100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Grumpy cat returns to her scratching post!

    Tonight I went to Facebook Nutrisystem site. According to the site on Facebook 7 months ago Nutrisystem set up 5 forums: new to Nutrisystem pop on and introduce yourself: culinary corner: on your way: got to goal: and challenge central.
    In the past 7 months there have been 112 posts entered in those 5 forums.
    Of the 112 posts 39 of the posts were made by Nutrisystem.
    That means that over the past 7 months there have only been 73 people respond to a Nutrisystem on Facebook forums.
    Enough said. Grumpy cat is off her soapbox alias scratching post.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Nene
    Good news about Your father and even better being able to walk. I had a tough time in the past walking through the local hospital to visit family that was there. I used to have to find a seat in the lobby after the parking garage trek, Then halfway between the lobby and the room and then again on the way back to the car.

    Now I walked 14 blocks last night after the rain ended. That may not sound like much to some of You but it is for me. I was not huffing and puffing.


    Hi Roger, Don't minimize that...that's a great accomplishment! Being able to get somewhere is a necessity...and when we can't (whether weight or pain or whatever) that really feels awful and affects everything else in our lives.

    There have been times in my life when I've been so ill, that the only thing I could do was lay on the bathroom floor (about a week!) because it took all the energy I could muster to climb on the toilet twice a day...and my kid would bring me juice and ask me if I was going to be okay. I probably should have been hospitalized, but, well, as a sole parent in a new state, that's the best I could come up with at the time. (I had given her numbers to call if I got worse...fortunately, that wasn't necessary.)

    It really is such a blessing when we can do what we need to do and want to do. That is a big deal. Keep up the good work Roger...you're doing a great job.


    Hi Val
    Thank You for the kind words.

    I am lucky enough to have my brother here. Everybody else that could got out of NJ. It must have been tough being a Single parent and Ill.

    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Grumpy cat returns to her scratching post!

    Tonight I went to Facebook Nutrisystem site. According to the site on Facebook 7 months ago Nutrisystem set up 5 forums: new to Nutrisystem pop on and introduce yourself: culinary corner: on your way: got to goal: and challenge central.
    In the past 7 months there have been 112 posts entered in those 5 forums.
    Of the 112 posts 39 of the posts were made by Nutrisystem.
    That means that over the past 7 months there have only been 73 people respond to a Nutrisystem on Facebook forums.
    Enough said. Grumpy cat is off her soapbox alias scratching post.

    Hi Nene
    That sounds as if FB is not working! Or that failure may have been why they decided to close the forums, push people there whether or not they wanted to be there.

    Thanks for taking the Bullet and visiting FB for us
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Nene....that's so funny...and sad. Wow. I bet they are mis-interpreting that as proof that nobody wanted discussion boards. Sigh.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone.

    Well the 50 clicks are no more as of this morning. Glad I got mine in before it closed too.

    Hopefully that doesn't mean that my day started off bad and that today turns out to be a good day regardless.

    Have a great day, y'all!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Do we want to have a before and after pic thread for this group?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    Good morning, everyone.

    Well the 50 clicks are no more as of this morning. Glad I got mine in before it closed too.

    Hopefully that doesn't mean that my day started off bad and that today turns out to be a good day regardless.

    Have a great day, y'all!

    Hi Terri
    I was just there and sadly You are correct. Posts complaining that they only needed today to hit 50 clicks too.

    Also from the old forums.
    Currently Active Users

    There are currently 98 users online. 32 members and 66 guests

    Most users ever online was 1,022, 04-17-2015 at 04:03 AM.

    So there are still a fair number of NS users getting use from it before it goes poof too.

    Have a Really Good Day
    Do we want to have a before and after pic thread for this group?

    Hi Val
    There is now. I called it
    Before and After Pictures, Post Your Success

    My Fitnesspal links
    Nutrisystem Group Users
    Roger's Useful Links
    Abbreviations commonly used[
    NutriSystem Food Reviews Group

    Other Links
    I just visited a Ghost Town this morning
    NS Foods for sale Posts
    100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)
    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    I have a question for everyone... (I can't remember) Does coffee count towards your water intake? I know we can have it, but I can't remember if I can count it or not. TIA
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Grumpy cat returns to her scratching post!

    Tonight I went to Facebook Nutrisystem site. According to the site on Facebook 7 months ago Nutrisystem set up 5 forums: new to Nutrisystem pop on and introduce yourself: culinary corner: on your way: got to goal: and challenge central.
    In the past 7 months there have been 112 posts entered in those 5 forums.
    Of the 112 posts 39 of the posts were made by Nutrisystem.
    That means that over the past 7 months there have only been 73 people respond to a Nutrisystem on Facebook forums.
    Enough said. Grumpy cat is off her soapbox alias scratching post.

    I was wondering about the FB forums and it really seems like that the NS community has chosen. Me personally I could not imagine to post on Facebook in regards to my weight loss. Weight loss is hard enough as it is.

    I got another bear coming in my next shipment!! The 30 lbs. bear joins the family and I am less than 5 lbs. away from my little midway goal. I set myself little goals which are in sight and achievable. I know how I am with big goals...out of sight out of mind sadly. So, one of my mid goals was to get under the 200 lbs. mark and I am now less than 5 lbs. away from hat mark. I also saw that I lost so far over 5 of my BMI which is huge for me. I know I still have ways to go but this community has helped me so much. Just wanted to say thank you for that!!!
    Terri70 wrote: »
    I have a question for everyone... (I can't remember) Does coffee count towards your water intake? I know we can have it, but I can't remember if I can count it or not. TIA

    I was curious and looked on WebMD...here is what I found :)http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/healthy-beverages. I guess I have to change my pattern there too as I never counted coffee as fluid intake.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Terri70 wrote: »
    I have a question for everyone... (I can't remember) Does coffee count towards your water intake? I know we can have it, but I can't remember if I can count it or not. TIA

    Hi Terri
    From here
    Hi Teddy,
    NS recommends that any substitutions for water be caffeine-free and you should be able to find decaf green tea.

    Nutrition & Dietary Services

    And from here:
    These are various questions answered in the e-classes by Mary Gregg, the NutriSystem head dietitian, regarding beverage consumption. I collected these by reviewing many e-class archives:

    Question: Can we drink Crystal Light and count as water?
    MARY: Yes, but I would try to get some pure water in addition.

    Question: I drink the 8 glasses, but some times add in a flavored water like dasani lemon, can I count that?
    Mary: Yes, you can count the Dasani as part of your water.

    Question: Why is it that diet soda is not as good as water for your body? They both have no calories, fat, etc.?
    Mary: Diet sodas contain phosphoric acid which can remove calcium from your bones.

    Question: How does tea and coffee work into the 8 glasses of water we're supposed to drink?
    Mary: If they are decaf, they can be used as part of the water...but try to get most of your fluid requirement as pure water.

    Question: Does tea and diet sodas count as water???
    Mary: Diet soda is not the healthiest choice...I suggest that you limit diet soda to about 1 a day (that is my personal recommendation, not the program's guideline). Caffeine-free tea could be counted for part of your water.

    Question: Is diet snapple ok?
    Mary: Diet Snapple (if it is sodium free and caffeine free) could be counted as part of your water.

    Question: What about green tea?
    Mary: Green tea is very healthful and has been linked to better fat loss and there are health benefits to both green and black tea.

    Question: Can you drink tea with caffeine?
    Mary: Yes, we do not restrict beverages with caffeine...but we do not count them as part of the water recommendation.

    Question: Can a can of diet coke or glass of crystal lite be substituted for a glass of water?
    Mary: We recommend that water substitutes be sodium-free and caffeine-free. Diet-Rite is one soda that is caffeine free and sodium free.

    Many of the members do use Crystal Light. You may want to dilute it.

    But then on 03-20-2015, 01:35 PM
    From here
    Hi PeacePipah,

    Our FAQ section has lots of information new members find helpful. Here's information from FAQ to answer your question:
    Q: How many glasses of water do I need daily?
    A: Water needs may vary by individual. We recommend six to eight 8 oz. glasses or 48-64 oz. of water daily. Other lower calorie beverages can help to meet your fluid needs; even caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, or diet soda can contribute. However, we recommend that the major portion of your daily fluid intake be water.

    You may need to modify your total fluid intake depending on how active you are, the climate you live in, and your health status.

    Nutrition & Dietary Services

    So that is what I know and found
    FWIW, I count Coffee :)

    Good Luck
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Wow - contradictory posts certainly confuse things - don't they? Mary Gregg was/is? the head dietician at NS - so I'd listen to her. When I was on the Ornish Heart Reversal Diet - we weren't allowed caffeine. Water is always the best choice, but it gets boring.

    Buttons - I started golfing when I was 18 in 1968. I was a rotten golfer, so bad that I got the most improved golfer trophy at the end of the season. We golfed 9 holes with a par of 36. The first time out I had 32 on the first hole! Guess they didn't have 10 and out leagues then. The league I'm in now is 10 and out. If you get to 10 strokes - you're done for that hole. Makes play faster! I usually stick to 9 hole courses although have golfed some 18 hole courses - actually did pretty well on a dog leg hole in bowling green. A lot of times things don't go your way when golfing - then you get that one sweet shot and it makes it all worth it! It's a process. When I resumed golfing in 2007, still was using my clubs from the 60s. Technology has greatly changed clubs - they're much lighter wt now and easier to use. Finally got a new set a few years ago - got enough gift cards to cover an entire cheap set. Really nice! Also bought a Hippo oversized club prior - a friend got me a bargain - was happy to have that too. Still choose that over the big club in the new set.

    MFP finally signed me off these boards - thankfully I wrote log on info down. Any tips on how to find the last post you read? Miss that NS perk.

    Gardened some this morning - really humid and in the mid 80s - only to be in the 60s tomorrow so hope to finish up planting tomorrow. A little bummed - like to have some red flowers in the mix and this year ended up with 97% pink. Oh well - they're still pretty. Worked a bit on my counted cross stitch - eyes causing me some problems - made a 2 toned candle glow one toned as I couldn't differentiate between yellow orange and yellow. Goofed on the white on white too - so just went over it. Plus my pattern is off a bit so compensating - I'd prolly chew a hole in the canvas trying to rip it out to redo. Had BLTs for lunch with lettuce from our garden - it was yummy - and so nice to know no pesticides are on it. It just took off this week - so will be enjoying salads for a while. Veggie seeds have sprouted too.

    Happy weekend all!
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Suegen1, congrats on almost on your half way mark! That's an amazing achievement!

  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    Suegen1, congrats on almost on your half way mark! That's an amazing achievement!


    Thanks :) I can't even believe that I got that far and keeping on going. This is the first time in many years that I have a feeling yes I can do this! Great feeling I tell ya lol
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Sugen1. Congrats on the weight loss accomplishment.
    Scrappen999 you certainly kept busy yesterday..I bet your scale will reflect the gardening too.
    I am hoping to try and put my plants in today, if I can. Yesterday rained all day, so we went to Sams to stock up and had a nice walk around too. My back pain started, (spondololathesis ) so I had a hard time walking by the time we got to the cashier. A few hours later, I did manage to do so small odd jobs around the house to try and move. Today I checked and I have dropped another pound, so 18 lbs down. . MFP or Numi says I have lost 5.9% and they say 10% off your weight is small enough to have improved health, so that is the next milestone goal.
    Have a great Sunday everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Happy Sunday
    I'm just sitting here getting ready to go get my Coffee, I heard the brewing noises stop.
    Waiting for the rain to start at some point today.
    Have a Great Day
    Wow - contradictory posts certainly confuse things - don't they? Mary Gregg was/is? the head dietician at NS - so I'd listen to her. When I was on the Ornish Heart Reversal Diet - we weren't allowed caffeine. Water is always the best choice, but it gets boring.

    Buttons - I started golfing when I was 18 in 1968. I was a rotten golfer, so bad that I got the most improved golfer trophy at the end of the season. We golfed 9 holes with a par of 36. The first time out I had 32 on the first hole! Guess they didn't have 10 and out leagues then. The league I'm in now is 10 and out. If you get to 10 strokes - you're done for that hole. Makes play faster! I usually stick to 9 hole courses although have golfed some 18 hole courses - actually did pretty well on a dog leg hole in bowling green. A lot of times things don't go your way when golfing - then you get that one sweet shot and it makes it all worth it! It's a process. When I resumed golfing in 2007, still was using my clubs from the 60s. Technology has greatly changed clubs - they're much lighter wt now and easier to use. Finally got a new set a few years ago - got enough gift cards to cover an entire cheap set. Really nice! Also bought a Hippo oversized club prior - a friend got me a bargain - was happy to have that too. Still choose that over the big club in the new set.

    MFP finally signed me off these boards - thankfully I wrote log on info down. Any tips on how to find the last post you read? Miss that NS perk.

    Gardened some this morning - really humid and in the mid 80s - only to be in the 60s tomorrow so hope to finish up planting tomorrow. A little bummed - like to have some red flowers in the mix and this year ended up with 97% pink. Oh well - they're still pretty. Worked a bit on my counted cross stitch - eyes causing me some problems - made a 2 toned candle glow one toned as I couldn't differentiate between yellow orange and yellow. Goofed on the white on white too - so just went over it. Plus my pattern is off a bit so compensating - I'd prolly chew a hole in the canvas trying to rip it out to redo. Had BLTs for lunch with lettuce from our garden - it was yummy - and so nice to know no pesticides are on it. It just took off this week - so will be enjoying salads for a while. Veggie seeds have sprouted too.

    Happy weekend all!

    Hi Shirl
    Nothing like contradictory information to get things going.

    This is how I get to the new posts FWIW, I know it is not quite what You asked.
    use this link Nutrisystem Group Users
    When You bring up the group it will show new posts for each message thread as shown below, Then just click the link for the message You want and it will go to the first new message.

    I hope this helps
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Sugen1. Congrats on the weight loss accomplishment.
    Scrappen999 you certainly kept busy yesterday..I bet your scale will reflect the gardening too.
    I am hoping to try and put my plants in today, if I can. Yesterday rained all day, so we went to Sams to stock up and had a nice walk around too. My back pain started, (spondololathesis ) so I had a hard time walking by the time we got to the cashier. A few hours later, I did manage to do so small odd jobs around the house to try and move. Today I checked and I have dropped another pound, so 18 lbs down. . MFP or Numi says I have lost 5.9% and they say 10% off your weight is small enough to have improved health, so that is the next milestone goal.
    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Hi Jane
    Congratulations on Your Loss tmje.gif
    Good Luck
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Have a great day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Reposted form another reply by me
    Hi All
    I am officially unhappy now. :'(
    I went to the Basement for something and my Feet went splish in water.
    I just finished sucking up most of the water for now with a wet dry shop vac. Then I went out and threw a tarp over the side basement window for now. I hope that does the job!

    Thunder Storms last evening and this morning, Along with a torrential rain that was too much for the gutters too.
    More rain in the forecast for later on today and in to tomorrow, hence the Tarping. It seems that the the window well cover is damaged.

    I will be monitoring it since the water will keep seeping in for a little while too. I caught it before it hit the Freezer, Furnace or water heater Fortunately.

    Have a Good Day
  • 5mates
    5mates Posts: 54 Member
    Roger - so sorry to hear about your flooding. Can you consider bailing water an activity to record? :wink:
    OK NS buddies - I need to confess. I apparently was on a hiatus from the program for the last several weeks because I did not log weight, journal food etc. or log into this discussion group. And the scale shows it - up about 5 lbs. I'm back in the saddle again and appreciate you all being here to hear my confession and to help me stay focused. I need this program like many of you and I know it works. But the biggest component to my success is my mindset. I wish you all a happy and healthy, on program week!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi All
    Reposted form another reply by me
    Hi All
    I am officially unhappy now. :'(
    I went to the Basement for something and my Feet went splish in water.
    I just finished sucking up most of the water for now with a wet dry shop vac. Then I went out and threw a tarp over the side basement window for now. I hope that does the job!

    Thunder Storms last evening and this morning, Along with a torrential rain that was too much for the gutters too.
    More rain in the forecast for later on today and in to tomorrow, hence the Tarping. It seems that the the window well cover is damaged.

    I will be monitoring it since the water will keep seeping in for a little while too. I caught it before it hit the Freezer, Furnace or water heater Fortunately.

    Have a Good Day

    Oh my Roger :(. I am sorry to hear all of that and it seems like you had as much rain as we did during the past weeks. I am glad that you were able to take care of the issue before it hit your water heater and such.

    We finally got a break from all the rain and it doesn't look like that we get anything till next week.

    Have a great week everybody!
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Roger......I agree with Sue. Bailing water has to be an activity worth lots of calories burned. So sorry this happened to you. Good luck with the repairs.

    Sue..... Welcome home my friend. We missed you but glad to have you back and getting on track. You are always a winner cause you don't quit.

    "Bless my biscuits" I am under 300 at 299. Doing the happy shake, shake, shake dance! :-)
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Oops I was thinking of Sue and I should have said welcome back Bev! Sorry I got the names wrong but you know I am thinking of both of you.