Workout check-in - Juknow you got this!



  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Ugh, these stretches of 7 night shifts are killing me :(
    I was supposed to go to the gym Sunday night, but due to a birthday party my kid was going to I got all of 2-3 hours sleep Sunday. Didn't feel like it was safe to lift. Then my sleep schedule was still messed up and I didn't go to bed until 2 am on Sunday night, but had to be up at 6:45 to get my daughter ready for school, so I ended up skipping derby practice too, and going to bed right after she did. But, I slept nearly 12 hours last night, and am back at it today! Almost feel human again.
  • LaarainNYC
    LaarainNYC Posts: 90 Member

    Squats 5 x 5 @160 lbs. De-loaded AGAIN to work on form.

    BP  5 × 5 @ 64 lbs

    Row    5 x 5 @ 75 lbs.

    Planks  3 @ 60 seconds

    20 minutes of sparring
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Everything felt disproportionately hard today. I don't know if it was the 5 days off or not eating much today. Either way, I hope it is better next time.

    Squat - 3x5 at 150 lbs. - couple yucky reps I think.
    OHP - 3x5 at 55 lbs. - felt heavy, especially on my right. I might still try 57.5 next time since today felt like an off day.
    DL - 1x4 at 170 lbs, then 1 at 170. Had to take a break after 4 reps, dry my hands, then come back for the last one. I really need to get chalk, I think. My fourth rep had a crappy lock out. I am going to give 175 at shot.

    Rows - light day, 3x5 at 65
    close grip bench press - 3x8 at 50 lbs - felt good.
    BB curls - 3x8 at 40. hard :(
    cable curls - 2x10, 1x12 at 50 lbs. These felt way too easy for some reason. I threw a couple more reps in at the end. If they feel this easy again next time, I will go up to 60.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    Having a particularly difficult time motivating to lift lately. I'm only getting to the gym 2x / week the last few weeks, and while I'm disappointed in myself, I'm also trying not to beat myself up too badly. I have been doing lots of hikes and walks with Huck (90-120 minutes each), so it's not like I'm doing nothing. But still...

    Any words of wisdom?

  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    Yesterday's workout. Not bad. Easier than it had been earlier last week, but harder than the last workout.

    squats: 5x5 @ 100# - will stay at this weight one more time
    bench: 5/4/5/5/5 @ 70#
    rows: 5x5 @ 75#
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Overall, not a bad day. Had a short shift at work but kept busy even with the photo machine not able to print as we are waiting on tech again to fix it. Went to gym afterwards without my iPod cause my ears are a bit irritated at the moment and they don't like the earbuds. I prefer listening to my own music while lifting but it wasn't too bad without. Next lifting will be Saturday, after 5k on Friday.

    NROLFW Stage 5 - A2

    one arm db snatch 4x4 @ 35 - Really heavy but I also didn't do squats as warm ups beforehand.

    db one leg romanian deadlift 4x4 @ 30 - struggle on left still
    barbell bent-over row 4x4 @ 80 - still heavy

    db one arm overhead squat 4x4 @ 12.5 & 25 - not hard but not super easy either
    db incline bench press 4x4 @ 27.5 - might be able to try 30 next time

    reverse wood chop 4x4 @ 15 - eh

    high bar squat 3x5 @ 130 - not bad since was warmed up at this point, almost back up to the 45's

    overhead press 2x8 @ 55 and 1x5 @ 60 - think I prefer the lower reps for OHP

    Now to work out some things before Friday's 5k. Then bed time.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    Having a particularly difficult time motivating to lift lately. I'm only getting to the gym 2x / week the last few weeks, and while I'm disappointed in myself, I'm also trying not to beat myself up too badly. I have been doing lots of hikes and walks with Huck (90-120 minutes each), so it's not like I'm doing nothing. But still...

    Any words of wisdom?


    Maybe switch it up to do a few things differently? Learn a new lift? Find an area you really want to focus on and add a bit of that to each workout? It can be tough sticking to it when first going back after a while - you have to deload everything and it feels a little like walking backwards. It's perfectly understandable, but sticking to it will make it all worth so much more! Hence the throwing something new in. Something you're still new at and can improve on fast. Something to look forward to. Learn to power clean? Get strong at push-ups? Add plyo stuff in (jumps and explosive training). Learn to use a KB. Conquer the standing calf raise machine all the way to the bottom of the stack? (I tried that once, did not go well. FYI) xD

    More importantly: don't quit. 2x /week is better than 1x/week, is better than none at all. If you find after sticking with it for a while you still don't have much drive, find a new program. 5x5 will only hold you up for so long, anyway. It does get boring rather quickly.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Yikes. I was half asleep when I wrote down my numbers this morning and ended up using 100% of my tested 1RM instead of 90% of my training max (we're talking +15-20lbs here O_o) No wonder the workout felt tough :|

    162.5x6 and that was all she wrote. That was brutal after yesterday's run :|

    127.5x... wait a minute? Yeah, this is where I realized I had the numbers wrong for real. Squats? I'm used to struggle with them. I've never done anything above 3 reps on the bench after 125... So...
    117.5x6 - and that last rep was a bit of a grinder

    As I progressed further into the workout and worked some mobility stuff in over my shoulder, elbow and wrist, my elbow started giving me less discomfort. I seem to have something pinched in my shoulder (it "clicks" into place when I rotate it a bit.) which tightens my triceps something fierce and then refers pain all the way to my elbow. So now I at least have something to work with.

    Hang power cleans
    35x5 (that was a joke xD), 65x5, 75x5, 80x3x5
    Dips (with red band assist ~75lbs):
    5/6/7/6/5/5/5 (I thinks?)

    6 min AMRAP
    - Recline Rows x8
    - Bulgarian split squat x5/leg
    - decline push up x3

    Managed 4 rounds and 5 BSS on the rigth side, decided to finish the round.

    This was a fun workout, though! I'll scale back the weights for the next workout, it should do me some good :)
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    Having a particularly difficult time motivating to lift lately. I'm only getting to the gym 2x / week the last few weeks, and while I'm disappointed in myself, I'm also trying not to beat myself up too badly. I have been doing lots of hikes and walks with Huck (90-120 minutes each), so it's not like I'm doing nothing. But still...

    Any words of wisdom?


    Start transitioning (once per week?))to more of what you will realistically be able to do on your trip (BW type?) so that you will already have a bit of a routine/momentum going for you...
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Yesterday was ohp 1 day.
    60 lbs x 5, 70 lbs x 3, 75 lbs x 3
    45 lbs 5x10 going to have to add some more weight next time. 5x8 assisted pullups. I'm so close to getting a real pullup. Just need a little momentum at the bottom still.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Back at it after 2 weeks off!
    Did 20 minutes of Yin Yoga as my warm-up to stretch out my hips, hammies and shoulders then squehhhhhts. 6x6 @ 160lbs beltless. I'm going to really try and stick to cutting for a few months, so I'm working my way back up without equipment (knee sleeves only) so no belt for a while! I also did 5 sets without realizing that I only put a collar on the end of the left side of the bar. Oops. Thankfully those only weigh like a pound each so I didn't notice one side being slightly heavier than the other lol. I was gonna do some front squats as accessories but... I didn't. Moving on! :D
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning all

    Today's my birthday! Off shopping for the day - gonna buy me some cute workout clothes!! Coz I totally need more haha

    Lifted last night

    Squat 5x5x140lbs
    Ohp 5x5x75lbs
    Deadlift 1x5x210lbs

    Shoulder and back superset 5x5
    Latpulldowns at 90lbs
    Single arm row 35lb
    Overhead single arm thrust thing 35lbs
    Single arm press 35lbs
    Arnold press 35lbs
    Prone jackknife

    Sore today!!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Happy birthday @psych101!!
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    @psych101 Buon Compleanno!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    SL day - Week 10.

    Squats: 5x5@ 135 lbs. Wow, this was heavy. I will definitely stay at this weight next time. My inner hips are so tight.

    OP: 5x5@ 55 lbs. These. Were. Hard!!!!!!!! I barely finished the last rep but pushed as hard as I could and my form was okay, not great. I'll definitely stay at this weight next tiime.

    Deadlift: 5x5@ 155lbs. Did a lot better than the last time at this weight, having grip problems on the last few reps. I finished though.

    2 regular planks: 1 minute each
    2 side planks: 45 seconds each
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy birthday @psych101!

    Workout A today.
    Squats 5x5 at 170#. Sets 1 and 2 felt good. On set 3, I went down to fast and felt off for the rest of my squats. I don't know what was up with me. Then my right quad felt crampy, but I pushed through that.
    Bench 5/5/5/4/5 at 120#. Ugh! These felt all wrong too. I have gotten this weight before, so I was kind of mad that I failed set 4.
    Row 5x5 at 95#. Felt heavy, but good. First time at this weight.

    Since my workout felt off, I called it a wrap and left. I came home and stretched and rolled my crampy quad. I hope that helps.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Ran from the mechanics to my office 3.5 k, then after work did the wow sprints and then ran from the park to the mechanics and picked up the truck (5.5k) so 9k total, hubs had picked up some doughnuts and I felt justified eating a few.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    TravelsWithHuckleberry Posts: 955 Member
    Thank you for the great and helpful suggestions, @Krok and @Indiana :smiley:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited June 2015
    crabada wrote: »
    Having a particularly difficult time motivating to lift lately.

    i'll be honest: i started seriously riding a serious distance to work the week of hurricane katrina, which i forget how long ago that that is. but it's been a few years. and the thing is, some years i'm all about it and some years the idea of riding a bike up to 20km every day seems as lunatic and impossible to me as it does to most of the people i'm working with. some of them don't believe that it's possible, and some of the time neither do i.

    so, idk. as far as bike commuting goes, there are times when it fits into my life and there are times it doesn't. when i am doing it, it ends up so woven into my daily fabric that you can't cahnge one thing without changing the other stuff too. so as soon as a contract ends or a schedule changes whatever was woven into that fabric tends to fall out of my life with the fabric as well.

    i kind of roll with it, but at the same time i've found that just knowing a routine shift has put me back at square one keeps me from writing it off altogether. it's not 'i don't ride a bike anymore.' it's 'i'm getting settled/getting a feel for/figuring out how to weave it back into this different fabric.' it's kind of like yogi berra. 'slump? i ain't in no slump. i just ain't hitting.'
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    memeoh!me . . . the village postmistress went back to the gym on this day.

    i have figured out . . . maybe not what's been wrong with my squats, but a definite serious contributing factor to them. left ankle can not flex enough to let me get past the 1/4-way point. ever since i dropped a heavy shampoo bottle with a sharp edge onto it while showering this one little spot burns and stings anywhere below that, and now that i'm not letting myself just get down there any way that it takes (i.e. hyper-extending lower back for some reason), i just hit that point and i'm blocked. like, physically unable to go any further.

    so i'll have to work that one out. couldn't get in the rack today anyway, so i filled in with very deep 5x5 wide sumo squats with 17.5lbs. monster inner hamstring/quad stretch and the whole core thing. plus, zomg hip thingies - the whole gluteus minimus/piriformis/stuff zone. i'm happy. my squats AND my bum muscles need some serious rehab done on them.

    bench: 65lbs. easy peasy. it felt great and i controlled my greed and didn't go for 70 or 75 on this first day back.

    rows: 70lbs. not as easy, not sure of my form since i never do really feel like i'm feeling the rows. but not bad and i did a few 50lb sets as well.

    extras: about 5x5 deadlifts @70lb. multi sets/reps because so light and because i just wanted to. hamstrings have been so left out for so long with my squats such a mess. i liked doing this and may keep doing it.

    ohp sets of around 3, here and there: fifty pounds! so i've still got it with ohp (maybe). i kept this pretty much until last and after my lightweight rows i just played around with cleaning the bar and then pressing it. it looks really silly and ostentatious hoisting a 30lb bar with those two huge 10lb trainer plates overhead, but i know my intentions were pure. my ohp seems to be stronger the more i narrow my grip, which is other way roound from my bench.

    see how tomorrow feels, i guess. and in the meantime i'm going to just obsess on the back deck with my own body and those four or five inches in my squat pattern where everything goes really wrong.