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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Ed,
    Happy Leap Year??? Haven't we turned this into a holiday yet? You know, Hallmark Cards, special foods, gather the family from far and near??? LOL!!!

    Its work/cleaning day again. Amazing how quickly Saturday rolls around!

    I ate about half of my Lion's Mane mushrooms last night for dinner. Tasty, filling, rich. (the rich part MAY have had something to do with the slices being sautéed in vegan butter). It was good and I have enough left for a nice stir fry later today. I think I'll order a 'box shiitake' to grow as a gift to myself for being 77!! Why not??? LOL!

    Ok, Ted is already starting the cleaning, so I feel obligated to get up, gulp the last of my cup of coffee, and 'get to it'.

    Have a great day...will come back later to catch your post.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! It should be a really nice day today. I may get out to see the current bloomers, and may get out to a grocery store. Spring begins in March!

    I made it through Leap Day without telling anyone to go take a flying leap. But then I didn't go anywhere either. LOL


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Ed,
    I wasn't invited to take a flying leap either, and I DID go out! LOL! Its sunny today, and perhaps any outdoor adventures should happen, cuz last I looked (last night) we're in for 3 raining days. Wednesday I have a Chiro appt in Decatur...not my fav. drive in the rain. Oh, well.
    I am wondering when 'yellow season' will begin this year? Its another take on global warming. Marietta and I always laughed..we'd leave ATL in a black car, by the time we left HHI, it was icky yellow greenish. And no more get back to ATL and Pine Pollen season all over again! But, last few years, pine pollen either arrived before HHI or best of all, WHILE we were at the beach so we only go the joy of yellow everything once and not twice.

    Red maple flowers are beginning to show up...in your yard and driveway those red 'flowers' can be somewhat annoying!
    I think that is about all that's new blooming in my yard...some of the later daffodils, I guess those would count. The nice fragrant ones are just starting to bloom. I don't have very many, but always cut at least one to bring in and put amongst the blooming orchids...now those I have a plenty!!! :)

    Its already 10a and I'm not quite finished with my coffee...thats what happens when I over sleep. Over sleep? can you do that when you're retired???

    I have at least one more meal of the Lion's Mane mushrooms that I harvested. I need to read to see if I can get them to regrow? I can see lots of white hairy mycelium, so I take that as a good sign.

    Hope your day goes well, and glad you survived being 'Leaped' !! I don't envy you the box of pix to go thru. I have everything in album's, but I really can't imagine who will want them after I'm gone. Ted has looked thru them, and digitized the ones he was interested in.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! A littly chilly today with 100% chance of rain. I can feel that in my bones too. Right now it's partly cloudy and I can see, via the front entry camera, that the sun is rising. To all appearances it's a lovely morning, but the rain is due shortly. I don't think I have to go anywthere today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited March 2020
    Well, it said there was an error and to try again, so I did and then it double posted. And it STILL said there was an error and to try again, but fortunately there wasn't anything to triple post as it had moved on to showing both posts, while still claiming the error.

    Since we can't remove posts, I decided to reload the page and edit the second post (this one) to change the video, so we get two today.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Ed!
    Sorry you had issues posting, and so GLAD you had issues posting and subbed in the Italian Grandmother making Minestrone Soup!! She so much reminded me of my neighbor Marie, when I lived in New Jersey. Marie had 3 sisters, all older than Marie. I think the oldest sister was 94 at the time..and she was a real 'corker'!!! And could they cook!!!! Some of the best food! I somehow in all my recipe reading I've missed the escarole! Now I want to make a big pot of soup!! LOL!! (I love escarole, so from now on it will be part of my soup!)

    I need to get my self going, going to the gym, and cat food, and maybe some people food at the grocery. I'm gonna get wet, right? Oh well, I Could have done this yesterday....but my neighbor's Mom came to visit, bringing delicious food for me to taste, and her husband came over, and next thing I knew we were all out in our yards doing spring clean up! ? !. Yards look nice, and so far I've only tasted the purple pudding, (name to come later), and the pineapple upside down slice, and the Baklava,!!! What diet??? LOL!!!

    Ok, I'll come back later with the Philippine names of all the things she brought for me to taste.
    I'll have to check the driveway when I leave to see if they are still here, or if they've returned to South Carolina. I hope they are still here...I love talking with her. She loves plants, gardens, and good food as much as I do!! And to top if all off, she has the same name as my paternal grandmother!!! Gramma was 'Pearl' Hill before she married my gramps, and this lady is Perl Hill! Spelled differently, but sounds the same! Strange world, right?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    That recipe for minestrone did look so amazing that I tried to beat the rain to get out for ingredients and cat food. The cat food wasn't for soup, but it was low enough to warrant getting it while out.

    I did get some cat food at PetSmart, and then to Publix. I looked for escarole (no luck) and considered some watercress, but decided to just make something between minestrone and pasta e fagioli instead. It is cooking now in a slow cooker, with the small potato waitilg until a bit later to be peeled, chunked up, and added, and my 1/2 cup ditalini will wait until the last 20 minutes or so.

    I say I TRIED to beat the rain. I didn't get too wet, but did get sprinkled on coming out of Publix to the car, and then unloading the car at home.

    My soup/stew should be a nice supper for a cool, rainy day, no matter what I call the dish! LOL!
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    I got wet with my errands being here and there..No escarole at my Publix either, and the produce guy (who is new) said they don't ever carry it. So, its Kroger or Whole Foods I guess. Or, maybe we should grow our own??
    Will check into that!

    Tomorrow looks to be wet all day. Well, rain til about 4p. So there's the choice...rain or traffic!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    My dinner included some "heat and eat" lasagna from Publix (the first slice, of 2, was my lunch) and looked like THIS:

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! It is supposed to be warm and wet, with 100% chance of rain, which I can verify.

    I just gave Lilo her Tuesday shot, and the required treats that go with it. I have been doing this for a year or two now and think by this time the shot is pretty routine to her, but she isn't about to pass up a chance to demand a couple of crunchy treats, and I better hurry them along after the shot too!

    There are three good servings of the soup left, as I did not eat one for breakfast. I will try to get J to eat one for lunch and plan to have one myself.

    This afternoon I have to drive J to an oral surgeon for removal of an infected wisdom tooth. Not sure how much (or what kind) of anasthetic they will use so we are going together and I am designated driver in case J is in no condition to drive.

    If J (who doesn't really like leftovers much) will eat the last bowl of soup for supper, it would be good, as it's warm, and soft, and shouldn't be difficult to chew with a painful mouth. If not, I can eat it and make something else for J. Maybe potato soup...

    Other than the trip to the oral surgeon, I have nowhere I have to be today, and that is fine. Wouldn't be going there if it weren't necessary.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hope all goes well for J and getting that tooth removed...ouchie!
    I'm watching the news at noon, and seeing some awful pix of Nashville, and north of Nashville. Am I mistaken or does J have kinfolk, (Mom?) around that area...I just hope everyone is not injured, and safe.
    Just thinking of you both..
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    J is from central Kentucky. We do have a few friends in the Nashville area and I have some relatives in that area but for now no news (on the relatives) is good news.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Well...after taking more x-rays, they decided that they want to take all of J's wisdom teeth and will do that tomorrow morning, having done nothing today but x-rays and consultation. So I get to be designated driver tomorrow morning. The cats will either be fed early or late. I leave it to the reader to make an educated guess as to which is more likely.

    Oh, and I have heard now, via Facebook check-in, from one friend who lives in Nashville and another who was visiting Nashville at the time.

    Nothing yet from relatives but they may not have power yet.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful wet Wednesday! Cool and rainy today, apparently all day. Other than taking J to the dental surgeon and back, nothing on my agenda if I can help it.

    Relatives in Nashville area are all fine.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited March 2020
    We got back from the doctor a little bit after 10:00 this morning, after a quick stop at Walgreen's.

    They said the surgery went really well, and id didn't take long at all.

    J was still quite loopy from the anesthetic and kept repeating the same questions, forgetting, and then repeating them again. After getting J settled in bed to sleep it off, I slipped back out to Walgreen's to get the extra prescription filled, and since then I have been working on nearly the last bit of the photo scanning, though there are still a couple of photo albums I can't seem to find. I have done everything BUT those albums so next I guess I need to start looking back into the remaining crates of stuff that we already went through once. I may have put them into one for later perusal.

    I have been checking on J periodically, and trying to stay where I can hear the doorbell, as J is expecting a FedEx package that requires an adult signature. No sign of them so far!

    I guess J will have to nap for me today. LOL.
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Well, today is definitely 'Wet Wednesday'. Made it to Decatur, then WF. and TJ's. The longer I was in town, the heavier the rain got. Trip home was moderately slow, but the fog..that was a different story!

    Glad friends and family are all safe in Nashville, and Kentucky. I remembered it was Kentucky while watching the hockey game last night...way to late to correct/amend the post.

    Guess what? No Escarole at Whole Foods today either. What the heck???
    I bought a box of mixed heavier greens and pea sprouts and will try subbing that for the escarole. Escarole is a bitter sorta green, that has quite a bit of tooth to it. This may not be them same, but that will have to do, and it doesn't matter, as I can't sing either.....

    Meanwhile I just finished round one of the hot bar box from WF, and will enjoy more tomorrow. Tonite I have some rice of some sort, wrapped in banana leaves. This from my new Filipino new friend. The tofu, a few small mixed colored potatoes, some cubed butternut squash, sliced Brussels Sprouts, Paleo button mushrooms. No meat, no dairy, nor even egg...just heat and serve for a day or so...I like-y that!!

    So, I am home, I am safe, I am dry, and I'm full of chicken fried tofu...that can only lead to one place...NAP TIME!!

    Hope J is doing ok now that he is wisdom-less. I never got those teeth, so I can only imagine how bad it must be to have them all removed at once. Quad Ouchie!!! YIKES!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    J finally felt his mouth had recovered enough to eat something. Lilo watched avidly as he ate! LOL!

    I made him mashed potatoes. Well...technically mashed potato, singular, as it was a single, large Russet baker that I peeled, cut up, cooked and mashed with half a stick of butter and plenty of heavy cream.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! It's supposed to rain all day, but despite that I am going to get out for eggs as J ate the last 4, soft scrambled, last night. I guess the mashed potato acted as a trigger or maybe the taste buds were finally fully waking up.

    Instant chocolate pudding was dessert, and then later a small bowl of bran flakes, soaked in the milk until they were mush. J had not eaten anything prior to the surgery, of course, and it took until quite late in the evening for all of the super-novocaine to wear off. J's 5 hour nap after getting home seemed to eliminate the last of the IV anasthetic nicely.

    For me, it was a long feeling, nap-less day, and I went to bed early after an early morning, having roused at around 5 in the mostly dark. At least that did give me time to have breakfast and my usual pot of tea before heading out to the surgeon with my 20 ounce bottle of Powerade Zero, to sip on while waiting.

    Today I will brave the rain at least to get more eggs, probably 2 dozen, from the nearby Publix, though if it is light enough rain around 10:00, when the forecast has it at its lightest, I may go all the way to Kroger as there are a couple of things I need from there, though nothing critical. That many eggs should last us through the few "soft food" days I think, as a main protein source.

    It's predicted to stop raining about 7:00 this evening but I think we will want eggs before that. I was thinking of some chili flavor vegan instant ramen noodles, with scrambled egg stirred in for protein as J is vegetarian, not vegan, for lunch. Well, at least for J. I like those noodles but don't think I want that many carbs in my lunch so I will have something else.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    I ended up being out a lot longer than I had expected as I had forgotten completely about my appointment with the lab to have some blood work drawn. Fortunately my phone reminded me just after I left, so I went there first, and then to Kroger, where I spent way too much time looking at food. LOL.

    But I did get some good deals in the "used meat" section (what I call the manager's special markdown bin) so I have a nice ribeye steak for my dinner tonight, an eye of round roast, now in the freezer, and some more "beef for stew" that is now in the freezer. It doesn't always get made into stew. I may make some boeuf bourguignon with one package of that, as I haven't made that in a while. But I need to buy some thick cut or uncut slab bacon if I want to do that right. Or I could just make a lighter version without the bacon that would probably be healthier for me to eat anyway. And of course there is always the option of making beef Stroganoff with some of the stew meat. My inner chef, Eduardo, is already just about to bust with tasty ideas!

    Anyway, I did make the noodles for J and pulled a small frozen meal out for me. Maybe I can actually get a short nap in this afternoon.

    Have a great afternoon!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fantastic Friday! The sun is out, but it's rather chilly. I have been up for hours but was distracted by scanning in some more old photographs I found last night.

    J suggested mashed potatoes for dinner again last night, as the noodle lunch had maybe a touch more bite than wanted, so mashed potatoes it was for dinner, with the remainder of the chocolate pudding for dessert.

    For lunch today I made J a large refried bean burrito, without the tortilla. That should be soft enough, I think.

