Hello May!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    P.S. I notice we have 67 members listed in the group at the moment; with some very recent newbies having joined... just wanted to extend a warm welcome to any and all, and hope some of you feel comfortable enough to jump in and introduce yourselves and your own personal journey story! :)
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited May 2015
    Snooozie- happy for you that you were able to find the right goals for you. Good for you for the insight about logging now doesn't mean forever. Thanks for sharing the articles about stress- I'm going to read them right when I finish posting this.

    Milove- I so hear you about putting it on in our middles- geez Louise does my weight ever love to go there. I also really need to get back in control of my eating , too. I really like your insight and totally agree with you that one needs to take care of themselves in order to be able to take care of others.

    In order to get a handle on some of the mind games I've been playing lately, I'm reading a book about the mind body ( and spirit) connection concerning losing weight called "What Are a You Hungry For?" By Deepok Chopra. Just started reading it, but I think it's going to be helpful.

    I sure enjoyed spending so much of my time outdoors this past weekend. I watched a beautiful sunset last evening .

  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    love reading all the posts. I will have to say I am surprised at myself for keeping with this and enjoying it as much as I do!
    You all inspire me to be a better person. I've let this time of life get to me. Not the getting older thing -- I always say everyday
    on this side of the dirt is a good day. It is what comes with getting older - the MenoPot is my favorite (Not :s ).

    May Goals -- Do not obsess with the scale so much! Get outside and be active active active! With that comes feeling better and my clothes
    fit better, too! Concentrate on feeling better in my own skin. Yep, the wrinkly, age spots, saggy skin.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - sounds like a great book - looking forward to hearing what you think when you're done?

    STUNNING PICTURE... omg..... stunning!! I am completely jealous.. yes I am.

    Don't think im gonna get my lake walk intoday; winds are picking up and suspect the thunderstorms will land before the internet guy arrives..

    OWR... am tending to agree with you and susan not to focus so much on the weight itself, but more on the moving more and eating better.. and the rest will come with it.. I remember one of the "experts" telling me something like that way back... just focus on the those two areas and the weight will come off...

    and feeling better in our skins? yup yup yup... I figure I earned every one of those damn wrinkles, spots and sags - means I WON cause i'm still here LOL.. so wear em proud my friend!!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Amen to earning growing older.

    Susan the picture is so awesome. The figure looks like a peace sign. Yes keep us posted on the book.

    I recorded my calories! Yayy and I was under resisted the glass of wine because I drank 3 cups of coffee. Had 2 at home and they surprised us at work with breakfast. My super powers finally came about and I took a half a cinnamon bun and a cup of coffee and quickly left the area. Lol

    I saw OWR post last month about giving up coffee (cream & sugar) that's very difficult I agree with you Snoozie.

    Another day goal I will record my calories! I noticed because I posted it on here I pushed myself to do it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Milove - well done you!!! on both the logging and being under!!

    and I find the motivator to do it just because I said I would here... to be quite helpful some days!! LOL it may very well be the only thing that gets me to do something now and then, but im all for whatever works! I actually logged yesterday too... surprised myself most of all I think!

    Got my early morning lake walk in; it was gorgeous (not Susan's pic gorgeous LOL.. but lovely to be back for me.. unfortunately the gnats were swarming like mad; had to cover my mouth most of the way but wasn't going to let em stop me - so I ate em LOL!

    Am off today to take my senior friend for chores; will check in tonight and hope everyone has a great day!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Such awesome photos, Susan. The sunset looks like a family of cacti hugging up and watching it also. I can't wait to get out there and see one of those myself..when we go see the "big ditch" as my husband calls the Grand Canyon....lol

    Wonderful posts to catch up on, that I can't reply to yet, but I find it all inspiring...especially the moving more aand eating less, with much less concern about the weight number.I have refused to weigh at all this week and so far so good. I may throw out the scale again. It is much less stressful.
    Best wishes for your day today, my friends.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited May 2015

  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    A great way to start this Hump Day -- Whoop Whoop!!! Especially like the one that speaks to my patience - which is Not my strong area!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL NOT one of my strengths either OWR!! huge congrats on the pound lost btw.. AWESOME work.. well done YOU!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    All, please say a prayer for my co-worker. Apparently she's going through a health crisis - she hasn't shared the details. This makes me believe that it's more serious than she's letting on. She's gone through personal stress right now (more than most). And her family too.


  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Gail- when are you going to the big ditch?

    Love the pics and motivation , Snooozie - thanks! I saved the photo about every smart choice I make is effecting me in fantastic ways :)

    Speaking of smart choices, I finally had a fully smart choice day yesterday - yay! Here's to another one today!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday :)

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Prayers sent Carol that your coworker is heal in Jesus name Amen.

    Good for you Susan I also have been completing my diary I'm so proud of myself and staying under. Yayy
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Vailara , sorry to hear you’ve been sick. Hope the test go well and you get the ok for HIIT . WE may sound all put together with our goals, but for me it’s easy to say what I want as my goals…but so much tougher to actually meet them…but I keep on trying….lol So don’t let it get you down that you may thing you are goal less…..you are doing it!
    Susan, you just have to play when a friend comes to visit…it’s the law!! …there’s always another day to get back in it. As for our trip…We are leaving out on the 7th of June returning June 21st….It is going to be a whirlwind trip to accomplish all we want, in 2 weeks… They want to get as far up as Wyoming, South Dakota and as far down as Arizona…”big ditch”… we’ll have to see what we can fit in. It is 4 or five couples…if that tells you anything…we may all have different agendas.. lol Some things we may have to look at out our rear view mirror …” Oh, Yea, I see it”…check off list… But we’ll be so exhausted by then, we may WANT to just look out our windows… ; )
    Snoozie, watch out for those gnats, keep on trekking..
    Carol, back away from those un savory sweets. You work too hard shaking that groove thing at Zumba. I hope your co-worker finds relief.
    Milove, Sending a shout out down the way to you!! I am with you on the over eating..it is a monster!!
    OWR, I love your attitude..We aren't getting older, we're getting BETTER!!
    I want ed to do so much this month..to see a loss before our trip, but it seems I am eating too much at night again… so I may see a gain…I’m still trying to lose the two I gained from vacation….ugh!! But I’m still riding …not giving up!!
    I’m a little sad, Young Son heads out back up to Corny, New York on the 13 th. It has been great to see him twice this year, instead of once a year……….but
    I can go back to cooking less ,If I don’t see it, I can’t eat it!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Carol - glad to hear your co worker is doing better today from your post..

    Susan - kudos on the great day you had.... feels good don't it when you get a great day under your belt... ?? I liked that poster too... should save to my cell or put it on my fridge!!

    Milove... I have 2 days under my belt of logging and its been a struggle everyday, so can appreciate your pride in your logging; well done you!

    Had a lovely walk down at the lake with my coffee in hand, and a few minutes of bulldog lovin' to spike my endorphins lol.. Back to work today so best get cracking at prepping food! have a great day everyone!! MAY it be a day of good choices, parts moving and one or two restorative and relaxining activities for y'all!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    edited May 2015
    Snoozie, looks like great minds think alike...we were writing at the same time...

    I just saw the weirdest thing. I have a new friend ...that I never got a request from or sent one to..apparently I am her only one...I see no others...unless someone changed their name. MFP has gotten strange. .Oh well.
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you! Trying to change things up - again! Trying to pay more attention to how I'm fueling my wrinkly old bod! It seems like this old body is going to teach me patience - come hell or high water! LOL
  • KLB960
    KLB960 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone and Happy Spring! finally!! I just got back from a 10 day trip to visit the inlaws (one is healing from a fall in Feb) and managed not to gain anything, BUT this winter was not good to me...gained all that I had lost last summer :( so I am starting all over again. I read some of your "May" inspirations and with those and more support from the hubby who wants to lose some with me, I think I can do it :smiley: I liked the way I felt last summer and don't like how I feel now..incentive to do it again and do it right to stay on track. I guess over the winter, the lack of movement didn't help and that lead to binge eating from boredom. Just have to find the strength to keep what I do in the good weather into the bad.

    Keep up the good work we all try to accomplish
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi ladies. ..

    My friend is doing much better. She has a sense of calm and is very thankful for the prayers.

    Gail. ..having a great day. ...won't Zumba until Monday. .getting more beautiful (appointment at salon for a quick"wax" just the face ladies) on Friday.

    Look at the diary and ignore the cookies lol. ..as Wednesday would ask. ..Are they made from girl scouts? Lol

    Sorry....couldn't help myself

    Gonna go for a walk Saturday. .wish I had a lake or beautiful mountains nearby. So jealous

    Talk to you soon

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi ladies I have to share. My birthday is in October and last year prior to my birthday I thought I was 57. When my birthday arrived I did the math and I was only turning 57. I felt like I missed an entire year and I was going to spend 2 yrs being 57. Wait with that in mind today I looked at my profile and I saw I was 58. I'm like hold up I'm suppose to be 57 I'm not 58 YET. (Of course this did not occur in my mind immediately I thought at first I had made a mistake and I was really 58 not 57). Okay so I kicked myself and went into my profile and my birthday was recorded as MARCH 29 instead of October so I was turning older early. I corrected it and just had to share. How the heck did that happen not a funny circumstance. shaking my head.