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Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Ed!
    What a day. I'm wiped out, and very little to show for it!
    My blood letting (tubes of blood for next Wednesday's annual exam)..scheduled for 8:30...took an hour to get it done. But that's a different story.
    Had time to get back home, scoop the cat's box, give him some breakfast, and some breakfast and COFFEE for me!
    Then on the road to Decatur and Jimmy cutting my hair. Home, ate lunch Soup and an open faced cheese toast...headed to the gym...did my time there. home for a much needed nap.
    Watching a hockey game now, I may or may not actually watch the enire thing. Its 3rd period, but my eye lids are getting heavy!
    Tomorrow should be a less stressful and not quite so busy day..(one can always hope.)

    I have a question about when you were moving here, and let the cats stay at home....I am not doing so good on finding someone to watch over Tom E. Wondering about getting about 5 disposable litter boxes to put around the house, and he will have to make do with kibble for 5 days... hmmm. Just a thought...open to suggestions.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! I could hear the raindrops a'falling on the house when I got up. I hope to not be going anywhere today.

    I finished Lilo off on the old bottle of fluid yesterday, and put the next setup together so that it's ready to start with the next 10 doses, one dose, three times a week.

    We will have the leftover stewed Mayocoba beans for lunch today. It's nice to have that ready to heat and eat.

    I have a question about when you were moving here, and let the cats stay at home....I am not doing so good on finding someone to watch over Tom E. Wondering about getting about 5 disposable litter boxes to put around the house, and he will have to make do with kibble for 5 days... hmmm. Just a thought...open to suggestions.

    When moving, it wasn't a problem, as we generally had one of us at each location. Once the house in Georgia was set up, J lived in it most of the time, while I lived in Memphis with the cats. If I had to be in Atlanta for work or training at our downtown or Chamblee office, J would arrange to be working in Memphis that week.

    After Twist died, we adopted Ariel and she traveled back and forth with him. If we had a rare chance for both of us to be in Georgia the same week, I started travelling with the other 4, and started doing that for long weekends too. By the time I retired, and started actually moving too Georgia myself, the cats were all already comfortable in either house, so we just moved them all to Georgia and if we both needed to go to Memphis it would only be for a night or two and we just left them with plenty of kibble and water.

    So your question actually applied more to vacations of more than a night or two. At first, we had friends coming once a day to feed, check water, scoop boxes, and visit with the cats.

    Later, in Memphis, we hired pet sitters to do the same, and left a check for them on the counter. If we were only going to be gone for a weekend or a single night, we just left plenty of kibble and water, and took care of the litter boxes when we got home. We have not both been gone for more than a couple of nights at the same time, since our Georgia roomer moved out. We utilized his services while he was living here.

    We would not leave our pets for more than a weekend without hiring someone. And of course We don't actually know anyone here that we could hire but I am sure there are people who do that. You might ask your veterinarian if they know of any reliable pet sitters.

    Scattering litter boxes around the house might not be a good idea, as he is used to the one box being in the one place, and if you have others in different places, for an extended time, he may get used to the idea that they will be there and go in those places whether they are there or not. Maybe you could put them all in a row at the usual place though.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)








  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Tonight's "cook what you have" dinner was slow cooked pasta e fagioli.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ed!
    Thanks for all the info and thoughts about cat/s alone at home. I did some poking around after asking, and what you said, is pretty much what I found. Problem is solved...Ted is staying home with the animals. It will give 'us' a break from each other...not that we are having issues, just it will give him more personal 'space' for a week.

    I'm so over this rain, rain, and more rain. If the weather report on WSB holds true, we get 3 rainless days...all in a row!!!! WowZa!! I didn't even go out to the gym today. Biked it for my 30 minutes, and tonite during the intermission times between periods I am planning to do some work with my dumbbells. That should put me in a good place for my monthly 'goals'. :)

    How are you and your Fitbit getting along? I've noticed you saying you were walking...Mike too!
    Maybe we should change our group name to 'the walkers'! LOL!!

    Watching a hockey games. My Philly's are behind 1-3. Not so good!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! It's cold this morning and there is a scary, bright yellow thing up in the sky that I can't look straight at. Whatever could it be? And why is the sky blue? It's been gray so long I don't think I remember anything else. LOL. I am sure the plants appreciate all the rain.

    I need to get out to the grocery today. After I take Dinah to the vet for her annual stuff.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)







  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ed!
    Already too late to say good morning! As you may guess this morning is running a little slowly!

    Gym...maybe Publix?, maybe sift thru a bunch of these loose papers on my table...(that would be a really helpful thing to do :) )

    I too saw the bright shiny thingy in the sky early today. It was 'bout' time it showed up! Any more gray days and we would have had to call todays shiny thingy a aberration! LOL!

    Hope your day goes well, and that Dinah's trip to see the vet was 'uneventful'.

    I'm still not ready to 'make up' with Kroger. What they want to achieve can be done very easily with no ones nose getting out of joint. Costco is a great example. They did install 6 or 8 self checks outs, and have a dedicated human there to help, or just to make the customers feel
    special...like they will often use the UPI (?) scan gun for heavy objects in your basket so you (I) don't have to heft them up on the scanner, etc. BUT, they also keep all of their human checker lines open too. It works! And it works well. Kroger needs a new model, or a new mind set!
    Ok, once again, putting my soap box away. I should store it on a higher less accessible shelf, ya think???? :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! It should be another cool one with zero chance of precipitation. The yard should be walkable by now instead of a soggy mess! Not a lot on the morning agenda, but a party this evening. I think I will make some yellow rice, which is nothing like yellow snow.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! No Ed???
    Hope al is well.
    Off to a decent start this morning. heading for the gym early this morning, and laundry seems to round out the list today. Will get the week started off right!

    Haven't given much thought to food for the day. I know I have rice and a small container of black beans that need to be used up...and there is left over Annie's vegan Mac & Cheese...and other than a frozen dinner or two, that is about 'it'! I can make do for today, but tomorrow and better be a 'cooking' day!! (if not, I could be hungry, and maybe lose a pound or three...wouldn't that be so sad? LOL)

    I also need to be out pruning. While Ted and I got most of it several weeks ago....there is more that needs to be cut back.

    Loving seeing the early spring things blooming. Always a pleasant sight after the dead old winter! I got tickled when I read Mike's letter this morning and he admitted to disliking February. I used to tease my Dad, and tell him I was so sorry he had a Feb birthday...shortest, meanest, nastiest, month of the year!!! LOL!

    Hope your day goes well. Will look for you later today :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! Another cool day, mostly cloudy, with slight chance of precipitation. So far nothing on the agenda today. Ate too much at the party last night, but brought NOTHING home, leaving it to the host to decide if he wanted to keep or toss the leftovers.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)







  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's magnificent Monday! Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory. All day, apparently. Well, we had a few nice days and the forecast is calling for a few more nice days after today.

    I need to do a little housework maybe.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)







  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Cloudy with 20% chance of rain today. I might get out to a grocery.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)







  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hey Ed!
    Really late today. Gym,
    trip to Whole Foods with Ted..
    Chat with Jack..(90 minutes)
    Watching St. Louis Blues hockey game. and my pillow is already calling.

    Today, and what little I saw of it...was really warm this afternoon. But, cold is coming...darn!


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! Good chance for pm showers, but otherwise a nice day. It will get a bit chilly overnight.

    Last night was Mardi Gras. Supper was not the traditional, very late breakfast, with lots of sweets. No, it wasn't. It was great northern beans, cornbread, and roasted potato chunks with onions. J had the bulk of the potatoes, and I was, as usual, the only one eating the buttermilk cornbread. J doesn't, in general, care for cornbread. I did have some nice white wine with supper.

    But...after that rather plain supper we did talk a little about Mardi Gras traditions, while watching a recorded television show, and I said that I should have made pancakes or cinnamon rolls. J asked if I had the ingredients to make cinnamon rolls, which kind of floored me, as those ingredients are all staples and OF COURSE I had them. I pretty much always have them, but don't need to be making cinnamon rolls, in general. J apparently had no clue how easy it actually is to make cinnamon rolls.

    The only missing "ingredient" was time, as it was too late to allow for the rising required to make them properly. I know there are ways to hurry that along, but it still would have taken more time than I had before I wanted to go to bed.

    However, lest you think that this would stop my inner Eduardo (the chef inside), from making a Mardi Gras treat, think again.

    I used a cup of self rising flour, 1/8 stick of cold butter, and enough buttermilk to make a small, sticky blob of soft buttermilk biscuit dough.

    Then I melted 1/2 stick of butter with some granulated sugar and ground cinnamon, to make almost a paste, but thin enough for my purposes. Small blobs of the biscuit dough were then dredged in the cinnamon mixture and dropped into the bottom of a glass loaf pan, and there were just enough of them to fill the bottom, with a few small gaps here and there between the blobs. The remaining mixture was spread evenly on top and this sticky mess was baked in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until it looked and smelled done to me.

    About a third of a cup confectioner's sugar and a very small amount of milk, along with a drop of vanilla extract, made a lovely, thick glaze to drizzle over the top of the confection, and we thoroughly enjoyed our Mardi Gras treat of Cinnamon Monkey Biscuits. Yes, I did make that name up. LOL.

    Way too many carbs? Oh, yeah...but worth it to properly celebrate Mardi Gras and remind myself that I can still pull a trick or two out of my sleeve at the last minute? Absolutely!

    And now that I havo probably made you hungry...have a great Wednesday! LOL!


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)







  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Hi Ed!
    Loved the story of your 'impromptu' Mardi Gras treat! But, please, over the weekend or some other time do teach J how to make cinnamon rolls. As you said they are quite easy...just take a healthy bit of time.
    And, yes now I am ready for some kind of sweet treat...though it may only be peanut and jelly sandwich...kinda late to start a mess in the kitchen!

    Saw my Little Doc today! She is so sweet. Everything is nicely in place as far as my labs go...the little tech walked me thru the 'Medicare' required stuff. Yes, I can bathe, run the sweeper, drive, yada yada! She gave the the 5 items to remember..check, and said I scored 100% on the cognitive testing! Ok, so lets hear it for us old people!
    My chol and LDL were each just a tad high...she said not to worry about it. I must have one workhorse of a liver!
    And the only downer, which she kindly saved for last, was the 5 pound weight gain for the year. So...its not like I haven't been trying, ya know??? Not sure what to do on that front.

    Made it to the gym, and I only have about 6 minutes more of exercise to earn my award for the month! I think I've got that!!! LOL!

    I seriously need to do some investigation into my health insurance. I need my tdap booster...its been 10 years, and Medicare won't cover the tetanus portion...like what??? $66 bucks. Which I could certainly pay...but shouldn't have to. United Health should pick that up...so we're playing wait and see on that. Also they won't cover a vitamin D3 test...arg!

    Teds gone to his room for the night, Maya is asleep, as is terrible Tom E. (kidding about the terrible), and I think I'll go bike my exercise minutes, and be done with it!

    Hope your evening has been good, and hopefully I'll get here earlier tomorrow! Sorry.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! A bit chilly out there but not quite frozen.

    I woke up early after what felt like hours of dreaming about being at the courthouse over some silly tax thing regarding my 1984 taxes, after all these years! In the dream, they were after less than $20 in supposedly back owed taxes, that were actually (in the dream) due to the IRS "correcting" my tax return and accidentally refunding me a bit less than $20 too much money.

    Now I know that if the IRS does such a thing, that the taxpayer still does owe the money back, but the circumstances in the dream just kept getting weirder. My in-laws were with me in the court, though they had nothing to do with my 1984 taxes since I wasn't married in 1984 and didn't even meet them until 1995. I guess they were there for moral support.

    In the dream, there was some green colored paperwork attached to my originally filed tax form, provided by the IRS, but the green colored paperwork seemed to have something to do with someone else's taxes. Someone I had never heard of. Oddly, instead of pointing this out to the judge, I separated it and, during the lunch break, rolled it into a tube and casually laid it at the upper corner of the desk/table I was assigned, so I could pretend it had been left by the prior person. It seemed that there were several of these tables as they were investigating other people simultaneously, with several in the court room at once and the next case immediately being seated without even cleaning off the table of the prior case's trash.

    At this point, in the dream, I noticed that the registered mail they had sent advising me of the summons had cost the government $35 and I was pondering the absurdity of how much they were spending, including paying all the people working on this, on the possibility that they MIGHT get $19 and change in back taxes/overpaid refund, since they weren't asking for any interest or penalty. People were filing back into the court room after the lunch break to continue the multiple deliberations.

    Then Orion woke me up because his food bowl was empty. So I will never know the resolution of my case.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)






  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning Ed!
    What a dream/nightmare! I hope you see the humor in it now that you are awake! (Orion to the rescue!)

    About to get into my gym clothes, and head out. It is beautiful ,sunny,/ windy, cold Fooler of a day. I think I will go and come without any fooling around, like 'shopping'!! From what my weather app tells me...it will be less than 50 degrees at its warmest this late afternoon...with a TEN mile an hour wind!! No thanks. May be a nap day!

    Rogers pix of the tiger in a box labeled "Free Kittens" cracked me up! Yup, 'Here, kitty kitty kitty....NICE kitty!!' LOL!!

    Will catch your video's later...curious to see the bread one with Michael Lim. I think its the weather, but I have been craving bread lately???? weird!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited February 2020
    As February 27th is National Pancake Day, my inner chef, Eduardo, whipped up as small a batch of fluffy buttermilk pancakes as I know how to make, and J and I celebrated the day at lunch. I had a New York strip with my syrup-less stack that still tasted divine. I haven't had pancakes in a while and, fried in ghee, they were really quite nice even without syrup.

    J had a couple of fried eggs, broken, over hard, and hash brown patties with a stack of pancakes that had butter and real maple syrup.

    It was a nice lunch.

    Beef stew is going in a slow cooker for my dinner. I am not 100% sure what I will be making for J but I will come up with something. For me, this chilly day is definitely a "stew" type of day.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    edited February 2020
    Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! The temperatures should be about the same as yesterday, on the cool side. I need to get out for canned cat food and maybe run by the endocrinologist to let them have a few drops of blood.

    I am getting behind on videos myself and think 5 a day may be too many. I'll just post this tiny one today of me at the endocrinologist...


  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good morning Ed!
    This morning is slipping by in a hurry! Did not sleep much at all last night. I need, seriously NEED to start keeping a food diary. I was up nearly every hour for a potty stop. (and I take drugs for that! Scary!) I seriously think it is something I'm eating irritates.....

    Little overcast right now, but the sun was surely brightly shining when I first got up.

    I think one or two video's a day might be easier all the way around! :) Maybe only one for a week or so, that way maybe I can get caught up.

    Hope your visit to the blood letting Endo doc goes well.

    Today is errand day, after gym. Cat food at Walmart, big bag of popped corn at Costco, lottery tickets and 'other list' from Publix. If I'm not either tired out, or whatever, Kroger will get a visit for their Sparkling Water..though I have about a weeks worth. Just don't want to run out like I did a couple weeks ago.

    And I need to track down my recipe for Vegan White Pepper Gravy. :) Love having the search engine on my mac!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,206 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! And it's LEAP DAY. I don't do a lot of leaping any more. Besides, I have a headache, but I am sure I will get over it. I may take a walk out in the cold, but DRY air.

    I am working, gradually, on a big box of old photos, digitizing the ones I think are worth preservation, and discarding a lot of junk photos. I took a lot of photos back in the day that I look at now and wonder why. If there are no people I know or interesting scenery, animals, buildings, or objects, one wonders why.

    I found some (not very good) pictures I took at my youngest sister's first wedding, but honestly think ALL of my family would just as soon forget that wedding, as that marriage turned out to be a disaster and didn't last too long. She has been happily married to her second husband for many years now and is a grandmother.

    Some of these photos were left behind from a former roommate, when his sister gave them to me after his death, in case there were any of me in the stacks, or of him and his dogs that I might want.

    As I come across good pictures of him, I have been digitizing them and sending the pictures to her and her other brother, on FaceBook. She is probably sharing them with her twin sister too. I do know her twin, but not that well, and we are not connected on FaceBook.

    None of us live in Memphis any more, and the twin and the other brother had already moved from there before I met any of the family so I only knew them from their occasional visits back to Memphis while I was living there with their brother. I continued to live in Memphis for many years, until I retired and moved to Georgia, and I kept up with the one sister who had stayed in Memphis.

    After both of their parents died, she eventually moved up to Massachusetts and the three surviving siblings now live fairly close together again. I was a pallbearer at the former roommate's funeral, along with 5 other friends of his, as, even though it had been several years since we had roomed together, I was still a friend of the family. And, of course, I attended the funerals of both parents, and the family/close friends gatherings after each funeral.

    Looking through old piles of pictures can be a bit emotional, so I am taking my time with it. Most of them are still in the folder/envelopes that the developers delivered them in, though a few are old Polaroid instant photos. I have looked at most of the loose photos, and scanned those I deemed worthy of preservation.

    As I find photos of people I still know, I will send them their pictures on FaceBook. And somewhere I have a few old albums of photos I should go through and scan the ones I want to save digitally.

    Not a lot on the agenda for me today, but perhaps I can work in a nap.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

