100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Success today..1 lb down, so a total of 17lbs gone. Looking for the 20 lb loss... Got my 50 clicks in the Daily dose and got my $10 yeah!
    Roger good idea on adding the al la carte to round up the BBB.
    Nene..we need to vent sometimes...better out than in

    Congratz on your weight loss :). Almost there to 20!!

  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Today is so pretty outside. I don't think it's going to be super hot either, so that's good. Work until 5 then my daughter is taking me to see Mad Max. I can't wait. I LOVE Tom Hardy! He's such a cutie! lol Work all weekend but I don't have to work Monday if I don't want to. I haven't decided yet. No plans for Memorial Day. Thought about grilling out but I don't think I'm up for that yet. What are your plans for the weekend and Memorial Day?

    Have a great day y'all!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Good morning everybody :), I hope everybody will have a great day! My daughter turns 14 this Sunday sigh so we'll have a big event coming up. I can't even believe she is already 14. Time flies that's for sure :). I am praying that I can withstand the temptations during her party as there will be pizza, cake, and ice cream. For all it's worth I am sure we'll have loads of fun :).

    Have a great day everybody :)
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi y'all

    Went back to the Dr. today, the abscess had filled back up and wouldn't drain plus I found a new one this morning in the shower :( . He changed up the antibiotic because the first one wasn't on the list of what would kill this particular strain of MRSA. He also said I have to stay home until Tuesday when I go back to see him again, really can't afford to lose all this time from work. My mom was super generous and decided to gift me some NS gift cards to cheer me up a bit, so at least I don't have to worry about how to pay for my food.

    This is all so frustrating, but I'm staying on plan, not going to derail the weight loss, feels like that and my boyfriend are all I have on my side at the moment. (well and my family and y'all).

    Ok pity party post complete.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Went back to the Dr. today, the abscess had filled back up and wouldn't drain plus I found a new one this morning in the shower :( . He changed up the antibiotic because the first one wasn't on the list of what would kill this particular strain of MRSA. He also said I have to stay home until Tuesday when I go back to see him again, really can't afford to lose all this time from work. My mom was super generous and decided to gift me some NS gift cards to cheer me up a bit, so at least I don't have to worry about how to pay for my food.

    This is all so frustrating, but I'm staying on plan, not going to derail the weight loss, feels like that and my boyfriend are all I have on my side at the moment. (well and my family and y'all).

    Ok pity party post complete.


    We are here and really care. You are going through a very scary experience! MRSA is nothing to trivialize. And then you add in all the secondary effects to job, livelihood, etc. -- you can cry on my shoulder as often as you need. That's a lot to manage. Kudos to you for not turning to the old ways of eating and still striving for health. Hugs n prayers for you!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I hope everybody has a Good Holiday weekend.
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Success today..1 lb down, so a total of 17lbs gone. Looking for the 20 lb loss... Got my 50 clicks in the Daily dose and got my $10 yeah!
    Roger good idea on adding the al la carte to round up the BBB.
    Nene..we need to vent sometimes...better out than in

    Congratulations on the 1 Pound lost and the total loss! :)

    A quick question did You also get the Coupon for $10 email?
    It is titled "Important Information about 50 clicks"
    This is part of what it says
    On Friday, May 29th, the 50 Clicks program will close for good, and you will no longer be able to accumulate clicks. But don’t worry―if you have an unredeemed 50 Clicks coupon, it will remain valid, and you will be able to use it even after the 50 Clicks program ends.

    Included in this email, you’ll find a coupon, good for $10 off any Nutrisystem® purchase―including A La Carte items. It's just our little way of saying thank you for participating in the 50 clicks program. Just be sure to use your coupon by 6/30/2015.

    It is possible that You will get that $10 off to, That would be a bit of a score!

    Good Luck
    Haven't looked at Numi - don't wanna! Not doing NS so maybe I'll never have to!

    NS administration has always driven me nuts - sudden price changes, misquoted promises, knee jerk reactions, changing formats - yuk!

    Roger - not surprised at all on insurance cd delay. Government had our MC cards to us in January - we turned 65 this month. I worked at the Clinic - my supplemental is their insurance. Prior to paying bills, they need a COB form on file - they never sent them to us until St Pattie's day! Really - those need to be in place on 1/1. So all of DH's bills were denied and had to be processed at least twice. A real pain - but I have no control over it - so try not to let it bother me anymore. I'm prolly safe to go ahead and make appts on the old insurance, just want to avoid a hassle if I can. Next set of appts is June 1st - will be pleasantly surprised if I have the new cards by then - truly doubt it. Won't put off my health care - will put up with the hassle if need be - but not logical.

    Today's unexpected chore was taking down a 20 ft maple tree which we finally realized was on our side of the fence. The electric company has been here for 2 days - they're swapping out poles and transformers - this tree was right next to the pole - they're gonna be surprised when they come back. So far we've only been out of power for an hour - very interesting to watch - new pole is taller - maybe 40-50 ft - interesting to watch them manuever it over my car when they were moving it to the neighbor's back yard. DH has beat himself up - did a dental appt, picked up the meds, recut the front grass to pick up clippings our son failed to bag, planted 2 basil plants, cleaned up the grill (the marinade ran all over and out the front), stabilized the park bench that was sinking in as well as leveling the grill (it fell over during winter) and then decided to take down the tree. I helped strip some of the wood - I did 8 to his 40. At least I was able to help some. It's 61 here and sunny. Nice to work outside, but realized how bone chilling cold we both were once we came inside. Still have some brush to clean up - but it's gonna wait til tomorrow.

    Yesterday I completed my BR bookshelf swap and clean up - pulled out 1.5 boxes of books to donate. Feels good to accomplish something, so new goal is a project a week - a manageable project!

    Happy long weekend all. Enjoy whatever you all have planned!

    Hi Shirl
    I can not see any reason or benefit to You using NuMi. :)
    Good Luck getting Your Insurance IDs.
    I am impressed a 20 foot Maple is a decent size to take down on Your own.

    They have been putting some big telephone poles around town here too. I have a suspicion it may be tied to hardening the electric grid with redundancy.

    Congratulations on getting a project done. I am still working on filling up my new bookshelf. I have been weeding out duplicates that built up over the years now that Authors are organized by author and then alphabetically. That made it easy to spot them.

    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Went back to the Dr. today, the abscess had filled back up and wouldn't drain plus I found a new one this morning in the shower :( . He changed up the antibiotic because the first one wasn't on the list of what would kill this particular strain of MRSA. He also said I have to stay home until Tuesday when I go back to see him again, really can't afford to lose all this time from work. My mom was super generous and decided to gift me some NS gift cards to cheer me up a bit, so at least I don't have to worry about how to pay for my food.

    This is all so frustrating, but I'm staying on plan, not going to derail the weight loss, feels like that and my boyfriend are all I have on my side at the moment. (well and my family and y'all).

    Ok pity party post complete.


    Hi Lesa
    Good Luck with the MRSA. I hope this new AntiBiotic works well.

    Congratulations on staying on plan through it all. Your Mother is super thoughtful helping You that way.

    Have a Great Day
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member

    We are here and really care. You are going through a very scary experience! MRSA is nothing to trivialize. And then you add in all the secondary effects to job, livelihood, etc. -- you can cry on my shoulder as often as you need. That's a lot to manage. Kudos to you for not turning to the old ways of eating and still striving for health. Hugs n prayers for you!

    Thank you Val that really means a lot to me.
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Roger..yes I got an email with a $10 coupon too towards al la carte items.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Good morning friends,

    Well I just think my yesterday "exceeded the limits of my medication." I must have been in the anger stage of the grief cycle over this whole NS shutting down thing. I apologize for my "grumpy cat" posts.

    Today I am "too blessed to stress."I am back on the road (4 hour drive) to take care of the 2 year grandson. Y'all have a great day!

    I find it sad too that they are closing down the whole site sigh...I guess we have to figure out how that all turns out. I hope you have fun with your grandson :).

    In regards to the NuMi site I am not sure how to take this. When I update my weight it tells me every time something different. Two weigh ins ago it told me congratulations to your 20 lb. weight loss even though it was way over that, this past weigh in it said congratulations to your 10 lbs weight loss O.O? Lol...to top it off both times I was suppose to claim my bear which in both cases I have already lol. I will probably contact them and ask what all that means as they do have my correct weight...I guess it will be trail and error for a while?

    Lesa, I hope you feel better soon. I can just imagine who scary that was. Take care of yourself :).
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone! Today is so pretty outside. I don't think it's going to be super hot either, so that's good. Work until 5 then my daughter is taking me to see Mad Max. I can't wait. I LOVE Tom Hardy! He's such a cutie! lol Work all weekend but I don't have to work Monday if I don't want to. I haven't decided yet. No plans for Memorial Day. Thought about grilling out but I don't think I'm up for that yet. What are your plans for the weekend and Memorial Day?

    Have a great day y'all!
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Went back to the Dr. today, the abscess had filled back up and wouldn't drain plus I found a new one this morning in the shower :( . He changed up the antibiotic because the first one wasn't on the list of what would kill this particular strain of MRSA. He also said I have to stay home until Tuesday when I go back to see him again, really can't afford to lose all this time from work. My mom was super generous and decided to gift me some NS gift cards to cheer me up a bit, so at least I don't have to worry about how to pay for my food.

    This is all so frustrating, but I'm staying on plan, not going to derail the weight loss, feels like that and my boyfriend are all I have on my side at the moment. (well and my family and y'all).

    Ok pity party post complete.


  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    I have no idea why or how I quoted the above.

    All I really wanted to do is give lesa a big hug. We are here for you
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    I have no idea why or how I quoted the above.

    All I really wanted to do is give lesa a big hug. We are here for you

    Someone please save me from the quote fairy:-(
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    I have no idea why or how I quoted the above.

    All I really wanted to do is give lesa a big hug. We are here for you

    Someone please save me from the quote fairy:-(

    You are such a hoot! It's abdominal exercise class...led by Nene making us laugh!
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Thank you Nene, all of y'all really mean a lot to me.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Have a Wonderful Holiday Weekend

    The NS Email shows that my BBB is out for delivery today, and I got the Call this morning that my Frozen has shipped. That is a pretty good indicator it will be here today also.
    I went to the Post office and mailed a couple of things and picked up stamps then on to the Recycle Center and then Acme and picked up a couple of things and Large Black Coffees at McDs. Between that running around and checking the BBB for shorts and checking and putting the frozen into the Freezer in the basement I suspect that the rest of the day will be busy.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I was reading an article about how important having adequate protein is when you are dieting. To calculate your needed amount: your weight (in pounds) divided by 2.2. Then if you are inactive, multiply by 0.8; active multiply by 1.3; or extremely active multiply by 1.8.

    According to that, I currently need 130g protein daily. I haven't been getting that! So, then I went through my cabinets picking out some PFs. I put their nutritional info on a spreadsheet and calculated the calories per gram of protein. (I wanted to find the most protein per calorie.) For the stuff I have handy, Fage non-fat Greek yogurt provides the highest amount of protein per calorie 5.7 g/cal. Table shows my other ideas.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Correction to above. Far right is calories per gram of protein. Point being I wanted lots of protein without unnecessary calories. So, in this case, low numbers are better. (Sorry.)
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Wow - you're all doing so well program wise. Keep on keepin on!

    Lesa - big hug from me too. Huge bummer - but nothing to sluff off!

    We went to the garden store today - bought veggies, herbs and flowers. Still need more flowers, but want to see if we can find seed geraniums at a dollar vs four! And cosmos aren't available everywhere. So now I have more planting to do. We thought we purchased a flat of alyssum - turned out it's white lobelia - oops! Neither of us looked at the tag. It's gorgeous here - 64 and sunny.

    Miss having an accurate scale - itching to weigh myself - have a dr appt on June lst, so will at least be weighed then.

    On another NS thread, my buddy said she only was credited $7.49 for her 10 clicks - just an FYI. So sad that corporations feel they always need to change things up for whatever reason. It's nice to feel familiar and not have to always be learning or wondering. Sad to hear about even more changes. Anyone figure out what's happening to their recipe section? I know Roger started a thread, but there was so much info there.

    Happy long weekend all. Enjoy.
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Friends,
    Loved spending time with the grandson. Stopped by on the way home and had a short visit with the 4 month old and the 4 year old granddaughters. Any day spent with all that sugar is well spent. On the road days between the grands is a challenge but I had a good day with a little flex at lunch. I am just not a fan of the lunch bars. Especially when they melt in the car.
    Y'all have a great weekend!

  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Managed to break my auto feeder on my printer while scanning books I only wanted a few pages from. Pressed down on the wrong corner while trying to flatten a book and the pin broke. It's all OK - printer needs replacement anyway - print heads are shot and can't be repaired. Always something!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited May 2015
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    Went back to the Dr. today, the abscess had filled back up and wouldn't drain plus I found a new one this morning in the shower :( . He changed up the antibiotic because the first one wasn't on the list of what would kill this particular strain of MRSA. He also said I have to stay home until Tuesday when I go back to see him again, really can't afford to lose all this time from work. My mom was super generous and decided to gift me some NS gift cards to cheer me up a bit, so at least I don't have to worry about how to pay for my food.

    This is all so frustrating, but I'm staying on plan, not going to derail the weight loss, feels like that and my boyfriend are all I have on my side at the moment. (well and my family and y'all).

    Ok pity party post complete.


    I can just imagine Lesa how frustrating that might be and like everybody above said we are all here for you. It's very scary and I will keep you in my prayers that the new antibiotic knocks it all out. I know it's not very positive to loose all the time at work but you have to think about your health in this matter. Respect to you on top of all of that to stay on your plan....that's awesome!!! Sending you a virtual hug...and I hope everything will get better asap!

    Today will be a huge challenge eating wise for me. My daughter is turning 14 years old today (oh my sigh) and I have to withstand the temptation of pizza and so on.....We'll see how that goes! Keeping my motivation and spirits up that I will be able to be strong :).

    For the last 3 weeks we had nothing but rain here and yesterday the weather took a pretty bad turn. From 2:00 pm on it was raining heavily then everything turned loose to heavy Thunderstorms in the evening with Tornado Watches and heavy winds. Lots of flooded streets and damage in some areas. My husband works as a prison guard during the night and wasn't there which was scary. I had both kids in my bed with the dogs and a cat.....what a night !