May Morning Coffee and Gratitude List



  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    thats wonderful that you felt an immediate difference Charlie! I wish that could adjust something in me that would have that result. Hmmmmm

    Grateful today that I went for my one month check up with pcp and everything was fine, said he did not need to see me for 3 months and expects I will continue dropping 3 lbs per month as I have been, therefore 10 gone when he sees me again. So he has set my June goal. lol
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am grateful this morning for how much my health has improved. My throat is healed, my breathing is great. My back pain is gone now that we did the desk adjustment. I have NO excuses not to hit the June challenge will full enthusiasm. It feels good to feel good!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Wonderful report, DreamOn, continued good health to you! ~ Kathy
  • Itreadlightly
    Itreadlightly Posts: 87 Member
    Gratitude! I am grateful that I found this program. A few months ago I "woke" up to the idea that I was no longer young. I was only wearing baggy clothes and dreaded going anywhere. My knees and back hurt. I could not face weighing myself.
    I thought I was too old to be able to lose weight but I decided to try. I wanted my Granson to be able to know me as vital and not infirm.
    I made up a diet and exersize plan. I had a pair of jeans I would try on every morning (instead of weighing) I started to feel better. I finally weighed myself an WOLA! I can lose at my age!
    BUT I was getting upset and afraid to eat. I looked in the app store and found MFP. Love Love Love it. I can eat and work out and just journal it. No fear!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    edited May 2015
    pamlea577 wrote: »
    I made up a diet and exersize plan. I had a pair of jeans I would try on every morning (instead of weighing) I started to feel better. I finally weighed myself an WOLA! I can lose at my age!
    BUT I was getting upset and afraid to eat. I looked in the app store and found MFP. Love Love Love it. I can eat and work out and just journal it. No fear!

    Glad you have taken back your personal power over your weight. Glad you joined our group as well. Looking forward to your continued successes on your Journey.

    DreamOn, BVIfun and GMCharlie so glad you are all healthier and feeling good.

    Cris, I posted in the interesting reading thread an article you might want to check out.

    I am grateful for all the wonderful members here who are doing the right them for themselves. We are different and we lose in different ways. No one here has the final answer, and they all know that, I find it very refreshing.

    I am grateful I am slowly upping my calories and still losing weight. As I get nearer my goal, I was also afraid, I would not make it but lately, I can 'feel' I am doing the needful, I know in my heart I am going to reach my goal and stay there, unless I decide to go down even further. I now realize my current goal is a safe one for me, I've been there before. Oh it is a good goal, but I am short and could go down many more lbs. than I am planning on, I now see women on MFP my age and height who have gone to the bottom of the range, while I will be happy to be back in it at the top.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I am truly and deeply grateful this morning for this group! Have you noticed that we just keep getting better and better? Our enthusiasm, our dedication, our combined experience, our patience, and our ongoing support - we are just amazing! lol And really, isn't a lot of it BECAUSE of our age and all that we have learned about not giving up and the value of supporting others. Cudos to each and every one of you!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Today I am grateful for a dishwasher. It seems like one of those things I just usually take for granted but with 2 kids around I'm really glad to have one.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I should not say this, but today I am grateful that my husband went back to work this week lol. The difference in my activity level when he is here and he is not is astounding! I feel as if things never got back to 100% in this house since I started with my surgery in April, then my hurt shoulder, then his lithotripsy and week and a half at home. This week I am feeling better than I have in quite some time and I am cleaning like crazy and working on getting back up to speed on my Leslie Sansone videos and the T'ai Chi. It's feeling good to be productive!