100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    I just got an email from Numi about earning my 10 lb bear and asked me to log into NS to claim it. When I got there, this is what it said:
    Log My Weight
    Please enter your current weight below to claim your Nutribear
    Last weigh-in: Apr 12, 2012 241.0 lbs
    Show Dates
    *Current Weight:
    256 lbs.
    Thank you, your information has been processed.

    Question is should I call NS about this since it's showing my weight from 2012? Or do you think it worked?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Sue - are you in TX? That weather is super scary!

    Roger - I love my color, but print B&W if possible as ink is so pricey. Unsure about the odd $ amt, can't remember who posted or I'd ask. A real shame about NS computer presence.

    Yup - without a scale, I also am feeling lost. Just haven't gotten around to making another choice yet.

    Nene - prayers for your family - not fun.

    Gonna try and golf for first time in 2 yrs today. Not ideal weather for my heart, 80 and humid - we'll see. Will be nice to get out. Would have preferred this eve, but one of my group has another commitment, so moved it up to 3.

    Hi Shirl
    This is the toner for my $50 printer: Brother TN-450, Toner cartridge, 2600 pages yield; Black

    I usually do better than what they say FWIW. It Also has a Toner Saver Mode I could use for draft printing. I like it since I print each days menu ahead and then put them on the door of the refrigerator.

    I believe that is a pretty good price per page for consumables :)

    Terri70 wrote: »
    jserv.... well done, chica! You're doing great!

    Nene.... So sorry about your dad. I know how it feels. My mom is in a nursing home with Altzheimers. It can be pretty tough on family.

    Suejen... Congrats on the 30 lbs lost and the bear!! Way to go!!!

    Buttons.... Hi there!

    Lisa..... Good for you, girl! I need to learn a little more self-restraint.

    Roger.... Don't you just love the frozen meals?? I had a SS dinner the other night and will never do it again. Blech! It was nasty.

    I weighed today and I'm down another 3 which means I am down a total of 12 lbs in one month!!!!! YAY ME!!!! I earned my 10lb bear. I logged it into Numi and NS, so hopefully I'll get him next order.
    Have a great day, everyone!

    Hi Terri
    I actually eat a mix even though I can get all frozen foods. I order the Shelf stable foods A La Carte so as to have a variety, then I extend my order by the amount of days of SS foods. I also Bought a bunch of food from others which is all Shelf Stable food. I can not resist a bargain :) So it is lucky I can eat it.
    Terri70 wrote: »
    I just got an email from Numi about earning my 10 lb bear and asked me to log into NS to claim it. When I got there, this is what it said:
    Log My Weight
    Please enter your current weight below to claim your Nutribear
    Last weigh-in: Apr 12, 2012 241.0 lbs
    Show Dates
    *Current Weight:
    256 lbs.
    Thank you, your information has been processed.

    Question is should I call NS about this since it's showing my weight from 2012? Or do you think it worked?

    Hi Again
    I got one of those emails too. It makes me wonder why they bother sending it if You have to tell them what You lost! And then it gets the weight wrong in the email anyway!

    I see my Next bear showing in the BBB portion of my order if it ever gets out of processing!
    They had to have picked that up from the Log weight page on Nutrisystem.com as I never completed the email from NuMi.

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Sue - are you in TX? That weather is super scary!

    Roger - I love my color, but print B&W if possible as ink is so pricey. Unsure about the odd $ amt, can't remember who posted or I'd ask. A real shame about NS computer presence.

    Yup - without a scale, I also am feeling lost. Just haven't gotten around to making another choice yet.

    Nene - prayers for your family - not fun.

    Gonna try and golf for first time in 2 yrs today. Not ideal weather for my heart, 80 and humid - we'll see. Will be nice to get out. Would have preferred this eve, but one of my group has another commitment, so moved it up to 3.

    scrappin...yes, I am in Texas...Copperas Cove (small town lol) to be exact. Yesterday it was super scary. First my phone started to go off with Tornado Watches. Usually that just means that the conditions are in favor for tornadoes....wasn't too concerning. Then our power went off and I got a Tornado Warning Message on my phone stating: "Seek Shelter now. Tornado Warning in this area". We had two tornado touchdowns in my local area and just 2 miles up the road from me a 100 year old barn was taken by the tornado. Thankfully, no injuries. North of me there was major flooding going on with snapped trees and branches all over the streets. Our power came back I after like 3 hours. I have family in Houston who had some heavy rainfall (something about 11 inches) but they are also all ok. I am praying for the 12 missing people and that they are safe and sound. This has been definitely the worst I have seen here in a long time.

    I hope you have fun at your golf game :).
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    jserv.... well done, chica! You're doing great!

    Nene.... So sorry about your dad. I know how it feels. My mom is in a nursing home with Altzheimers. It can be pretty tough on family.

    Suejen... Congrats on the 30 lbs lost and the bear!! Way to go!!!

    Buttons.... Hi there!

    Lisa..... Good for you, girl! I need to learn a little more self-restraint.

    Roger.... Don't you just love the frozen meals?? I had a SS dinner the other night and will never do it again. Blech! It was nasty.

    I weighed today and I'm down another 3 which means I am down a total of 12 lbs in one month!!!!! YAY ME!!!! I earned my 10lb bear. I logged it into Numi and NS, so hopefully I'll get him next order.
    Have a great day, everyone!

    Congrats on your awesome weight loss and your 10 lb bear :).
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi y'all

    Glad everyone is safe after the storms. Congrats to all on the NSV's and losses.

    Went back to the Dr today. The abscess isn't worse and isn't better so I am seeing a surgeon, can't get in until next week though :( . So the thought is that it may have to have surgery to clean and debride the entire thing out since healing has stopped. I've had to have this done before with an abscess and it isn't fun. I'm hoping some kind of miracle will happen and it won't need to be done. In the meantime it still requires repacking daily and I'm going to try to go to work on Thursday night, that will give me 2 nights to work then a weekend off.

    I am looking forward to spending this coming weekend with my boyfriend, haven't been able to see him for a while because of conflicting work schedules and I didn't want him exposed to this infection. We're planning to go see San Andreas at the I-Max theater, I'm so excited, I love a good disaster movie!

    Have a great evening everyone

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi all -

    Sue - scary indeed! Glad you're all OK. My BFF lives in Dallas -thankfully her son moved from Houston to Dallas. We got a brief downpour after I came home from golf, but gone now.

    Lesa - will pray you don't need debridement surgery - but you know if it makes it go away it's necessary.

    Golfed 7 holes out of 9. Lost my ball on 7 - sun was getting to me, plus pulled my left bicept several days ago - so decided to give it up for the day. Glad I went out - sore now - not surprised as first time in 2 yrs. Had a few good shots - got on the green in one shot on the 4th hole - still took me 3 putts to sink it tho. Looking forward to next Tuesday and finishing the entire 9 holes. I have a pink, yellow, baby blue striped golf bag with pink head covers. Not happy to find there was a bunch of dirt in the holders on the golf cart cause now 2 covers aren't so pretty. New electric carts. No parking break and a really shrill back up sound. They also have windshields and club covers in case of rain. Hilly course so made sure I parked sideways so cart didn't roll. Don't want to pay for a cart!

    Munching on cilantro, lime corn on the cob - good - even cold! Really disappointed with dessert I made yesterday - 3 pieces for 3 people - pitched the rest. Apparently I don't like crumbly graham crackers - it was eclair squares with crackers between layers of pudding/cool whip.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Oh, Lesa...will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. That's scary and frustrating. Glad you're making time for an entertaining movie! It's important to live and enjoy our lives even while we re dealing with stuff. Hugs, Val
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, y'all! Getting ready to eat my breakfast. As always, I'm late. lol That's okay. I'll get caught up.

    How is you day going? Any plans? Are you on plan so far today? It's hump day.... Are you excited it's closer to the weekend?

    Have a great day y'all!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Glad everyone is safe after the storms. Congrats to all on the NSV's and losses.

    Went back to the Dr today. The abscess isn't worse and isn't better so I am seeing a surgeon, can't get in until next week though :( . So the thought is that it may have to have surgery to clean and debride the entire thing out since healing has stopped. I've had to have this done before with an abscess and it isn't fun. I'm hoping some kind of miracle will happen and it won't need to be done. In the meantime it still requires repacking daily and I'm going to try to go to work on Thursday night, that will give me 2 nights to work then a weekend off.

    I am looking forward to spending this coming weekend with my boyfriend, haven't been able to see him for a while because of conflicting work schedules and I didn't want him exposed to this infection. We're planning to go see San Andreas at the I-Max theater, I'm so excited, I love a good disaster movie!

    Have a great evening everyone


    Lesa, I will keep you in my prayers that you don't require surgery and it will may resolve. I can just imagine...but as Val said I am also glad you are continuing with your normal live and have some fun entertainment :). I want to see that movie too. Let me know what you think about that movie :).

    Hope everybody has a great day!!

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi!! To everyone!!

    Scrappin-- I am so impressed you play golf! I tried several times to take it up. My balls go straight, but only about 20 feet or so, lol! I finally gave that up!

    Lesa-Keep us informed! Hoping you get that infection settled!! You are in my prayers for that!!

    I'm eating green beans, having finished lunch, but I did not quite time them for lunch! I have itches everywhere still. Mistaken the poison sumac for elderberry, I do that every spring. Also pulling weeds and when I was done, realized they had 3 leaves, duh, they were not little trees coming up. Ivy, poison! Apparently I am allergic to several outdoor weeds too. That is what I get for clearing brush and spots of ill tending in my yard! I will be glad when I get the acres together for just maintenance. Almost there!

    Keep trucking all !!! We are doing good!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    scrappin...yes, I am in Texas...Copperas Cove (small town lol) to be exact. Yesterday it was super scary. First my phone started to go off with Tornado Watches. Usually that just means that the conditions are in favor for tornadoes....wasn't too concerning. Then our power went off and I got a Tornado Warning Message on my phone stating: "Seek Shelter now. Tornado Warning in this area". We had two tornado touchdowns in my local area and just 2 miles up the road from me a 100 year old barn was taken by the tornado. Thankfully, no injuries. North of me there was major flooding going on with snapped trees and branches all over the streets. Our power came back I after like 3 hours. I have family in Houston who had some heavy rainfall (something about 11 inches) but they are also all ok. I am praying for the 12 missing people and that they are safe and sound. This has been definitely the worst I have seen here in a long time.

    I hope you have fun at your golf game :).

    Hi Sue
    That must have been scary. That is one type of Disaster I have managed to miss here in NJ. We did a little tiny earthquake several years ago. I was at work talking to my Brother drinking coffee when it hit. There was a slight shaking of the building and rings formed in the coffee. We were not even sure if it was a EQ. Turns out it was.

    Parts of Texas are getting pounded, I feel bad for people there too.

    FWIW I use FireFox as my browser for the Spell checker and for the NoScript Add-On (Extension). I never see Adverts and I can see at a glance when I have misspelled something.

    Have a Good Day
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Glad everyone is safe after the storms. Congrats to all on the NSV's and losses.

    Went back to the Dr today. The abscess isn't worse and isn't better so I am seeing a surgeon, can't get in until next week though :( . So the thought is that it may have to have surgery to clean and debride the entire thing out since healing has stopped. I've had to have this done before with an abscess and it isn't fun. I'm hoping some kind of miracle will happen and it won't need to be done. In the meantime it still requires repacking daily and I'm going to try to go to work on Thursday night, that will give me 2 nights to work then a weekend off.

    I am looking forward to spending this coming weekend with my boyfriend, haven't been able to see him for a while because of conflicting work schedules and I didn't want him exposed to this infection. We're planning to go see San Andreas at the I-Max theater, I'm so excited, I love a good disaster movie!

    Have a great evening everyone


    Hi Lesa
    I am sorry to hear that the Abscess is not responding to treatment. I hope the Movie is good. If Not at least You got out.

    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi!! To everyone!!

    Scrappin-- I am so impressed you play golf! I tried several times to take it up. My balls go straight, but only about 20 feet or so, lol! I finally gave that up!

    Lesa-Keep us informed! Hoping you get that infection settled!! You are in my prayers for that!!

    I'm eating green beans, having finished lunch, but I did not quite time them for lunch! I have itches everywhere still. Mistaken the poison sumac for elderberry, I do that every spring. Also pulling weeds and when I was done, realized they had 3 leaves, duh, they were not little trees coming up. Ivy, poison! Apparently I am allergic to several outdoor weeds too. That is what I get for clearing brush and spots of ill tending in my yard! I will be glad when I get the acres together for just maintenance. Almost there!

    Keep trucking all !!! We are doing good!!!

    Hi Buttons
    I am sorry that You have run into Poison Sumac and Poison Ivy. I have a bunch of little scratches from pulling regular Ivy off of the shed in the back Yard. That is what I get for wearing shorts.

    Have a Good Day
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    I live out in the country and people ride bikes on my road (professional ones) and just now I passed (when I safely could) about 20 or so and they were in little groups of like 5 or 6. So needless to say it took me a little longer to get home. I wish I could do that but I broke my tailbone several years back and can't do bikes now. Heck, I have a cushion for my work chair that has a hole in it now. The last time I tried to ride one (about 2 or 3 years ago) I rebroke it and it took so long to get over it. *sigh* So much for that. Walking is about all I can do now.

    Have a good night y'all!
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Lesa, so sorry it has stopped healing! I do hope you're able to begin healing again and avoid the surgery.
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi friends,

    Congratulations to those losing and moving. Prayers for our friends in Texas, Oklahoma and all the weather worn states. Please keep the rescue workers in your hearts: EMS, nurses, doctors and all the emergency providers.

    Update on my father......he did better with surgery than anyone expected. He was eating supper, ice cream and flirting with all the ladies. He is a tough country boy. The main comment from staff was "at least he is cheerful with his dementia." We have a long way to go but feel blessed that he got through the amputation without major complications.

    I'm now physically able to do a little walking. Comes at a good time with visiting in the hospital. Y'all have a good night!

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    I live out in the country and people ride bikes on my road (professional ones) and just now I passed (when I safely could) about 20 or so and they were in little groups of like 5 or 6. So needless to say it took me a little longer to get home. I wish I could do that but I broke my tailbone several years back and can't do bikes now. Heck, I have a cushion for my work chair that has a hole in it now. The last time I tried to ride one (about 2 or 3 years ago) I rebroke it and it took so long to get over it. *sigh* So much for that. Walking is about all I can do now.

    Have a good night y'all!

    Hi Terri. I feel for you w broken tailbone! I did that when I was ~14 years old and it took years to mend. I admire the skills of the professional cylists, but they can cause big issues for drivers. ~ val
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Nene... so glad your father is doing well. Good job on the walking. I can't wait until I can go more than a few steps without getting out of breath.

    Hope4.... I know. They can be a pain on a country, windy road. Tailbone breaks are the worst to get over.

    Good morning, y'all. Up and at em early today. Got a lot of stuff to do. Have a great day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    I live out in the country and people ride bikes on my road (professional ones) and just now I passed (when I safely could) about 20 or so and they were in little groups of like 5 or 6. So needless to say it took me a little longer to get home. I wish I could do that but I broke my tailbone several years back and can't do bikes now. Heck, I have a cushion for my work chair that has a hole in it now. The last time I tried to ride one (about 2 or 3 years ago) I rebroke it and it took so long to get over it. *sigh* So much for that. Walking is about all I can do now.

    Have a good night y'all!

    Hi Terri
    The Bike riders frustrate the heck out of my brother :)

    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi friends,

    Congratulations to those losing and moving. Prayers for our friends in Texas, Oklahoma and all the weather worn states. Please keep the rescue workers in your hearts: EMS, nurses, doctors and all the emergency providers.

    Update on my father......he did better with surgery than anyone expected. He was eating supper, ice cream and flirting with all the ladies. He is a tough country boy. The main comment from staff was "at least he is cheerful with his dementia." We have a long way to go but feel blessed that he got through the amputation without major complications.

    I'm now physically able to do a little walking. Comes at a good time with visiting in the hospital. Y'all have a good night!

    Hi Nene
    Good news about Your father and even better being able to walk. I had a tough time in the past walking through the local hospital to visit family that was there. I used to have to find a seat in the lobby after the parking garage trek, Then halfway between the lobby and the room and then again on the way back to the car.

    Now I walked 14 blocks last night after the rain ended. That may not sound like much to some of You but it is for me. I was not huffing and puffing.

    Hi Terri. I feel for you w broken tailbone! I did that when I was ~14 years old and it took years to mend. I admire the skills of the professional cylists, but they can cause big issues for drivers. ~ val

    Hi Val
    They sure can. Some are just as courteous as can be and go out of their way not to cause issues on the roads, others however................

    Have a Good Day

  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning y'all!
    Terri your post just spoke to my heart this morning. Being able to walk is one of my big motavaters. So far I have lost 54 pounds and it is just this week that I have been able to walk. My doc does not think it is safe for me to walk until I am under 300. My body agrees with him. I'm close but not there. Thank goodness NS gives us a program that makes it possible to lose and gradually add in movement.
    Stay strong my friend, we'll get there one day at a time. Hugs

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi friends,

    Congratulations to those losing and moving. Prayers for our friends in Texas, Oklahoma and all the weather worn states. Please keep the rescue workers in your hearts: EMS, nurses, doctors and all the emergency providers.

    Update on my father......he did better with surgery than anyone expected. He was eating supper, ice cream and flirting with all the ladies. He is a tough country boy. The main comment from staff was "at least he is cheerful with his dementia." We have a long way to go but feel blessed that he got through the amputation without major complications.

    I'm now physically able to do a little walking. Comes at a good time with visiting in the hospital. Y'all have a good night!

    Nene, I am glad and happy that your father is doing better than expected after his surgery. Surgery is hard enough as it is. Keeping him in my prayers.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Nene
    Good news about Your father and even better being able to walk. I had a tough time in the past walking through the local hospital to visit family that was there. I used to have to find a seat in the lobby after the parking garage trek, Then halfway between the lobby and the room and then again on the way back to the car.

    Now I walked 14 blocks last night after the rain ended. That may not sound like much to some of You but it is for me. I was not huffing and puffing.


    Hi Roger, Don't minimize that...that's a great accomplishment! Being able to get somewhere is a necessity...and when we can't (whether weight or pain or whatever) that really feels awful and affects everything else in our lives.

    There have been times in my life when I've been so ill, that the only thing I could do was lay on the bathroom floor (about a week!) because it took all the energy I could muster to climb on the toilet twice a day...and my kid would bring me juice and ask me if I was going to be okay. I probably should have been hospitalized, but, well, as a sole parent in a new state, that's the best I could come up with at the time. (I had given her numbers to call if I got worse...fortunately, that wasn't necessary.)

    It really is such a blessing when we can do what we need to do and want to do. That is a big deal. Keep up the good work Roger...you're doing a great job.
