


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »

    This is one of the few I have of our guy. Lost my computer recently with all the pictures. :( He's a labradoodle rescue. Almost gave up on him but now he's 3 and we're in agility and my friends can't believe it's the same dog.

    He's on grain free kibble as well. He actually picked that out himself. As a pup it was the ONLY food he would eat. We've tried others and he doesn't like them really. Come the end of summer during ragweed season he will scratch himself sensless if he eats grains. Once a year I put him on a raw meat diet for about a month. The biggest thing we noticed was his teeth get blindingly white during that time!! He's 3 and the vet can't believe how bright white his teeth are! Not sure why but for whatever reason that month of raw just polishes up those choppers! Usually he gets pork and pumpkin or chick peas during that time. Otherwise he licks bowls of meat, gets his own steak from time to time and dad always brings chicken livers when he comes to visit! :) They do fill our lives with joy, don't they?

    If you're including the bones, it's because the bones act like toothbrushes. The meat itself doesn't gum up the teeth like kibble does. That was actually one of the first big differences we saw, too, when we switched our dogs to raw. Our Shepherd mix had horrible teeth that the vet always wanted to scale (but Shepherd hated vets and practically needed sedated just for checkups), and for the first half dozen or so feedings, you could watch the crap flake off his teeth. What astounded me was that the vet we had at the time claimed that the purebred young Beagle had "bad genes" and my stepdad (from whom I got the Beagle) didn't bread them for good teeth (never mind the fact that they're hunting dogs and kind of need good teeth to catch live prey). Both of their teeth were about as pristine as you can get after years of kibble (the Beagle's teeth are better, since he didn't spend as long on kibble).
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    Yes! My labradoodle loves veggies too!! Even lettuce! When he was young he would freak for carrots and take a full one to his "bed" and treat it like a bone! My girlfriend had to plant her carrots in raised beds because the dogs kept pulling them up.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    your dogs are so gorgeous everybody. wish i had time and space for a dog!
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    edited May 2015
    I mix various veggies into my dogs food (spinach, green beans, kale, pumpkin)...but on their own, not much interest. Bust out some edamame beans and it's a whole other story. She goes crazy for those and oranges (in moderation).
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    nikoba wrote: »
    I mix various veggies into my dogs food (spinach, green beans, kale, pumpkin)...but on their own, not much interest. Bust out some edamame beans and it's a whole other story. She goes crazy for those and oranges (in moderation).

    My mom's dog had really bad tummy troubles so we gave him pumpkin and that sorted him right out! Now he loves it!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    We call him "Gorgeous George".qfew330i9e38.jpg
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    My dogs are low carbers. I feed Natural Instinct, bought in bulk I get 30% off. They love it. Wouldn't go back to kibble, if I don't eat c... Neither will they
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    and George is gorgeous