Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi ladies,

    yes it can be challenging owning a cookie business. i think the most difficult part now is i feel like i am making healthy stuff but too much is still not good:( i have significantly reduced my exercise since i started this journey. really difficult for me but i feel so much better. still doing something on most days. need to give my body time to adjust. hope it gores well!

    Shirley Mrie and Ruthie, congrats on the loss

    Sunny, awesome about the job!!

    Connie Janice and Nancy, hi!!

    check in later!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, Today I went to see my oldest sister Judy and also to see my sister Linda in the nursing home, she seems to be doing good and is more like herself, she is trying to take better care of herself. I was looking for a hair dryer and she seen lipstick and a mirror and wanted it. She put it on and was happy to have it on, that was a normal thing for her before. When her supper came she tore into it and said she liked their beef stew and was happy there was biscuits with it. I took her some treats, but I was happy to see her wanting her supper.

    Marie-I Won't fry chicken either, if he wants it, he fries it and is good at it, but I hate the mess. I buy fried chichen very rarely for us. I don't have fried foods very much, my stomach can't take it.

    We had a grilled pork loin for dinner , asparagus, carrots and some grilled corn. It was good. Our weather is getting nice again. Gotta run Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Music fest has begun!!!!!!! We are housing 2 very nice boys from Juneau. They are yes ma'am no ma'am boys. The dogs love them already. And when the one boys dad checked in with him he said they are awesome they made cookies. I know what makes teenage boys tick...........girls and food...... Tomorrow is 8 am until probably about 9 pm. Friday is the same. Saturday is 8 am until midnight if the boys want to go to the dance they have afterwards.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Steph..glad you are giving your body a break...too much is counterproductive. It's all about the food.

    Janice..sounds like a fun day! Glad your sis is doing so much better.

    I don't fry anything either. If hubs wants it, it has to be bought.
    I have a routine mammogram today and will run errands after.

    Make it a great day!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Not much going on with me. Need to find something new to eat!!!

    Have a good day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi girls Happy camper this morning lost .3 makes 5.1 since Monday not bad eating potatoes

    I had a really nice dinner last night. I took 8 oz of frozen shredded hash browns spray the non fat spry in a little loaf pan added onions salt and pepper and Baked it tasted like the fried potatoes my mamma used to make. added a little ketchup . Man oh man so good

    I am cooking a big bag of kale in my IP today to go with my potatoes for today.
    Breakfast....med. baked sweet potato , coffee
    lunch........., New potatoes and kale
    Dinner........ more bake hash browns. and Kale

    happy eating.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Losers,

    I finished my 40 min walk around the neighborhood this morning. A sunny day but still a bit cool. I had a long sleeve top on and a fleece vest and felt okay in the sun but cool in the shade. It still needs to
    warm up more and I am sure it will get there.

    I have been planning in my head what to plant this year, since we are away at our boat so much in
    the summer I am trying to plant things that take less care. There will be watering to do and we do
    have to ask neighbors to do this but I am trying to make it less work.

    Connie - good luck with the mammogram. :s Not my favorite thing to do. :D

    Janice - Happy to hear your sister is making some progress and I am sure you are thrilled.

    Steph - I kn ow what you mean about too much exercise, when I take a day off it feels good.

    Isaac (my grandson) is in Mexico now. He slept on the plane for 2 1/2 hours and they were upgraded
    to an extra seat between them. She sent a couple of pictures and he was sitting on the king size
    bed with his swim outfit on and he looked so little. Wished I could be there. B)

    Well have to get some errands and Dave is at the boat, no surprise its a beautiful day.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, I went to Meijer today and bought alot of groceries on sale. They had a big $1.00 sale on name brand foods, I like to buy.

    It got up to 75 today and it suppose to get warmer thru Monday.

    Marie-Congratulations on another loss.

    Shirley-We are happy that my sister is improving and not so medicated anymore. In a couple of weeks, we will be planting our tomatoes again, maybe something else with them, not sure. Maybe some yellow squash and zuchinni, it suppose to be easy to grow. Isaac travels like his Grandma. He sure is a cutie.

    Nancy-What do you usually eat? Are you still avoiding meats?

    Connie-I hope all is well with your mammogram, it's almost time for mine again.

    Esther-It's good the boys are well behaved, kids can be *kitten* sometimes. Have fun at the festival.
    Gotta go. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Down to 180.0 getting close to the 170'e again. Gonna make it this time
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALIECAT... Congrats to you this morning! Yes, you are going to make it! :)

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    @CALIECAT congrats my friend! You've had an awesome week! Are you feeling hungry?

    The 170s warrant new pictures :)

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning,

    Marie, Your tater diet is really working for you!!!! Good job.

    Janice, I am adding some meat back to my diet. The Starch Solution just didn't work
    for me as it seems nothing works for me!!! Very discouraging!!!!

    Hope everyone got your taxed done. Our tax guy called last night to finish ours up and we only
    owe a small amount. I was real close on sending in our estimated this year. Wow, have things changed
    he sends our forms we sign them, fax them back and IRS will debit our account on Monday.
    A little scary that IRS can access our bank account.

    A rainy start to our day but we have to get out. We are thinking about getting a small gas grill.
    I have never had a gas grill but think it would be nice to just walk out on our porch and grill a
    burger or chicken breast.

    Have a great day.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A beautiful day its 58F so far and the temps will be climbing by Sunday. I went to Yoga class this
    morning and we have an apt at 2pm with our finanacial advisor.

    I hope to do some cleaning of the back yard tomorrow and we have our Commodore's Ball Saturday
    night. The first event of the sailing season.

    Well I have to change and get ready for my apt. Have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am down almost a pound this morning.
    I have had a lost every morning since i started this potato diet. down to 180 now. Almost to my mini goal of being in the 170's/ its been a struggle to get there. But thanks to the potato diet I think I will make it.
    Breakfast.... Heaping cup of Kale. and sweet potatoes coffee
    Lunch ........ another heaping cup of kale and a medium baked potatoes with mushrooms and onion saute in water for my topping.
    Dinner.... Frozen hash brown cubes with roasted onions and bell pepper , and summer squash, maybe some more kale.

    Nancy maybe God think you are at your desire weight.. You are not too overweight at all. When he gets ready for you to lose he will find a way for you. Yes I have been praying for the right diet for me. and I certainly hope this is it. Gods freshly plant food.
    I am not cravings other foods at all. completely satisfy with my meals

    Love to all
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-That's wonderful I bet tomorrow you will see 170's. You have really worked hard at finding a plan that works for you, great job.

    Shirley-Have fun at the ball tomorrow. We were cleaning up our yard yesterday and plan on doing some more this weekend. It's beautiful here.

    Nancy-A gas grill is really nice to have, we have a charcoal one, too. The gas is fast and handy, and it still taste good. Pork loin is low in calorie and you cook it to 145degrees.If you overcook it, it is dry. Make sure to get a digital thermometer, to check your meats, we got one last year at Lowes for like $7.00, its a charbroiled one and easy to use and handy, plus we eat alot of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, they have more flavor than breast. Glad you only had to pay alittle on your taxes, your tax guy makes it easy for you not even having to come in, I don't blame you on letting them debit your account, I just give a check to my tax man and I guess he enters the routing numbers and account, so I guess if they wanted they could take more from me, if they wanted to.

    Esther-That's funny how they change cuss words, they made it kitten. I said sh--ts.Let's just say a handful at times, glad you got some nice ones that are staying with you.

    Connie, Ruthie, Steph, and everyone, I missed have a good weekend.

    My daughter drove to Michigan with her new husband and she just texted and said she just checked in the motel, and that they drove buy Higgins Lake, I gave never heard of it, but I know there's alot there. I am glad she made it there safely.Gotta go.Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Janice, Thanks for the tips. I will definitely get a digital thermometer. We went to Lowe's and Home Depot and I think we decided on a Weber
    Spirit E-210. It's small and will fit in our space. I will look at some reviews and if no negatives we will get it. It is $399 and with a veterans discount it will be $359. Not too bad.

    Marie, I am just very uncomfortable at this weight, so I know it's not healthy for me. I like you have prayed so many prayers for direction on just how to make something work for me. Spent lots of money at wellness clinic trying to get help and they were not able to help with diet and they started wanting me to try medications. I did try some thyroid medication that they put me on and my doctor was very unhappy and that is when I bailed out of the wellness clinic. Very frustrating to say the least. I thought the Starch Solution was going to be great because I enjoyed the food, felt good and slept well but after 2 months no loss after the first 2 weeks. I'll just keep plugging along hoping I can get something to work for me. Thank you for your encouragement!!! <3<3<3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nancy sorry it did not work for you. I really don't know if this Mary's mini diet will keep on working for me But the time being it is working. So going to take advantage of it. The starch solution work for me a couple of weeks then slow down so decided to used his wife Mary's mini plan for 10 days. I have lost roughly 6 pounds in 5 days. Unheard of for me. I have five more days to go on this potato diet. also meeting a lot of new friends. Time to go fix Dinner

    Just remember "never give up"
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    That's what makes this group so great...we will never give up the fight!! :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie I would not know how to do if I did have this fat to lose.Its been a part of me far so long. And I will always be fighting it. Seems like I start a new diet and lose 4 or 6 lbs then I come on a standstill. And I am so afraid this will happen on this one. I need some of your patience.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I went to the music fest concert tonight. All the bands and choirs that performed were wonderful. The band from Petersburg played a John Phillip Souza March. Ironically it is the same song that Shaundra is doing a tap dance to next month!!!!!! The band played it wonderfully. There was also a polka band. It was 4 boys in lederhosen and the girl was in a costume dress. They had a clarinet, tuba, accordion, trombone, and French horn. They played their song and everyone loved it. Then they took their bow and started up with another polka. They marched around the stage first and got the crowd clapping to the beat and then they played as they walked down the stairs off the stage and up the aisle through the auditorium. After exiting the auditorium they played out in the common area of the high school. I'm looking forward to tomorrow nights concert.
