100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Sue, so awesome!!! That is just amazing and you have worked very hard!!

    Hope you and Val are not having too bad of weather and/or flooding!

    Keep up the good work all!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Sue, so awesome!!! That is just amazing and you have worked very hard!!

    Hope you and Val are not having too bad of weather and/or flooding!

    Keep up the good work all!

    Thx for thinking of us - Tropcal Storm Bill pretty much missed San Antonio; we still have flood warnings because all that water that is being dropped near us makes the rivers swell. Houston got it much worse (as is usually the case).
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks buttons :). So far it's just raining and has been pretty steady since last night.....we'll see what today brings. I talked to my Mom and Dad in Law who live in Houston and it was ok as of last night.

    I hope ya'll have a good day :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    HI All
    I hope everybody is having a Great Day.

    Sue, What a great set of before and after pictures. You should be smiling, I know You must be feeling so much better too.

    Terri, At least I can wear a belt, and around the house it was easy to find pants with elastic in the waist.

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Thanks Roger. It took me a long time to post these as well to be honest I don't like pictures. When I started my journey I was pretty much depressed about how I looked, that I couldn't move and so on. I was in bad shape. I am not where I need to be but I am on the right track and it feels so much better. I am smiling and need to show that on the pictures lol.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Thanks Roger. It took me a long time to post these as well to be honest I don't like pictures. When I started my journey I was pretty much depressed about how I looked, that I couldn't move and so on. I was in bad shape. I am not where I need to be but I am on the right track and it feels so much better. I am smiling and need to show that on the pictures lol.

    Sue you have done a remarkable job. That smile will break to the outside. My pictures are so awful, and I do not take many. They are so not representative of who I am, but that is what people see. I feel different on the inside, and look forward to melding these images. YOU have done that, and continue!! We are all proud, for you and all of us! More than a first step!!! Jan <3
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Oh, Jan ... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! True, I have not seen your face, but I have glimpses into your spirit. You are kind and supportive and funny. You've given me acceptance and encouragement--always at when I needed it most. Thank you! Anyone that can't see your beauty has their filters and values all messed up!

    I don't have before pictures because I couldn't stand them and would delete them immediately. Even the one of me ziplining, I felt horrified and wanted to delete it and climb under a rock. I understand feeling that the pictures are awful. Since then, I've made peace with my ziplining picture...because, as it turns out I'm still her...and, I'm okay with that.

    I wish you success at meeting your goals because it is what you want! And, yes, without the extra weight, "people" will have an easier time seeing how awesome you are! But, you ARE already beautiful! ~Val
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Oh, Jan ... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! True, I have not seen your face, but I have glimpses into your spirit. You are kind and supportive and funny. You've given me acceptance and encouragement--always at when I needed it most. Thank you! Anyone that can't see your beauty has their filters and values all messed up!

    I don't have before pictures because I couldn't stand them and would delete them immediately. Even the one of me ziplining, I felt horrified and wanted to delete it and climb under a rock. I understand feeling that the pictures are awful. Since then, I've made peace with my ziplining picture...because, as it turns out I'm still her...and, I'm okay with that.

    I wish you success at meeting your goals because it is what you want! And, yes, without the extra weight, "people" will have an easier time seeing how awesome you are! But, you ARE already beautiful! ~Val

    Thank you, Val. You have me crying like a baby at the moment. I guess that is why I love animals. They see who you are. You can not fool them or lie to them. They just see you as you really are. They are grateful if you try. And they show their love. I think that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in my entire life. It has not happened often either in my entire life. People do not understand how that can be, nor how tired you become, but you just don't give up. Well, you do understand-- I know. It has just been a struggle with my son and daughter-in-law because of the divorce. Just hurt feelings and misunderstandings as we avoid the elephants in the room. Bad day on that front. Lovely day in my world, which I am beginning to cherish. I thank you again for your kind words and wonderfully healing spirit... Jan <3
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I really understand how TIRED we can get, especially if there are any secondary things on top of being heavier. People really don't get that! When I was ziplining, there was a huge hill to climb. I told the guides that I need extra time for that hill, so I'll start off first. The guides are fitness-focused early 20s...but they looked at me as though my limitation made me less of a person. They really might not have ever thought about it.

    Even now (down 42 lbs), when I try jogging with a 20 lbs. vest, it wipes me out. I don't know that society will ever get that. The good news...with EVERY pound we drop, movement gets easier. I used to sit and stare at my shoes...mentally working up the energy to bend and put them on. I'm so thankful that now, putting my shoes on has become easy...and I hope to never take that for granted.

    I had had a severe sinus infection for more than a year that ended about a year ago. I had two surgeries and countless procedures and antibiotics. I journaled (for myself and my doctor) how poorly I felt on an excel table with the following scale: 0=dead (thank God, didn't go that far!); 1=truly bedridden; 2=unable to care for daily life; 3=minimal function w enormous effort; 4=feel horrible/severe pain; 5=feeling really lousy/disruptive pain; 6=not doing well/bad pain; 7=holding on/moderate pain; 8=functional/mild pain; 9=can't complain/a little off; and 10=perfect. During that year, I was a "1" on a number of days and was mostly in the 2 to 4 range...while maintaining my full-time job, taking care of my child and dogs. At work, the parking lot is about 1/4 mile from the office...it took everything I could muster to get to the office. Some folks that I work with would literally insult me and make fun of me. And now, two of those same people are acting like they are my best friends...I felt so angry and wanted to blow up at them and announce what they had done when I was severely struggling. They outrank me, and I like having a steady income...so I smiled and said something work-related....they looked irritated that I didn't rejoice that they are pretending to accept me...as if they are people I would ever admire or covet.

    Being heavier does make it easier to distinguish between shallow judgmental people and real authentic people.

    To all of us...please never feel less than worthy!!!! How much or little fat we have has nothing to do with our value. Hugs, Val
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I miss that like button!! I am copying that scale, it is helpful. I have been a 3 for awhile working. I was a .5 for a bit. I am happy I am mostly an 8-9, the physical pain and limitations so much better! Losing the 30 lbs is making the present possible!!

    I bet the rest of you can relate!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I woke up early, For me that is :)
    Brought up News 12 the local cable channel and looked at the weather and decided to walk. When I looked out the window it looked OK, When I went out the front door it was drizzling. So I put on my Frogg Toggs Jacket, put the folding umbrella in my pocket and went anyway. Same route as the last two times. I have planned out a new route that is the same distance for the next walk. :)

    Part of being a person is accepting ourselves. I think of myself as I was when I was 20 and thus shunned pictures and mirrors as they broke that image of myself.
    I am so happy that I can move around now and walk even this modest distance. When I started NS I was worn out and winded walking from the front of the house to the back of the house or from climbing a flight of stairs.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi friends!
    I am at the Carolina coast with little to zero wifi. I miss reading about y'all. I am going through withdrawal.
    I had to read fast and have not caught up.
    Sue........beautiful pictures.
    Missing everyone and thinking about y'all. This is the best group of folks and I am supporting you in my mind and heart.
    Got into the pool yesterday and walked around in it for about 40 minutes. Hips were so happy! Knees continue to be painful but not any worse than usual. Had to laugh at myself....... belly fat apron floats in the water. Hope to do more pool walking today. Love and hugs.
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    suegen1 wrote: »
    Thanks Roger. It took me a long time to post these as well to be honest I don't like pictures. When I started my journey I was pretty much depressed about how I looked, that I couldn't move and so on. I was in bad shape. I am not where I need to be but I am on the right track and it feels so much better. I am smiling and need to show that on the pictures lol.

    Sue you have done a remarkable job. That smile will break to the outside. My pictures are so awful, and I do not take many. They are so not representative of who I am, but that is what people see. I feel different on the inside, and look forward to melding these images. YOU have done that, and continue!! We are all proud, for you and all of us! More than a first step!!! Jan <3

    Jan, thanks for your encouragement ....this means a lot to hear all the positive comments. I am like you that I never took many pictures as I don't believe they are pretty. When I looked at my pictures I wanted to delete them or rip them apart as I personally thought I look ugly. However, something I learned along the road and what people told me.....beauty isn't what you look like on the outside....it's the inner beauty..your personality, how you treat people....that's what shapes you and makes you the person you are and that makes YOU very beautiful to me :). I have to agree with Val 100 % on this...you are always there...lots of times when I saw your comments you motivated me to try even harder...so Thank you :)

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thank you, Sue. I appreciate that...
    Thank you again Val,
    I guess we all suffer with this at some point and to some degree Roger. You are also the calm voice of reason!
    Nene, I think we would take the beach!This is a pretty awesome group! I miss when I get busy and haven't checked in. Have fun!!! B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Happy Friday
    It's almost Summer and Fathers Day Both on Sunday.

    I walked a different route today .01 miles longer than Yesterday stopping at the Quick Chek for Coffee this time. The walk was OK until I turned onto a different street that blocked the breeze then I did feel the Humidity. It is supposed to be in the mid to high 80s today. Cooler Tomorrow. :)

    Have a Good Day
    Thank You Buttons
  • Lisa_in_Arlington
    Lisa_in_Arlington Posts: 38 Member
    Checking in from Florida. I loved the train ride here, even though my train came in five hours late. I brought my NS food with me (some of it) but ate the food on the train since it was included in my ticket price. I'm not sure it can be believed, but my brother's scale says I've lost 3 lbs. since I've been here! We've gone out to eat a few times even (Thai twice, my favorite) and Chinese carry out, plus out for breakfast one day. I think eating the NS food all other times has really helped. I'll be happy if I just stay where I'm at without gaining. I leave here Thurs. morning already.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Checking in from Florida. I loved the train ride here, even though my train came in five hours late. I brought my NS food with me (some of it) but ate the food on the train since it was included in my ticket price. I'm not sure it can be believed, but my brother's scale says I've lost 3 lbs. since I've been here! We've gone out to eat a few times even (Thai twice, my favorite) and Chinese carry out, plus out for breakfast one day. I think eating the NS food all other times has really helped. I'll be happy if I just stay where I'm at without gaining. I leave here Thurs. morning already.

    Congrats Lisa on staying focused while traveling! Enjoy your travels and your visit. 5 hours late? Yikes...did they notify you that it was going to be late...or did you find out by sitting there waiting? I haven't taken a train since I was a kid. Sounds like an adventure.
  • Lisa_in_Arlington
    Lisa_in_Arlington Posts: 38 Member
    Checking in from Florida. I loved the train ride here, even though my train came in five hours late. I brought my NS food with me (some of it) but ate the food on the train since it was included in my ticket price. I'm not sure it can be believed, but my brother's scale says I've lost 3 lbs. since I've been here! We've gone out to eat a few times even (Thai twice, my favorite) and Chinese carry out, plus out for breakfast one day. I think eating the NS food all other times has really helped. I'll be happy if I just stay where I'm at without gaining. I leave here Thurs. morning already.

    Congrats Lisa on staying focused while traveling! Enjoy your travels and your visit. 5 hours late? Yikes...did they notify you that it was going to be late...or did you find out by sitting there waiting? I haven't taken a train since I was a kid. Sounds like an adventure.

    I had a sleeper car and found out about the delay when I woke up in the morning. It had happened during the night.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi All
    One more day until Fathers Day and the first day of Summer.

    I walked today, a rerun of Yesterdays route. It was nice while the breeze was blowing but when it stopped I started sweating until it resumed blowing and that was with going out the front door at 6:45AM :)

    Around 11AM when working in the back Yard I started feeling a fine mist, It seems that the rain is starting to arrive early. The worst is supposed to be tonight and Sunday Morning :(

    Have a Great Weekend
    Checking in from Florida. I loved the train ride here, even though my train came in five hours late. I brought my NS food with me (some of it) but ate the food on the train since it was included in my ticket price. I'm not sure it can be believed, but my brother's scale says I've lost 3 lbs. since I've been here! We've gone out to eat a few times even (Thai twice, my favorite) and Chinese carry out, plus out for breakfast one day. I think eating the NS food all other times has really helped. I'll be happy if I just stay where I'm at without gaining. I leave here Thurs. morning already.

    Hi Lisa
    I hope You enjoyed the ride. The scale will tell if You are maintaining or not. IMO maintaining on Vacation is a huge Victory. It is a Once in a Blue Moon type event after all :)

    Good Luck and Enjoy Your Vacation
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Congratulations Sue, you look wonderful!