz words of mfg everywhere here in USA. I'm so glad we've gotten past that! (FF usually meant high(er) sugar which was even worse!!)

    Did I read your post correctly, bananas are the only fruit sold at the Produce store???? Please tell me not.

    Time to set my tidying app, and get to it. Hope everyone has a great day!


    Hi Valerie
    My Brother and I both went out front at different times and looked for the eclipse and Nada, Only Clouds :(
    East of us on Long Island, NY they had clear skies and the news had images of the Blood Moon. Today's local cable news, News 12, had images from people down south of me in Jackson NJ where they seem to have been cloud free too.

    I realized early on that Fat Free usually equaled Higher sugar or salt content.

    My apologies when I said the local produce store only has bananas I was referring to regular Bananas vs Organic Bananas. I doubt they have anything labeled as organic in the entire place.

    Have a Great Week
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! I've been up for quite a while but distracted by preparing Lilo's breakfast, my birthday breakfast (and lunch - broiled two large chicken thighs and made some boxed cornbread stuffing) and cleaning out and tidying up the cupboard, as some weevils had been having a ball in a bag of garbanzo beans that apparently had a small rip in it. I didn't even know weevils LIKED garbanzo beans, but they sure made a mess out of that bag, and then grew up to be dozens of tiny moths that would flutter out annoyingly when one opened the door.

    I checked all the other things in there that I thought weevils might like to eat (and even a few things I didn't think they'd like) as I took things out, cleaned, and put things back. I was ruthless with the discards, and tossed things that might have still been good but had been in there a while and were technically out of date while I was at it.

    Main things lost: Some rice, another suspicious bag of garbanzo beans that looked OK but did have a tiny rip in the bag and I didn't trust that there weren't eggs in there, some quinoa (J wasn't all that crazy about it anyway), half a bag of freekeh, and some cereal that was probably fine but was old so it went with the rest. Oddly, the pasta, even that in boxes, looked fine so it was retained. I would have thought the weevils would like that but maybe they were having so much fun in the garbanzo beans that they spurned the pasta?

    Laundry later today. It's rainy so I doubt I'll be getting out at all, but we'll see.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Got my internet back!!! Issue was in the box on the outside of the house, had to be converted as I had the OLD whatever. Then I got a new modem in the living room, and it has a backup battery built in it, so the big battery thing in the garage was removed as well. Nice guy. Found himself with a few extra minutes, as called ahead early to get his stuff done BEFORE the rain! It was just beginning to sprinkle as he pulled out of the driveway!

    I emailed Ed this morning, to tell him Happy B'Day in case this repair didn't go well.

    I know Whole Foods pretty much labels everything that's organic, as does my local grocery these days. For awhile I didn't catch on, and wasn't buying ears of corn last summer, as there wasn't a sign that said NON GMO...but found out before corn season was over, that that is ALL they sell! Problem solved!

    I woke sometime last night, and with my phone was able to see the Blood Moon about 2/3rds eclipsed...from Denver Colo., I don't know about little brother in MO, but our newly planted TX brother had a good clear night and said it was awesome! If I live to be 90 I get another shot at seeing it! LOL. by then I won't have a clue! LOL!!

    Ed, I hate those d@mn weevils. I had an infestation, moths and all, about 6 years ago. I segregated seldom used, but possible weevil food into heavy clear plastic bags and then into a big clear plastic 30 gallon storage container, and anything that I used with any regularity went into the FREEZER. Couple weeks in the freezer kills the little buggers!!! And long, long ago I got a bag of guinea pig food from a local pet store.......it was loaded with weevils. Never went back there! It was lack of planning that made me go there to begin with. I ordered all her food, treats, and several different kinds of hay from a grower in Nebraska. It was worth it...

    Ok, now I need to update both my phone and my iPad to the recently released update to iOS 9. iOS 9 wasn't out a week before the update came. Oh, well....

    And a little banking needs to be done as well.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good Morning, its rainy Tuesday!
    I slept in this morning, and it was a great morning for sleeping!
    The only thing on my calendar is Olivia/Gym this evening. Yippee! Maybe I can get a bit more work done on my bookcases.

    Ed, tell J Happy Birthday for me. (that's lazy of me, pretty sure I have J's email addy someplace around here, haven't had enough coffee to think where) :)

    Roger, hope you find some jingling cash this morning on your walk. Quarters would be nice!!!

    I'm gonna work on that coffee angle right now.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! We did go out for dinner last night, for Thai food and then came home and ate carrot cake. That counts as a vegetable, you know.

    Today is supposed to STILL be rainy. Not sure what else there is to do inside, though I am still finding and eradicating those darn little moths. I know I got there main source of food but D still has some food that hasn't been thoroughly checked. I think I'll put all of that into sealed bags today...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Carrot cake most definitely is a vegetable on your birthday!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    Humid and hazy during the walk this morning + 11 cents, 67 to 69 degrees depending on the source of the Temp reading. On my walk I passed two new graveyards that were not there last week. The first one had ghosts all over the gravestones and the second one had Zombies and Skeletons halfway out of the ground :)

    Then When I got home from the walk I had a burst of energy and Put the Window in the side doors storm door, Pulled the AC and closed the Storm Window and did the Front bedroom window, putting the screen up and the Glass in. Now I am ready for the forecast heave rains overnight into Tomorrow :)

    Yup Halloween is coming. Those are the first Halloween decorations I have seen. Yesterday I saw one house that had Christmas light lit too. It seems early since the leafs on the trees are just starting to turn.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    Howdy y'all. It's marvelous Monday! I've been up for quite a while but distracted by preparing Lilo's breakfast, my birthday breakfast (and lunch - broiled two large chicken thighs and made some boxed cornbread stuffing) and cleaning out and tidying up the cupboard, as some weevils had been having a ball in a bag of garbanzo beans that apparently had a small rip in it. I didn't even know weevils LIKED garbanzo beans, but they sure made a mess out of that bag, and then grew up to be dozens of tiny moths that would flutter out annoyingly when one opened the door.

    I checked all the other things in there that I thought weevils might like to eat (and even a few things I didn't think they'd like) as I took things out, cleaned, and put things back. I was ruthless with the discards, and tossed things that might have still been good but had been in there a while and were technically out of date while I was at it.

    Main things lost: Some rice, another suspicious bag of garbanzo beans that looked OK but did have a tiny rip in the bag and I didn't trust that there weren't eggs in there, some quinoa (J wasn't all that crazy about it anyway), half a bag of freekeh, and some cereal that was probably fine but was old so it went with the rest. Oddly, the pasta, even that in boxes, looked fine so it was retained. I would have thought the weevils would like that but maybe they were having so much fun in the garbanzo beans that they spurned the pasta?

    Laundry later today. It's rainy so I doubt I'll be getting out at all, but we'll see.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Happy Belated Birthday
    It isn't just Carrot Cake.

    Darned Weevils :(

    Have a Good Day
    Got my internet back!!! Issue was in the box on the outside of the house, had to be converted as I had the OLD whatever. Then I got a new modem in the living room, and it has a backup battery built in it, so the big battery thing in the garage was removed as well. Nice guy. Found himself with a few extra minutes, as called ahead early to get his stuff done BEFORE the rain! It was just beginning to sprinkle as he pulled out of the driveway!

    I emailed Ed this morning, to tell him Happy B'Day in case this repair didn't go well.

    I know Whole Foods pretty much labels everything that's organic, as does my local grocery these days. For awhile I didn't catch on, and wasn't buying ears of corn last summer, as there wasn't a sign that said NON GMO...but found out before corn season was over, that that is ALL they sell! Problem solved!

    I woke sometime last night, and with my phone was able to see the Blood Moon about 2/3rds eclipsed...from Denver Colo., I don't know about little brother in MO, but our newly planted TX brother had a good clear night and said it was awesome! If I live to be 90 I get another shot at seeing it! LOL. by then I won't have a clue! LOL!!

    Ed, I hate those d@mn weevils. I had an infestation, moths and all, about 6 years ago. I segregated seldom used, but possible weevil food into heavy clear plastic bags and then into a big clear plastic 30 gallon storage container, and anything that I used with any regularity went into the FREEZER. Couple weeks in the freezer kills the little buggers!!! And long, long ago I got a bag of guinea pig food from a local pet store.......it was loaded with weevils. Never went back there! It was lack of planning that made me go there to begin with. I ordered all her food, treats, and several different kinds of hay from a grower in Nebraska. It was worth it...

    Ok, now I need to update both my phone and my iPad to the recently released update to iOS 9. iOS 9 wasn't out a week before the update came. Oh, well....

    And a little banking needs to be done as well.


    HI Valerie
    That is why I never upgraded any OS when it was released. I think I waited for Windows XP Service pack 1 (SP1) first.

    That Internet of yours sounds like what they do with Verizon's Fios around here and If You have Cable Internet and Phone service they also put a battery backup with it, At least with cable there is no big box outside like Fios has.

    Have a Good Day
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited September 2015
    HA! Roger....Sunday and Monday are exactly why I do not have my phone on ATT wireless. I'd have been without phone, and no text, or internet. By having separate company services I can use ATT wireless when I'm at home, or Verizon WiFi if I'm say at the gym, or the grocery, etc.

    These were iOS upgrades for the devices. It took me maybe 15 minutes to upgrade both of them...no big deal. I hadn't experienced issues, but....

    My house WiFi has always been ATT, and when I first got it, it was cable TV as well as WiFi. (again, not phone), so that may explain the (former) battery box in my garage. Looking on the plus side, one more thing out of the garage. Small though it might be, it was a 'thing'!! LOL!! (I take any help I can get!!)

    I'd never seen a pizza tree before. Wonder if I have room for one in my backyard? If it grows on a tree, it must be vegetable....right, so I could eat that!!! LOL! I wish!!

    Have been doing the 'little, this and that' chores this morning...amazing how those little jobs add up! But, they need doing, so....

    raining, cats are sleeping on the back porch. Life is good!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! If you have an iPhone and have upgraded to IOS9 you might want to make sure that you turn the WIFI ASSIST feature OFF as this apparently comes turned ON by default and, at ITS option, decides to use your data connection, in addition to WiFi, if it thinks the WiFi signal is too weak, so it may be using your data (that you pay for) for any high data apps if IT thinks your WiFi signal is crappy, but it's not clear how it decides. Leave WiFi on but turn WiFi ASSIST off!

    Working a short close tonight, 6 hours. Shouldn't be too bad. It's supposed to be yucky weather, still, but at least that tends to mean not too hot so I don't mind.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It Rained Yesterday then stopped, then rained overnight. When I checked it this morning the rain had stopped so I went out walking. I got 1 block and it started misting, By the time I reached the Quick Chek for my Coffee it was a light rain :) Then when I left it had stopped again so I kept going. On the return leg it started drizzling again so I pulled on the Frogg Toggs, 4 blocks later it stopped again, 2.9 miles walked, 74 and Humid when I started at 5:26 AM, the only saving thing was the nice breeze. According to the local News12 Cable Channel we had 1.5" + overnight of rain. Other areas less and more :)

    Have a Nice Wednesday
    HA! Roger....Sunday and Monday are exactly why I do not have my phone on ATT wireless. I'd have been without phone, and no text, or internet. By having separate company services I can use ATT wireless when I'm at home, or Verizon WiFi if I'm say at the gym, or the grocery, etc.

    These were iOS upgrades for the devices. It took me maybe 15 minutes to upgrade both of them...no big deal. I hadn't experienced issues, but....

    My house WiFi has always been ATT, and when I first got it, it was cable TV as well as WiFi. (again, not phone), so that may explain the (former) battery box in my garage. Looking on the plus side, one more thing out of the garage. Small though it might be, it was a 'thing'!! LOL!! (I take any help I can get!!)

    I'd never seen a pizza tree before. Wonder if I have room for one in my backyard? If it grows on a tree, it must be vegetable....right, so I could eat that!!! LOL! I wish!!

    Have been doing the 'little, this and that' chores this morning...amazing how those little jobs add up! But, they need doing, so....

    raining, cats are sleeping on the back porch. Life is good!


    Hi Valerie
    That is the same reason We keep a Verizon Landline in the house, just in case. When Our power was out for over a week due to Sandy, the land line kept working, Cellular worked if You could get a dial tone. I think our tower was overloaded. Incoming always came through however.

    Have a Nice Day
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! If you have an iPhone and have upgraded to IOS9 you might want to make sure that you turn the WIFI ASSIST feature OFF as this apparently comes turned ON by default and, at ITS option, decides to use your data connection, in addition to WiFi, if it thinks the WiFi signal is too weak, so it may be using your data (that you pay for) for any high data apps if IT thinks your WiFi signal is crappy, but it's not clear how it decides. Leave WiFi on but turn WiFi ASSIST off!

    Working a short close tonight, 6 hours. Shouldn't be too bad. It's supposed to be yucky weather, still, but at least that tends to mean not too hot so I don't mind.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...

    Hi Ed
    Good tip, I wonder how many people will be in for a shock when the next bill comes after the upgrade :)

    I think I may have to have texting turned off. I get a Spam Text now and then and they seem to cost for some reason.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning!
    I've been up, had breakfast, fed cats, working on 2nd cup of coffee, and have made my Wednesday run to Publix.
    Heading to ATL very shortly to see my Chiro, and peruse Whole Foods. The only thing I'm really looking for is entree from the hot bar. My WF has for whatever reason pretty much stopped putting out even the Chicken Fried Tofu cubes which were so handy to add to salads, hot entrees, etc to boost the protein...

    Thanks Ed for the WiFi Assist tip. I did find it, and it is now turned off. My data usage is at most 1 G, and I originally bought the monthly minimum, which was, at the time 2 G. About 6 or so months ago Verizon gave me 2 more Gigs, for 'free'. So, unless I take up gaming, or downloading movies It should never be an issue for me. But for safety sake, it is OFF!!! :) I will remember to tell Ted. Don't know if he's downloaded iOS 9 or not.

    I ditched my land line about 18 months ago. It just wasn't worth the expense. Never used it. The only reason I kept it was for my house alarm...and I switched that to digital, and then there was no reason to have it!
    Your rainy walk sounds like the days we've been having here. Its mist, its fog, its just overcast, bam! rain!!! :). I ended up with ¾ of an inch between Monday morning and Tues. morning. Need to empty it this after, as we're promised T-storms this after and evening.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! Might be able to pick up most of the rest of the grocery list this evening after work. Working a long middle today, and have to be there at 10:30.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Thursday Morning!
    I have been up quite awhile...have had my coffee, fed cats, and then spent WAY too long perusing the internet. Seriously, way too long. BUT, I found a really good looking, and reading vegan recipe for mini mocha cheese cakes.... needed espresso pwd. I see that pretty frequently for dessert kinda stuff. Never have found in stores, so I just ordered it from Amazon, free shipping, $7 bucks! And I've watched several Vlogs from a 'shrink' on the psychology of eating. Interesting. Very interesting.
    But I have not had breakfast...so the dilemma is...eat breakfast now, or take my shower, dress, and start my day with lunch????? Choices, choices. Which would you, or do you do?

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    When I left the house at 5:23 it was 19 degrees cooler than yesterday and breezy. I remembered the Long sleeve shirt, I forgot to being gloves and had cold hands the entire walk :(
    I did pick up 4+ pounds of Black walnuts on the return leg. I cracked a few that had been run over by cars and the thus the green shell was gone exposing the Inner shell. They look OK despite being smallish in size this year compared to other years. I suspect that may be due to The Mild drought conditions.

    I got my BBB Yesterday, No sign or indication that the BWB has shipped.

    Have a Nice Wednesday

    P.S. I posted this yesterday:
    Good Thursday Morning!
    I have been up quite awhile...have had my coffee, fed cats, and then spent WAY too long perusing the internet. Seriously, way too long. BUT, I found a really good looking, and reading vegan recipe for mini mocha cheese cakes.... needed espresso pwd. I see that pretty frequently for dessert kinda stuff. Never have found in stores, so I just ordered it from Amazon, free shipping, $7 bucks! And I've watched several Vlogs from a 'shrink' on the psychology of eating. Interesting. Very interesting.
    But I have not had breakfast...so the dilemma is...eat breakfast now, or take my shower, dress, and start my day with lunch????? Choices, choices. Which would you, or do you do?


    Hi Valerie
    I believe I would just eat Lunch, Or else eat a little larger than normal breakfast and skip lunch due to the time of day.

    I am running late for the same reason to be honest :) Too much time perusing the Internet.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked despite the weather, Light rain and windy and low 50s.
    I walked a part of the walk and picked up my coffee and returned to the house. Then I went back out and did some more walking after changing to better gloves as the Brown Jersey were not cutting it in the rain. As I result when I ran the map for distance I had covered 3.66 miles between the two outings.

    Have a Great Friday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! I've been up for a while, but distracted by the usuals, including paying a couple of bills. Lilo is in my lap helping by ... well ... just being there I guess.

    I have to close tonight, 6 hours, but it's supposed to be quite cool, and likely to rain. I expect that may impact traffic a bit. We tend to be busiest in the nicest summer weather, though I must admit that this year's summer didn't meet the traffic from the prior year. Maybe just not as much fun stuff going on at the nearby river park or the nearby churches and schools, or at least not on the days that I worked.

    But we are definitely beginning to see the annual fall/winter slow down, and I'm fine with that. At 56...er, I mean 39, I'm not exactly a spring chicken and just get worn out if I have a really busy 8 hour shift there. You'd think that doing mostly just the till, one wouldn't get that worn out but if it's a steady stream of customers, along with having to run out now and then to front the cooler, check receipt paper on a pump, or assist a customer at a pump, it definitely gets to you. And of course if they bring out more stock, then I have to shelf that stock and make sure I'm rotating the dates properly.

    Anyway, shouldn't be too difficult a night. I plan to see if Lilo (who just vacated my lap) wants a short nap in the early part of the afternoon before I get ready to go.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Staying up past midnight is not conducive to 'early risings'!
    That said....Good Friday Morning!
    two morning accomplishments...empty trash container and recycle bin retrieved from the street, and cats fed.
    I need to eat, and get a move on. I plan to stay in today, so there is lots to do, beginning with laundry and the usual chores...ending much earlier than midnight tonite!

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good Saturday morning!
    This 'shouldl' have been a great sleep in morning. Especially since I again stayed up late. (got hooked into a silly game, that I finally just quit...I could see no end.)
    But after getting out of bed for a potty trip, I fell into a deep but troubled sleep. I haven't had a good nightmare in YEARS... I have this thing about being on time you see.... well, I was on some University campus, attending a sporting event, and was to leave there and go to their blood banking labs to pull an overnight....but I had to change clothes...I didn't know where it was, etc. I was FRANTIC!...I did wake, and thought I could go back to sleep and leave my nightmare behind me, but no. So I just got up. In retrospect, the nightmare was like that idiot game, it was frustration, and hurdle after hurdle to get thru, to reach my goal of getting to that blood bank. AAWWWKK!!

    So, cats fed, first load of laundry nearly finished, enjoying my coffee, and heading for the shower just as soon as the spin cycle ends and I get stuff into the dryer.

    Rain, and more rain...I haven't gotten the quantity they were threatening, but just enough misty, drizzle that everything is wet, and over cast again today. Glad I can stay busy indoors.

    Roger I know Ed and I are socked in...hope its better for you in Jersey! Also, you are aware that 3.10 miles is 5K....so all those walk/run charity events that you see....you've got the distance down man!!! I'm pretty sure you're aware of this...just sayin'

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked to the Quick Chek for coffee then on to the Pathmark Supermarket for Bananas. I ended up with Bananas, 10 Greek Yogurt and some 60 calorie packs of fruit.

    It was in the 40s, Cold and and no rain to a light rain. I put on the long 7 pocket hiker pants, a sweatshirt and to jacket from my lightweight Frogg Toggs to keep off the rain and as a windbreaker. The jacket works well for both BTW. To keep the Hood from hanging down and blocking my forward vision I also wore a SunShade so that the Visor would hold the front of the hood up and out of the way. Lightly insulated Leather Gloves and the Backpack for the food and I was good to go :) I saw only one couple walking in the rain.

    I got the phone call at 9:03 this morning from NutriSystem. Usually that means my frozen shipped the night before. In my case being in the next state I usually see it the same day that they the call.

    Have a Really Great Weekend
    Good Saturday morning!
    This 'shouldl' have been a great sleep in morning. Especially since I again stayed up late. (got hooked into a silly game, that I finally just quit...I could see no end.)
    But after getting out of bed for a potty trip, I fell into a deep but troubled sleep. I haven't had a good nightmare in YEARS... I have this thing about being on time you see.... well, I was on some University campus, attending a sporting event, and was to leave there and go to their blood banking labs to pull an overnight....but I had to change clothes...I didn't know where it was, etc. I was FRANTIC!...I did wake, and thought I could go back to sleep and leave my nightmare behind me, but no. So I just got up. In retrospect, the nightmare was like that idiot game, it was frustration, and hurdle after hurdle to get thru, to reach my goal of getting to that blood bank. AAWWWKK!!

    So, cats fed, first load of laundry nearly finished, enjoying my coffee, and heading for the shower just as soon as the spin cycle ends and I get stuff into the dryer.

    Rain, and more rain...I haven't gotten the quantity they were threatening, but just enough misty, drizzle that everything is wet, and over cast again today. Glad I can stay busy indoors.

    Roger I know Ed and I are socked in...hope its better for you in Jersey! Also, you are aware that 3.10 miles is 5K....so all those walk/run charity events that you see....you've got the distance down man!!! I'm pretty sure you're aware of this...just sayin'


    Hi Valerie
    I do not think our weather is any better that what You are experiencing :)
    At least it looks like all we get this time is the Nor'easter and not that followed by a Hurricane. The Jersey Shore is taking a pounding with high tides being pushed higher from an onshore wind.

    Actually I had not though of the distance in Kilometers, I never did get metricized.....
    I was out the door at 5:29, I know the times I leave as I call my brother so he knows I am gone, Then with the Wandering through the Grocery Store I did not get home until 7:55 :( Darned Impulse buying. On the good side of the ledger I got my Light Grocery Shopping done and have plenty of NutriSystem on hand 5+ pounds of frozen Vegetables and a Bag of Clementines and a Gala Apples. The Last three courtesy of my Last shopping trip to Costco.

    Have a Nice Day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,306 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's sensational Saturday! I've been up for hours and hours, but busy with upgrading my Macbook and finding a utility to replace one that no longer works in this latest version of the operating system. Seems the not working one was using an undocumented API (not always the best choice of how to work) and that API is now not only undocumented, but nonexistent! I found a suitable replacement in the App Store that was free. While the system was updating, I did go out to Krystal for a breakfast treat. Their 3 egg breakfast combo. Everyone like a freshly cracked egg...except Carol Dumpty, Humpty's bereaved wife...

    I'm not working today and just lazing about the house. Good day for a nap! I'm sure Lilo will agree with that.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some only once...