May 2013 Starters



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out the door at 5:45AM, I did not beat the heat of course, but it was not too bad until a little ways into the walk so I ended up walking 2.7 Miles :) I worked up a fair sweat despite getting home at 7AM it was already hot.
    Getting out early is the only way to beat the worst of the heat and beat the sun beating down on me too.

    Bad Luck this afternoon. I was in the middle of a post when the Computer Died. From the Symptoms the Power supply on it has failed. I just ordered a new One, Time will tell when it is delivered.

    Have a Nice Day
    spamanda53 wrote: »
    Holy wow - It seems that I've not posted here in quite some time (Since July 16). No real excuse, as I've been logging my food -- Well most of it most of the time ;)

    I seem to be the odd man out with the coffee thing. I have no issues adding in creamer/sugar free syrups/ sugar substitute/ milk / flavored coffee and any combination of those things. haha

    Carin - I can only imagine the stress of all of that. Hoping that you come to a satisfactory outcome sooner rather than later.

    Roger - Awesome job with the daily walks! We have yet to officially hit 100 but dang it is hot here. haha. Currently we are at 97 with a feels like temp of 100. I miss winter. haha

    Willow - Kudos to you on your walking also!

    Miranda - Congrats on another race in the books!

    Hi Amanda
    Welcome Back

    Thank You for those nice words.
    I am not going to post much, due to the computer problem I am now running behind
    All of you are far ahead of me on exercise, but I have definitely been enjoying my morning walks. Today it was chilly. . . 54 degrees when I went out at 6:15 am. I almost walked back in the house to grab a jacket, but decided to just walk more briskly. The result. . . I got a congratulations from Runkeeper for walking my top speed to date. :)

    Amanda - Good to hear from you!

    I hope everyone is having a good week so far!


    Hi Willow
    I suspect that You would have hated to carry the extra weight!
    YAY on the top speed Willow!! Often it just takes a minute to warm up and then it is a pain to have to carry the jacket with you. Unless you have my DH on his bicycle and backpack to put it in LOL!

    Hi Amanda - we were missing you! Glad all is going well with you! Thanks for your wishes on my situation! From your lips to God's ears, I say!

    Roger, although it is hard to get out of bed that early, it is the only way to enjoy outside exercise this time of year! Our days have been really hot as well! Good on you for getting it in before it gets too uncomfortable! Once I am outside, I love being out there! Although every time the alarm goes off, I think long and hard about if I really want to get up!

    Hi Carin
    I have not turned on the Alarm clock for a couple of years. I always hated that thing :)

    I look at the clock when nature calls and if it is within the time window I get going out the door.

  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    I'm bummed that I missed my walk this morning. I was working until about 1:30 am and just could not roll out of bed in time to walk before I had to be back at the office this morning. Maybe, I can work it in later. If not, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to get out to enjoy the early morning!
  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    Got out this morning for a short walk. It was a little later than my normal morning walk. . . and, a little warmer, but still enjoyable. Hopefully, I can keep the momentum going and not allow my long, long workdays get in the way!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I must be crazy :) despite the humidity and heat I went walking, I did do a new route so I could cut the run short and get home quickly from any point. That Meant I was doing an unmapped, unknown distance. I ended up going 2.84 miles and was soaked by the time I got home. Oh well, another day done.

    Yesterday was a day!
    We had the refrigerator repair coming on Tuesday but somewhere between Amana (Whirlpool) and the repair center it went astray and Ended up Wednesday after I called Amana and said I called the repair people and they have no record of an appointment? I am hopeful this will be a permanent fix. It seems that the original design was a problem in use. What would happen is that the water from the defrost cycles would stop draining into the pan and start running out of the freezer onto the floor. The repair involved installing a new design part that should be clog resistant.

    The Yesterday The other computer just shut off. Based on what I know based on the symptoms it appears that the power supply has gone bad. I have ordered a replacement. It should be here sometime next week, Until then I have no way to print as that was the only one set up to use the printer.

    Have a Great Day
    I'm bummed that I missed my walk this morning. I was working until about 1:30 am and just could not roll out of bed in time to walk before I had to be back at the office this morning. Maybe, I can work it in later. If not, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity to get out to enjoy the early morning!
    Got out this morning for a short walk. It was a little later than my normal morning walk. . . and, a little warmer, but still enjoyable. Hopefully, I can keep the momentum going and not allow my long, long workdays get in the way!

    Hi Willow
    Congratulations on getting out walking. Those long work days can be a killer.

    Good Luck
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Oh my Roger! Sounds like the genie has not stopped its breaking spree in your house! Hope it decides to move on soon! Great job on the walk to you and Willow!! I love to hear about your walks!

    I took a rest day from running today. Went to bed at 9:30pm and thought I would be awake at my normal time around 4am! Fortunately I set the alarm as a back-up and only extremely reluctantly woke up when the alarm went off at 6:30 am! Clearly my body needs more sleep than it is currently getting!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out and walked my usual 2 3/4 miles. I was out the door early before Sunrise and beat the worst of the heat and Yahoo, The Humidity is down too.

    The Censored Deer are still eating things, the latest is they ate most of the leaves off of the pepper plants, Left the Peppers that were growing, why? They also nibbled off the top of a tomato plant and ate some of the leaves off of a Rose Bush. It seems they can work around the thorns :(

    Have a Great Friday
    Oh my Roger! Sounds like the genie has not stopped its breaking spree in your house! Hope it decides to move on soon! Great job on the walk to you and Willow!! I love to hear about your walks!

    I took a rest day from running today. Went to bed at 9:30pm and thought I would be awake at my normal time around 4am! Fortunately I set the alarm as a back-up and only extremely reluctantly woke up when the alarm went off at 6:30 am! Clearly my body needs more sleep than it is currently getting!

    Hi Carin
    Sometimes You just need to listen to what Your is saying :)

    My Brother looked for posts to put the fencing we have in roll form up to keep off the deer, no luck unless he wanted really long ones. :(

    Oh well, we just roll with it. It seems that the deer have discovered our neighborhood and are treating it as a free Buffet. Why? It is Summer there is plenty of other plants growing they could eat!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked a slightly different route and walked 2.8 miles today. It was much nicer out today than Yesterday, When I started out it was before Sunrise and the Blue Moon was out with a few wispy clouds drifting across it. I came home, Cooled off and went back out around 8AM and mowed the Lawn. 9682 steps so far today according to the FitBit Zip including the mowing. I am now officially tired :)

    My Brother commented that it looks like the Censored Deer was back and ate some more overnight. I have seen them in the woody area below the lake and I saw two or three Yesterday along the edge of another park that has a wooded area along a brook. Them dang things are all over anymore. I do not know how they manage to avoid the thorns on the rose bush they have been nibbling on.

    Whats a fella to do, You can not string Razor Wire around the property :)

    Joy, Joy, I fixed my Main floor computer last Night too. I thought it was the power supply and the Mailman delivered the new one. Long story cut short, When it still turned on and right off I diagnosed deeper, pulled the back, drives and memory. It turned out to be one of the memory chips I installed as a Memory Upgrade, I left it out and put back the original one and one of the newer ones and voila it is working again. Hmmm.... Not so short a story after all.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    YAY on some great walks and a working computer and BOO on the deer nibbling away your garden. Clearly the buffet offered in your garden is better than anything else they have access to!

    I did an 11 mile run this morning and now I am sore and needing a nap!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked a slightly different route for 2.8 miles today, Weather was Cool and low humidity, Tomorrow the Humidity goes back up, oh well.

    I suspect that the four legged appetite was back nibbling the flowers and vegetables. I say that since it looks like more damage and the Potted Petunias were knocked over despite no wind last night.

    Have a Good Sunday
    YAY on some great walks and a working computer and BOO on the deer nibbling away your garden. Clearly the buffet offered in your garden is better than anything else they have access to!

    I did an 11 mile run this morning and now I am sore and needing a nap!

    Hi Carin
    I would be happy to be able to run a mile, let alone 11 miles. Walking is my current speed :)

    Have a Great Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    According to DaisyLee's post here

    It Appears that the $20 sale is back on from 8-6-2015 to 8-30-2015. Not confirmed until I see it happen FWIW of course. But worth checking on that date.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi all
    I got out for a walk today 2.8 miles and 60 Cents.
    That means that I paid $1.07 for my Large Black Coffee minus $0.60 for a net cost of $0.47 :)
    The weather was beautiful too, Not Humid and in the 60s, Whee!

    So far no need to turn on the AC either.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All

    The $59.99 for a $100 Gift card Sale has started, Yea.

    I did my walk this morning, 2.8 Miles. Humidity is low, and the temperature was in the 50s, I felt a little chilly until I warmed up from the walking or maybe it was the 1/2 banana I ate on the way out of the house.

    Walking past the stream below our one parks dam I saw the Blue Heron in the stream. I have noticed it now for each of the three days I walked that way recently. Then we seem to be getting deer into the area too. I saw Four next to that brook one evening walk, Three grazing in a different park and four along another brook the other day. They sure are destructive to plantings and gardens too. Oh well.............

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Went for a walk and hit 2.79 miles and 2 cents. The weather was beautiful with humidity in the 30s% and Temperatures in the high 60s. The rain originally forecast for today earlier this week has gone south of us :)

    Have a Good Day
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Hi Roger - seems like you have been here all by yourself the last few days! Glad you are still keeping up your walking!

    I wanted to quickly let you guys know that I am leaving for Australia tomorrow for 2 weeks, and will probably be quite busy, so not sure how often I'll be checking in here! Don't want you guys to send out a search party!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Carin
    Have a Fosters for me :)

    I did seem to hear an echo from my typing some days.

    Enjoy the Trip
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It is another beautiful day here in NJ Low Humidity, and when I walked it was in the 60s. 2.75 miles and 11cents.

    I just got back form the Acme, They had cases of Bottled water for $1.99 if You buy 6 so I saved $3 on the 6 cases. It was a Mix and Match thing with any six items counting towards the six, However I had no use for the others :)

    Dannon Light & Fit was 10 for $10. They also had the Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt for the same price and the Oikos came with a free dozen Large Acme brand eggs and a free Essentials Cream Cheese 8oz included. I looked at it but the calorie count was higher on the Oikos and I was not sure how it tasted :)

    Have a Great Weekend

    Have You checked out the Humor posts here ?
    Humorous Pictures

    Here is a sample not posted there yet. It will be in a few minutes however :)

    Have a nice day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Another day, another walk, this one was 2.85 miles :) I walked a slightly different path through one of our parks, Saw two fawns running around playing, and the entrance to a Nature Walk I did not realize we had. Another Beautiful Morning outside, Dew Point in the 50s and cool. When I came home I opened up a window in the back bedroom, front bedroom and Living room to air out the house.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I did it again, I walked a slightly different route @ 2.77 miles long, It seems that someone has added a Rooster since I was on the one street :)

    Rain tomorrow and most likely no walk as a result of the weather.

    Have a Great Monday
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    edited August 2015
    Glad you are enjoying your morning walks, Roger!

    Sometimes I run past people who have yard chickens. And yesterday on the way home from the gym, I had to stop to let a flock of about 20 wild turkeys (it looked like 3-4 adults and the rest were all smaller/younger) cross the road!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    No Walk this morning, Rainy Morning. So I did banking, Recycling and replaced a failed Shredder.

    Have a Great Day
    irandamay wrote: »
    Glad you are enjoying your morning walks, Roger!

    Sometimes I run past people who have yard chickens. And yesterday on the way home from the gym, I had to stop to let a flock of about 20 wild turkeys (it looked like 3-4 adults and the rest were all smaller/younger) cross the road!

    Hi Miranda
    Part of Staten Island, One of the 5 boroughs of New York City has wild turkeys too.

    I have been lucky lately with the weather excluding today of course. The next few days look good too.

    Have a Great Week