Starting JM's Body Revolution July 13th



  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm planning on starting the program on Friday. I finish up P90X3 tomorrow and I'm excited to start something new :)
  • Katrina2778
    Katrina2778 Posts: 42 Member
    Workout 2 completed on yesterday preceeded by a 2 mile jog!!! Almost finished with this 12hr shift but I am NOT looking forward to Day 3 today...ugh....
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Sorry I skipped out on posting a comment yesterday because I was hanging out with my granddaughter yesterday morning. I may not have had time to write a comment here, I made time to workout. I succeeded in modifying the Phase 1 Cardio without skipping too many reps. It was hardest with the arm circles with foot kicks ended up being arm circles with a boxer's shuffle. Not ideal but a lot more ideal than injuring my already bad joints. And I was sweating!

    This morning I did Phase 1: Disc 1 and I think I need to bring in heavier weights for some of the workout. Definitely for the chest flyes.

    So I'm on track and keeping up with everything. I'll have to modify more later, no doubt, but for now all is well.
  • LRC1975
    LRC1975 Posts: 9 Member
    Day 4 complete - am I in shape yet?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @LRC1975 LOL! If you are, can you tell me how heavy your weights are because I'm on day 5 and . . . still waiting . . . . tick tick tick. ;)


    I grabbed the heavier weights for a few of the moves--abs and sun rises (?). I had to be careful with the knee drives with the pivot because my ankle has been bothering me for months and yesterday my husband accidentally bumped it right where it's been hurting. Ironically, we had just made an appointment for me to see the doctor. In any event, the pivot was out of the question. Just couldn't make it happen so I did what I could without injuring myself.

    Very sweaty.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Great job you guys! I love seeing everyone sticking to it and making progress!
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Hey everyone; I hope your week has been good!

    Wrap-up for this week. I am in Phase 1; doing my first week of workouts 3 and 4:

    11 July: Workout 3
    12 July: Workout 4
    13 July Cardio 1
    15 July Workout 3
    16 July Just Dance (Wii)
    17 July Just Dance (Wii)
    19 July Workout 4

    I realise that is longer than a week, but it took me that long to complete the designated workouts for the week. I did replace the Cardio workout with Just Dance a couple of times (home with the kids on holidays).

    Next week I hope to complete the second week with workouts 3 and 4, but it may take me a bit longer to work through as I am back to work next week, and uni is starting again for the semester, so I will have less time. I took 4 weeks to work through the first 2 weeks of the program.

    @SatiaRenee: for weights, I was using 4kg (9lb) dumbbells for the first 4 weeks, because that was all I had. They were killling me! Especially the ones where you had to hold the weights above your head, lower them behind your head and bring them back up; oh, and the lateral raises, too, and the chest flys; and probably other ones I have blocked out of my memory already.

    My husband saw my difficulty, and was kind enough to buy me some lighter weights for my birthday this week. Now I am using a variety of 1.5kg (3.3lb) and 2.5kg (5.5lb) and 4kg (9lb) depending on the exercise. My upper body strength is woeful!

    Unmodified pushups is the hardest exercise for me in workout 3 (I can only do 3 unmodified before dropping back down onto my knees); and Hollowman is the real killer in workout 4.

    Good luck with the coming week, everyone!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @michable My husband is doing something similar with P90. On days he's not working, he is right on schedule but there are days when he works very long and physical hours. On those days, he doesn't do the workout but picks up where the schedule leaves off to get back on track. It took him over 4 weeks to finish the A workouts and he decided to work through them a second time. So over 2 months later, he finally advanced to the B workouts. I'm just thrilled he's sticking with it and I know I see a difference, even though his before/midway pictures don't really show much by way of definition.

    Yesterday, I was able to get through the cardio and followed it with a PiYo workout but I didn't have time to check in because I went out early yesterday morning and, needless to say, I had to take a shower. Had a great but exhausting day so I am grateful today is a JMBR Rest Day.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Morning Workout

    Used slightly heavier weights today for the chest flyes and stuck with the 5 lbs for the triceps and lateral raises. Good to see/feel some progress. :)
  • LRC1975
    LRC1975 Posts: 9 Member
    I use 5 lbs for shoulders. 8 for tricepts. And 10 for chest, bicepts and back
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    edited July 2015
    @LRC1975 I have two sets of adjustable free weights and Jillian doesn't allow enough of a break between for me to adjust higher but I am definitely feeling stronger. I ended up using 7.5 lbs more today than I had been. I also extended my leg while doing the presses. Making small improvements each time.
  • jvahle0110
    jvahle0110 Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to see the success! I just started weeks 11 & 12. I've never been this committed to an exercise program. Definitely stronger and fitter, but not lighter. I didn't follow the diet plan--summer cocktails and snacks are too tempting, but I can do 25 push-ups now. I'm wondering what program to do next--or should I repeat phase 3 and really follow the diet...
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jvahle0110 My husband dared me to try a full body push-up. I've never done one before and I won't say it was easy but I did it! As for your next program, I can tell you what I plan on doing next: Focus T25. I haven't been able to find JM's Body Shred infomercial on TV or online and I have a feeling that the workout would be too intense for me. I'll have a better idea just how intense the workouts are for Body Revolution and whether or not I can keep up. Even if I decide I can keep up, I don't have Body Shred yet so I plan on doing T25 with Brazil Butt Lift. What I'll be doing after that depends on whether or not I have met my goal weight. For now, I have my workouts planned from now through January '16.

    I have a feeling that I would burn more calories if I were to use the bike because I have to make everything Jillian has us do low impact. But I'm sticking with the workouts.

    Am I the only one who loves suicides? Probably because I can't run and do them so maybe they aren't as brutal for me.

    I followed up JMBR with PiYo Core and feel wonderful. Took a shower and got busy with the rest of my day. Almost forgot to check-in today. Oops.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Yesterday my husband announced he is going to increase his weights. He's doing P90 and is ready to go up. Because we use adjustable weights, this means I either have to readjust the weights every time I go to exercise or try going up to a heavier set myself.

    This morning I was going everything with 7.5 lbs instead of 5 lbs and I didn't miss a rep! Amazing. Not sure I will be able to press it out like that when I advance to the next set of workouts (start 3 & 4 next week) but it was good to push myself a little this morning. And, yes, I plan on pushing myself again tomorrow. :)
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Another great morning with the heavier weights. As it turns out, my husband hasn't had to use weights for his workouts the past two days. So while I've been going harder, he's been doing cardio. And taking a rest day. Hmph!

    I'm watching the Workouts 3 & 4to see what I'll have to modify. Glad I survived weeks 1 & 2!
  • hleitner1544
    hleitner1544 Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello all! I started body revolution on July 20. Nice to find a discussion group! I'm turning 40 in Sept and am tired of feeling tired and unhealthy. I don't want to continue to struggle with my weight into my 40s. I ran into a friend last week I hadn't seen since last fall, she looks great and has lost 24lbs, she told me about BR. I bought a BR set second hand last weekend and decided Monday is the day. Needless to say Jillian kicked my butt all week. I started the week at 197 lbs, weighed in this morning I was dying to know- down 4lbs! I know a lot of that is water but I feel great! I can't see my self moving to Phase 2 for awhile I have long way to go to get my endurance up- have not attempted suicides yet! I just jog in place during that. I'm muting the cardio and listening to music instead seems to go way faster- love Jillian but some of the talking was getting annoying. I did the jumpstart meal plan and loved it! I read through the regular meal plan for this week and I just don't have the time to prep and cook all that food. I'm modifying what I can and sticking with Fitness Pal calorie count. One more cardio workout tonight! I know tomorrow is a rest day but I don't want to lose momentum, going to try her Yoga dvd for a change of pace. Here's to Week 2!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @hleitner1544 My husband is doing P90 (not X) and, like JMBR, it is divided into three stages/phases. When he finished A, he decided to repeat it, focusing some more on form, and increasing his weights. It took him over 2 months before he felt ready to move onto B. I can absolutely see myself repeating weeks or even entire phases if necessary. We'll see how it goes.

    This morning I was able to get through Cardio 1 with no problem. I'm not crazy about it and I modify to protect my joints but I was there every step of the way, so to speak. And I watched 3 & 4 so I'm as ready as can be for how I'm going to have to modify the moves for those workouts.

    During the PiYo warm-up, however, I felt a twinge in my back. I immediately took my foam roller and massaged the muscle as best I could, stretch it out a bit until I was able to take a full, deep breath. Then I did my PiYo workout. I even went out for coffee with a friend. But by the afternoon, the tightness and pain were back with a vengeance so I took something for the pain and we'll see how the rest of the evening goes. Most medications knock me out so I have a feeling I'm going to be unconscious by the time anyone reads this. LOL!

    Glad tomorrow's a rest day.
  • hleitner1544
    hleitner1544 Posts: 4 Member
    @SatiaRenee hope your back is ok today. Just finished her yoga meltdown- man that was hard. I was always so focused on the number on the scale but after this week I feel stronger. I'm going to repeat week 1 and move up when I'm ready!! Have a great week!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @hleitner1544 My back is better today. I stayed in bed all day long and took pain medication. Today I woke up feeling better and decided to do my morning workout. I posted the following in another community and I'm copying it here:

    Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

    I tried to struggle through this workout using 7.5 lbs but finally had to pause things and adjust the 10s to 5s because it simply wasn't happening for me. I had to skip a few reps along the way and on Thursday, when I do this workout again, I'll definitely just use 5 lbs and be done with it.

    Very unhappy with some of Jillian's advice. Given that this DVD set is distributed by Gaiam, a company that specializes in yoga, I am especially disappointed to hear her advising one of the people, and anyone and everyone using the DVDs, to do Tree Pose (vriksasana) and put the foot on the knee. Sure she says "don't press on the knee" but no yoga instructor worth a damn would ever encourage placing the foot on the knee. It is irresponsible of Jillian and Gaiam.
  • LRC1975
    LRC1975 Posts: 9 Member
    @hleitner1544 I'm turning 40 in Sep as well. What day?