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C25K on the treadmill



  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn no time like the present....... don't put off til tomorrow what you can accomplish today...... :) Have a great day!
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    Mimi, you really shouldn't be scared of failing. Just try it. If you can't do what you thought you could, fine - now you have a goal. My bet, though, is that you will really impress yourself and be able to do much more than you think.
  • JSC145
    JSC145 Posts: 79 Member
    Is running indoors in place ok? No treadmill here and not really sure I want to go public just yet. I just did w2d1 without a problem. I figure when I do move it outside I'll have to move back down in weeks. I'm just concentrating on endurance at this stage. 4 months ago I couldn't climb a flight of stairs without getting winded. This morning I ran in place for 2 minutes straight.

    I know exactly what you mean. I felt a little embarrassed about huffing and puffing along in public. I tell people I run in the morning before the sun is up because it's less hot and I like getting it down before heading to work... that's partly true but mostly it's because there are less people out and about... =p

    But everyone is right... at the end of the day, as long as you are moving and making progress, you are doing GREAT
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    I did it! I actually ran outside today.... knocked myself way back in the program but took it outside! my pace was slower but i easily did the runs..... I think i may alternate treadmill and outdoors for a couple of weeks to see how i do..... I am super happy though its been years since i ran outside and i remember it was awful! The best to come out of this morning was the dog was super happy to be out at 6:20am for a jog.
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    showjumper wrote: »
    I did it! I actually ran outside today.... knocked myself way back in the program but took it outside! my pace was slower but i easily did the runs..... I think i may alternate treadmill and outdoors for a couple of weeks to see how i do..... I am super happy though its been years since i ran outside and i remember it was awful! The best to come out of this morning was the dog was super happy to be out at 6:20am for a jog.


    I notice that you say you used to hate running. I used to hate running, too. I haven't run since high school, though. Back then I was being timed, and passed by all the jocks, and this was all happening in front of all the girls . . . lots of reasons to be miserable!!! Now I don't hate it. When I strap on the shoes, it's just me and the road (or path or trail) and my thoughts. No jocks; no coaches with timers; no girls to impress. It's a peaceful time.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks @DaveAkeman
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    @showjumper Congrats!! Keep us posted on your progress!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    @JSC145 Great idea about going in the early hours. I'm thinking that's where I'll start in a couple of weeks. In the meantime I'll keep up with the program... finished w2d2 today and was hardly sweaty! I'm so excited to be doing this!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    @DaveAkeman That's what I'm looking forward to most about running - just me, nature and peace. Sounds heavenly!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    @showjumper Great job!! I'm hoping to take it outside soon myself. I do W4D3 today on the treadmill. When you say you knocked yourself way back in the program, how long were you able to run outside compared to the treadmill?
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @kristafb Thanks :) I went back to W2D2 and completed all 6 of the 90 second runs fairly well, although there were a few new variables..... I don't usually run at 6:00am (or even be out of the covers yet), and I took the dog. I was supposed to do W4D3 but chose to go outside in the morning instead so I didn't run again in the evening on the treadmill like I typically do. So I will see how I feel tonight and may try the treadmill.... I will be heading outdoors again tomorrow morning though.... My fiance figures I should just pick up W4D3 outside and be good with it.... I am not so sure :(
  • mandync5497
    mandync5497 Posts: 56 Member
    I am doing c25k for the first time. I completed w6d2 this morning on the treadmill and it went fairly well. see how it goes with no intervals lol. Pretty excited to say that I am a runner and looking forward to increasing my endurance. I always watch Netflix when I run which helps a lot since otherwise I would be watching the clock.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Just to let you know... last night, on my off day from this and during my walk outside, I gave it a try! Twice, I ran for about 30 secs each time. I figure I'll add little runs like that into my off days for awhile. Today I finished w2d3 without any issues, even ended the last run with a 3.5 minute run! It's really happening!
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    Just to let you know... last night, on my off day from this and during my walk outside, I gave it a try! Twice, I ran for about 30 secs each time. I figure I'll add little runs like that into my off days for awhile. Today I finished w2d3 without any issues, even ended the last run with a 3.5 minute run! It's really happening!

    Great progress . . . and I'm glad you're pushing yourself to improve!!!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks @DaveAkeman! I also signed up for my first race ever today... a .1k! LMAO!
  • whatshewants
    whatshewants Posts: 30 Member
    I'm doing mine on the treadmill. Not quite ready to take it outside yet. I started watching my netflix shows on my phone during the runs. Just start the show when I'm ready and prop the phone up against the screen.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Hi all, just came across this thread. I just completed w4d2 and I've been doing all my workouts on the treadmill, also. I'm signed up for my first 5k in mid-August and am worried now that since I've been training on the treadmill I won't be able to keep up outdoors.

    Will adding the 2% incline help make the transition? Thanks for any advice.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I did w6d1 today inside. The humidity was crazy here today and just walking the dogs outside left me short of breath. I had planned on starting outside if I could get through week 5 even if it mean doing weeks over but the heat & humidity is unbearable. If it wasn't for my air conditioner full blast & a floor fan blasting me while I run I'd never get it done. I'll just keep going until things cool off a bit then try it outside.
  • myuncutworld
    myuncutworld Posts: 14 Member
    I started this Tuesday. i am doing it on a treadmill. i am dying indoors already and I can only run in 30 second increments, so yeah, but I do think once I am confident I will be taking this on the road!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I did day one outside this evening. How is it possible that I can run 5-8 minutes on the treadmill but that one minute run outside almost killed me!! I did the whole thing, didn't stop but it wasn't pretty. And SLOWWWWWWWW averaged an 11minute mile but its a start and to be honest by the end of if my runs felt stronger. I think I"ll finish the program on the treadmill though alternating back and forth until I finish inside & can just run outside.