May 2013 Starters



  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Yeah, I didn't necessarily mean your brother, just your comment made me think of how many vacationers we get up here who order it and then wonder why they got cream and sugar. :)
  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    Roger, Miranda, and Carin -Good to know that in some parts of the country "regular" coffee means it is all doctored up. I had no idea. I'm a black coffee fanatic and would be unhappy if my coffee came loaded up with things I was not expecting. I like my coffee pure and unadulterated. :o

    Miranda - I downloaded the RunKeeper app and tried it out last night. It seemed really good until I tried to look at another screen and, somehow, lost all the data from the walk that was in progress. Operator error, for sure! I will have to take some time to get acquainted with how everything works. Thank you for telling me about it! I think it will be one I use regularly.

    Carin - Best of luck to you on the job search! Australia might be a nice place to live. I know several people who have visited there and really enjoyed it. I'm still rooting for you to be able to stay in the US, though!

    Anyone know what Amanda is up to? Is she MIA?

  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    It's a double edged sword... when we vacation other places and order regular coffee, we tend to be confused when we end up with black. :grin:

    I like my coffee to be fairly dark and just a little bit sweet. In a 16 oz mug, I will put in 1.5 tsp sugar and 2 tbsp half & half. That's probably at least half as much as they would put in.
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Roger, I always tell people I want my coffee black, without sugar, as I wont be able to drink coffee with anything in it - I don't take any chances with what "regular" means for them. And yeah MIranda, those poor girls at the drive through places are so harassed and run off their feet, that they probably don't have much patience for small differences in how people like it! I actually stopped using sugar, because it was such a struggle to convince people that I really wanted half a teaspoon of sugar (one of my colleagues always used to tell me "I thought you needed spoiling, so I put in some extra sugar" Urghhh) that it was just easier to learn to like it without any sugar

    Thanks Willow, I am also not too eager to leave the US, but I'll have to do whatever I have to!
  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    Just got home from a 2.5 mile hike in the mountains. It is a beautiful day and the hike was amazing. . . a 900 ft climb in elevation to walk through an alpine meadow full of wild flowers! I could really get into this!

    I used RunKeeper again for the hike and was more successful this time. I think I need to replace the battery in my phone, though, as the app really drained it.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out walking this morning around 6:30, Nice and cool, 67 degrees, Low Humidity too.
    I walked 2.79+ miles, I'm not sure how much more as I walked the route in reverse and did not notice I was heading down a dead end and had to backtrack. OK, I just checked in MapMyRun and it looks like I added 0.14 miles so that makes the walk so I guess I walked 2.93 miles :)


    HI Miranda, Carin, Willow
    No Smart Phone for me so I have created a variety of walks trying to cover new areas. The nice thing about mapping them ahead of time is I can have the length walk I want and I have a Map to refer to if I do need to short circuit the walk for weather etc.

    In My town, the streets bend around, loop etc. Nothing is laid out in a grid beyond small areas. I have found that we have more little public playgrounds than I knew ever after all these years due to walking new areas. As an Example there is one that sits past the back of a house by the brook that has what looks like an empty building lot leading to it.

    I prefer my coffee black, however If They put just milk in it, yuck. OTOH Load it up with Cream and sugar so it tastes like a liquid coffee flavored candy bar and I'll be happy too. Nothing in between :) I have learned over the years to old black coffee. The Local Quick Chek ladies all know me by now and the Lady at the McDonalds just pulls my large black coffee when I walk in. The Tellers at the Bank let me know if they have any two dollar bills too. I like them for tips and my Brother uses them on the Garden State Parkway as that is the amount of the tolls he pays. Eisenhower dollars and 50 cent pieces are hard to get anymore. I carry one of each and a Silver Eagle for luck when I walk.

    Willow that sounds like a nice walk.

  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Yeah I do the same thing before my long runs, Roger. On RunKeeper's website, they have a route planning feature like you have in MapMyRun. I always plot out my route to figure out what side streets and stuff I need to go down to get the correct distance when I end up at home. :)

    Willow, sounds like a nice hike. :) The GPS usage in the app shouldn't drain the battery too much, but if you were in an area with low cell signal then that often drains the battery while it's searching for cell towers. I also have trouble with the RunKeeper app draining the battery if I leave it on the app because the app does not turn the screen off, and the LCD screen really burns through battery.
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    That sounds lovely Willow!! Being outside is just so amazing! I spend such a lot of time in my office that I forget how much I love being outside! Have been running at 5am four mornings this week and it is just lovely to be outside while it slowly gets light (and while it is still cool!). And the quality time with DH on the patio every evening before bed-time is priceless.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, Another beautiful morning when I left around 6:25AM and less than 70 degrees, Currently it is 88 degrees and feels hot. I ended up walking 2.8 miles.

    Have a Good Day
    irandamay wrote: »
    Yeah I do the same thing before my long runs, Roger. On RunKeeper's website, they have a route planning feature like you have in MapMyRun. I always plot out my route to figure out what side streets and stuff I need to go down to get the correct distance when I end up at home. :)

    Willow, sounds like a nice hike. :) The GPS usage in the app shouldn't drain the battery too much, but if you were in an area with low cell signal then that often drains the battery while it's searching for cell towers. I also have trouble with the RunKeeper app draining the battery if I leave it on the app because the app does not turn the screen off, and the LCD screen really burns through battery.

    Hi Miranda
    It sounds as if they need to work on the app to turn off the display to improve battery life. I also do the same thing with side streets to get my distance. Sometimes it leads to a funny routing. Now if they had a feature where You could specify a start point and a distance and how many different routes and it would create new routes from that data it would be nice.

    Have A Good Evening
    That sounds lovely Willow!! Being outside is just so amazing! I spend such a lot of time in my office that I forget how much I love being outside! Have been running at 5am four mornings this week and it is just lovely to be outside while it slowly gets light (and while it is still cool!). And the quality time with DH on the patio every evening before bed-time is priceless.

    Hi Carin
    I wish I could get out that early on the hot and humid days, but I would be completely drained for the rest of the day :)

  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    No the screen stays on by design when the app is active so that you can keep track of the stats without needing to turn it on. Because a lot of people use them in arm bands or similar cases when running and it would be too cumbersome to keep turning it back on/unlocking it. If you want the screen to go back to sleep normally, you need to remember to put the app in the background (it will still give you audio cues and things even in the background).
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I went walking this morning, Again :)
    I ended up walking 3.05 miles Plus a run to Costco where I blitzed through buying the three items I had on my list, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt 18 pack on sale until 8-2 for $9.99, 2 ten packs of the Kleenex Family size on sale for $14.19 and two 5 pound bags of Frozen Normandy Mix vegetables @ $6.49. Each bag is 40 servings so cheaper than the 4 serving size bags when they are on sale at the Grocery store @ 99cents.

    It was 68 degrees and 37% humidity when I went out this morning at 6:20AM.

    Have a Good Weekend

    P.S. I added a
    NS Equivalent Entrees From Feb 10 2015 by Michelle (m2marsh) here

    I am posting the 24 images (pages) of Entrees.

    This set of 24 images is the complete NS Equivalent Entrees by Michelle from the Old NutriSystem Forums. These can be used if You run short of NS food before a delivery or to aid when You Flex.
    irandamay wrote: »
    No the screen stays on by design when the app is active so that you can keep track of the stats without needing to turn it on. Because a lot of people use them in arm bands or similar cases when running and it would be too cumbersome to keep turning it back on/unlocking it. If you want the screen to go back to sleep normally, you need to remember to put the app in the background (it will still give you audio cues and things even in the background).

    Hi Miranda
    That would bother me as the rechargeable batteries as I understand have so many charge cycles they can take. Thus anything that eats up batteries will shorten battery longevity due to it needing so many more charges. That is why leaving a laptop plugged into the charger is not the best thing to do.

  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    If you are too worried about it, you just put the app in the background and it won't hold the screen on. :) I just meant that it's not a problem with the app that needs to be fixed. It's there by design.

    An iPhone will lose about 20% of it's capacity after ~400 full charge cycles... a lot of people will have replaced their phone with a newer model by the time they hit 400 full cycles. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked 2.79 miles = 7700 steps according to the FB Zip. Yesterdays Dew Point was in the 50s and this mornings is in the 60s and going up to the 70s later today. No Breeze except from passing cars, Warm & Moderately Humid and I did work up a sweat.

    Later this upcoming week the temperatures and Humidity climb. They are showing a low of 78 overnight later this week. I may not walk that morning or I may shortcut the walk. :)

    Have a Great Sunday
    irandamay wrote: »
    If you are too worried about it, you just put the app in the background and it won't hold the screen on. :) I just meant that it's not a problem with the app that needs to be fixed. It's there by design.

    An iPhone will lose about 20% of it's capacity after ~400 full charge cycles... a lot of people will have replaced their phone with a newer model by the time they hit 400 full cycles. :)

    Hi Miranda
    Planned Obsolescence? :)
    I have talked with people that charge their phone every day and still run short on battery. I Run a Dumb phone as does my Brother. I get days on one charge. Once a day charging would drive me crazy.

    Have a Good Day
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    I charge mine 2-3 times a week, and they are not always full charges (i.e. the battery wasn't fully drained).

    It is cool and cloudy and was drizzly this morning, but I made my way up to Maine to do my race. Now I'm pretty tired because I woke up at 5:30! Can't believe the weekend is already over... booooo.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I walked 2.8 miles this morning, I got out the door around Sunrise and it must have finished raining shortly before that, 88% Humidity. What helped was that the Sun stayed behind the clouds until after I got home. The town does a good job on our parks, After I got my Coffee at McDs I walked a new route and admired the basketball courts, Tennis, Horseshoe pitches, Etc. and the Children's playground. Lots of nicely maintained Grassy area too. Plus when I decide to extend my walks in the future I can walk around part of the park on the Roadway.

    Have a Nice Day

    Eye halve a spelling chequer
    It came with my pea sea
    It plainly marques four my revue
    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
    Eye strike a key and type a word
    And weight four it two say
    Weather eye am wrong oar write
    It shows me strait a weigh.
    As soon as a mist ache is maid
    It nose bee fore two long
    And eye can put the error rite
    Its rare lea ever wrong.
    Eye have run this poem threw it
    I am shore your pleased two no
    Its letter perfect awl the weigh
    My chequer tolled me sew.

    I did not create that BTW, I do not know who did :)
    irandamay wrote: »
    I charge mine 2-3 times a week, and they are not always full charges (i.e. the battery wasn't fully drained).

    It is cool and cloudy and was drizzly this morning, but I made my way up to Maine to do my race. Now I'm pretty tired because I woke up at 5:30! Can't believe the weekend is already over... booooo.

    Hi Miranda
    They do not make weekends as long as they used too :) OTOH You got Your race in.

    My Brother keeps pushing a slice of the Cantaloupe at me, He got them at a farm stand in Pennsylvania Saturday so nice and ripe. I may take a small slice for dinner instead of my 2 Clementines. He also brought a bag of fresh picked Yellow String Beans.


  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Miranda again great job on your race!

    Roger and same to you on your walks!

    Did not manage to do my long run this week-end. Sometimes life just happens....

    Hope you all have a great week!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I got out the Door at 5:20AM, Sunrise was at 5:47, It was semi comfortable with the Humidity, However I did beat the heat of the day and Only had sun on my back as I was heading to home. 2.75 Miles, 14 Cents and sweating. The temperatures today are suppose to hit near 90, tomorrow is supposed to be in the 90s and a THI in the triple digits.

    I just did a quick run to the produce store, hot outside now.

    Have a Good Day
    Miranda again great job on your race!

    Roger and same to you on your walks!

    Did not manage to do my long run this week-end. Sometimes life just happens....

    Hope you all have a great week!

    Hi Carin
    I wish I could run but a walk is my best and only speed.

    Thank You for the encouraging words.
  • spamanda53
    spamanda53 Posts: 86 Member
    Holy wow - It seems that I've not posted here in quite some time (Since July 16). No real excuse, as I've been logging my food -- Well most of it most of the time ;)

    I seem to be the odd man out with the coffee thing. I have no issues adding in creamer/sugar free syrups/ sugar substitute/ milk / flavored coffee and any combination of those things. haha

    Carin - I can only imagine the stress of all of that. Hoping that you come to a satisfactory outcome sooner rather than later.

    Roger - Awesome job with the daily walks! We have yet to officially hit 100 but dang it is hot here. haha. Currently we are at 97 with a feels like temp of 100. I miss winter. haha

    Willow - Kudos to you on your walking also!

    Miranda - Congrats on another race in the books!
  • willow_river
    willow_river Posts: 55 Member
    All of you are far ahead of me on exercise, but I have definitely been enjoying my morning walks. Today it was chilly. . . 54 degrees when I went out at 6:15 am. I almost walked back in the house to grab a jacket, but decided to just walk more briskly. The result. . . I got a congratulations from Runkeeper for walking my top speed to date. :)

    Amanda - Good to hear from you!

    I hope everyone is having a good week so far!

  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    YAY on the top speed Willow!! Often it just takes a minute to warm up and then it is a pain to have to carry the jacket with you. Unless you have my DH on his bicycle and backpack to put it in LOL!

    Hi Amanda - we were missing you! Glad all is going well with you! Thanks for your wishes on my situation! From your lips to God's ears, I say!

    Roger, although it is hard to get out of bed that early, it is the only way to enjoy outside exercise this time of year! Our days have been really hot as well! Good on you for getting it in before it gets too uncomfortable! Once I am outside, I love being out there! Although every time the alarm goes off, I think long and hard about if I really want to get up!