100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    well I woke up feeling OK so I walked up to Dunkin Donuts for My Large Black Coffee. Most Expensive of the Week. @2.49 for the same size as the Bagel Store and 7-11 sold for $1.99 and McDonalds sells for $1.00, Any size at McDs TBH is a $1.
    Then on to the Produce Store where I bought Bananas, a Couple of Pears and a two pack of small Lettuce. Total weight around 5 pounds and then Back Home. 1.6 mile round trip using a different route outbound from the house and inbound to the house. I try a different routing every day as best I can.
    Have a Great Sunday
    Roger - good idea about walking home - you go guy!

    No fishing again - gorgeous, but really windy day and cold this morning. Trying again tomorrow, then car gets unpacked as we start the week with valeted appts. Here's hoping we finally get to go and enjoy the lake.

    Hi Shirl
    Good Luck with the Fishing. It will happen.
    Hi everyone! I'm back from vacation (Harry Potter World/Universal Orlando). It was so worth it to see my kid's face light up. The good news is I tried really hard to find healthy food; Universal claims healthy options but few n far between. Sugar and butter are available in every store n food cart. I fit in all of the rides very comfortably (I'm 216 @5'5")....room to spare! They really enforce size restrictions; they have teams of employees plucking all the larger people out of line to try the test seats to check fit. We Walked 10 miles a day (very spread out). Lots of stairs. They oversell their 'fast pass' but the single rider lines got us on rides relatively quickly.

    So glad to be home w NS, veggies, n healthy protein! Worked 8 hrs today, plus 5 miles w my dogs, and gardening!

    Best dinner tonight: thick crust pizza cut into 2 thin crusts (thanks Roger for that idea!!!) with a tsp of BBQ, chopped cooked chicken breast, diced onion, n diced bell pepper, and NS cheese. Healthy feast!

    Hi Val
    Thank You for the Mini Review.

    I bet You were not real surprised that the junk food was much more prevalent than healthy options. :)
    Test Seats are needed? What does that say about the American Diet.

    Fast Pass, I would pay a premium to save a wait in line. If It gets You through in less days it could still be cheaper overall.

    I seem to recollect that Disney had something like that too. Not Cheap but most likely worth it anyway.

    suegen1 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm back from vacation (Harry Potter World/Universal Orlando). It was so worth it to see my kid's face light up. The good news is I tried really hard to find healthy food; Universal claims healthy options but few n far between. Sugar and butter are available in every store n food cart. I fit in all of the rides very comfortably (I'm 216 @5'5")....room to spare! They really enforce size restrictions; they have teams of employees plucking all the larger people out of line to try the test seats to check fit. We Walked 10 miles a day (very spread out). Lots of stairs. They oversell their 'fast pass' but the single rider lines got us on rides relatively quickly.

    So glad to be home w NS, veggies, n healthy protein! Worked 8 hrs today, plus 5 miles w my dogs, and gardening!

    Best dinner tonight: thick crust pizza cut into 2 thin crusts (thanks Roger for that idea!!!) with a tsp of BBQ, chopped cooked chicken breast, diced onion, n diced bell pepper, and NS cheese. Healthy feast!

    I am so proud of you Val....I followed your progress during your vacation and you lost weight...that's simply amazing :). Good for you :) Congratulations on this huge success to stay on track even with all those temptations waiting on every corner.
    Roger - good idea about walking home - you go guy!

    No fishing again - gorgeous, but really windy day and cold this morning. Trying again tomorrow, then car gets unpacked as we start the week with valeted appts. Here's hoping we finally get to go and enjoy the lake.

    Sorry to hear that fishing didn't happen...was really hoping for you :). Lets hope it happens today!!

    I went to Birthday Party of my daughters friend yesterday and was staying on track but I won't lie it was hard and so tempting. I ate my NS before I went with lots of veggies and flavored water. At that birthday party they had hamburgers, hotdogs, steak, and whatever else you can imagine...weird thing was that the cake at the end didn't really bother me....which was a plus. Anyways, I survived it and my mid goal is even closer now!! I am hoping to get below the 200 lbs. mark next week....that would be so amazing since it has been many, many years since I have been below 200 lbs. I can't even remember when that was. Sorry lol...didn't mean to blabber up a whole book :).

    I am going to start to remodel my kitchen today. New coat of wood color for all the cabinets. I didn't want to replace them all as it would be too expensive so I got a whole kit which strips the cabinets of all the color and it can be repainted. A friend of mine did it a couple months back and said it was very easy. So, off I go doing that today :)..

    Happy Sunday everybody!!

    Hi Sue
    I hope it goes easily for You. If the Cabinets are in good shape why replace them.
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Go Cavs! Yeah, we won!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Shirl
    It sounds as if someone enjoyed the game :)

    Have a Great Week
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi y'all

    Time to fess up, I've had a bad week. I haven't been eating right, haven't been able to exercise because I wasn't feeling well, been having trouble with my heart rate again. I finally got to see the cardiologist who told me basically he won't help me unless I give up all caffeine :(. I've been trying but it's hard, I love my coffee, no I adore my coffee and he says I can't even have decaf. Well the first day was like torture because my head hurt so bad I couldn't move or open my eyes. So I added one cup of regular coffee and a couple of cups of decaf back in, the headache was better, today I'm down to one small cup of coffee and no decaf. No more Coke Zero, I found that I like Sprite Zero. Also I've been a smoker for 29 years and of course, no help from the Dr. unless I give that up too. Yes I'm an RN and I should know better, I get it, it's bad for me. This whole scenario has just depressed me so much that I turned to food. So as a result I'm up 5 pounds this week, I'm hoping some of that is from the excess salt but I know some of it isn't.

    So I had a long talk with myself last night, I was using the excuse that because of financial issues I had to delay my order and I was getting low on food. My food was to be delivered today, so get back on track woman!!! My order came today and it was only the SS foods that I ordered very little of and part of that was missing. So I call customer service, my frozen foods are still "processing" whatever that means. They said they would contact the warehouse and get it pushed out today and that I would have it by the end of the week. I'm frustrated. I will be calling first thing in the AM to find out if the order shipped today as promised.

    Ok so there's my sad story, I'm working on getting myself straightened out I really am. My boyfriend is being hugely supportive which is good, he didn't realize I wasn't eating right until I told him today. He responded with "I know how much you want this, and even though I think you're beautiful just the way you are and I don't care if you don't lose another pound, you have to get back on track for yourself." He's right, I do.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Small heads up, If anybody uses Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt I bought some at Costco this morning, It was $3 off which made it $10.99 for a box of 18 or approx. 61 cents per container, Only three flavors but a darn good price as I see it.

    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Time to fess up, I've had a bad week. I haven't been eating right, haven't been able to exercise because I wasn't feeling well, been having trouble with my heart rate again. I finally got to see the cardiologist who told me basically he won't help me unless I give up all caffeine :(. I've been trying but it's hard, I love my coffee, no I adore my coffee and he says I can't even have decaf. Well the first day was like torture because my head hurt so bad I couldn't move or open my eyes. So I added one cup of regular coffee and a couple of cups of decaf back in, the headache was better, today I'm down to one small cup of coffee and no decaf. No more Coke Zero, I found that I like Sprite Zero. Also I've been a smoker for 29 years and of course, no help from the Dr. unless I give that up too. Yes I'm an RN and I should know better, I get it, it's bad for me. This whole scenario has just depressed me so much that I turned to food. So as a result I'm up 5 pounds this week, I'm hoping some of that is from the excess salt but I know some of it isn't.

    So I had a long talk with myself last night, I was using the excuse that because of financial issues I had to delay my order and I was getting low on food. My food was to be delivered today, so get back on track woman!!! My order came today and it was only the SS foods that I ordered very little of and part of that was missing. So I call customer service, my frozen foods are still "processing" whatever that means. They said they would contact the warehouse and get it pushed out today and that I would have it by the end of the week. I'm frustrated. I will be calling first thing in the AM to find out if the order shipped today as promised.

    Ok so there's my sad story, I'm working on getting myself straightened out I really am. My boyfriend is being hugely supportive which is good, he didn't realize I wasn't eating right until I told him today. He responded with "I know how much you want this, and even though I think you're beautiful just the way you are and I don't care if you don't lose another pound, you have to get back on track for yourself." He's right, I do.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Hi Lesa
    I mainly get Frozen also and the delay between them is weird, when I started they usually came the same day. This last delivery the frozen came first and a week later the Shelf Stable.

    I have experienced the Caffeine headaches and would never try to give it up cold turkey ever again. Did You ask what was wrong with water process Decaf Coffee?

    Good Luck and Hope to see You in the next challenge :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Time to fess up, I've had a bad week. I haven't been eating right, haven't been able to exercise because I wasn't feeling well, been having trouble with my heart rate again. I finally got to see the cardiologist who told me basically he won't help me unless I give up all caffeine :(. I've been trying but it's hard, I love my coffee, no I adore my coffee and he says I can't even have decaf. Well the first day was like torture because my head hurt so bad I couldn't move or open my eyes. So I added one cup of regular coffee and a couple of cups of decaf back in, the headache was better, today I'm down to one small cup of coffee and no decaf. No more Coke Zero, I found that I like Sprite Zero. Also I've been a smoker for 29 years and of course, no help from the Dr. unless I give that up too. Yes I'm an RN and I should know better, I get it, it's bad for me. This whole scenario has just depressed me so much that I turned to food. So as a result I'm up 5 pounds this week, I'm hoping some of that is from the excess salt but I know some of it isn't.

    So I had a long talk with myself last night, I was using the excuse that because of financial issues I had to delay my order and I was getting low on food. My food was to be delivered today, so get back on track woman!!! My order came today and it was only the SS foods that I ordered very little of and part of that was missing. So I call customer service, my frozen foods are still "processing" whatever that means. They said they would contact the warehouse and get it pushed out today and that I would have it by the end of the week. I'm frustrated. I will be calling first thing in the AM to find out if the order shipped today as promised.

    Ok so there's my sad story, I'm working on getting myself straightened out I really am. My boyfriend is being hugely supportive which is good, he didn't realize I wasn't eating right until I told him today. He responded with "I know how much you want this, and even though I think you're beautiful just the way you are and I don't care if you don't lose another pound, you have to get back on track for yourself." He's right, I do.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    You can do this. Maybe you could try switching up your routine.Instead of having coffee and a cigarette in the morning, try decaf tea. It is awesome that your boyfriend supports you. I will send good thoughts your way.
    Good luck.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Time to fess up, I've had a bad week. I haven't been eating right, haven't been able to exercise because I wasn't feeling well, been having trouble with my heart rate again. I finally got to see the cardiologist who told me basically he won't help me unless I give up all caffeine :(. I've been trying but it's hard, I love my coffee, no I adore my coffee and he says I can't even have decaf. Well the first day was like torture because my head hurt so bad I couldn't move or open my eyes. So I added one cup of regular coffee and a couple of cups of decaf back in, the headache was better, today I'm down to one small cup of coffee and no decaf. No more Coke Zero, I found that I like Sprite Zero. Also I've been a smoker for 29 years and of course, no help from the Dr. unless I give that up too. Yes I'm an RN and I should know better, I get it, it's bad for me. This whole scenario has just depressed me so much that I turned to food. So as a result I'm up 5 pounds this week, I'm hoping some of that is from the excess salt but I know some of it isn't.

    So I had a long talk with myself last night, I was using the excuse that because of financial issues I had to delay my order and I was getting low on food. My food was to be delivered today, so get back on track woman!!! My order came today and it was only the SS foods that I ordered very little of and part of that was missing. So I call customer service, my frozen foods are still "processing" whatever that means. They said they would contact the warehouse and get it pushed out today and that I would have it by the end of the week. I'm frustrated. I will be calling first thing in the AM to find out if the order shipped today as promised.

    Ok so there's my sad story, I'm working on getting myself straightened out I really am. My boyfriend is being hugely supportive which is good, he didn't realize I wasn't eating right until I told him today. He responded with "I know how much you want this, and even though I think you're beautiful just the way you are and I don't care if you don't lose another pound, you have to get back on track for yourself." He's right, I do.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Lesa, I can just imagine how bad you felt with no coffee at all. I had to do it just for 3 days at one point and good lord my head was exploding. I did however cut my caffeine intake down quite a bit and that seem to help with the headaches. Cold turkey is always brutal so give yourself some credit :). This is hard! However, you can do this. You are a strong woman. You got all the support from your boyfriend and from here plus you got your food now. You can get back on track.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Lesa...so good to hear from you! Sorry you're struggling. But, good for you to face it, and take it on. Kudos to your bf for having the perfect perspective!

    You really have a triple whammy...give up smoking, caffeine, AND fattening foods??? Argh. Any one of those is a huge challenge. That's a lot to change. But the good news with NS, is they do the bulk of the work and organization...you just need to make good PF and SC choices, and add veggies to everything! The caffeine- sounds like you're making progress and just need to keep away. I've never been a smoker, so I can't personally relate. I know they have patches and gum to wean you off of nicotine. You've seen trachs...and how much of a struggle it can be when people w trachs get congested and need suctioning. You know you don't want that.

    And, why is it so easy to gain 5 pounds in a week and yet it is sometimes a miracle to lose ONE? Hope you're right that it was an effect of the salt.

    Take care, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger - thanks for the tip on the yogurt sale! I have gotten hooked on Dannon Light & Fit too! ~Val
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello all...sorry I have been MIA. Busy busy. Getting ready for a cousin reunion this weekend...20 crazy (husbands) cousins. Packing my breakfast and snacks and lunch bars and hoping to work around the restaurant menus and wine. Good news today, I hit my 20 lb loss today..that really is a boost. Start date 3/9/15.. My dr says he wants 1 to 2 lbs loss a week, so I am on target.
    Headed for a sleep apnea test at the end of the month..turns out I am a level 4 which means my throat is almost totally closed at night..Dr says that it has been shown that sleep apnea can slow done weight loss due to cortisol production and use.
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Congrats jserv on hitting the milestone 20 lbs! That's fantastic progress in 3 mos. I hope everyone is doing well today - whether on program or just coasting!
    Thanks for the yogurt tip at Costco Roger. Every penny counts - more pennies to put towards your NS meals!
    Although many of you may already have discussed this on this board, I wanted to tell you all about having my weight loss progress recorded properly in Numi. I started up with Numi a couple of weeks ago and blindly put in my current weight. This was a problem for me because now I could not see my entire NS progress, which is a significant motivator for me. A couple of days ago I received the note from NS telling us that the tracking tools were moving to Numi and that the tools on the NS site were being shut down soon. This note also gave direction as to how to enter your starting NS weight into Numi so you can track progress all the way on your NS program. I was stuck because I could not edit the weight I already entered so I wrote to NS telling them what my starting NS weight was as well as my current weight that day. NS went into Numi and entered it for me so that the total weight loss that I have achieved in NS now shows in Numi. So, if you have the same issue, just write to them and explain what is going on and they should be able to correct it for you. After all, I want my bears! :smiley:
    Have a great day!

  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    On another note, its been years since I had enough "guts" to wear white pants and today, I have a pair on at work. Thanks Nutrisystem - I now have additional and fun choices in my closet!
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    5mates wrote: »
    On another note, its been years since I had enough "guts" to wear white pants and today, I have a pair on at work. Thanks Nutrisystem - I now have additional and fun choices in my closet!
    On wearing the white pants!
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Y'all
    just wanted to give a quick update. I'm back on track and I finally got my frozen food. Turns out that when your order doesn't ship and it's a the warehouses fault and you threaten to quit and join up at a competitor theyare suddenly able to get that order packed up and shipped overnight! :) Happy Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015
    5mates wrote: »
    On another note, its been years since I had enough "guts" to wear white pants and today, I have a pair on at work. Thanks Nutrisystem - I now have additional and fun choices in my closet!

    Have a Good Friday
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi Y'all
    just wanted to give a quick update. I'm back on track and I finally got my frozen food. Turns out that when your order doesn't ship and it's a the warehouses fault and you threaten to quit and join up at a competitor they are suddenly able to get that order packed up and shipped overnight! :) Happy Friday

    Hi Lesa
    Not a huge surprise to me. OTOH I have heard of people calling DirecTV and threatening to quit when they are looking to get a deal on new equipment or discounts and they get told, OK, I'll cancel it now for You. I think it depends on How good a customer You are.

    Just curious what did You threaten with Jenny or WW or?

    Enjoy the Frozen
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi Y'all
    just wanted to give a quick update. I'm back on track and I finally got my frozen food. Turns out that when your order doesn't ship and it's a the warehouses fault and you threaten to quit and join up at a competitor theyare suddenly able to get that order packed up and shipped overnight! :) Happy Friday
    Which program are you on? I am customizing core..wondered whether to go frozen or add some cold treats.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi Y'all
    just wanted to give a quick update. I'm back on track and I finally got my frozen food. Turns out that when your order doesn't ship and it's a the warehouses fault and you threaten to quit and join up at a competitor theyare suddenly able to get that order packed up and shipped overnight! :) Happy Friday

    Glad to see you are back on track Lesa :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All!

    I was the coasting person you all are talking about!!

    Lesa- I so identify. The last of the paperwork is slowly being done for the post divorce. I STILL am not settled and it has been almost 2 years. It brings up so much and while I am doing better with the emotions, anger at this point, lol, I have not conquered emotional eating and gained Lbs too! My former husband and his friend have moved to her state,(happiness on my part, sad for my kids and grands), and he told his children he would try to see them twice a year when he came down for his reenactments. Casually, in public as it was no big deal to him. (He did not want to see them here, preferring the affair and all that lying instead.) I am so proud of my children. They are dealing with it as the insightful mature adults that they have become. Lesson here I say to myself. Lesa, if you can get back on track SO WELL, so can I- Thank you!!!

    Tina and Shirl, the train ride sounds so like fun, I hope to do that myself, one day!! (eye roll pondering getting things accomplished and just trying a routine I can establish. I will get there, lol!

    5mates- love the white pants. I have added color to my wardrobe and stopped wearing 20 year old clothes cuze I am thrifty!

    Laughing at NS keeps me sane. I have developed a taste for sweets I never had. I wish I could have extra chicken and tuna, and not be paying for desserts I really try to not have in the house, they are now triggers. She told me to eat fruit instead, like having 28 desserts sitting in my closet was not a problem. I will say, if I do not eat as well, I feel sick now- my body prefers healthy things! (Why can't I remember that!) But, Baby steps- I SEE IT NOW!

    Chester, my 16 yr old border collie and I are fostering a beautiful lab mix who looks just like the lab mix I lost first of all my 16 yr old babies(4 in all), I hope he likes her. He likes only females, and I think it will help she looks like Dixie did. Her name is May May. I hope to get her in the next few days. I am so excited, but in a calm and assertive kind of way- LOL! S. Alabama has a terrible influx of unwanted animals, and apparently slow changing people. Hoping that will change- lots of warm hearted caring people too! Always hoping we are not outnumbered!

    Thanks for letting me rant! I love the boards and you all...I love the furbabies... and most NS food and my veggies! LOL! Persevere on!!! Jan <3 So HUMID/HOT here I want to see if I can count outside as an exercise!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi Y'all
    just wanted to give a quick update. I'm back on track and I finally got my frozen food. Turns out that when your order doesn't ship and it's a the warehouses fault and you threaten to quit and join up at a competitor theyare suddenly able to get that order packed up and shipped overnight! :) Happy Friday

    WTG Lesa!!! You're awesome. Good for you for standing up for yourself. That's awesome...Congrats on that win! B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan, Congrats on your soon-to-be new foster! I hope that Chester likes her. It is sad and infuriating how easily some people discard animals. I remember a Great Dane rescue site posted the reasons the dogs were abandoned...most said, "Dog got too big." I jumped out of my skin...if you know you're getting a Dane, you have no reason to be surprised at its size. (I can rant on that subject till Kingdom Come!).

    Love your comment "Like having 28 desserts in my closet was not a problem!" No kidding!!! At first I was so worried about my draw to sugary snacks. And I'm fortunate that I've not really struggled with that...which I don't understand, but am grateful for! I give away most of my salty desserts. I'd much prefer a Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt. Maybe put them in a big Ziploc and take them to work or give to kids?

    You can count going outside like a Sauna!

    Take care, Val