Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, friends!

    Nancy...hope you are feeling better today.

    Janice...you are a trooper..attitude is half the battle!❤️

    Marie...where are you? We miss you, kiddo!

    Stephanie...been there many years ago. Had them and the horrible heavy, extended bleeding that comes with it. I was still teaching then and was miserable. Doc's answer was hysterectomy and only when I asked for other options did I get them. I had an outpatient endometrial ablation on Thursday and was back in class on that Monday! My daughter is having issues with them right now. She will be 40 in November, single, with no children so not sure what she will opt to do. She's in lots of pain every month. You are right to sit tight is they are not causing you problems!

    Hot, hot, and more hot! I will get out to run errands in a few minutes. Having family over Saturday and I am looking toward to that.

    Stay strong, losers! If not now, when?

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lots going on here today. I just want to say Janice I wish you well in your treatments and thinking of you. Connie , I see you are still stuck on your weight it can be so frustrating. I just keep going up but, I did eat smaller portions and watched the snacking this week and the scale was down this morning but no where near the 30 lbs I have to lose. Marie,We all wish you well and a speedy recovery. Nancy, Sorry about the vertigo. Try lying on your bed and hanging your head over the side and
    turn your head one way then the other. Sometimes its the crystals in the ears that get misplaced. I had it once too after a virus cold. Hope you feel better soon. Ruthie, your kids start school early we don't start here until after Labor Day. Our temps here have been back to the 90's to and humidity which I can't stand.StephanieOne thing about fibroids you can get rid of them if you bleed too much.
    Good luck with the ablasion I hope it works for you.

    Today is another hot one with high humidity. I just finished an 11 mile bike ride and I am pooped. I have to shower yet and start packing we are leaving tomorrow for a sailing club cruise until Wednesday.
    I am attending my meditation meeting tonight after dinner, I can finally make one because the dates always seem to be when i can't make it. I will check in to see how everyone is doing.

    Here is the latest picture of Isaac having fun in the pool at the other grandparents house.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    A dorable Shirley s reguular guy. So cute.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie after 20 days in the rehabah and eight day in the hospital you get kinf of grumpy. Aorry but am jiust not very
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALIECAT...HUGS for you Marie! I can imagine how much you are ready to go home, and I'm sure I would be a real pain in the butt after that length of time, too. Hang in...maybe it won't be much longer.

    <3 Connie
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi everyone, after today, I will have only 21 radiation treatments and 5 chemo ones, they originally told me 5 was all it was gonna be. The steroids I have had the last few days, and fluids have made my weight go up crazy, I'm not eating more or anything. I am not going to change my ticker, while it's acting like this. At the end of my treatments I think, unless I change my mind, I will post it and go from there. I know weight isn't the important thing at the moment, the killing of the cancer is. I just hate seeing my work over the past 2 1/2 years go away. The Dr said it happens, he don't want me to lose weight, so he's not concerned yet. My scale Sunday was 187.4 and today 195.6, it was higher at the Drs. yesterday, but at that point I had a full bladder waiting on my radiation treatment. It's been a very stressful week with all new everything. Lots of problems with getting my chemos set up, that were suppose to be.Yesterday I had to pick up pre filled saline needles to flush my pic everyday. My husband did it for me, they showed him how to do it, too.Plus see the doctor. Not really sick at my stomach, just kinds hurting and indigestion. I have to take 4 steroids today and 4 tomorrow. No telling what will happen after that. This is a weight loss app and that's why we are all on here, and why I am complaining about the weight gain, again I know that's not the most important thing, I need to deal with right now. Have a great day, just venting, sorry so long. I hope everyone is doing well. Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning,

    Marie, Glad to see you today. I know it's frustrating for you not being at home. Just praying you will be back to normal soon!!!

    Janice, Will be glad when you get you treatments behind you and you can do life as you did before all this happened. Praying your side effects will be minimal.

    Connie, Do you have you plan figured out???
    I know you will get it going soon and get the scale moving again.

    Shirley, Little man Isaac is so precious. Have a good trip on the water.

    Ruthie, Hope you are doing well.

    Steph, I had fibroids also and had a total hysterectomy when I was 47. I had gotten real anemic and needed something done. Might have gone a different direction if I had all the options that are available today.

    My vertigo is better but still have to avoid certain positions. Has not been fun!!!

    Have a good weekend.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, friends!

    Janice...I know how you feel about the scale showing a gain while you are taking meds. Steroids will definitely pack them on. The good news is when it's over, you will drop the pounds as quickly as they came on. How bout just staying off the scale unless the doc makes you get on them? No worries on the venting or length of your post. We are here for you; let us be your sounding board! <3 Kudos to your husband!

    Nancy...glad you are a little better. No, no plan yet...still thinking and reading.

    Shirley..your g-baby is so cute! I am excited as my DIL is coming up on 10 weeks!

    Marie...hold on...I bet you will go home soon!

    We are having a family gathering here today...I am looking forward to it! Hope everyone stays cool.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Happy Weekend!!

    Marie... Thinking about you! Hope you can break out soon.

    I've been at a conference all day and froze. It's 90 outside and probably 60 inside. I'm done and headed home in a few minutes.

    An interesting tid bit I've learned this week...my son had soccer practice every night this week for 2 hours...during dinner time. Long story short is that I ate before we left and that was it for the rest of the evening. So I ate around 5 for the last time and the scale was very favorable! Something to ponder....

    Shirley...beautiful grandson!
    Janice...I'm with Connie, maybe forget the scale until after the steroids have left your system.
    Connie, 30 more weeks:-)
    Nancy, I hope your vertigo resolves itself very soon.

    Well, better hit the road.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good morning,

    Marie-Miss you and I hope you come home soon.How is your husband doing? I bet he will be glad when you are released.

    Connie-How was your family party? Was your DI L there? This is an exciting time for you all with your first grand baby comming. As for the scale I am going to try and avoid it, they will be weighing me at chemos everytime and at my doctors, so I am definitely still gonna see my weight. I finished my steroids Saturday, and I will start them again on Tuesday at chemo and then Wed, Thurs, and Friday. Then off again and then the same thing starting chemo and 3 days the next week and so on till chemos over. My hubby helped me wrap my arm and got to take a good shower yesterday, I had been washing off and I felt gross, now that we have that figured out, it will be easier, from now on. I want some videos on you tube and it really helped on how to do wrap it so the pic and dressing won't get wet, even while washing my hair, but I still tried to avoid water in that area.

    Nancy-I hope you have recovered from your vertigo and have a great week this week. It stinks to feel bad.

    Rithie-Glad to hear the that the scheduling of your food, made the scale move in the right direction. As for me I am not going to drive my self crazy right now, stilling counting calories and walking. It's been humid here ,too.

    Shirley-Isaac is getting so big, I remember when he was just born. My daughter, Sarah, is trying to get pregnant, with her 2nd child, her son just turned 7, and her new husband's daughter is 9, but she lives in Michigan. He's here in Ky. They have been up there a few times last several months and she cane down here recently and stayed. I hope Sarah, has a girl, 4 grandsons, and 1 granddaughter. But the girl and one of the boys, are from my husband's daughter and they are not very close, she's off and on with him. So a girl would be nice, it gives me something to look forward to beating this and hopefully a new baby in my life. I hope the weather is good for your sailing.
    Gotta go, have a good week everyone. Janice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :)Janice, your job is to take your treatments and eat healthy and be as active as you can....count all that as your victories and ignore the numbers on the scale....do not be discouraged.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Going home in the morning
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Marie, What great news. We have missed you so much. I know Jerry must be so happy.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning, friends!

    Marie...soooo glad you are going home today!❤️❤️

    Janice...hope all goes well today!

    Barbie...good to see you!

    Ruthie...hang in. Your eating window does influence the scale in my opinion. I try not to eat after 4 or 5.

    Hello to everyone else in our little group!

    Had a great time with family this weekend! It's a new month, and I am getting back to basics. I have not logged consistently and that means I am not being as diligent as I need to be. The goal for the month is to stay under 200 as I am still wavering back and forth over the threshold.

    Gym day for me. Have a good one losers!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    janice, one foot in front of the other, you are doing great! hope today goes well! trash the scale.

    nancy and barbie, so good to see you! hope you are having a nice summer!

    connie, everyone needs a break sometimes from thinking about what they are eating, etc...you have been so diligent for so long and come such a long way. like the goal for the month but might be good for you to have a little more carbs on workout days? jet a little freedom:)

    ruthie, hope you hanging in and enjoying your summer!

    marie, so excited you are coming home!! rest up:)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We are still on the water and Wi Fi is not the greatest. I tried posting before and it wouldn't post.
    We are in a different port today and spent the afternoon at the pool. Tomorrow a bike ride is planned.
    Last night we had a great visit with John's parents from Argentina and they seemed to enjoy themselves. We also met his younger sister and brother. His mom gave me a lovely shawl from Argentina.

    Marie- Happy to see you will be home with Jerry soon.

    Janice - One day at a time. <3

    Have a good evening.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    We did an hour bike ride this morning and stopped for a cappucino and a scone. It is another hot one
    so when we got back it was right to the pool. Now we are relaxing until dinner time.

    Our pump out (toilet) at our club is broken so we will have to pump out here before we leave tomorrow.

    We are sailing back tomorrow and see you all then.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, I just got back from chemo and radiation alittle bit ago. My sister Donna took me, she packed a cooler for us with stuff for sandwiches snacks and a few other odds in ends in case we wanted something, plus some drinks
    I brought some water, they do have some snacks and drinks there. But it was nice she didn't have to leave and get us lunch. We left at 7, long day, but less treatment now. I feel good, just tired,they give you adavin, to help with the chemo. I just wanted to tell you all.
    Marie-Welcome home!!!
    Shirley-sounds like your enjoying yourself.
    Steph-I found out you can't gain alot of weight or you have to get a new pep scan and redesign your treatment. Luckily the scale was 189 today there at chemo, down from last week. The high scale was a radiation drs. office last Thursday. I 'm gonna continue doing my counting and I should be okay, there is room for alittle gain.
    Gotta run. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Not much to report here except T minus 26!!!! But whose counting........

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning, friends!

    Janice..so glad to hear yesterday went well and your sis was able to take you.

    Marie...glad you are home and hope to hear from you soon!

    Shirley...enjoy...it sounds like so much fun!

    Steph...calories are higher on workout days. I am making sure to meet my protein macro.

    Back to basics for me this week. Weighing/measuring/logging and eating only within an eight hour window (8-4). I have lost the water weight from the weekend eating and am determined to make real progress this month. On my way to the gym...will check back later.

    Make it a great day, losers!
