Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hear ya Steph, my weight has been going up, since my routines are all over the place this summer.
    We leave for our sailing club cruise tomorrow after my hair apt. I have to pack today and will be at yoga this morning. I am still trying to keep up with exercise, but the scale is not cooperating. My mini goal
    is September at my next doctor apt. I hope I can lose some by then.

    I got on my bike yesterday and did 6.7 miles and my knee was okay but still a little achy. I am doing
    exercises to strengthen it.

    Have a good day!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lost my post will try to be back later
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Connie, Congrats on soon being a NANA. Hope all goes well with the pregnancy.

    Shirley, I hear you with my routine being all over the place. We have been doing flower beds this week and last.
    Getting ready for the July 4th. Our lake community puts on a great celebration with live music, boat parade,
    food and a gigantic fire works show to top it off. We will boil shrimp and have friends here for our meal. A lot of work
    but worth it. Fortunately have been getting my exercise in most days.

    Marie, How's it going with your starch solution? You have some good looking meals.

    Hope everyone is doing good.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nancy soundalike you are in for some fun times. this week end
    I am still enjoy it Nancy. weight coming off slower tan I want it to but really nappy with the food. and that is the main est ting. i go to the lab next week and tat will tell the truth. Thanks for asking
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Here is our first tomatoes one grape and one cherry. This is it, other than some green ones. I go Tuesday for my pep scan, I found out they are looking for it in my lymph nodes, apparently it is already in my lymph vasucular space, this means it's more aggressive, I talked to the nurse practitioner there and I didn't ease up.I knew they said it was somewhere else other than cervix that long day. That's why they want to do radiation and chemo other than radical hysterectomy, also the tumor is 3 cinemeters and they are afraid that I will have to go thru chemo and radiation anyway. What a mess. I just wanted to vent.Janice
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Here they are I had to change to my tablet for some reason, I hope many more to come?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Janet tomatoes look so nice. enjoy

    I keep thinking about you all the time.As Connie says be strong.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers!

    My, my Janice and Marie...you guys are burning the midnight oil!! :) I guess one of the reasons I'm up so early is that I go to bed early, huh?

    Janice...love your kitchen table!! Good you are persistent. The docs need to give it to you straight because you have to be informed...the good, bad, and ugly! Glad you decided to let us be your sounding board!

    Nancy..your community celebration is going be so fun! Enjoy!

    I am back down under 200 today...need to get farther away to make it stick. I am eating more protein and the full 1500 calories. Time will tell. Going to run errands today.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    yes connie, i have been following all of those em2wl people. it is really interesting. kind of liberating....just don't know if i have the mental capability to watch the scale go the wrong way intentionally...i actually think it is good for you to eat the full 1500! i actually lost weight when we started this whole merry go around by increasing my cals. i really don't think i have had a day under 1400 calls since we began.

    marie, glad the starch solution is still working for you! i bet you look great:)

    nancy, hope all is well with you and your husband is doing well!

    janice, i am sending huge cyber hugs your way. it sounds like you are wrapping your head around the issue and there is a good plan. keep coming here to vent, we are here for you!

    everyone, try and have a great day! i have not lost a lb this challenge but haven't gained either:)


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,

    We just finished cutting the grass and doing other outside chores. It's hot but less humid and a nice breeze
    so we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and get some outside things done.
    Need to clean pontoon but that will not get done today.

    Janice, You can certainly vent all you want to and we are hear for you. I think of you often and send hugs and prayers
    your way.

    I am watching what I eat and the scales are remaining about the same. I am so much more active lately but seems to
    have no effect on my weight.

    Have a good day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hugs to all of you Misfit Busy day today. yes this plan of eating is making me cook more ugh
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    <3Janice sending hugs to you <3<3<3
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thanks everyone for your hugs, prayers and concern. My husband and I are trying to handle this, he was saying tonight anything you think about, or need, I will get you. It was so sweet, he is being very supportive. He is worried I will be so tired and wants to buy a TV for bedroom and a new tablet for me while I am getting chemo instead of my phone. I told him I don't plan on being bed ridden. He was teared up, he says he wants me to enjoy the sun and pool because I may not feel like it, later. He is trying to be so strong, so am I. He is planning on primming the car this weekend , so he can put it aside, so he can take care of me. I hope I don't need much help. Tuesday is just around the corner, another holiday worrying about this without treatment. Than j s again. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Janice..... <3<3<3 sending you hugs and plenty of prayers from Alaska. And they say everything is bigger up here than anywhere else.

    My weight has really been going nowhere according to my scale however my clothes are fitting better and better. My "other daughter" (Shaundra's best friend) commented today that my 2X shirts are way baggy even across the boobs. Shaundra last month called me saggy belly because all my shirts a saggy around the middle now. Sadly my shoulders have not shrunk at all and I wear a 2X because of the shoulders. I had to order a new dry suit because the other one started leaking. When it came it was rather snug. I called and they accidentally sent me a men's large rather than an XL!!!!!!!!! That was an awesome NSV!!!!!!!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited July 2016
    Morning, friends! Happy Friday and Fourth of July weekend!

    Janice...your husband is a jewel, that's for sure! I think it's wonderful that he voices what is in his heart rather than hold it inside! Difficulties are better endured when they are shared. (BTW...I love my Ipad!)

    Hope y'all have a great weekend! Stay strong and enjoy your food choices!

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Ladies! I did it!!!! See pic below. I need to get far away from the 90s though because I know it could very quickly tic up and over again.

    Here's hoping the 80s go by quicker than the snails pace of the 90s.

    We spent yesterday at a 7 hour swim meet at Georgia Tech. I'm totally exhausted even though I wasn't the one swimming. It was my youngest's burthday, too. He turned 9! I can't believe it. Both kids competed in the championship and did well.

    Janice....I know the waiting is hard. Very soon you'll begin your road to recovery and we are all here to help you through!

    Thanks, Connie for the pic idea.
    Keep telling myself, if not now, when?


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Ruthie-Congratulations, I hope the 80's go fast for you. I went thru the 90's fast and the 80's slow, in fact I am back in them. I'm sure you will get there quick. I like the toe nail polish. Thanks for your support

    Connie-Your right, my husband is a jewel, he has really been trying to be here for me. I feel he opened up more last night. I already have a Samsung Tablet, it's has really gotten slow. That's why I started using my phone, it's faster.

    Happy 4th of July weekend.
    I don't have any plans yet for the weekend, he had mentioned going away, and I said I didn't want to right now, it suppose to rain here Sunday and Monday. Thanks again everyone for everything.Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited July 2016
    YAY Ruthie!!! Congrats on the new numbers! You soooo deserve it. Yes...if not now, when? BTW...love the nail polish but too chicken to step out of my comfort zone! ;)

    I so agree...it takes so long and I need to get waaaaay past the first five numbers of the new low. I am hoping for a new low of 197-6 by mid July. I think once I get to195 I can breathe easier with no fear of sliding back to 200.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited July 2016
    Great Ruthie,, congrats

    Happy 4 th.
    of July misfit

    Janice o:)
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hop everyone has a great 4th of july weekend! i am where i started the challenge so on to the next!

    Ruthie, way to go, that is awesome!
