Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I did not get my results, but I know they have them at the radiologist office, I am going to on Monday. My sister Donna is taking me again. She is the second oldest and apparently in the best health. I am the youngest out of 4. She retired last year from the post office. I cooked boneless pork ribs in the crockpot today and green beans in another one. We had Bob Evans mashed potatoes as a side. The past 2 days for lunch , I had a taco salad with ground turkey mixed with ground chuck, lettuce, pico, queso that is only 45 calories, jalapenos, and taco sauce. It was really good and not very fattening. I am trying to have a nice weekend. Bottom line after I see the radiologist, things will be progressin forward, no matter what the pep scan said. I also got a call today from a registered nurse from my insurance company saying she is here for any questions and support. It is free with my insurance, who knows she may come in handy. This evening we got in our little pool, it was refreshing. I hope everyone is doing okay. Have a good weekend. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, misfits!

    Marie...I am so happy you got a good report from the doc. It is so encouraging when our efforts are validated with a health professional. Congrats on the pounds lost since your last visit!

    Shirley...your adventures sound like so much fun and relaxation! I know it has to be a challenge to stay the course (no pun intended) with your eating plan.

    Janice..good to know your family/sister is there for you as you move forward with this phase. Your meal sounds delicious!

    Not much planned for today. I am disgusted with the evil scale but will not let it deter me from my plan. It took a long time to get here and will take a long time to lose the next 40...slow and steady.

    Make it a great day, losers!


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-I am happy your labs were really good. Plus having lost 11 pounds since your last visit. Great job.

    Connie-Hang in there you will have another drop soon, before you know it you will be in the 180's.

    Shirley-I bet it is hard boating,social events and partying while trying to lose weight. Don't worry you will, especially since you are getting your exercise biking. Boating season will be over before you know it and you will be back to your regular eating. As for Isaac and not walking, both of my children walked late on their own. Some kids walk way to early, I wouldn't have liked them getting into things walking at 8 months. He will walk soon, does he like a walker? They help get them use to walking, especially if adjusted to where their not sitting doing it.
    I am making a tomato pie, like I did last year, but with canned tomatoes, ours are not ready. This is a crustless one, if you remember. Have a good weekend everyone. Gotta go buzzer is going off. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang.............I'm still alive and reading posts. Just mostly too tired to post anything myself. Prayers for Jake and Janice from me. Been doing lots of walking lately. I'm in need of new shoes but hate to spend $160 for 2 months. The sandal I wear on the left foot is $100 a pair and the shoe for the right foot is $60 a pair. I bought new shoes for the right foot but it is too thick now because of the wear of the sandal. Bit if I buy new shoes now the one shoe will be too worn after surgery. Dilemmas, dilemmas.............. Will try to stick it out. As I say to my kids "Suck it up buttercup".

    I have also been going on scavenger hunts with my kids. My town has a little thing going on Facebook called Random Acts Of Art. Someone hides a piece of art in town, posts a pic of the location for the clue and people try to find it. When the piece is found take a pic and post it has been found. It has been fun. Even though most of the time we strike out, the item was found minutes before we got to it.........no biggie. It is the thrill of the hunt that makes it so exciting.

    But all in all the knee is still there...........I'm so tired if the pain and muscle spasms. Doc said lose weight and it will feel better. Yeah he lied........ I have been sleeping with compression pants and pain pills lately because of the pain and spasms. It has gotten old fast. My house has been over 70 degrees every night with the windows open and I have to sleep in pants. It's driving me nuts........... Soon......... 6 weeks left!!!!!!! But who's counting?

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2016
    Just an up date, Marie is in the hospital with an infection and blood clots in your legs. Her daughter Alice has been keeping us informed on the Golden Senior Sneakers site of which we both participate in.
    She will be going into rehab tomorrow, that is the latest information I can give you. She is doing fine and has her I Pad and is trying to keep up but has had some difficulty typing in bed. I will try and keep you informed.

    As for me, I am all packed and we will be leaving on Monday for the cottage and I will have Wi Fi even though its spotty but I will try and keep up. We will be stopping to see our monkey man, Isaac, he is growing so much. I booked two yoga classes again and will do some shopping when I am out at the Mall. Bass fishing is in season now, so we will be doing some fun fishing too.
    The project this trip is to tear down the old outhouse, which is falling down, and dismantle my MIL's herb garden. We are trying to down size the responsibilities of the cottage as much as we can.

    Janice - My thoughts are with you. <3 They do have a kids walker, a postal walker, but the doctor said to start him walking as much as possible when they see him trying to crawl.

    Connie - Yes...it is very difficult eating on a boat and trying to eat healthy. We are cutting out all snacks
    this trip to cottage and no ice cream just healthy meals. I will be weighing in tomorrow and see where I am at again. Yesterday I did a 45 min walk and will walk again today.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Thoughts and prayers for Marie! ❤️❤️

    Shirley thanks for letting us know. I was wondering where she was and trying not to worry.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-Prayers for a speedy recovery. Feel better soon.
    Shirley-Thanks for keeping us aware of what's going on with Marie.
    Sea Ahtter-I hope you feel better soon with your knee replacement. Get the shoes, you deserve it.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited July 2016
    Morning, friends!

    Janice...prayers/hugs and much love for you today at your appointment. <3

    Marie...get well soon, my friend. We miss you! <3

    Hot, hot, hot...the dog refused to budge this morning so rest day for him. I am going to the grocery store and have a pedicure appointment at noon.

    Hope y'all have a productive day!

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Marie and Janice...you are both in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for good things for you both.

    Connie... The evil scale and I are not friends right now but I won't give up. If not now...when?

    Esther- I've had knee pain off and on which is exercised induced. It is a pain and makes it hard to sleep. I can only imagine how done with it you are.

    Safe travels Shirley. Thank you for updating us on our Marie.

    It's been hot here since the end of May. I love summer but would like a string of days in the 80s:-)

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited July 2016
    Good morning friends,

    Thoughts and prayers for Marie and Janice today for good reports to each of you.

    Hot as can be but a little less humid today. Made my walk a little more pleasant.

    Ruthie, Ditto on the evil scales!!!

    Connie, You can do it!!! No one is more determined than you.

    Shirley, You are just having too much fun this summer!!!

    Esther, Get the shoes and keep up your walking!!!

    Nancy <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, Today I got great news, it's not in my lymph nodes. There was a small place on my esophagus, but they ruled it out, I was probably swallowing during test.Also a small place in the rectum that is probably my diverticulitis inflammed. He seems to think it is all in my cervix and I am Stage IBI. I got to get mapped out for my radiation on Thursday. I hope to start radiation treatment next Monday. Turns on I have to get back with my Gyno oncologist about chemo, once a week, I thought it all happened in one place.After my 5 day 5 week treatment I have to get radiation implants that's a whole n other story. I will get into later. Just wanted to tell you my good news.Janice I'm tired.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Janice...wonderful news! God is good all the time! I bet you are tired...mentally and physically as you have been on a rocky ride. It would be great to have all treatment in one place, but that is too simple for the medical system.

    Ruthie...I am holding on by a few threads as I continue to bounce back and forth. My summer goal of under 200 has been met...just need to get father away to stay under completely. You are right...we must never give up!

    Marie...missing you, kiddo, and hoping you are recovering quickly. <3

    Nancy and Barbie...hope all is well with you guys.

    Gym day for me and not much else.

    Stay strong, friends!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Great news Janice!!

    It is also hot here 30C feels like 39c according to the weatherman. Dave has hooked up the A/C on
    the porch hope its cooling off. I got my walk in this morning and came back all sweaty.
    This A/c should cool down the cottage inside too so we will probably hook it up later today. Dave has to make some adjustments to the window so we can vent it outside.

    Some more information on Marie, she is walking a bit today but has pain in her leg. They are waiting to
    get her into rehab today or tomorrow. She is missing her potatoes, as hospital food is not the greatest.

    We bought a blender to keep at the cottage and I will be making a smoothie today for lunch. More options that are healthy.

    We saw Isaac yesterday and he is trying to walk but still likes to crawl more. A work in progress. o:)
    We had so much fun with him I hated to leave.

    I hope this goes through as my internet here is very spotty at the best of times.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't see my post, as internet is spotty here. I just posted and do not see it.

    Just an update on Marie, she is walking a little bit today. She has some pain her leg and they are waiting for rehab to start either today or tomorrow. She misses her potatoes, as hospital food is not the greatest.

    Janice- Great news about your prognosis!!

    Hope this post goes through.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Both went through Shirley!
    And thanks for the Marie update.

    Great news Janice! Much relief I'm sure.

    Connie... Congrats on the grand baby! New house new baby is the old saying. Only this time Grandparents have the new house:-)

    Hot here. Tubing tomorrow with my babies and some friends...hoping to cool off.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, I know it is great it is confined in my cervix, god is good, I have always known that. I have 2 app still this week 1 Thursday for mapping and radiation class and 1 Friday for my chemo class. I will probably start treatment next week, Atleast I hope so. I am feeling more confident and I am going to beat this.
    Prayers for Marie and her speedy recovery. Thank you all for your concern and support. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited July 2016
    Morning, losers!

    Marie...prayers and thoughts for you getting back to us quickly!

    Janice...so glad you are feeling strong and confident! We are your faithful cheerleaders!

    Shirley...thanks so much for keeping us informed!

    I am not giving up or giving in today. I am headed to the Aquafit class this morning.

    Make it a great day...if not now, when?


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I saw a picture of Marie on the Golden Seniors thread and she looks pretty good. She is in rehab now
    and her daughter stayed with her last night because she was confused where she was, she thought she was at home. I will keep you posted.

    Talk about being confused, I was at the wrong Yoga class today at the mall. I thought it was 10:30 am
    and it was 12:00 instead, so I did some shopping at Walmart and picked up some pants for Isaac at
    Gap kids on sale then went to my class.

    It is hot here again and we have the A/C in the livingroom and rolled into our bedroom last night so we could get some sleep. We do have some wind so its bearable today.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, I hate hearing that Marie is feeling confused, I always think of her as being so sharp and still cooking and interested in new things
    Marie-Get better soon, we miss you.

    Shirley-Thanks so much for keeping us aware of what's going on with Marie. As for forgetting the yoga time, chalk it up to your very busy all the time . I hope Isaac is doing better with trying to walk, find something he wants and hold it so he walks, or tries to get it. Don't worry he will soon.

    Connie-Thank you for being a cheerleader, you all are alot more supportive than my inlaws, they don't really care. It's sad to say, but that's been going in for 20 years. So old news, but it still hurts my feelings, because I thought we were in a good place. I would like to do aqua acrobics, maybe in the winter at the Y by my house.I love the water.
    I hope everyone is okay, I will tell you how my drs. visit goes tomorrow and class. Janice