Workout check-in - Juknow you got this!



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to gym after work and enjoyed the even less busy night as Saturday is not a big gym night for the ones I often see on Tuesday or Thursday. Still some lifting just a little less than other nights.

    NROLFW Stage 5 - B1

    warm up with low bar squats 3x5 @ 105 - it always seems more challenging past 100 on squats, so far at least.

    romanian deadlift/bent-over row 4x4 @ 80 - heavy but okay

    goblet squat 4x4 @ 40 - not bad though as I move up the dumbbells are a bit awkward to hold at the heavier weights.
    wide grip lat pull down 4x4 @ 80 - heavy but okay as well

    back extension 4x4 @ 25 - okay and hung from assisted chin up machine between, which is nice on my shoulders

    YTWL 1x4 @ 10 and 3x4 @ 7.5 - 10 was too heavy on the T in particular, so still at 7.5 for now
    did wrist curls between sets

    leg press 3x8 @ 180 - same as before, okay but feels heavy
    deadlist 1x5 @ 135 - wasn't planned but it was set up and squat rack/cage were both in use
    good morning 3x10 @ 50 - had to clean the fixed weight bars cause squat rack was taken still
    hip thrust 3x10 # 50 - challenging and awkward, need to try regular bar next time
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So yesterday was my 2nd obstacle race in as many weeks... I was NOT prepared.

    7.5km +52 obstacles. there was an extra running loop (~100m to and back) for each obstacles you either couldn't complete or failed at. I completed in 3:25:19...

    Course started with the usual incline so long everyone starts out jogging and ends up walking style, and actually had us take a turn downhill before the first obstacle, ha. Anyways, started out with walls about waist high for me. Got my shin bruised up right from the get go because I was silly and tried to turn myself around instead of just kicking off the wall and back down. Then there was a river of tires, but I expected the insides to be muddy and they were NOT. Twisted my ankle a tiny bit in there... good start, right? xD They had us then crawl upwards under a really low barbed wire. The mud underneath was very scratchy.

    There were some fun obstacles in there, though. Like a wipeout style tightrope walk around spinning barrels (I ended up in the water, ah!). And a water slide where you could go face first. and a zipline into the water. I obviously had to skip all the really tall walls and the rope climbs. And it was kinda cold out there and at some point we had like a half mile stretch of walking in a stream of water that was FREEZING. I swear at the end I couldn't feel my feet :| And I froze up top of a stupid fence and had a mini panic attack there (I was exhausted and someone was beginning to climb up behind me and I couldn't turn myself around to climb down. ugh). And they had a very narrow corridor where you had to crawl under and ALL you could use to move forward was your arms and your abs. Really brought out the inner worm, ah! Um, and there was a climb/crawl up a rather small tube with a rope. Messed up my knees in there something fierce.

    The second to last obstacle was one of those giant curved walls you have to run up to? Took 3-4 guys to pull me up. You haven't experienced muscle failure the way I did when I was trying to help them lift me up and my arms just weren't responding at all. Scary :|

    So all in all, I'm covered in scratches and bruises and I look like I got into a fight. And despite the sheer amount of electrolytes and food I put into myself, my body requires more food and liquids every 2 hours, even when I'm trying to sleep. I'm proud of myself and all, but this was on a whole different level from last week's and once a year is more than enough at this point.

    If I could lose 20lbs and get pull-ups down pat, this course would be a LOT less extreme because I wouldn't have to get crafty with body parts, lol. If I ever do it again I'll buy a compression suit. Both pants and at least arms (but possibly full shirt? eh).

    So yeah, that was my workout for the next... 3-4 days lol. When my energy levels settle down I'm getting back into logging, but for today I'm just gonna gnaw on anything that tickles my fancy because HANGREH!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @krokador - sounds crazy but fun. Nice work completing it. And isn't it more fun having to get crafty with body parts. :wink:

    I have an odd rest day in that I also don't have work unless someone calls me in cause no one is running photo today. I might go for a walk later and check out the local parks closer to my new apartment for my cardio days. Then it's house stuff and maybe, just maybe editing. Walk will be a nice, calm little workout in the heat.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Saturday: pretty much a rest day. Did some yard work with my 25# ruck on. I also did some of my push-ups.

    Today: another brick workout for my tri. Rode 12.5 miles then ran 3.1 miles. They are getting easier. I only had to take 3 short walking breaks during my run. I think getting up early and hitting the road made this a bit easier. It was in the low 70s when I set out instead of the mid-80s like it has been the last few times I've biked then ran.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    @krokador - sounds crazy but fun. Nice work completing it. And isn't it more fun having to get crafty with body parts. :wink:

    It's all fun and games until your limbs look like this:

    Walked over to the Subway a block away and that was all my feet could deal with today. A rock got into my shoe during the race and bruised the arch of my foot. I might wear slippers to work tomorrow :|
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    It's all fun and games until your limbs look like this
    Walked over to the Subway a block away and that was all my feet could deal with today. A rock got into my shoe during the race and bruised the arch of my foot. I might wear slippers to work tomorrow :|

    That's not too bad, arm wise. Ouch on foot. Slippers sound like a nice idea. Enjoy some well deserved rest time.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Wanted to thank everyone who offered advice the other day!! Lifts are getting hard, I'm realizing a few things and am open to more comments/advice.
    I all of sudden am struggling with squats. There is a soreness in my hip flexors when I get parallel even without any weight. I have historically had muscle activation problems in my glutes and read in my brief search that could be the cause. I opted for split squats instead and they didn't bother my hips but boy can I feel it in my glutes. Finally! I guess it is time to work on muscle balance... Deadlifts were hard too and deloaded on those. I've been shedding a few pounds and wonder if that is affecting my strength...don't go away muscle just the fat please!
    5x5 on Saturday
    20# split squats
    45# OHP (added one extra rep in 4th set in an effort to increase somewhat) staying here still pretty hard
    90# deadlift felt fine but the scheduled increase from 115 to 125 was a no-go. Can't remember why I didn't just do 115 again...

    Good work everyone! Sorry your race was tough you are awesome for doing it! I would have been having claustrophobic panic attacks over many of those obstacles!!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    That's not too bad, arm wise.

    shudder. i thought it looks awful (in that sympathy way). i don't see many signs of a farmer's tan though :tongue: so there's that.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    DawnEmbers wrote: »
    That's not too bad, arm wise.

    shudder. i thought it looks awful (in that sympathy way). i don't see many signs of a farmer's tan though :tongue: so there's that.

    The bruises actually run all the way up to my wrist on the inside of the forearm, too. I can't lean on anything without being reminded of yesterday! xD

    but that is true, I finally shook off the farmer's tan! (There's still a color difference but it's more gradual, lol)
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I always have bruises because roller derby. I have a nice one on the back of my ankle where I got kicked accidentally with a skate (but I blocked her, so it was all good) and another on my arm from hitting drills with someone with not great aim :P. They don't phase me anymore, but makes sundresses interesting.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    not really a specific workout of any kind. i'm still on official resting and stretching and such, because i said so. but i went in and did a little maintenance effort today. squats @65, ohp@45, bench 45 and some rows @50 and some @60.

    i'm really really tired. and i had no idea i was so tightened up. loosened a few things yesterday with the foam roller/lacrosse ball and i basically feel like i'm re-learning the right way to walk. official deep tissue/sports massage after work tomorrow so i guess i'll see how things feel after that.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Hell yes!

    Squats 5x5 - 215lbs - working back to 225lbs, warmups 2x5 45lbs, 1x5 135lbs, 1x3 175lbs. These went really well. My form weaknesses still is my slouching, especially when the bar is heavy, so I worked on really keeping my chest up. No weird knee breaking first this time too.

    Bench 5x5 - 105lbs! - YESSSSS a 5x5 PR! I couldn't get 5x5 for 105lbs last time and deloaded. I finally worked my way back and got it first try! My bench form was quite good too. Admittedly these were pretty grindy slow mo but I did it and moving up! I think I'll keep going up 5lbs and see how 110lbs goes.

    Rows 5x5 100lbs - fresh deload from 115lbs. These kinda sucked more out of being tired. My arms were like jello and my back was all exhausted from tension from bench. Otherwise, was easy.

    I'm still keeping up with my daily yoga. I also caved and ordered a HR monitor (Garmin Vivofit2) to play with.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Wanted to thank everyone who offered advice the other day!! Lifts are getting hard, I'm realizing a few things and am open to more comments/advice.
    I all of sudden am struggling with squats. There is a soreness in my hip flexors when I get parallel even without any weight. I have historically had muscle activation problems in my glutes and read in my brief search that could be the cause. I opted for split squats instead and they didn't bother my hips but boy can I feel it in my glutes. Finally! I guess it is time to work on muscle balance... Deadlifts were hard too and deloaded on those. I've been shedding a few pounds and wonder if that is affecting my strength...don't go away muscle just the fat please!
    5x5 on Saturday
    20# split squats
    45# OHP (added one extra rep in 4th set in an effort to increase somewhat) staying here still pretty hard
    90# deadlift felt fine but the scheduled increase from 115 to 125 was a no-go. Can't remember why I didn't just do 115 again...

    Good work everyone! Sorry your race was tough you are awesome for doing it! I would have been having claustrophobic panic attacks over many of those obstacles!!

    If you've cut your calories, that could be the cause of the sudden strength loss. It should come back as your body adjusts to the lower calories.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Deadlift day 1
    165 lbs x 5, 185 lbs x 3 and 210 lbs x 2. I wasn't sure about that last rep but managed to lock it out some how. Not pretty but I'm counting it.
    135 lbs 5x8 Sumo and 25 lbs goblet squats.

    Yesterday was too hot / busy /hurting to run. Today my foot feels better but I'm going to take one more day off from running just in case. Damn barbecue did a number to the top of my foot.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Thanks xcalygirl! No lower calories. Maybe a little lower in protein than I'd like.

    Hips felt better today so did squats with bar alone today to concentrate and play with form and stance to see what felt good.
    Treadmill, BW Warmups
    Good mornings: BWx10, 45# 1x10
    Squat: 45# 10x5
    BP: 45# 2x5, 65# 5x5
    Row: 45# 1x5, 65# 5x5
    Single leg squats BW 3x5 with calf raises
    DB Curls superset with kickbacks
    Hip hikes
    Tired and took a little too long...

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It's a cardio day. I jogged 30 minutes. It was tough getting up early enough and by 9am, when I was jogging, it was still hot. Need to make myself get out of bed earlier and maybe nap after jogs. Hard part will be after gym days since I lift at 11 pm so don't go to bed till around 1 am. 5k is friday though and afterwards I can take a small jog break while I search for a new location to use.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Lifted last night here we go

    Squat 5x5x135lbs
    Bench 5x5x85lbs
    Row 5x5x90lbs

    Leg day superset 5x5
    Bulgarian split squat with 30lb Dumbbells
    Front squat 55lbs
    Hip thrust 110lbs
    Romanian deadlift 110lbs
    Step ups

    Needless to say I am walking like a newborn calf today lol
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi all. Lifted today and did pretty well.

    Squats: 130 Lbs.
    Bench press: 85 lbs. it felt hard and wobbly today but finished. Stayed on the same weights.
    Rows: stayed at 90 lbs. and good enough and may go up next time.

    Misc exercise;
    15 regular push-ups. My NSV.
    2 planks at 1 minute each
    2 side planks on each side at 1 min each,
    Cardio: biked to and from work 48 minutes total.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Lifted yesterday.

    Workout B:
    Squats 5x5 at 170#. So, these felt heavy, and I don't feel like I should count all 5x5 reps, but I am. (I'm repeating this weight all week, so no worries.) On one of my sets, I hit the safeties, which made the bar wobble, but I was able to still get out of the hole for the rep.
    OHP 5x5 at 80#. Heavy, so very heavy. But I got all reps/sets. I'm going to hang out here again and start adding a rep on my sets until I feel comfortable bumping up to 85.
    Deadlifts: 1x5 at 215. Woot! This was my 1RM not too long ago, but now it's my working set. Getting strong. Closing in on my 250 1RM deadlift goal!

    Light deads 5x5 at 135#. Did these mainly to check my form and to get some "cardio" in. I got complimented on my form by a guy who was a powerlifter in his heyday.
    Curls into arnold press: 5x12 with 25# plate (this was a workout I saw on an Instagram I follow. At first, it was really easy, like I thought I wasn't doing anything easy. Then it started to burn. I was in my 3rd set when my shoulders started to feel smoked. So good.)
    Cable rows 10/12/12/12/12 at 80#. By the last set, I was feel it. But I was able to get all of the reps/sets I wanted, so that's a win.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Quick check-in. Running intervals in the rain, ahhh, feels so good! xD This is basically MISS (Medium intensity simple stupidity cardio - as in why am I even doing this? xD) Program I'm following is designed to help ya pace yourself through a mile at the end to get a faster time. Today was 400m/800m x3. Did 1:40, 3:40, 1:41, 3:58, 1:45 and 3:53 (technically, on the track I rune that's more like 350m/700m but shush). and added in sets of 10 push-ups unbroken in-between (12 on the very last one). So 62 push-ups total.


    Gonna do some more mobility work tonight (found some stretches/moves for tennis elbow in mah mobility book :)) and tomorrow it's back to the gym for an abridged version of a Wendler 5/3/1 cycle in 9 days. Yippididoo! Gotta go to work now! (I may be overly caffeinated at the moment. Whoops?)