May 2013 Starters



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The weather was beautiful this morning, I got out for a 2 3/4 mile walk.

    Tomorrow or Friday I think I may walk a little different route so I can go to the Supermarket as I will be using the last Banana Thursday Morning.

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    What a Great Morning outside, Overnight temperature was 3 degrees lower than Yesterday. Humidity was still good too. I got out at 5:15 and walked 2.75 miles..........
    Between the McDonalds where I got my coffee and the greens along the brook I saw 4 deer that had to come through that neighborhood to get to where they were munching, Then a little further on 2 more in the greens and then a little further on two more. That area seems to be teeming with those walking appetites :)

    I need to go outside and work on the lawn mower a second time this year, The First part from Amazon which supplies the spark for it had a loose connection that meant that depending on where the wire was if there was spark or not. Amazon has stepped up to the plate and replaced it so Now to install it.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello All!

    I hope August is treating you well and that you are not melting your faces off. Been a bit busy in my neck of the woods and the "community" tab of the app hasn't been working on my phone which is weird.

    Glad to see that you are enjoying your daily walks, Roger. I will try not to curse your weather TOO much. haha

    Carin, whenever you see this, I hope your trip to Australia is/wonderful WONDERFUL! I spent 18 days traveling up the coast when I was 15 and had a BLAST! We started in Sydney and traveled up the coast to Cairns and despite it being about 11 years ago, it is still one of the best times of my life. :)
  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    Wow! Can't believe how long it has been since I posted here! I pushed so hard to catch up after a rush of new referrals at work. . . and a need to clear my plate before heading to Missouri for a wedding last week that a lot of things got missed. Visiting with family there was great, but it's good to be home the past two days. I'm happy to see all of you still here walking, running, and chasing chickens (Oh, I guess that's not quite what was said. LOL).

    I look forward to getting back to my morning walks. My diet has not been the best either. It's definitely time to buckle down and get back to business on losing those last few lbs.

    I had a new experience today. . . went to a mountain resort and spent some time enjoying the summer activities. . . riding a ski lifts, a mountain flier, and a tram to the highest peak. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were many opportunities for pictures. We had a good time!

    Carin - Have a safe trip! I've never been, but hear such good things about visiting there. Does this mean you are considering a move "down under?"

  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    Glad you had a nice "vacation" Willow!

    I don't remember if I mentioned it but I added the Select 10 Frozen Sample Pack to my last AD so that I could try some more of the frozen meals to see if I wanted to upgrade to the frozen. I had tried the breakfasts but figured I should try the other meals too before committing. The items included weren't necessarily what was listed as what would be sent, I still got a good variety of items. Although the breakfast selection included 5 of the omelets, and the lunch was all melts and no chicken sandwich or burger. But, still - It will give me a nice sampling to help me decide about switching to frozen.

    Yesterday, I had lunch, dinner and dessert from my frozen sampler. And I am fairly certain that I will be upgrading to include the frozen food. I decided that I've been getting bored eating the same things over and over and over again and that is why I was finding it SO easy to justify going off plan for dinner or lunch or breakfast or all three or whatever. But last night, I looked through my "new" foods and looked forward to dinner. I was not tempted AT ALL to go out for dinner or anything. And then ICE CREAM for dessert. It's kinda like when I first started NS and got excited about the food choices. I will make sure to try some more of the offerings before fully deciding but I am quite certain that the extra like $27 a month that it would cost to upgrade will prove to be worth it.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was walking this morning 2.8+ miles. I picked up my Coffee at the Quick Chek, Then went over to the Pathmark Grocery Store for Bananas and a Bag of frozen vegetables, I was not impressed by the price on the frozen vegetables, It was much higher than at the ShopRite Grocery Store. I can see why they are struggling. The selection did not impress me either.

    Have a Great Day
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    Hello All!

    I hope August is treating you well and that you are not melting your faces off. Been a bit busy in my neck of the woods and the "community" tab of the app hasn't been working on my phone which is weird.

    Glad to see that you are enjoying your daily walks, Roger. I will try not to curse your weather TOO much. haha

    Carin, whenever you see this, I hope your trip to Australia is/wonderful WONDERFUL! I spent 18 days traveling up the coast when I was 15 and had a BLAST! We started in Sydney and traveled up the coast to Cairns and despite it being about 11 years ago, it is still one of the best times of my life. :)

    Hi Amanda
    Don't worry it gets hotter and Humid for the Saturday Through Monday :)

    Wow! Can't believe how long it has been since I posted here! I pushed so hard to catch up after a rush of new referrals at work. . . and a need to clear my plate before heading to Missouri for a wedding last week that a lot of things got missed. Visiting with family there was great, but it's good to be home the past two days. I'm happy to see all of you still here walking, running, and chasing chickens (Oh, I guess that's not quite what was said. LOL).

    I look forward to getting back to my morning walks. My diet has not been the best either. It's definitely time to buckle down and get back to business on losing those last few lbs.

    I had a new experience today. . . went to a mountain resort and spent some time enjoying the summer activities. . . riding a ski lifts, a mountain flier, and a tram to the highest peak. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were many opportunities for pictures. We had a good time!

    Carin - Have a safe trip! I've never been, but hear such good things about visiting there. Does this mean you are considering a move "down under?"

    Hi Willow
    I have a sneaky suspicion that the last few pounds are the hardest :)

    That sounds like a great experience. Congratulations
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    Glad you had a nice "vacation" Willow!

    I don't remember if I mentioned it but I added the Select 10 Frozen Sample Pack to my last AD so that I could try some more of the frozen meals to see if I wanted to upgrade to the frozen. I had tried the breakfasts but figured I should try the other meals too before committing. The items included weren't necessarily what was listed as what would be sent, I still got a good variety of items. Although the breakfast selection included 5 of the omelets, and the lunch was all melts and no chicken sandwich or burger. But, still - It will give me a nice sampling to help me decide about switching to frozen.

    Yesterday, I had lunch, dinner and dessert from my frozen sampler. And I am fairly certain that I will be upgrading to include the frozen food. I decided that I've been getting bored eating the same things over and over and over again and that is why I was finding it SO easy to justify going off plan for dinner or lunch or breakfast or all three or whatever. But last night, I looked through my "new" foods and looked forward to dinner. I was not tempted AT ALL to go out for dinner or anything. And then ICE CREAM for dessert. It's kinda like when I first started NS and got excited about the food choices. I will make sure to try some more of the offerings before fully deciding but I am quite certain that the extra like $27 a month that it would cost to upgrade will prove to be worth it.

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Hi Amanda
    Just as a FYI with the omelets I often add a extra of Velveeta (1/2 slice = 20 calories) for taste or I may pull the filling and use the entire slice, Then I take a 1/2 a FlatBread and make a sandwich with it or use a couple of WW Whole Wheat or Rye toasted and do the same thing.

    I hope They sent some Cinnamon Rolls, They are so delicious and so much tastier, larger and softer than the Shelf Stable Cinnamon Bun.

    I find that the frozen makes for a much larger selection pool and has helped me stave off boredom with the NS Foods.

    Good Luck
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Amanda
    Don't worry it gets hotter and Humid for the Saturday Through Monday :)


    Hi Amanda
    Just as a FYI with the omelets I often add a extra of Velveeta (1/2 slice = 20 calories) for taste or I may pull the filling and use the entire slice, Then I take a 1/2 a FlatBread and make a sandwich with it or use a couple of WW Whole Wheat or Rye toasted and do the same thing.

    I hope They sent some Cinnamon Rolls, They are so delicious and so much tastier, larger and softer than the Shelf Stable Cinnamon Bun.

    I find that the frozen makes for a much larger selection pool and has helped me stave off boredom with the NS Foods.

    Good Luck

    I know all too well about humidity. According to my phone we are currently at 64% humidity. Lovely. Starting on Sunday and going through at least Friday, we have a chance of thunderstorms and a bit of a cool front. Highs of 95. August has been nicknamed ugg-ust around here. haha

    I think that one cinnamon bun was included. But the breakfast sampler that I got a couple months back had 2 in it and I agree -- much tastier!

    The omelet was also something in the breakfast sampler pack and I kinda used it to create a 'traditional' breakfast. I had a PF of turkey breakfast sausage and then two slices of 45cal bread with sugar free jelly. Didn't feel at all diet. The other one I used as a PF (since it is only 90cal) and then had another breakfast as the entree. They aren't my favorite but, I'm okay with them. Hadn't thought about making it into an egg sandwich though... Thanks! God knows I have enough to experiment ... haha

    I can see why people talk so highly about the frozen. It is quite good. And I really think it will help me get back 100% on track because it is not the same stuff I've been having for over 2 years now.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, 2.75 miles. So far the days weather is OK, Humidity is starting to rise and temperatures are going up. It was comfortable however as I was out before the sun came up and home before it had much heat to it.

    Then I Loaded the car and We made the recycle run with Shredded Paper, Shredded DVDs etc. More stuff to shred now that I have a new shredder replacing the Dead one. Why Shred DVDs? They have old data backups on them or Software that was bought over the internet and saved with the Product Key Email.

    Have a great Weekend
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Amanda
    Don't worry it gets hotter and Humid for the Saturday Through Monday :)


    Hi Amanda
    Just as a FYI with the omelets I often add a extra of Velveeta (1/2 slice = 20 calories) for taste or I may pull the filling and use the entire slice, Then I take a 1/2 a FlatBread and make a sandwich with it or use a couple of WW Whole Wheat or Rye toasted and do the same thing.

    I hope They sent some Cinnamon Rolls, They are so delicious and so much tastier, larger and softer than the Shelf Stable Cinnamon Bun.

    I find that the frozen makes for a much larger selection pool and has helped me stave off boredom with the NS Foods.

    Good Luck

    I know all too well about humidity. According to my phone we are currently at 64% humidity. Lovely. Starting on Sunday and going through at least Friday, we have a chance of thunderstorms and a bit of a cool front. Highs of 95. August has been nicknamed ugg-ust around here. haha

    I think that one cinnamon bun was included. But the breakfast sampler that I got a couple months back had 2 in it and I agree -- much tastier!

    The omelet was also something in the breakfast sampler pack and I kinda used it to create a 'traditional' breakfast. I had a PF of turkey breakfast sausage and then two slices of 45cal bread with sugar free jelly. Didn't feel at all diet. The other one I used as a PF (since it is only 90cal) and then had another breakfast as the entree. They aren't my favorite but, I'm okay with them. Hadn't thought about making it into an egg sandwich though... Thanks! God knows I have enough to experiment ... haha

    I can see why people talk so highly about the frozen. It is quite good. And I really think it will help me get back 100% on track because it is not the same stuff I've been having for over 2 years now.

    Hi Amanda
    That $27 that increase for what You get is a really good deal. Is that $27 before the 20% standard discount is applied? And If You use the Costco on sale until the end of the month NutriSystem card You save another 40% too.

    I also Like the Waffles and the French Toast from the frozen breakfast. I use the toaster to heat them. I have some Mrs. Butterworths SF Syrup to go with the waffles as they need it more than the Pancakes or French Toast do.

    FWIW in case You missed it, I know I did the Omelet tells You to add a SC to it to complete it, Thus You slices of Bread were the SC and The Sausage a PF :)

    Good Job staying on plan there
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Walked again today, The Temperatures are climbing as is the humidity, I survived it. 2.75 miles and 11 cents, at this rate I'll be rich in 100 years :)

    Have a Really Good Sunday
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    I did know that an SC needs to be added to the omelet in order to "complete" the meal. Thanks!

    Does anyone have any idea if you can /how to cook the (froze ) stuffed chicken breast on the grill? I was toying with the idea but figured I'd see if it had been tried before.

    I did SO GOOD this weekend y'all. I didn't eat NS food the majority of the weekend because I was out and about but I kept track of everything and made smart choices.

    I also found a restaurant that I can add to my list of favorites. Salata. If you haven't heard of it - it's kinda like Subway or Chipotle but for salads. You pick your greens and then you go through the line and pick veggies, nuts, beans, fruit, meat, dressing etc. You could easily make it unhealthy but also keep it super healthy. I got spinach, carrots, broccoli, all of the fruit that they had, some plain smoked turkey and some mango dressing (35 cal). It came out super good AND heathy :)

    Roger - so in addition to getting healthy your walks are also making you rich! I love it!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking today another 2.85 Miles and 19 cents :) Humidity and Temperatures are up today and going higher as the week progresses, If You want to consider getting more humid and warmer progress :)
    I have finished Breakfast and am working on my water.

    I lucked out getting my McDs coffee. They locked up after me due to computer problems. I suspect I got mine as I keep exact change on hand for the coffee. $1.07

    Walking back home I saw a Blue Egret fishing in the brook, I do not know if it is the same one I have seen in a different brook or the same one moved to a different location.

    Have a Great Monday
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    I did know that an SC needs to be added to the omelet in order to "complete" the meal. Thanks!

    Does anyone have any idea if you can /how to cook the (froze ) stuffed chicken breast on the grill? I was toying with the idea but figured I'd see if it had been tried before.

    I did SO GOOD this weekend y'all. I didn't eat NS food the majority of the weekend because I was out and about but I kept track of everything and made smart choices.

    I also found a restaurant that I can add to my list of favorites. Salata. If you haven't heard of it - it's kinda like Subway or Chipotle but for salads. You pick your greens and then you go through the line and pick veggies, nuts, beans, fruit, meat, dressing etc. You could easily make it unhealthy but also keep it super healthy. I got spinach, carrots, broccoli, all of the fruit that they had, some plain smoked turkey and some mango dressing (35 cal). It came out super good AND heathy :)

    Roger - so in addition to getting healthy your walks are also making you rich! I love it!

    Hi Amanda
    I never tried the Stuffed Chicken breast on the Grill, However what I would do is Par Cook it in the Microwave and then Finish it on the Grill for the Grilled flavor. You could also use a Meat Thermometer on it before removing it as they give a Temperature reading in the Instructions. The Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast and the Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Breast say For food safety and quality, follow these cooking instructions. THIS PRODUCT MUST BE COOKED TO AN INTERNAL TEMPERATURE OF 140°F PRIOR TO EATING.

    Congratulations on eating healthy and having found a safe place to do so.

    Have a Good Week
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    I am 99% certain that the stuffed chicken breast is precooked and that we are merely heating it back up in the microwave. Poultry must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165* so since the instructions only say to heat to an internal temperature of 140*, I am inclined to believe that it has been cooked already. Also, since food safety dictates that anything 'reheated' such as leftovers or food kept warm on a buffet or something similar must be cooked to (or kept at) a temperature of 140*. So, cooking it on the grill wouldn't impact the food safety but possibly the quality. It might help to defrost it slightly before cooking it though. That way it would be warm all the way through without the outside getting charred. Or I could cook it on the grill to get the flavor and then finish warming it in the microwave. I'll see what I can come up with and report back. haha

    And yes, I may forget what I walked into the back room of my office for but I certainly remember Food Safety from college. Oh, the things that stick with you when you have an undergrad degree in hotel and restaurant management. I mean I did have a quiz on opening a wine bottle though so.... Some things do pay off. haha
  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I was up early tending our irrigation water this morning . . . and what a lovely morning it was. Sure wish I had time to sit out and enjoy. I did take a few minutes to sweep out the garage and the driveway, though, thus, prolonging my time in the beautiful outdoors!

    Roger, you continue to be an inspiration for walking! I got back to walking after my recent trip, but have substituted work in the yard and garden for the past couple days. Yesterday, I was out for three hours mowing, trimming, and edging. I think I got an adequate workout! :)

    Amanda, good to hear that you are enjoying the frozen food sampler! I could not have come this far without the frozen foods! For my breakfast items, I only order the turkey sausage muffin and the cinnamon rolls. I would stick exclusively with the cinnamon rolls, but I feel guilty getting so many of them. They feel like a treat rather than a healthy breakfast. LOL I haven't tried the stuffed chicken breast on a grill. Please let us know how it turns out.

    I expect a food shipment this week and plan to use that as motivation to get myself back 100% on plan. Since my recent hospitalization and three trips this summer, I have been "flexing" way too much. I have "mostly" tried to be good and don't think I've done too much damage, but I have not weighed myself in weeks. . . maybe months. I will do that next Monday and use that as the starting point for my renewed commitment

    I hope everyone is enjoying the final weeks of summer!

  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    edited August 2015
    I don't know if I'd cook the stuffed chicken on the grill. :) In the microwave sometimes mine burst open and the cheese leaks out onto the plate (usually the broccoli one) but I guess that could also be due to it being in the microwave. But I don't think the stuffing is a complete seal, so you may want to be careful of that. :)

    The wrapper on the omelet actually says to add a fruit (not just a SC) but I don't know that it really matters. :)

    I love the frozen food. We were on Select from the beginning so we've always had some frozen, and now we are mostly frozen since upgrading 2 months ago. Although the breakfasts (and desserts somewhat) are the main areas that I still mostly prefer SS now that the Candian bacon & cheese biscuit is gone for breakfast. I get a couple omelets, a couple cinnamon rolls, a couple waffles, and then the rest I get SS muffins and oatmeal cranberry bites and biscotti. The desserts, I love the frozen cupcake and order 10-12 of those, but the rest are usually the mini cookies or the various cake-y desserts.
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    edited August 2015
    Miranda - That is the kinda tip I was looking for. haha. Maybe I could put it on some type of 'tray' on the grill to get the smokey flavor but NOT lose all the good stuff.

    As for the Fruit versus SC -- I just kinda assumed that it was like when the dinners tell you to add a roll and you can add any SC that you want. That might not be right but -- that's what I'm going with. haha

    Willow - The frozen food has really helped me recommit and stay on plan, so I am right there with you. Although this week is kinda tricky - My birthday is tomorrow so that throws a kind in the staying on plan train. But, I'm going to do the best I can.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all
    Walked today despite the Higher temperatures and Humidity, 2.8 miles approx, & 1Cent. I was out the door at 5:1, The rain had stopped,it was fairly cool and everything was wet with puddles here and there, By the time I got home the streets were drying and the humidity was at a uncomfortable level.

    Have a Great Tuesday
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    I am 99% certain that the stuffed chicken breast is precooked and that we are merely heating it back up in the microwave. Poultry must be cooked to an internal temperature of 165* so since the instructions only say to heat to an internal temperature of 140*, I am inclined to believe that it has been cooked already. Also, since food safety dictates that anything 'reheated' such as leftovers or food kept warm on a buffet or something similar must be cooked to (or kept at) a temperature of 140*. So, cooking it on the grill wouldn't impact the food safety but possibly the quality. It might help to defrost it slightly before cooking it though. That way it would be warm all the way through without the outside getting charred. Or I could cook it on the grill to get the flavor and then finish warming it in the microwave. I'll see what I can come up with and report back. haha

    And yes, I may forget what I walked into the back room of my office for but I certainly remember Food Safety from college. Oh, the things that stick with you when you have an undergrad degree in hotel and restaurant management. I mean I did have a quiz on opening a wine bottle though so.... Some things do pay off. haha

    Hi Amanda
    Thank You for that information.
    Happy Monday!

    I was up early tending our irrigation water this morning . . . and what a lovely morning it was. Sure wish I had time to sit out and enjoy. I did take a few minutes to sweep out the garage and the driveway, though, thus, prolonging my time in the beautiful outdoors!

    Roger, you continue to be an inspiration for walking! I got back to walking after my recent trip, but have substituted work in the yard and garden for the past couple days. Yesterday, I was out for three hours mowing, trimming, and edging. I think I got an adequate workout! :)

    Amanda, good to hear that you are enjoying the frozen food sampler! I could not have come this far without the frozen foods! For my breakfast items, I only order the turkey sausage muffin and the cinnamon rolls. I would stick exclusively with the cinnamon rolls, but I feel guilty getting so many of them. They feel like a treat rather than a healthy breakfast. LOL I haven't tried the stuffed chicken breast on a grill. Please let us know how it turns out.

    I expect a food shipment this week and plan to use that as motivation to get myself back 100% on plan. Since my recent hospitalization and three trips this summer, I have been "flexing" way too much. I have "mostly" tried to be good and don't think I've done too much damage, but I have not weighed myself in weeks. . . maybe months. I will do that next Monday and use that as the starting point for my renewed commitment

    I hope everyone is enjoying the final weeks of summer!


    Hi Willow
    That is the path I took when I signed up, I looked at the Shelf Stable selection and took the 10 days of frozen plan. I need to finish adjusting my order by Sunday at 6PM :)

    What I do is order 28 days of frozen for the entrees and the dessert portion, Then I order all SS desserts for the second dessert portion that is part of the mens plan.

    Then I order Shelf Stable foods A La Carte since I like some of them too, I figure at 48% of the displayed price when added to my Auto Delivery why not. That 48% figure is based on the fact that we get a 20% discount on the A La Carte added to the Auto Delivery, then I take another 40% off using the $100 face Costco cards bought on sale, Current sale ends on the 30th FWIW.
    For example, It works out thus, using a $2 price, $2 - 20% = $1.60, then take the 40% Gift card off as $1.60 - 40% = $0.96 :) = $0.96 divided by $2.00 = 48%

    Good Luck with the upcoming shipment
    Thank You for the kind words
    irandamay wrote: »
    I don't know if I'd cook the stuffed chicken on the grill. :) In the microwave sometimes mine burst open and the cheese leaks out onto the plate (usually the broccoli one) but I guess that could also be due to it being in the microwave. But I don't think the stuffing is a complete seal, so you may want to be careful of that. :)

    The wrapper on the omelet actually says to add a fruit (not just a SC) but I don't know that it really matters. :)

    I love the frozen food. We were on Select from the beginning so we've always had some frozen, and now we are mostly frozen since upgrading 2 months ago. Although the breakfasts (and desserts somewhat) are the main areas that I still mostly prefer SS now that the Canadian bacon & cheese biscuit is gone for breakfast. I get a couple omelets, a couple cinnamon rolls, a couple waffles, and then the rest I get SS muffins and oatmeal cranberry bites and biscotti. The desserts, I love the frozen cupcake and order 10-12 of those, but the rest are usually the mini cookies or the various cake-y desserts.

    Hi Miranda
    Have You tried the French Toast? It is not bad and I can eat it plain and enjoy it. I'm eating the last Canadian bacon & cheese biscuit Wednesday for Breakfast. I have my upcoming menus planned out through Friday, Friday I will do a few more days menus. I actually put the stuffed Chicken Breasts on a folded Paper Towel and place that inside one of the Black NutriSystem food trays I saved, Just in case. I also use them with the pouches and a Paper Towel to ensure they do not fall over as the MW rotates the food. I just used the last of my caramel Apple Muffins the other day, I ordered 10 of each of the Limited time fall menu items A La Cartswhen They were released and put most of them in the freezer right away. Now I'm thinking I should have ordered more :( Oh well.

    BTW around here they are advertising a Non Stick Sheet that You put on the BBQ grill to keep things from falling through and still get that BBQ taste. I wonder if Bed Bath & Beyond has something similar?
    I just looked and from this page
    Yoshi® Grill and Bake Mats $9.99
    Brand: As Seen on TV
    Categories: Outdoor > Grills & Outdoor Cooking > Grill Tools & Accessories
    Cook almost anything you like on your grill without the mess. The Yoshi Grill Mat is non-stick mat that grills and bakes evenly. This set covers your cooking needs with one grill mat, one bake mat and one ring-holder.

    spamanda53 wrote: »
    Miranda - That is the kinda tip I was looking for. haha. Maybe I could put it on some type of 'tray' on the grill to get the smokey flavor but NOT lose all the good stuff.

    As for the Fruit versus SC -- I just kinda assumed that it was like when the dinners tell you to add a roll and you can add any SC that you want. That might not be right but -- that's what I'm going with. haha

    Willow - The frozen food has really helped me recommit and stay on plan, so I am right there with you. Although this week is kinda tricky - My birthday is tomorrow so that throws a kind in the staying on plan train. But, I'm going to do the best I can.

    Hi Amanda
    You could try the Yoshi Mat I linked to my reply to Miranda.

    You should take a look the the Recipes page I created here.

    One of these recipes might work for a Birthday cake?

    Carrot Cake Muffins & Cream Cheese Frosting by Peter W

    Angel Lush Cake by Dlekapj (Linda) from the old NS Forums

    Chocolate Cupcakes by Christins Gray from the Old NS forums

    Chocolate Frosting by Christina Gray from the old NS Forums

    I hope this helps
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    Miranda - That is the kinda tip I was looking for. haha. Maybe I could put it on some type of 'tray' on the grill to get the smokey flavor but NOT lose all the good stuff.
    Yeah, like Roger said, I would put it on a tray, or even just some foil. I think part of the bursting/leaking issue is due to cooking it in the microwave. Sometimes the hot pocket things do that to me too. I don't really care about it too much because it just pools up some of the cheese and broccoli on the plate to the side of the chicken and it's easily scraped off to eat while I'm eating the chicken. I actually kinda like it when it does that because the cheese that bursted out gets a little crispy. :)
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Happy Birthday Amanda!!

    Wow, you guys have been chatty since I last dropped in! Willow, good to hear from you!
    Unfortunately no decisions have been made about my next job, but I am assisting our Australian team on a project for a few weeks, so had to get here to work with them for a bit!

    Roger, great job on keeping up the walking! And If you keep going you may be rich soon LOL!

    I am still in Oz - will be returning to the US over the week-end! Speak to you guys soon!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Wow was it warm and humid today when I walked, 2.75 miles despite that. Then some down time and a run to Home Depot & Costco and a sporting goods store on the way home, then on to McDOnalds for Decaf Coffee for Myself & regular for my brother. Home Depot stop not successful. Costco I got two 5 pound bags of frozen vegetables, Some Light & Fit Greek Yogurt, a Bath Towel and replacement slippers. Then So I can stop at a local supermarket on my walks I picked up a inexpensive Backpack $10. The Frozen & Yogurt was sitting on the bath towel in a large box in the trunk & covered with a Knit Blanket and stayed frozen nicely.

    Have Nice Day
    irandamay wrote: »
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    Miranda - That is the kinda tip I was looking for. haha. Maybe I could put it on some type of 'tray' on the grill to get the smokey flavor but NOT lose all the good stuff.
    Yeah, like Roger said, I would put it on a tray, or even just some foil. I think part of the bursting/leaking issue is due to cooking it in the microwave. Sometimes the hot pocket things do that to me too. I don't really care about it too much because it just pools up some of the cheese and broccoli on the plate to the side of the chicken and it's easily scraped off to eat while I'm eating the chicken. I actually kinda like it when it does that because the cheese that bursted out gets a little crispy. :)

    Hi Miranda
    I can not believe I forgot to mention the cheapest method of all, Aluminum Foil!
    It appears to me that the Stuffed Chicken Breasts are already split when unwrapped. I tend to put my Melts on a napkin before Microwaving them to make cleanup easier. OTOH Crispy filling sounds delicious too.

    Happy Birthday Amanda!!

    Wow, you guys have been chatty since I last dropped in! Willow, good to hear from you!
    Unfortunately no decisions have been made about my next job, but I am assisting our Australian team on a project for a few weeks, so had to get here to work with them for a bit!

    Roger, great job on keeping up the walking! And If you keep going you may be rich soon LOL!

    I am still in Oz - will be returning to the US over the week-end! Speak to you guys soon!

    Hi Carin
    I should be so lucky, I will be happy as long as I do not go broke :)

    I'm thinking that the weather down under should be really nice right now, especially compared to the record heat much of the US is experiencing.

    Have a Good Week
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Yes Roger the weather here is great. It is supposed to still be winter, but I have not had any reason to wear either of the medium weight coats I brought with. And I have been spending time outside, walking to work and the shops etc. DH says it is extremely hot in NM at the moment, so it is going to be a struggle hiding inside, huddled around the AC for most of the day when I get back!

    I am told the humidity is killer here in summer though! I have not been to Brisbane before, but I guess it becomes a bit like Texas, with heat and humidity! Amanda can tell us all about that! I should not be too vocal - I am probably going to have to come back in a about a month and by then it will be summer (and I'll be missing my favorite fall in the US!)