May Chat



  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good evening... I did sign up at the gym today.
    I'll keep you posted.

    Thank you for your kind words about my photo.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Cris, personally I really love the fitbit. I don't find it to be a nag at all. I bear in mind that the arthritis foundation recommends a minimum of 5000 steps a day and the recommendation for weight loss is 10,000 (can't remember who came up with that one!). I have not yet hit that second goal, but I do intend to! Wearing it shows me how easy it is to slip to those days of 3000 steps and how I have to remain conscious of my activity to stay in the (right now) 7000 range. That is all I expect of it. Not a nag, just a tool.

    I think the great thing about strength and resistance training is the fact that studies have shown it works even with people who start it in their 80s! I have seen my home health patients come home from the hospital and start with a set of dumbells in their chair in front of the TV and do what one called "the old people exercises" and make some real progress! For a complete routine, you really need to do some form of aerobic, anaerobic, and stretching. I love the fact that now that I am retired, I really do have time to focus on it all and work no longer takes up the majority of my life!!! Yes, retirement is fun!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I got the official run-through today so I could figure out which equipment is best for me to use.
    It's a nice place and I know I can get help there when I need it.

    Of course they wanted to upsell me the Personal Trainer, but I told them to just let me do my thing for awhile and if I feel I need to be challenged or some more direction, I'll let them know. o:)

    Thanks for the Fitbit help. I am definitely considering it. One step at a time as they say. No pun intended.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    I am having a tough day. It just will not stop raining, over 3 ins. overnight and it hasn't stopped all day. And I don't have an ark prepared >:) Actually the forecast is for this to turn to snow tonight. Then move out late Sunday night.

    I have been hungry ALL day long, wanting bread so bad, but I went for jicama and salsa instead.

    I did get up and do dvd exercises for a couple of hours so I wasn't near the kitchen. Will just be so very happy when it dries out again.

    I hope everyone else is having a good choices day.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @retirehappy: Nothing worse than the weather teasing you with some nice days and Wham...rain, rain, rain. Those are definitely days we want to comfort ourselves with food. You seem to have come up with great alternatives, but I know it is still a struggle.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Oh, forgot to say: Happy Mother's Day!

    My daughter, d-i-l, granddaughter and I are going to see a local stage production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast. I want my granddaughter to learn to love theater and decided I'd ask for something that didn't center around food since I usually ask for brunch or dinner out with everyone.

    Need to get to the gym yet this a.m. though. No rest for the wicked! And I'm really bad! >:)
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

    Today I am Starting Over. Again.
    I took a picture of myself (omg, lucky the phone did not explode). No. I am not going to share.
    Maybe in a year when I can share a better pic for comparison. haha
    And I ordered a Fitbit; Happy Mday to me.

    That's it for now.

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Mother's Day to all you moms.

    Cris, glad you made a decision to get a tracker. And it is better to be here starting over than avoiding what will ultimately make you so much happier :) It isn't easy starting again but it sure beats sitting in the same spot for who knows how long AGAIN. Move it, move it, move it.

    I am having a much better day, rain turned to snow last night and now the clouds are breaking up and the sun can even be seen from time to time. It is a rest day for me, but I went for walk and will round out the steps with some dancing later.

    I can't believe how much more in control I am feeling today from yesterday.

    Hope you all have a terrific day with your families.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Cris grats on the fitbit. I love mine. Today is one of my two big cleaning days and I not believe now many steps I get! I used to focus on working in one room at a time, now the little dog gave up following me because I grab two towels and take them to the linen closet in back and just keep moving, moving, moving. Some Tuesdays I do not even need to do Leslie to make my steps! lol

    I have not done my weights and yoga in a few days and I can really feel the difference this morning!! Our bodies REALLY make sure to remind us that we need all of those things at this point!!! Going to be sure to do my WHOLE program today!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Love the "move it" video, thanks Joell! ~ Kathy
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Crisbtrue wrote: »
    I got the official run-through today so I could figure out which equipment is best for me to use.
    It's a nice place and I know I can get help there when I need it.

    Of course they wanted to upsell me the Personal Trainer, but I told them to just let me do my thing for awhile and if I feel I need to be challenged or some more direction, I'll let them know. o:)

    Thanks for the Fitbit help. I am definitely considering it. One step at a time as they say. No pun intended.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Back from trip, and still catching up.
    Re: gym. If we had one close, I'd be all over that $7 price per week.
    Re: specialty diets we pay for. The advantage is we can learn portion control. But for me, personally, besides the cost--drinking shakes instead of chewing my calories, or using candy-like bars for meals or snacks throws me into binge mode.
    Re: fitbit or other step counters. I set no reminders on mine, and I find competition sends me into stress mode, but I use mine to check I've met my personal goal. My fitbit taught me how to judge when I was walking fast enough for a decent calorie burn and helped me build gradually up to the 10,000 steps. I was using my phone step counter, but it wasn't convenient to carry around or into the toilet. ;-)
    I read that a Japanese company came up with the 10g mark to sell their step tracker. But it fits into the CDC recommended 150 minute per week moderate exercise for heart health. That's doing 5 30-minute walks at a moderate speed based on your oen fitness level per week. CDC recommend 300 minutes moderate exercise per week for weight loss.
    We all have our history. Let's grasp the negatives, toss them behind us, then work together on our future.
    This concludes my opinions and the report on my research. :winking:
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Sharon. You look so good in your pic....skinny!

    We had some excitement on Sunday I thought I would share. Stress burns calories, doesn't it?
    We had a really lovely day out. Some friends were taking their daughter and her 2 friends to show the girls some other islands. We had a bit of a rough ride over but then had a lovely lunch with some high calorie tropical drinks. Then over to another island where there were more drinks but some swimming too. Then the youngsters left us to go to a bar that is on a boat for the evening. We were a bit late heading back but did ok until we were in sight of the marina. Engine died and we're adrift and it is getting dark. Yikes! This is where the story gets wonderful. Complete strangers in a boat came to our rescue. In the mean time, some friends of the boat owner also came out and we ended up being safely towed back to the marina.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wanda, your story made my day. Not the engine dying part, but, the help that came. We forget that kindness surrounds us even in the midst of a tumultuous world!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    edited May 2015
    bvifun, It is always good to hear this type story. The media so full of all the bad things folks do, it is good to be reminded how open and helpful others can be.

    Sharon, I have my fitbit to track my active mins, I am a wimp compared to you, only doing 210 mins per week. I make it but just barely some weeks, because I do take a rest day and only walk and I don't make myself do a fast walk nor do I make myself do the full 10K, I am content if it is over 5K, since that is supposedly the number for maintenance.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    The fitness center had cancelled the Thursday SS yoga class but got so much feedback, it will meet for the rest of the month and if 15 people show up each time, they will reinstate it for good. I like that they listened. As everytime I was there there were more than 15 people not sure why that is the magic number?

    Used the rowing machine for the first time today and really, really liked it. I feel like a kid again, trying out all the activities available to me. It is a ton of fun doing new physical activities. I am really starting to wonder how did I find time to work? LOL!!!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    I'm I the only one who didn't know about this??????

    I never could understand what those were about.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I'm I the only one who didn't know about this??????

    I never could understand what those were about.
    Another tip: Wear two pair of socks to prevent blisters. Old tennis trick.
    I've finally settled on a particular combo of a certain brand of light socks, worn inside out, and a thicker pair on top. Have to wear slightly larger shoes, but it surely saves on the cost of bandaids!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I had no idea either! Great tip!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I'm enjoying the gym. I've started slow and I'm doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike.
    Their equipment is top notch, so much easier to use that the stupid stuff I have at home. ha.

    But I think I need to take a snack to nibble on after I work out--or maybe before. Today I felt headache-y after 25 minutes. I know from prior experience that I can't do more than 30-40 minutes of aerobic-type exercise.. my blood sugar drops. Annoying, because then what I really want is (bad bad habit) something I should not have.

    Oh well. Onward. :)